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Give us a way to acquire legendary weapon skin without crafting legendary weapon


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3 hours ago, Sarm.5923 said:

Since this topic's about legendary staves, I've had a question of my own I've been wondering for a bit.

Is Aurene's Insight basically a better version of The Bifrost? I've been trying to compare the two on the wiki but I don't see why anyone would want to get The Bifrost now when Aurene's Insight has higher-quality projectiles along with the option to re-theme it 4 times over with other dragons.

I have wanted the Bifrost since I first saw it in the game's early times.  Never enough to put in the work required, or to acquire the gold for it.  Even did a long rp story with a friend who did get it to help them have it in their canon.  So I'm pretty familiar with it.  I do in fact have the Aurene staff, as I used the token for that precursor and it really is easier to make (I've made HOPE and Pharus and most of Chupa and Champawat, oh Six the lumber and mithril gathering, aieee).  I'm most of the way to making the GS as well.

It depends on what you mean by better.  Bifrost is more elegant, more subtle.  I think its footsteps show up better, too.  The Aurene staff footprints can easily get buried in the terrain.  The Aurene staff stands out more in a crowd, even if many in the crowd also have Aurene weapons.  And yes, it can be rethemed, though I have not yet even looked into that as I don't like the variants as much as the rainbow.

Would I now get the Bifrost in order to have a second staff for a build that needs that?  I'm not sure, though I certainly wouldn't complain if I won it in a raffle.  I do see the OP's point about wanting an easier time (OP did not ask for super easy, just for about a third of the effort) to make a variant than making the first of a type you can only use one of at a time.  Other than a dual build, two handed weapons do feel a bit of a resource waste to double up on now that we have the legendary armory.  I say that from the perspective of someone that finds making a legendary prohibitively exhausting, so I'd personally welcome a chance to expand my skins once I have unlocked a slot by making the first one at full cost.  But others in this thread have excellent arguments as to why that shouldn't be an option.

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3 hours ago, Ultramex.1506 said:

Dear lord, did you REALLY think people gonna agree?

I mean, on these forums, people get mad at a request that will make anything even slightly easier in any way at all ever related to anything, so yeah, it would make sense to expect people will react negatively if one is familiar with these forums. There should be a literally uphill both ways strike design for those people so they can do unnecessarily difficult things to their heart's content.

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2 hours ago, Donari.5237 said:

 I do see the OP's point about wanting an easier time (OP did not ask for super easy, just for about a third of the effort) to make a variant than making the first of a type you can only use one of at a time. 

OP did not ask for super easy but 1/3 of the cost of a Legendary is 1/3 the effort of crafting the original. There are also quests   involved. Is OP expecting the same or easier quests? Doing this will also make the Legendary Facets of Aurene totally useless if they're just as difficult and doesn't cost more.

As I said, I'm not totally against the idea but only if they are significantly harder and cost more. Or it'll just make a mockery out of those who crafted Aurene's weapons so they can get all the variants

10 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

I mean, on these forums, people get mad at a request that will make anything even slightly easier in any way at all ever related to anything, so yeah, it would make sense to expect people will react negatively if one is familiar with these forums.

There are those who are totally against anything that makes it even slightly easier but then there are also those who demands things be very easy with their various excuses.

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3 hours ago, Ultramex.1506 said:

Dear lord, did you REALLY think people gonna agree?

I don't see why players should disagree but I can't see ANet agreeing. It's a great material sink for the game. They would have to find something else to replace it with. It's creating work for themselves with little to no gain.

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8 hours ago, Sarm.5923 said:

I don't see why anyone would want to get The Bifrost now when Aurene's Insight has higher-quality projectiles along with the option to re-theme it 4 times over with other dragons.

To save about 800g which could go towards another legendary. (Probably more if they have gift of exploration)

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7 hours ago, Silent.6137 said:

Your armory will only show the original legendary items you have, not the skins. If I have 4 Astralaria, then it'll just occupy a slot showing Astralaria as 4/4 regardless of what skins I used for any of them. If I have 4 Astralaria and 2 Aurene's Rending, they'll occupy 2 slots - 4/4 & 2/2. Each unique legendary will occupy a single slot.

Yes, I know and that's what I said, maybe just not clearly enough. By "per weapon skin" I've meant to make the clear distinction between "weapon types" and "specific weapons", so it's not "limit of 4 swords", but instead "limit of 4 swords PER sword skin/generation". I'm well aware armory doesn't change the skins of your held legendaries, it would be either impossible or extremely confusing considering you can slot the same one weapon in x gear templates and reskin each of those with different skins 😉

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

I don't see why players should disagree but I can't see ANet agreeing. It's a great material sink for the game. They would have to find something else to replace it with. It's creating work for themselves with little to no gain.

The closest thing we have to data on how much duplicate weapon or armor type legendaries are even sought after would be GW2 efficiency stats and considering the number for having a legendary weapon at all is already low, since we're already speculating, the likelihood of duplicate types being sought after as a significant material sink is almost certainly a negligible impact. Pragmatically speaking with the legendary armory (granted, not everyone will view it pragmatically) it's almost silly to go for more than one full legendary skin of the same type before unlocking one for every single weapon type, which will already take a huge time/effort investment on its own. If there is a discount as being talked about here, it might actually be more of a material sink, as it makes it a more reasonable goal. Keep in mind we are already talking about the rarest of the rare players in the first place, not RandomPlayer24242 looking to get their first legendary ever, which may already make them uncommon to even be taking on that goal.

No is asking for legendaries as a whole to have their material costs reduced (maybe some are confused reading the title alone). It's about if you already have one legendary of a type unlocked and want another skin of the same legendary type, that is the request.

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6 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

No is asking for legendaries as a whole to have their material costs reduced (maybe some are confused reading the title alone). It's about if you already have one legendary of a type unlocked and want another skin of the same legendary type, that is the request.

Clearly nobody above misunderstood what OP said, I don't know where this notion came from.

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12 hours ago, Borked.6824 said:

Is this a troll?  For the sake of the OP's fragile forum body that's about to get maimed it better be.  

Shhh, just watch and observe. It's natural selection at work.


More serious answer: I worked my a** off for Nevermore. I bought a lot of the materials, sure, but even if I hadn't, I would've taken the time to farm them, if I hadn't been hyper-focused on getting it done as fast as humanly possible. I have plans to make Ipos, as well as the Shining Blade. At some point in the future, I'll torment myself with the research note grind for the Aurene weapons.

You know what annoys me the most about the legendary crafting? The damned Mystic Coins, because there's no easy way to get them besides certain chests and WvW tracks. Everything else is either running around the maps, which I already do, or achievements... which I also already do.

It's a feat in itself to be able to use legendary appearances. Even if it was an achievement that hunted you for sport IRL until you got it done for appearances -- no weapon reward at all, just the skin -- it really defeats the purpose of the legendaries being a long-term goal you should pace yourself towards.

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This is indeed a wonderful idea and sounds absolutely rational. I will give it an upvote and hope the developers will read it and make your suggestion come true with one of the next patches. If you have more ideas, you can also use the QOL suggestion thread, as these things would really help to make the life of every player significantly easier.

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
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2 hours ago, Silent.6137 said:

There are those who are totally against anything that makes it even slightly easier but then there are also those who demands things be very easy with their various excuses.

Maybe sometimes, but that's not really relevant here, so the reactions are not in any way justified in that regard. Here we're talking about the kind of player who has already done one of the hardest things in the game to do in terms of time and effort commitment (get a legendary weapon) and somehow wasn't put off from that and wants to do it more, but isn't keen on doing all of it for every single skin variation (yet is still keen on it enough to want to do it if they can skip some steps). The hostility shown to someone who is that dedicated to a single game is just wild. Like one superfan looking at another superfan and saying you aren't a real fan.

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Yes, I know and that's what I said, maybe just not clearly enough. By "per weapon skin" I've meant to make the clear distinction between "weapon types" and "specific weapons", so it's not "limit of 4 swords", but instead "limit of 4 swords PER sword skin/generation". I'm well aware armory doesn't change the skins of your held legendaries, it would be either impossible or extremely confusing considering you can slot the same one weapon in x gear templates and reskin each of those with different skins 😉

I honestly don't see why there will be any confusions whatsoever.

Assuming I have 4 Astralaria and 4 Aurene's Rending and used 2 of each in Equipment Template A. My Legendary Armory will now show Astralaria 2/4 and Aurene's Rending 2/4 for that template. And on the Weapon slots will be 4 transmuted axes with say, Living Water, Spindrift, Fiery Dragon Slayer and Volcanic Stormcaller skins. I will know exactly which ones are Astralatia and which are Aurene's Rending because it will say Transmuted Astralaria or Transmuted Aurene's Rending on the axes..

If I use 3 Astralaria and 1 Aurene's Rending in Template B and have them all reskinned, the armory will reflect that for that specific template (Astralaria 1/4 and Aurene's Rending 3/4) and again show what the original skins were for each weapon.

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49 minutes ago, Giovanelli.6071 said:

You know what annoys me the most about the legendary crafting? The damned Mystic Coins, because there's no easy way to get them besides certain chests and WvW tracks.

The prices have been fairly reasonable on TP for a while now. Will be faster and easier to farm gold and buy them than to rely on chests/tracks

36 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

The hostility shown to someone who is that dedicated to a single game is just wild. Like one superfan looking at another superfan and saying you aren't a real fan.

I'm all for making things easier but only if the requests are reasonable. And do not make other achievements obsolete such as to Legendary Facets of Aurene. And those who crafted an additional Gen 3 just to get all those skins will not be so receptive to the idea. And yes, there are players doing that.

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I think this is something the devs should consider for the health of the game.  A lot of vets will have at least some legendary weapons (and those will likely be in the slots they care most about).  Given that the major emphasis in End of Dragons' replayability was the legendary weapons, this is a bit of a problem.  The legendary armoury will mean that many players will simply choose not to engage with the Gen 3s (and by extension, the variants, and EoD itself) because it won't seem worth the effort.


Obviously there's a difficult balance to be struck with this, and the fact that different generations have different costs makes this complicated, but I think there's definitely a risk involved in having your expansion's big long term reward structure something that many veteran players will largely ignore.


Yes, there is a tier of player with enough time and resource to go and buy multiple legendaries of the same type for the skin, but they are a fairly small demographic - and the infusion market seems designed to cater to that level of in game wealth.

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1 hour ago, Silent.6137 said:

I'm all for making things easier but only if the requests are reasonable. And do not make other achievements obsolete such as to Legendary Facets of Aurene. And those who crafted an additional Gen 3 just to get all those skins will not be so receptive to the idea. And yes, there are players doing that.

Sorry, but if someone doesn't want others to have things marginally easier because they had them hard, I just don't care and don't think any game studio should be catering to people who think that way. Video games wouldn't even exist if most people thought that way. They would say video games are too easy a form of entertainment or some such thing. It's complete nonsense philosophy.

That said, I'm doubtful that's a consistent outlook on it from the tiny number of people who are doing that anyway. It sounds a lot like drawing on baseless speculation to me.

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31 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Sorry, but if someone doesn't want others to have things marginally easier because they had them hard, I just don't care and don't think any game studio should be catering to people who think that way. Video games wouldn't even exist if most people thought that way. They would say video games are too easy a form of entertainment or some such thing. It's complete nonsense philosophy.

That said, I'm doubtful that's a consistent outlook on it from the tiny number of people who are doing that anyway. It sounds a lot like drawing on baseless speculation to me.

So you feel the game should cater to the least common denominator? You make it easier but someone comes along later and complains that it's still too hard. So you just keep making it easier and easier? So where does it end? A line has to be drawn somewhere.

Let's take a look at the cost involved in crafting a Gen 1 axe, Frostfang(943g) vs Gen 3 Aurene's Rending(1402g). Do you seriously believe it's okay to just craft a Frostfang and expect to get an Aurene's Rending skin with minimal extra cost or efforts? There should be an equivalency or you'll just make more expensive Gen 2 or Gen 3 all obsolete. Do all Gen 2 or Gen 3 automatically get Gen 1's skin since they're so much more expensive?

It is not baseless speculations. Even if it's just a small number, they do matter. There's also the aspect of opportunity cost. You crafted Gen 1 because of the cost and want Gen 2 or Gen 3 skins, you pay the price differential. And more since you're getting 2 skins instead of just a Gen 2 or Gen 3.


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3 hours ago, Silent.6137 said:

I honestly don't see why there will be any confusions whatsoever.

Assuming I have 4 Astralaria and 4 Aurene's Rending and used 2 of each in Equipment Template A. My Legendary Armory will now show Astralaria 2/4 and Aurene's Rending 2/4 for that template. And on the Weapon slots will be 4 transmuted axes with say, Living Water, Spindrift, Fiery Dragon Slayer and Volcanic Stormcaller skins.

Yes, I know how it works. The only thing I'm confused about is... what are you even answering to, because it surely isn't anything what I wrote in my posts? 😄

3 hours ago, Silent.6137 said:

I will know exactly which ones are Astralatia and which are Aurene's Rending because it will say Transmuted Astralaria or Transmuted Aurene's Rending on the axes..

Yeah, again, I know how armory works. Your previous posts seemed to suggest I somehow thought reskinning a weapon in equipment tab somehow would change the legendary appearance in armory itself. That's not what I ever said and honestly at this point I don't know what you think you're explaining to me 😉

Edited by Sobx.1758
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2 hours ago, CrashTestAuto.9108 said:

The legendary armoury will mean that many players will simply choose not to engage with the Gen 3s (and by extension, the variants, and EoD itself) because it won't seem worth the effort.

And that's their perfectly valid choice to make. It doesn't mean that the response is for the wealthier players who already have legendaries to have even easier access to more long term-oriented skins. If your concern is that "maybe gen 3 won't be crafted" then fear not, because it very clearly is also crafted and used. If your reaosning is "but I want more, easier!", then that's exactly the point: that's not even a valid reason. If you don't want to bother then don't. Other players will.

1 hour ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Video games wouldn't even exist if most people thought that way. They would say video games are too easy a form of entertainment or some such thing. It's complete nonsense philosophy.

Pretty sure it's actually the exact opposite of what you're saying here: if everyone would make everything easier no matter what ("because if it can be made easier then it should be!"), the games wouldn't exist. The games in themselves are always creating obstacles for the players to overcome. Removing the obstacles removes the game.

On the other hand I don't see by what logic "people not wanting to make everything easier" would cause the idea of gaming nonexistant.

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18 hours ago, chripsy.1027 said:

I already have a legendary staff, but I want the new staff skin.... I am not spending all of that gold to make a new legendary staff I don't need just for a skin....


Please can the devs make it so that once you craft a legendary weapon, a series of achievements will open up so you can acquire all the legendary skins for that weapon without having to craft another weapon?


Completing the achievements for each skin could cost maybe 1/3 of the cost it would be to actually craft the weapon.


Legendries form the primary long term objectives for this game, You are talking about ruining long term objectives and also as an aside devaluing the hard work other people put into getting that legendary you are after.  Also, already having a legendary is entirely irrelevant, they are both separate long term objectives you may or may not choose to aim for.  You also seem to have separated Skin and weapon in your head - they are the same thing, a skin is a benefit of having the weapon, just like any other piece of Armor or weapon in the game.

Instead of thinking of it as a negative, Think of it like this, Anet has added new content you really want giving you a new long long term objective.


Edited by vesica tempestas.1563
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50 minutes ago, vesica tempestas.1563 said:


Legendries form the primary long term objectives for this game, You are talking about ruining long term objectives and also as an aside devaluing the hard work other people put into getting that legendary you are after.  Also, already having a legendary is entirely irrelevant, they are both separate long term objectives you may or may not choose to aim for.  You also seem to have separated Skin and weapon in your head - they are the same thing, a skin is a benefit of having the weapon, just like any other piece of Armor or weapon in the game.

Instead of thinking of it as a negative, Think of it like this, Anet has added new content you really want giving you a new long long term objective.


Pretty much this.

In fact for most veterans which do have multiple legendaries of the same type like myself, offering the new skins (which are the ONLY "reward" one has out of crafting the legendary) at a reduced cost might reduce the incentive to get them.

I myself crafted the new legendaries for the skin only (I have all 16 and no, I didn't credit card warrior up, I did save 1.5 years worth of gold since the armory announcement though pre EoD launch). Getting the skins cheaper doesn't increase my incentive to go for more legendaries. It just turns them into another set of skins I might like or don't like which I go for or not. Hardly "legendary".

There has to be a balance yes, and that balance should be around different legendaries and what perks they come with, not how to circumvent some way around part of the reward.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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5 hours ago, Silent.6137 said:

The prices have been fairly reasonable on TP for a while now. Will be faster and easier to farm gold and buy them than to rely on chests/tracks

Oh, has the TP price gone down on coins lately? (or at least since I last looked lmao) Sweet, I might take a glance at them later once I've slept. Genuinely forgot you could buy them for a minute, since I had a stock already for Nevermore. I might be thinking of the clovers then... 🤔

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47 minutes ago, Giovanelli.6071 said:

Oh, has the TP price gone down on coins lately? (or at least since I last looked lmao) Sweet, I might take a glance at them later once I've slept. Genuinely forgot you could buy them for a minute, since I had a stock already for Nevermore. I might be thinking of the clovers then... 🤔

Only 75s each even if you are impatient but even before the price drop there had been other ways to get the coins.


7 hours ago, Giovanelli.6071 said:

I'll torment myself with the research note grind for the Aurene weapons.

That is not as big of a deal as people make it out to be. With the most recent changes to allow crafting them directly they amount to roughly 20g but even before the change it was around 30g.

There are way too many people who just complains instead of looking for solutions which also tends to give onlookers the wrong impression.

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