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Ranked PVP is complete unfair, pointless statistically impossible nonsense and pushing players like me away


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I have lost 150 out of 200 or so games or so ranked and recently 40 out of 50 in a Row this season. I am almost always a top contributor... EVEN if you think its me and that I am trash, listen to this. Lets just say that I never gave up and at least tried by best, then this win loss rate is  is statistically impossible. Almost every game I have afk or randomly wandering not contributing players. Or halfway into the match half the players afk.


I almost rarely ever see it on the other team. As a matter of fact the other team almost always seem organized as if they a premade team and it is almost always a complete blow out . Yet... rarely do I ever get this. WHAT IS GOING ON ANET???!!! At silver ranking it is mathematically, statistically impossible for this to be happening. In unranked I win more then I lose, it is a complete different experience. So there is something going on in ranked and players have been saying this for a long time now! WHAT IS GOING ON?


You do not punish AFK players.


Your games are always a blow out. I think close ones are like 2 in 20 or so. 


This game has great pve, but I like PVP. 


WVW is laggy zerg fest of 2 giant blobs fighting each other and it just constantly goes back and forth. I find it to be pointless and boring. There is no reward for it. What is the point?


Why cant you just fix your game and add more to the pvp so a lot more players would buy the game?


Also the classes are pretty unbalanced, not the worst but pretty bad. The problem is ranged classes are way easier, have way too much reliable cc and have a huge advantage over melee. It just takes way more skill with most melee classes. You got 2 button op classes like Mech half of the game plays, and then you got warriors that just get obliterated in seconds idk this part is its own issue.


The game actually does have great pvp mechanics and its could be fun but all you care about is your GEM shop and pve stuff when the game was meant to be  GUILD  vs GUILD WARS. 


I wont be buying end of dragons or anything else now,  so just know a lot of people  like me are lost revenue for you. 








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Okay so you want to win? Get a free to play account and a friend. You both go on the free to plays and "lose on purpose" (technically you cannot be penalized if you both do stupid things and play poor builds) together until your rating is low. If anyone gets mad, just say you are having fun and to get a life. Then you get on your main and your friend gets in your duo with one of the low accounts which drops your party rating so you can start artificially inflating your main account with wins. Arena Net knows about this and should include a how-to pinned here instead of some fake stance on account sharing. Most people will claim they don't do this or try to forget that it is how they got their pretty title they use to flex on those who aren't enlightened. Maybe one day arena net will put a limit on how far a duo queue can climb so that this method can farm PvE stuff but not climb for ranks. Or they can mask the party rating as the highest member in the party instead of using an average. Until then, join the club of nonsense or ignore the win/loss and have fun fighting. 

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Depending on what you're looking for out of Ranked, i'd really recommend just not playing it.

If you fancy the rewards then go for it, you can grind a fair bit of virtual moolah from it.


If you're looking for an actual competitive experience using Gw2's combat, too bad. Nothing about Ranked is fair or competitive. Its just a label they slapped on a button to draw in sweats that want to stop noobs and look like gods from the safety of a DuoQ.

If the lack of any fairness and sportsmanship feels like it might be a deal-killer, then I highly suggest letting it be. Don't play Ranked, you will probably be much happier. Let Arenanet either fix it, or let it die off completely.

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Trust me, unranked is a cesspit too. 

You've got all the metagamers queuing on alt accounts waiting for someone else to join a match, then once they do they leave the unranked match dc'd and outmanned to queue on their main account. 

Or it's just a 2-5 premade of plats stomping through unranked looking for ego boosts because they couldn't cheat the system and lost some rank points. Idk. 

I've seen the same 20 names over and over again since last Thursday, intentionally queuing unranked because I didn't want to deal with the bs. But it's just the same people, over, and over, and over, and over again because this game mode is dead and their little proud boy platoon of free advertising via twitch and the goons that follow them are making sure to ruin unranked too. 

Maybe that's their plan though. Drive everyone else out of the game mode so they don't even have to compete for titles anymore. It will just be the same few people holding the same rankings with permanent GUILD WARS 2 FAMEZ on numerous accounts. 

It's clear there's no saving this game mode, or likely the game in general beyond the next couple of years max. After IBS and the half-baked EoD I'll be hard pressed to order whatever expansion they've got in the works. 
I think the layoffs put all but two nails in the coffin.

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33 minutes ago, Ixl Super Eu Ixl.3259 said:

Okay so you want to win? Get a free to play account and a friend. You both go on the free to plays and "lose on purpose" (technically you cannot be penalized if you both do stupid things and play poor builds) together until your rating is low. If anyone gets mad, just say you are having fun and to get a life. Then you get on your main and your friend gets in your duo with one of the low accounts which drops your party rating so you can start artificially inflating your main account with wins. Arena Net knows about this and should include a how-to pinned here instead of some fake stance on account sharing. Most people will claim they don't do this or try to forget that it is how they got their pretty title they use to flex on those who aren't enlightened. Maybe one day arena net will put a limit on how far a duo queue can climb so that this method can farm PvE stuff but not climb for ranks. Or they can mask the party rating as the highest member in the party instead of using an average. Until then, join the club of nonsense or ignore the win/loss and have fun fighting. 

There's no way they can penalize someone for their build or "playing poor" because if they had a way the subtle wintrades wouldn't happen. I do think this is a good idea though. It's what I do from time to time. Play a kitten poor glass zerker build and see how long I can live. It does a lot of damage and sometimes that's enough. But if matchmaking wants you to win you could play anything and still win. The harder you try with a team that doesn't work together, is intentionally throwing, or just has a worse comp than the tryhard duo on the other side the more frustrating it will become.

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Also just fought a double duo in ranked. I'm guessing if you time your queues and determine what professions everyone is running it's probably not that difficult to accomplish. 

Especially if they're on alt accounts with lower rating. 🙂 Not that it matters anymore given it's just the same 30 people queuing above silver.

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What are you playing and also how are you playing.

Playing a given role means nothing, you need to be ready to PUG stomp. Capitalizing on other peoples lack of understanding to dominate most games, this is exactly why Engineer has become so dominant in low ranks.

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I am pretty sure nobody except for the forum moderators read here. Not that it would matter anyway.

11 hours ago, Tudian.8620 said:

I wont be buying end of dragons or anything else now,  so just know a lot of people  like me are lost revenue for you. 

Without EoD you have a problem. All the new specs are overpowered (more or less). So you wouldn't go up in rank to much which would mean poor match quality.

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13 hours ago, Avatar.3568 said:

If you loose 150 Out of 200 Games, maybe its because of you?

I played 13k Games ranked and have a winrate of 54% the big majority 12k Games+ where soloq.

Beeing Not good at a Game is maybe Not the Games fault


No, if you lose 150 out of 200 games, you should have degraded by long and happily play with a ± 50% win/loss ratio in bronze league. Even if you don't know what you're doing, it is hard to get 150 losses in 200 games in ranked. Maybe it is achievable after a very profound player skill drop (From plat to  low silver for example) or when you switch professions a lot where you are good and bad at. (Player skill rating does not look at the profession you play, so if you're good with one profession and bad with another, you get unpredictable results)


AFK players, bots, leavers are all true and major problems. But is is statistically difficult to have this affect your team 150 times in 200 games and the enemy team 50 times in 200 games. Possible? Yes. But very unlikely.

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