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Dragon's end Meta event

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50 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

No. I see it three times a week that everyone can do the meta, everyone can join a squad. There are new players every run, no one is excluded. 

No, you don't. Like you said, there's just ~30 slots in your squad for LFG at most. That's not "everyone". That's just a small fraction of small fraction of the whole OW population. And, btw, if all those 30 slots were taken by average OW players, your group would have failed 100% of the time.

Your" everyone" is limited to at most ~5-10 average OW players per attempt. At best - in the groups i run with, there's usually no more than 2-3 of those.

For every single person that gets in, there are likely thousands that never will. That's the reality of your "everyone".

It's (as i mentioned before) exactly the same as with "everyone can be rich". Which may be true for small number of individual people, but is never true for masses. Because when everyone's rich, noone is.

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1 minute ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

No, you don't. Like you said, there's just ~30 slots in your squad for LFG at most. That's not "everyone". That's just a small fraction of small fraction of the whole OW population. And, btw, if all those 30 slots were taken by average OW players, your group would have failed 100% of the time.

Your" everyone" is limited to at most ~5-10 average OW players per attempt. At best - in the groups i run with, there's usually no more than 2-3 of those.

For every single person that gets in, there are likely thousands that never will. That's the reality of your "everyone".

It's (as i mentioned before) exactly the same as with "everyone can be rich". Which may be true for small number of individual people, but is never true for masses. Because when everyone's rich, noone is.

Everyone can take one of the 30 slots. There are no requirements. No one is excluded. 
of course not the whole OW population can be on one map and squads are limited to 50 players. 

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1 hour ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Just because OW is a public space expecting some people to carry others at the expense of their fun isn't really fair, don't you think? 

"Play the way you want to play in Open World" was such a big thing thrown around, especially at EoD's release. What about the way I want to play? That doesn't matter?

Maybe you remember a phrase "Your freedom to swing a fist ends where my face begins"? It's the same here: in OW, your freedom to have fun should not depend on depriving most of other players of having fun too. If you want to set highly exclusionary rules, that's what private space (instances) should be for.

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10 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

Everyone can take one of the 30 slots. There are no requirements. No one is excluded. 
of course not the whole OW population can be on one map and squads are limited to 50 players. 

So, "everyone" for you means "at most 30 people, probably less". Duly noted.

Like i said, your "everyone can do it" theory is based on the assumption that almost *noone* will. The mpoment that assumption stops being true, it all falls apart.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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1 minute ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Maybe you remember a phrase "Your freedom to swing a fist ends where my face begins"? It's the same here: in OW, your freedom to have fun should not depend on depriving most of other players of having fun too. If you want to set highly exclusionary rules, that's what private space (instances) should be for.

That's cool and all, but what about ME having fun? You're going on about how we need to let people have fun, but your solution to that is at the cost of me having fun. 

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5 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

So, "everyone" for you means "at most 30 people, probably less". Duly noted.

Like I wrote before squads are limited to 50 players and maps don’t have an unlimited capacity.  Maybe you didn’t know this. 
But no one is excluded from joining, the squads are open to everyone, without requirements. No one is excluded from the DE meta, it is content for everyone, not just for few. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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1 minute ago, yoni.7015 said:

Like I wrote before squads are limited to 50 players and maps don’t have an unlimited capacity.  Maybe you didn’t know this. 
But no one is excluded from joining, the squads are open to everyone, without requirements. No one is excluded from the DE meta, it is content for everyone, not just for few. 

You're clearly excluding people by only having 30 free slots in your squad.

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1 minute ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

You're clearly excluding people by only having 30 free slots in your squad.

Rather, the exclusion is on "everyone's" option to participate apparently hinging on having to group with Yoni. Which, for obvious reasons not everyone can.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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Just now, Astralporing.1957 said:

Rather, the exclusion is on people being able to participate only by having to group with Yoni.

And we reached the point where the person saying they have 30 slots free in their DE squad for ANYONE whenever they do it is the bad guy because they exclude others by not having infinite slots magically.

Jokes aside. Open LFG, select End of Dragons, look for squad, if there is a squad join it, otherwise MAKE YOUR OWN.

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3 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Rather, the exclusion is on "everyone's" option to participate apparently hinging on having to group with Yoni. Which, for obvious reasons not everyone can.

Then try it next time, join one of the other groups or make your own, take your guild and friends. 

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14 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

because most of the average OW players stopped coming

And that's just another made up claim in this thread from you.

11 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Rather, the exclusion is on "everyone's" option to participate apparently hinging on having to group with Yoni. Which, for obvious reasons not everyone can.

But it doesn't, as it was already explained many times in this thread by people simply joining random groups through lfg.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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On 10/29/2022 at 5:15 AM, Maledict.7891 said:

I know this has been discussed many times before, and for a first threat creation not an original topic. But please, for the love of god, re-look at this meta event. It is incredibly unfun as it currently stands, for two main reasons:

Anet never revisits content after it ships.  They leave it forever.  Bugs and all.  I agree with your assessment, but sadly we will not get any changes. 

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18 minutes ago, illuminati.8453 said:

Anet never revisits content after it ships.  They leave it forever.  Bugs and all.  I agree with your assessment, but sadly we will not get any changes. 

Ah, so all the Game Updates Notes are lies. Gotcha. Will try not to be so guillible next time and just view any differences as figments of my imaginations.

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3 hours ago, illuminati.8453 said:

In the context of this thread, I stand by my comment.  It will not be changed.  They do not redesign metas. 

Just make changes to number which sometime better than redesign, i stand by the "fight isn't hard" comment. But i don't mind them changing the pre-event though

Edited by Ultramex.1506
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10 hours ago, Silent.6137 said:

Ah, so all the Game Updates Notes are lies. Gotcha. Will try not to be so guillible next time and just view any differences as figments of my imaginations.

No need to maliciously exaggerate. It is a common pattern of Anet over the years that most bugs of new content are fixed within ca. 4-8 weeks after the release of this new content and the longer the time from release, the less probability that those bugs will still be fixed. Of course they will sometimes fix older bugs (i.e. in preparation of the steam release, when management and/or priorities change, etc...).

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51 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

The few people that created this narrative on the forum? Yeah seems so. 

Again, those threads are not being created by "the few people on the forum" you have in mind. It's always someone new to the game who runs into that issue face-first. And (to use your own words) then gets shouted down by the "few people on the forum" that think everything is fine because they, personally, are not affected. And then dismiss any mentions of situations that do not fit their worldview as fiction.

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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18 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Again, those threads are not being created by "the few people on the forum" you have in mind. It's always someone new to the game who runs into that issue face-first. And (to use your own words) then gets shouted down by the "few people on the forum" that think everything is fine because they, personally, are not affected. And then dismiss any mentions of situations that do not fit their worldview as fiction.

How do you know that the OP is new to the game? I just checked, OP has 10,5k AP. Does this mean new? 
Did you even read what was quoted? It’s not about the threads, it’s about the narrative. 
So no, these threads are not created by the usual few that always complain. But they created the narrative that the meta is dividing the player base and that it is such a horrible event, the reality in game is different. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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16 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Again, those threads are not being created by "the few people on the forum" you have in mind. It's always someone new to the game who runs into that issue face-first. And (to use your own words) then gets shouted down by the "few people on the forum" that think everything is fine because they, personally, are not affected. And then dismiss any mentions of situations that do not fit their worldview as fiction.

If I can regularly join a squad in LFG and complete this event, then anyone can.  I don't have some sort of special ticket that gets me into these groups and filters out new players.

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2 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

they created the narrative

Narrative implies that you think people are lying or making up a story to support their opinions. Narrative is an incorrect term; the word you are looking for is observation. People have had different experiences regarding the DE meta than you have, and as a result their observations on the subject are different from your own. We're up to 7 pages in this thread alone of people being divided on the subject; to me that seems like a pretty good indication that there are mixed feelings regarding this meta.

The 'there is no x in Ba Sing Se' angle is dismissive of the views and experiences of others, and I wish you would stop using it. If I can accept that some people legitimately have a great time in Dragon's End, you should be able to accept that some people don't and it's not just a tiny minority, the same three people in a circle, or some kind of campaign to spread falsehoods.

Source: The forum you spend a lot of time on every day and the things people say on it.

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26 minutes ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

Narrative implies that you think people are lying or making up a story to support their opinions. Narrative is an incorrect term; the word you are looking for is observation. People have had different experiences regarding the DE meta than you have, and as a result their observations on the subject are different from your own. We're up to 7 pages in this thread alone of people being divided on the subject; to me that seems like a pretty good indication that there are mixed feelings regarding this meta.

The 'there is no x in Ba Sing Se' angle is dismissive of the views and experiences of others, and I wish you would stop using it. If I can accept that some people legitimately have a great time in Dragon's End, you should be able to accept that some people don't and it's not just a tiny minority, the same three people in a circle, or some kind of campaign to spread falsehoods.

Source: The forum you spend a lot of time on every day and the things people say on it.

I believe that some people don't enjoy this meta.  What I have a hard time buying is that they regularly participate in it despite that and that their experiences (i.e. joining LFG DE meta groups and routinely failing) are so dramatically different from that of players who enjoy this meta and join the same LFG groups.

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

It's always someone new to the game who runs into that issue face-first.


On 10/31/2022 at 5:41 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

And that's somehow a reason to rebalance latest content -that reasonably should have an increasing difficulty level- according to someone starting the game and trying to rush through it without taking their time to learn the game?


Someone new to the game tries rushing to the latest content and since that latest content requires understanding of the game, it's somehow supposed to be a reason to nerf that event?


1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

that think everything is fine because they, personally, are not affected.

And what's your point with repeating this part? Do I somehow have different/better lfg groups than you or anyone else? Why? How? If I'm "personally not affected", every run I succeed the rest of those squads are also apparently not affected -and these are different squads at varying times. So this is not somehow "just me, personally".


1 hour ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

If I can regularly join a squad in LFG and complete this event, then anyone can.  I don't have some sort of special ticket that gets me into these groups and filters out new players.

Exactly, this is repeteadly explained here and then dodged by him every time. 

Edited by Sobx.1758
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