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NA ranked is teleport stroke fest


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5 hours ago, agrippastrilemma.8741 said:

The original devs knew this which is why they only put teleports on classes with the lowest HP (Ele, Guard, Thief) or the lowest armor (Mes, Nec). Though JI on guard was always a bit iffy, but acceptable because Hammer guard is so fkn slow otherwise.

Yup. That was back when the game did not have this powercreep disgrace that it is today. It had some semblance of structure back then.



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5 hours ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

Stop being a war main with a thief icon.

It is incredibly annoying.


You can put any icon you want, maybe he just likes how it looks (also there is kitten all choose from).
Also if you read what @felix.2386  is saying you will notice that he kind of wants to let the teleporting to just the Assassin classes, instead of having support Assassin, condi/bunker Assassins, bruiser Assassins, teamfighter Assassins  and the whole team just teleporting on your head isn't exactly peak gaming and maybe just maybe Anet should add the mobility back as part of the balance consideration and add some reasonable strengths and weakness.    

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On 10/19/2022 at 10:02 PM, Crab Fear.8623 said:

Stop being a war main with a thief icon.

It is incredibly annoying.


my thief is plat+ level and will wreck your thief as your main, i play just as much thief/rev/mes as war. just because i want to play war, doesn't mean i play war.

same as boyce, his favorite class is war, but he's ranger main.

anyone with any sense of balance in the grander scale of things, instead of just being bias toward that one single class, will see how off the scale war is.

if you seek to actually become good in pvp you should ditch your supposed one class pony. you will foreever  not going to be good maining one class.

my rev play time far surpassed war since HoT, and thief always has been my second go to class.

do i still call myself war main?

Edited by felix.2386
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16 minutes ago, felix.2386 said:

my thief is plat+ level and will wreck your thief as your main, i play just as much thief/rev/mes as war. just because i want to play war, doesn't mean i play war.

same as boyce, his favorite class is war, but he's ranger main.

anyone with any sense of balance in the grander scale of things, instead of just being bias toward that one single class, will see how off the scale war is.

if you seek to actually become good in pvp you should ditch your supposed one class pony. you will foreever  not going to be good maining one class.

Perfect example of how anyone can literally type anything on the net lmao. U play thief as much as Warrior, if by playing thief u mean come onto forums to ask for thief nerfs in every different manner one could think of than I'd believe u. Literally only time ur name pops up is when ur complaining about warriors state or asking for thief nerfs, and I'd say it seems like asking for thief nerfs happens more often haha. But yeah ur definitely 100% a thief enjoyer.

I play as much ele and engi as I do thief and thier all plat, see how easy it is to say somthing on a forum, maybe have played 10 hrs on engi and Eli over last 8 yrs haha.

Warrior is countered by thief due to blinds in a lot of cases, u mainly play Warrior and u constantly complain about one of ur counters....thief, that seems more plausible to me imo.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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9 minutes ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Perfect example of how anyone can literally type anything on the net lmao. U play thief as much as Warrior, if by playing thief u mean come onto forums to ask for thief nerfs in every different manner one could think of than I'd believe u. Literally only time ur name pops up is when ur complaining about warriors state or asking for thief nerfs, and I'd say it seems like asking for thief nerfs happens more often haha. But yeah ur definitely 100% a thief enjoyer.

I play as much ele and engi as I do thief and thier all plat, see how easy it is to say somthing on a forum, maybe gave played 10 hrs on engi and Eli over last 8 yrs haha.


I asked war nerf just as much thief nerf.

i care about grander scale of balancing.

perfect example:

i asked full counter nerf, when warrior was determined garbage, and got 20 confuses, 2 weeks later healbreaker became meta and unkillable, 2 months later anet hard nerfed full counter.


it's funny how you think i'm like you, which i'm not.

just because you didn't see my job specific posts, doesn't mean i'm biased like you, i only posted here, simply because teleport is general. 

my every opinion is personally tested and played, and not influenced by general opinion and personal bias, as my opinion is based on me personally playing it and not fighting it.

Edited by felix.2386
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21 minutes ago, felix.2386 said:

my thief is plat+ level and will wreck your thief as your main, i play just as much thief/rev/mes as war. just because i want to play war, doesn't mean i play war.

same as boyce, his favorite class is war, but he's ranger main.

anyone with any sense of balance in the grander scale of things, instead of just being bias toward that one single class, will see how off the scale war is.

if you seek to actually become good in pvp you should ditch your supposed one class pony. you will foreever  not going to be good maining one class.

my rev play time far surpassed war since HoT, and thief always has been my second go to class.

do i still call myself war main?

All you do is whine about thief and cry about how weak war is.


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Just now, Crab Fear.8623 said:

All you do is whine about thief and cry about how weak war is.


About thief? this is teleport in general post and yea, currently war is very weak.

and did i not specifically mention shiro in main post, i didn't realize it's part of thief.

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Just now, felix.2386 said:

About thief? this is teleport in general post and yea, currently war is very weak.

and did i not specifically mention shiro in main post, i didn't realize it's part of thief.

As psycho and I pointed out, you are known to regularly post salt threads for thief and cryfests for war.

Now, it's teleport....but that doesn't preclude thief....lol

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8 minutes ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

As psycho and I pointed out, you are known to regularly post salt threads for thief and cryfests for war.

Now, it's teleport....but that doesn't preclude thief....lol


That's simply it has been the general flow of things, as thief generally never ever falls out of meta, even if it did in the littlest chance, it will be back in like 3 months.

i would not hesitate to post war nerf post, like i already did in the past when times come.

and you can not disagree that thief has been the most un fun class to fight against, specially after HoT.

unless you've never played any other class to fight thief.

i actually didn't even need to bring up the full counter example tbh, i "cried" for bladesworn self heal nerf just as much if not more and i wanted it gone so bad

i simply despise toxic unfun mechanics, no matter the class.

and i find it funny how you both thief mains took it so personally, even tho my thief is better then you both.

Edited by felix.2386
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9 minutes ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

As psycho and I pointed out, you are known to regularly post salt threads for thief and cryfests for war.

Now, it's teleport....but that doesn't preclude thief....lol

When Felx makes a thread about the overabundance or op'ness of teleportation, we kno the class he has in mind 😉

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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11 minutes ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

When Felx makes a thread about the overabundance or op'ness of teleportation, we kno the class he has in mind 😉

funny how i never mentioned on thief in my original post, half of it is for shiro, yet you still felt it so personal, you need help.

and even the first half, is also more targeted toward rev/untamed/lesser degree guard

as even d/p daredevil is in the uprising, even securing top1 NA, it is still too early to give any opinion, but it's no doubt there's an uprising going on.

i would very much include specter if it is not already nerfed.


if you feel every teleport post is a personal attack toward your favorite biased class which you one trick pony on, you need help.


guess i'm just gonna quote vancho

On 10/20/2022 at 4:13 AM, Vancho.8750 said:

You can put any icon you want, maybe he just likes how it looks (also there is kitten all choose from).
Also if you read what @felix.2386  is saying you will notice that he kind of wants to let the teleporting to just the Assassin classes, instead of having support Assassin, condi/bunker Assassins, bruiser Assassins, teamfighter Assassins  and the whole team just teleporting on your head isn't exactly peak gaming and maybe just maybe Anet should add the mobility back as part of the balance consideration and add some reasonable strengths and weakness.    

Edited by felix.2386
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On 10/19/2022 at 1:49 PM, Kuma.1503 said:

-> Decide to play hammer catalyst in WvW for fun

-> Fight mobile class

-> Mobile class yeets self into the sunset every time they get below half hp. 

-> Cannot chase mobile class because you slow af. 

-> Mobile class heals and waits for CDs

-> Mobile class re-engages

-> Repeat until mobile class kills you

->Question life choices


In my completely unbiased opinion. Catalyst should also be given a teleport. This will truly help even the playing field. 



We do. A 900 range teleport that isn’t a stun break, doesn’t clear conditions, and has no other passives loaded on.


900 range and not a stun break is unacceptable given the numerous other teleports in the game.


The only one worse than this is the mirage utility with the cast time that nobody uses.

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On 10/18/2022 at 10:13 PM, felix.2386 said:

Either you abuse teleport and farm enemy bad players, or your bad teammates get farmed and you are at a lose for not abusing teleport and farm the enemy bad players.

why some classes can just 1v1ing you here then instantly teleport to a low target 900 range away and finish it, while your non teleport class can do nothing but to watch it happen.

how teleport classes don't just get wrecked by non teleport classes in 1v1 like any other games that cares about balance.


and why rev get fresh 50 energy reset every 10 seconds, lol.

basically fresh shiro reset every 20 seconds, me swap to shiro, i can use the energy to instantly port to a target from 1200 range away to plus, or i can still use the energy to 1v1 you, even though i already 1v1'ed you for 20 seconds now, most classes will probably be hard to shake you off after 20 seconds of 1v1, but doesn't matter for me, i get fresh shiro every time i swap to it.


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8 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

funny how i never mentioned on thief in my original post, half of it is for shiro, yet you still felt it so personal, you need help.

and even the first half, is also more targeted toward rev/untamed/lesser degree guard

as even d/p daredevil is in the uprising, even securing top1 NA, it is still too early to give any opinion, but it's no doubt there's an uprising going on.

i would very much include specter if it is not already nerfed.


if you feel every teleport post is a personal attack toward your favorite biased class which you one trick pony on, you need help.


guess i'm just gonna quote vancho

You mention revs at the back half of your rant, but teleport "classes", plural, so not just rev....


You play strong stuff, ranger-war, but not good enough against specialized classes, and then cry.


Right now, hammer spellbreaker, which is something Multicolored has ran for...like for years...is breaching the meta.


Stop being a potato, and learn the mechanics, you can't be beat 1 v 1.


hammerbreakers are the best sidenoder atm

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On 10/19/2022 at 6:49 PM, Kuma.1503 said:

-> Decide to play hammer catalyst in WvW for fun

-> Fight mobile class

-> Mobile class yeets self into the sunset every time they get below half hp. 

-> Cannot chase mobile class because you slow af. 

-> Mobile class heals and waits for CDs

-> Mobile class re-engages

-> Repeat until mobile class kills you

->Question life choices


In my completely unbiased opinion. Catalyst should also be given a teleport. This will truly help even the playing field. 



THANK YOU! That's one of the main reasons I kittening gave up on ele...everytime I tried to have "fun" with the usual "kitchen knives" build or similar range, got always met with a barrage of ranged condi/direct dmg :

1) superspeed grenade spam engis with rocket boot

2) pewpew harbingers

3) staff campers condi mesmers of all sorts

4) shortbow condi renegade tanks

5) quickness runaway deadeyes

And the funny things is, all the buids mentioned above have more ranger pressure and seemingly more mobility than the class apparently designed to be ranged specific ...the ranger itself.

In GW2 2022, if you lack teleports/blocks on short CD and some sort of invulnerability/stealth/evasion...you will have a really bad bad time.....

Edited by Arheundel.6451
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15 hours ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

You mention revs at the back half of your rant, but teleport "classes", plural, so not just rev....


You play strong stuff, ranger-war, but not good enough against specialized classes, and then cry.


Right now, hammer spellbreaker, which is something Multicolored has ran for...like for years...is breaching the meta.


Stop being a potato, and learn the mechanics, you can't be beat 1 v 1.


hammerbreakers are the best sidenoder atm

What? my rev/thief out tier yours easily. like what are you talking about.

any top tier player would agree that warrior is garbage, shorts/grim/boyce all said that it is kitten.

but it has nothing to do with the subject of this thread tho.

"breaching the meta" lol...bruh...take your g2 thief out of here, my thief out tier yours by at least 2 tiers.

even warrior being the most op unhealthy there is in the game, like bladesworn was but more toxic, that doesn't make teleport any more healthy, i would still post this and post for warrior nerf.

you really need help and stop with one trick pony on your bias class.

Edited by felix.2386
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6 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

What? my rev/thief out tier yours easily. like what are you talking about.

any top tier player would agree that warrior is garbage, shorts/grim/boyce all said that it is kitten.

but it has nothing to do with the subject of this thread tho.

"breaching the meta" lol...bruh...take your g2 thief out of here, my thief out tier yours by at least 2 tiers.

even warrior being the most op unhealthy there is in the game, like bladesworn was but more toxic, that doesn't make teleport any more healthy, i would still post this and post for warrior nerf.

you really need help and stop with one trick pony on your bias class.



I play what I like, but I mix it up too.



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3 hours ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

And? i literally fail to see what you trying to prove here, that's related to the subject,

other then how it solidifies my standing of you being a thief one trick that fails to realize the toxicity of low cd teleportation.

teleport abuse is so easy, any one with half a brain can get to mid plat1.

i did it for years, i just find it boring and unfun.

it's not reactive gaming, as there's nothing to react to, it's just hide behind wall, and press teleport.

just in case, you can't realize, if you want to prove something, in this exact case, you need to show SS of you being high plat1 on non teleport class, which then will justify your view from all angles.


Edited by felix.2386
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Just now, felix.2386 said:

And? i literally fail to see what you trying to prove here, that's related to the subject,

other then how it solidifies my standing of you being a thief one trick that fails to realize the toxicity of low cd teleportation.

teleport abuse is so easy, any one with half a brain can get to mid plat1.

i did it for years, i just find it boring and unfun.

it's not reactive gaming, as there's nothing to react to, it's just hide behind wall, and press teleport.


You were wrong on both counts.

I can play at your supposed level, if I wish.



How about we just be friendly?

I don't want to insult you

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