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So when are you going to change the meta, ANet?


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Literally every meta is better than this one, and it's because defense scales way too well compared to offense and it does not promote skillful play

Even older metas like the HoT toiletbowl, epi 1 shot, mount stealth, 10 target shade/winds metas were way better than whatever this is, if you get a good bomb on a blob they should die, not get rezzed with every single support running some sort of rez utility (not to mention 5 target cap). Defenses should be active gameplay and not boonspam, medkit 11111, and permanent projectile hate

Damage coefficients really need to be higher and the amount of outgoing strips needs to exceed the amount of incoming boons. Sometimes you are even somewhat actively griefing your group if you corrupt and the conditions you inflict get turned into boons. Remove rally or remove the small invulnerability window you get when you go downstate so if you die in a bomb you get cleaved out instantly. This isn't fun.

Edited by Corabelle.3254
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Probably never. Just look at that joke of a 5v5 tournament. Every round literally 4+ minutes long without anybody killing a single person. If someone does go down they get instant revived with bs res utility and they continue wailing on each other not killing anybody until finally the match has to be forcibly stopped.

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1 hour ago, Corabelle.3254 said:

Damage coefficients really need to be higher and the amount of outgoing strips needs to exceed the amount of incoming boons. 

Nope and nope.


Damage is already disgustingly high.


If strips exceeded boons, there'd be no point bothering with boons.

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9 hours ago, Corabelle.3254 said:

Literally every meta is better than this one, and it's because defense scales way too well compared to offense and it does not promote skillful play

Even older metas like the HoT toiletbowl, epi 1 shot, mount stealth, 10 target shade/winds metas were way better than whatever this is, if you get a good bomb on a blob they should die, not get rezzed with every single support running some sort of rez utility (not to mention 5 target cap). Defenses should be active gameplay and not boonspam, medkit 11111, and permanent projectile hate

Damage coefficients really need to be higher and the amount of outgoing strips needs to exceed the amount of incoming boons. Sometimes you are even somewhat actively griefing your group if you corrupt and the conditions you inflict get turned into boons. Remove rally or remove the small invulnerability window you get when you go downstate so if you die in a bomb you get cleaved out instantly. This isn't fun.

I'm not sure why you think Medkit 1 and reflects aren't active defenses, along with boons like Aegis and Stability. Yes, Protection, Resistance/Resolution and Regeneration are passive defenses, but anything that you cast that has only a temporary, short-term effect is an active defense in an MMO.


Passive means just that, passive, a 5sec reflect isn't passive, only your lack of patience.


Btw, I suggested a long time ago that all boons should stack in both intensity and duration, but no one liked the idea. Like if you got a single stack of Protection, it would only be 5%, not 33%. Each new stack would increase the intensity and refresh the the other stacks, effectively giving boons a ramp-up time like conditions which makes them easier to counter before maxing out, or reset once maxed.


Yes, a single player could still maintain max stacks on a group, but a boonstrip would also remove them all with a single cast while they take a long time to build up again. The best of both worlds.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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8 hours ago, Svarty.8019 said:

Nope and nope.


Damage is already disgustingly high.


If strips exceeded boons, there'd be no point bothering with boons.

I agree with the damage being high but there's a lot of ground between how it is now and strips exceeding boons. I think that more classes should at least get some boon stripping; there are far too many classes that don't have boon stripping at all compared to classes that have the potential to give boons. It's just way too much in favor of boons right now and the point that boon stripping exceeds boons is far away still. 


Edited by Gehenna.3625
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Would love for them to do more weeks/weekends like no downstate to use as testing grounds for changes to WvW. I personally would love for them to test out no rally and downed invuln period, as you mentioned, OP.

1 hour ago, Sahne.6950 said:

wild take... but lets just remove minstrel and go from there? 


This statset is singlehandedly turning Zergfights into Slugfests.

That's not a wild take at all. Most of the people I know and play with want this to happen. Honestly though the way support has been designed in this game at a fundamental level leaves me with zero hope to things ever getting significantly better, even with the more radical splits they are now doing between game modes. There is such a disgusting amount of AoE spam in this game as a whole (so much of which you don't even have to aim), but even moreso on the support level of things. If only allied targeting skills were introduced on HoT launch and not 2 expansions later, then maybe there'd be some integrity left in the game's design of support. 

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9 minutes ago, Za Shaloc.3908 said:

Would love for them to do more weeks/weekends like no downstate to use as testing grounds for changes to WvW. I personally would love for them to test out no rally and downed invuln period, as you mentioned, OP.

That's not a wild take at all. Most of the people I know and play with want this to happen. Honestly though the way support has been designed in this game at a fundamental level leaves me with zero hope to things ever getting significantly better, even with the more radical splits they are now doing between game modes. There is such a disgusting amount of AoE spam in this game as a whole (so much of which you don't even have to aim), but even moreso on the support level of things. If only allied targeting skills were introduced on HoT launch and not 2 expansions later, then maybe there'd be some integrity left in the game's design of support. 

personally i believe that supports should make a decision between two of the following things, like we see in most other games.




Buffs, aka. boons


Your either tanky and can heal, or your healing is great and boons, but your squishy, yada yada. 

But minstrel simply has the best of all of that. Your the best tank, while dishing out the maximum ammout of boons and having max healingpower.... 

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4 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

I agree with the damage being high but there's a lot of ground between how it is now and strips exceeding boons. I think that more classes should at least get some boon stripping; there are far too many classes that don't have boon stripping at all compared to classes that have the potential to give boons. It's just way too much in favor of boons right now and the point that boon stripping exceeds boons is far away still. 


Boon strips and boon corrupts need to be for specific classes warrior, necro and mesmer mainly since it easier to control but some other elite spec can also appear doing some basic strips imo once in a while.

Making everything "have everyting" is what leader into the balance & class design being uber mess, specific boons and gameplays should never be shared between classes.

Another thing which i believe should exist is boon strips targeting certain boons in 1st place, and we need AOE skill denials like we had in gw1 this could be the new hexes, but Anet lame has they are even removed Druid condi zone denials for low effort condi aplication hahahah so people can get more carried with spam and  not pay atention to the combat or what is happening, just keep spamming.

@Sahne.6950  i completely agree with you, that's why i thin kAnet should remove minstrell or change toughness for something else on those stats.

Anet said they dont like skill aplication denials ence druid elite was reworked but that completely wrong, this show how much they have no clue and wants to reward players to spam in fear that their condi - boon convertion ping pong looses its gameplay, also that shows how deficient that mechanic is and how enforced by dev's is, players should stack more stripers than boon/condi convertions specs anyway, this way even scrappers loose most of its condi back to boon gameplay and become less eficient.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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9 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

Btw, I suggested a long time ago that all boons should stack in both intensity and duration, but no one liked the idea. Like if you got a single stack of Protection, it would only be 5%, not 33%. Each new stack would increase the intensity and refresh the the other stacks, effectively giving boons a ramp-up time like conditions which makes them easier to counter before maxing out, or reset once maxed.


Yes, a single player could still maintain max stacks on a group, but a boonstrip would also remove them all with a single cast while they take a long time to build up again. The best of both worlds.

The only problem with this is it could just lead down the same road as the offensive boons are now, with anet adding more of those boons to spam to maintain max stacks or duration. They won't do anything negative to boons in any case.


Boon spam was a mistake, one of which they will not own up to, they won't fix because too much work, so they're doubling down on it.

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14 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

personally i believe that supports should make a decision between two of the following things, like we see in most other games.




Buffs, aka. boons


Your either tanky and can heal, or your healing is great and boons, but your squishy, yada yada. 

But minstrel simply has the best of all of that. Your the best tank, while dishing out the maximum ammout of boons and having max healingpower.... 


The trade-off for Minstrel is that it offers 0 boost in any offensive stats.   


I would suggest being more mindful when using the "most other games" comparison. You probably wouldn't like it if a whole slew of "most other games" changes were made here, because it wouldn't be limited to support spec changes only. Besides, GW2 ain't changing that much anymore... it's too old and the devs won't bother reinvesting major resources for a profession overhaul.     


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3 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Yeah their damage is unreasonably high. 

I always get oneshotted by minstrel scrappers!

Pls nurf ._.

I see... Well, I'm so sorry and now I completely understand your dueling plight inside of a mode that was primarily designed for large scale combat to occur. 


Ok, so we need to change Minstrel. To coincide with that, we will need to remove all tanky stats (toughness, vitality, and concentration) from all damage gear sets because that's how "most other games" will do it for damage dealers. Also, we will need to separate, and make clear distinction between, direct damage and condition damage gear. So no more builds that have both direct and condition damage. I'm sure there are other changes that help draw clear and understandable lines in GW2 that we can adopt from "most other games" classes and gear, but this is a good start. 


Lastly, keep your head up and keep practicing! Things (professions, gear, builds) you may find difficult now, may not be so tough after gaining more experience! 



Edited by Swagger.1459
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