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Some Mesmer Players are doing Well in PvP


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I have notices some really strong Mesmer players and i can only imagine if they return the second dodge to Mirage.
I mean bunker Chronomancer is definitely starting to be a thing now with ability to easily duel 2 or 3 people and not die. The only real counter I have seen is a good stun + cleaving the location they were in. It really sucks if you are Ranged at the moment since there is barely anything you can do.

Almost makes me want change off Ranger, maybe with Mirage I will finally.

Edited by Mell.4873
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8 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

God forbid mesmers ever reach such heights as middle tier ranked play. 🙄

If we do, there will always be someone who doesn't play mesmer, complaining here how we're too strong.


I'm saying its a good thing, I really want to play a bunker style Mirage.
I used to run all the signets and which made me un-killable and I had quite a bit of burst.

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4 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

I'm saying its a good thing, I really want to play a bunker style Mirage.
I used to run all the signets and which made me un-killable and I had quite a bit of burst.

Healer Mirage also works, quite well in PvP.  I got complimented many times on it (hard to play though). Like Tempest it can also 1v1 despite being on a support build.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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1 hour ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

Healer Mirage also works, quite well in PvP.  I got complimented many times on it (hard to play though). Like Tempest it can also 1v1 despite being on a support build.

I just want a second dodge, I never really used to burst players which was the original issue. If they stuck a timer on the Ambush that would make me happy, Carrion Mirage all the way.

Edited by Mell.4873
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1 hour ago, Mell.4873 said:

I'm saying its a good thing, I really want to play a bunker style Mirage.
I used to run all the signets and which made me un-killable and I had quite a bit of burst.

And i'm saying that as soon as we do, there will be threads upon threads of salty people coming here for nerfs.

So, i mean, i want mesmer to be great too, but i'm tired of fighting the community.

Cause first, it's the salty people that ask for nerfs, then our own start agreeing and it's a shitshow soon enough.

Then anet nerfs something totally unrelated and makes a bigger mess...


Oh well, i just hope the current team will treat us right, despite the complainers.

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18 minutes ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

And i'm saying that as soon as we do, there will be threads upon threads of salty people coming here for nerfs.

So, i mean, i want mesmer to be great too, but i'm tired of fighting the community.

Cause first, it's the salty people that ask for nerfs, then our own start agreeing and it's a shitshow soon enough.

Then anet nerfs something totally unrelated and makes a bigger mess...


Oh well, i just hope the current team will treat us right, despite the complainers.

No one is complaining, I think the class diversity will prevent this since every profession has something they can write home about.

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10 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

No one is complaining, I think the class diversity will prevent this since every profession has something they can write home about.

Hahaha, literally the entire history of our profession is one of people who got beaten by mesmers because they couldn't figure out the clone from the real mesmer - complaining, then Anet nerfing something into oblivion! 🤣

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2 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Hahaha, literally the entire history of our profession is one of people who got beaten by mesmers because they couldn't figure out the clone from the real mesmer - complaining, then Anet nerfing something into oblivion! 🤣

Seems like the entire history of the Mesmer professions is player base being so pessimistic that any amount of optimism will result in tones of confused faces. This was the primary reason I left the forums before, since I stuck up for Virtuoso before people realized it is one of the best end-game PvE Elites.

Never have this problem on the Ranger forum lol.

Edited by Mell.4873
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10 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

Hahaha, literally the entire history of our profession is one of people who got beaten by mesmers because they couldn't figure out the clone from the real mesmer - complaining, then Anet nerfing something into oblivion! 🤣

Mesmer shatter clones instantly. No idea why anybody would have hard time figure out where real mesmer is if enemy never see clones. 🤦‍♂️

Edited by Junkpile.7439
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20 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

Seems like the entire history of the Mesmer professions is player base being so pessimistic that any amount of optimism will result in tones of confused faces. This was the primary reason I left the forums before, since I stuck up for Virtuoso before people realized it is one of the best end-game PvE Elites.

Never have this problem on the Ranger forum lol.

TBH I dont consider Virt to me a Mesmer since it doesnt use clones. I have no interest in using a projectile only cloneless version of Mesmer. I am glad for you that you say you like it, but that is not what I would call any solution. Its actually just a cop out on fixing Mesmer and Mirage to suggest all is well cause Virtuoso.


That 100% fails to address anything wrong with Mesmer. All saying Virt is good does is imply a sort of what about-ism ( which is a modern type of straw-man fallacy IMO). That is, rather than address the problem at hand the response it so point at another shortcoming and use that as a justification for not addressing the problem in the 1st place. A classic cop-out way of avoiding.

Edited by Moradorin.6217
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22 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

Seems like the entire history of the Mesmer professions is player base being so pessimistic that any amount of optimism will result in tones of confused faces. This was the primary reason I left the forums before, since I stuck up for Virtuoso before people realized it is one of the best end-game PvE Elites.

Never have this problem on the Ranger forum lol.

Yeah. Having more sustain than peak pre-nerf mirage, a better pet mechanic, technically more stealth with less investment, requires only one of two lines to be viable, and less setup or resource expenditure for a massive burst that is safer on a whiff, would have a forum avoid the same sentiments. 🙄

Let's not pretend simple pessimism and optimism is a factor here, that implies some sort of subjectivity. The objective realities that is even reflected in class representation, citations from pro players for a decade now, and the systemic anti-memser mentality of everyone who actually gets the say in "balance" along with the people who cry about it even when it's underperforming is clearly telling. If we are pessimistic it is only because of the historic, I myself was very optimistic until A-net disappointed again and again, with way more downs than ups.

You sound like the type of person who struggles to keep out of gold, and has no understanding of anything historically; nor an understanding of the kits that shape the meta and why. That isn't intended as an insult, you are free to carry your perspective from your status, positions, and foundations of knowledge. The confused faces you get however are entirely contextual to your words, "a little bit of optimism" isn't what people are confused about when you speak. People are taking your words into context with the whole current meta particularly the upper echelons where things actually matter, as well as the historical meta as context; and what you said simply does not come close to aligning with the reality of those. And frankly it's disrespectful for you to simply dismiss it as some subjective pessimism. You said "dominating" as to imply some level of meta state apex predator, if not even the win rates or class representation reflect that you're going to need to clarify better. If you mean "they dominate in bronze, silver, and gold." Lol-okay, sure. But you need to realize that isn't what the majority of people mean when we say "dominating".  

Also idk why their performance in PvE matters when you made a topic talking about PvP.

But if you're having fun and want to switch to mesmer, more power to you.

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2 hours ago, Moradorin.6217 said:

TBH I dont consider Virt to me a Mesmer since it doesnt use clones. I have no interest in using a projectile only cloneless version of Mesmer. I am glad for you that you say you like it, but that is not what I would call any solution. Its actually just a cop out on fixing Mesmer and Mirage to suggest all is well cause Virtuoso.


That 100% fails to address anything wrong with Mesmer. All saying Virt is good does is imply a sort of what about-ism ( which is a modern type of straw-man fallacy IMO). That is, rather than address the problem at hand the response it so point at another shortcoming and use that as a justification for not addressing the problem in the 1st place. A classic cop-out way of avoiding.

I don't think anyone really complained that it was cloneless, at least not after the initial shock. Most people complained that is was selfish and had no utility or survivability which has been fixed with the introduction of distortion (F4).

What is the problem with Mesmer?

54 minutes ago, Daishi.6027 said:

The confused faces you get however are entirely contextual to your words, "a little bit of optimism" isn't what people are confused about when you speak. People are taking your words into context with the whole current meta particularly the upper echelons where things actually matter, as well as the historical meta as context; and what you said simply does not come close to aligning with the reality of those. And frankly it's disrespectful for you to simply dismiss it as some subjective pessimism. You said "dominating" as to imply some level of meta state apex predator, if not even the win rates or class representation reflect that you're going to need to clarify better. If you mean "they dominate in bronze, silver, and gold." Lol-okay, sure. But you need to realize that isn't what the majority of people mean when we say "dominating".  

Also idk why their performance in PvE matters when you made a topic talking about PvP.

But if you're having fun and want to switch to mesmer, more power to you.

Again I never have this problem on other Profession forums just the Mesmer one. It is getting better and a lot of people have come out of woodwork to back me up (sometimes in private messages).

I also said this "some really strong Mesmer players", I'm not claiming the Mesmer as a whole is good in PvP just some players are doing really well in gold so much so that I even dropped to gold 2. I'm now much better at countering them and am climbing back to the top 250 players.


PS, this was the pessimism comment I responded to "And i'm saying that as soon as we do, there will be threads upon threads of salty people coming here for nerfs. So, i mean, i want mesmer to be great too, but i'm tired of fighting the community."

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19 hours ago, Junkpile.7439 said:
On 10/17/2022 at 6:23 PM, Veprovina.4876 said:

Hahaha, literally the entire history of our profession is one of people who got beaten by mesmers because they couldn't figure out the clone from the real mesmer - complaining, then Anet nerfing something into oblivion! 🤣

Mesmer shatter clones instantly. No idea why anybody would have hard time figure out where real mesmer is if enemy never see clones.

Actually, no they don't in WvW. The vast majority of clone based mesmers I come across have a nigh unlimited supply of clones popping in and out of existence. .

That's why I love my shredder gyro.  I don't need to necessarily target anything. 

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  • Mell.4873 changed the title to Some Mesmer Players are doing Well in PvP
On 10/17/2022 at 7:39 PM, Mell.4873 said:

Seems like the entire history of the Mesmer professions is player base being so pessimistic that any amount of optimism will result in tones of confused faces. This was the primary reason I left the forums before, since I stuck up for Virtuoso before people realized it is one of the best end-game PvE Elites.

Never have this problem on the Ranger forum lol.

Again with the PvE...

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1 minute ago, Salt Mode.3780 said:

Again with the PvE...

.........? I never mentioned PvE except for a past grievance. It has no relation to my original post what so ever.

Arg at this point I might just report my own thread and get it removed since this is causing me more stress than its worth.

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15 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

Actually, no they don't in WvW. The vast majority of clone based mesmers I come across have a nigh unlimited supply of clones popping in and out of existence. .

That's why I love my shredder gyro.  I don't need to necessarily target anything. 

Re-read what you posted, but slower.

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11 hours ago, stormemperor.3745 said:

2-3 second distortion to finish downed is a thing. OP asf

As opposed to what? Maybe your ranger pet rezzing you faster than a mesmer can do damage to the player? In which case, you have no option than to do a finisher? 


I swear this forum...


"Something i don't like" - IMMEDIATELY OP NERF!


And even if you like the thing, why call it OP? It's just a thing we can do, others have their stuff.

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