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Why are commanders demanding no trinkets in lab farm?


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Well ... with the public maps you can just join from lfg then join the map. Then leave the squad and run with the tag - if you feel l ike it. 😄 Icon to indicate full maps in lfg ... also helps with this. The only way where someone seems to have been annoyed by something like that ... was Dragon's End meta where people seems to have done this. (Personally I used lfg this way to join the map early and then left the squad to not be distracted and to other stuff ... but re-joined when the meta started.) One guy there said he'd block everyone that joins from lfg to get into the map but leaves squad then. 😄

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Ive been running lab for years as well and requests from commanders to avoid excessive dps, often by unequiping trinkets, have been common (in my experience) for years. The power creep that started to ramp up after HoT release was when I first noticed the requests becoming common but they had existed even before.

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I kept my celestial gear when I did my lvl 80 boost so I'm using that good survivability and am shortbow daredevil. No legendary or ascended gear. 


I have seen people open doors and take out whole mobs before the commander just as the commander gets there as I'm usually tagging everything right next to the commander.


I prefer low DPS mentioned personally.

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Trinket removal just makes it easy. Myself I looking at squad dps in arc tells me allot more. If people are doingrly good dps on the boss they are probably using full stats. Myself I like to run cele w a high sustain + mobility build which ends up not being even in the top 10 of dps with trinkets so I can relate to both sides of the argument.


It all comes down to are people just taggings or are they killing the trash and denying others a tag on that mob. Some days you can get people who spoil the fun for the rest. I usually still have fun but its best when you get a considerate squad imo. 😃


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This is one reason I like this game's LFG system. Each commander or group can put whatever requirements they want without Anet having to anticipate it and add a bunch of check boxes or flags or whatever, and then everyone can choose ones to join, or make their own. Imagine the arguments if everyone just got thrown into the first group with a space because the game is choosing for you and can only sort players by universal things like level and profession.

I've seen quite a mix this year, including both 'chill' or relaxed farming groups and speed farming ones specifying no trinkets or allowing whatever builds you want to bring.

Like some people in this thread I'm not worried about absolutely maximising the number of ToT bags or other drops I get and don't mind if some things die before I get to tag them as long as I get to tag some as well so I'll pick a group with minimal requirements over one of the stricter ones, but I understand that highly optimised groups (which in this case means lower DPS) do work better and I like that everyone can choose which ones they want to join.

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Because they're cowards. Also there's a no legendary rule. What should I do then? Run around naked with skills only? This is ridiculous! They need to not allow longbow rangers (or rangers who can't control their kitten bears), minion necros, mechanists and most importantly ranged and condi kitten as well then because that is so annoying as none of these require any actual skill and every one without hands and eyes can play these. 
Also why is nobody stacking behind that one rock on Lich anymore? I've noticed this for a few years now and it just confuses me because I know the old way of how to do it still while nobody else seems to know (maybe all the 2012 vets left sadly) or remember. 

If I want to go full legendary and with mounts then I do it. Nobody can forbid me and it's not like anyone can kick me from the map 😜 

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4 hours ago, Cynder.2509 said:

Also why is nobody stacking behind that one rock on Lich anymore? I've noticed this for a few years now and it just confuses me because I know the old way of how to do it still while nobody else seems to know (maybe all the 2012 vets left sadly) or remember. 

Stacking behind the rock hasn't been necessary since at least 2015. People did it so the skeletons he spawns would all be grouped together and could be quickly killed with AoEs and so anyone who got hit with a launch or fear attack wouldn't go far. (The other, easier, way was to pull him inside the little house behind the door.)

A combination of power creep, players getting more options to deal with incoming conditions and getting better at using them made it redundant. It's often quicker to fight him where he is than to spend time pulling him into a corner. (For the same reason stacking on dungeon bosses isn't as popular either, although it's still used for some of them.)

If you're concerned enough with skill that you even worry about it for Lab farming groups (possibly the simplest activity in the game) I would have thought you'd be following balance updates and their subsequent effects on current tactics.

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The number of selfish players in the game these days is unreal. This used to be a cooperative MMO, now its just one guy takes all and leaves nothing for anyone else. I think it all started with mounts in low-level maps, and its only escalated from there, until we arrived at "why should I let the rest of my group get loot?".


My advice to anyone who feels this way: Play a support in any group content (PvE or WvW), watch as your loot falls way off because you can't do enough damage to tag enemies before they're vaporised, and then you'll think twice about how you play your damage classes. Playing a support is something that is humbling in general for someone whose never done it, it changes how you approach video games completely.


When people depend on you, instead of you taking advantage of them, it slowly rewires your brain.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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