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It just isn't what it use to be....


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I took a month off to let the balance changes settle, and to get over my annoyance of mesmer and scourge strip getting nerfed again......

So I come back for this reset and well.... why is there so many elementalist now? is the new meta for defending is to go in and sac yourself and mist form back out? rez and repeat? People say mag is loaded with rangers but they're loaded with elementalist!

Facing TC, trying to get bay back from them and well, they turned into yaksbend of old! lol they loaded up siege all over the place, and when we cleared it, they rebuilt it quickly again, it was insane, same here loaded with elementalist.

Tried pulling people and of course 19/20 people are blocking, or immune.

Boon balls still present, groups still dodging, groups still sneak capping stuff, and way too much individual mobility.

Oh yeah and the annoying frame rate drops started up again like 45mins into reset, although not as bad as before.

This game just isn't as fun as it use to be, really sad.

Time for a longer break I guess, good luck with whatever.

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3 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

I took a month off to let the balance changes settle, and to get over my annoyance of mesmer and scourge strip getting nerfed again......


Don't make me throw rotten eggs your way! You stick around else how are you going to be around to kill my stubborn backside? We have the Nov patch to see what's up and the balancing of strip/corrupt versus apply. Smart snark is hard to come by. No AFKING for you my friend.

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10 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Tarnished Coast is linked with Yak's Bend xD

Though TC has been known to build loads of siege for a very long time.

Oh come on, every server builds siege. Only some have people that are actually bothered to refresh them before they expire. 

You should see the amount of siege Mag puts in keeps after they've taken over and trying to tier it up.

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On 11/5/2022 at 12:09 AM, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Tarnished Coast is linked with Yak's Bend xD

Though TC has been known to build loads of siege for a very long time.

I didn't even realize that, guess that explains that then lmao. 🤭


On 11/5/2022 at 2:59 AM, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Don't make me throw rotten eggs your way! You stick around else how are you going to be around to kill my stubborn backside? We have the Nov patch to see what's up and the balancing of strip/corrupt versus apply. Smart snark is hard to come by. No AFKING for you my friend.

Sorry my friend, but I really don't have any hope for that patch, as it's mostly going to be about pve, and they've made it clear what direction they're going with boon combat, for years. I guess some of us, or maybe just me, who don't run in 40 comped groups every night just couldn't bring ourselves to accept it right away, and I've mostly played with classes on the other side of it. I love the wvw game mode, and it's pretty hard to replace it (trying out planetside 2 again in the meantime) I just can't put up with this imbalance on a daily basis anymore. Also Dawdler does a pretty good job covering the forums with the smart snark these days. 🙂


On 11/5/2022 at 5:35 AM, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

The only change i noticed is that our Squads have way more Warriors now. Spellbreaker and Berserker.

For a long time, having 2 Warrior in a 50man Squad, was a really rare sight.

Now we see up to 10 , usealy 5, in every squad.

The rest is roughly the same as always.

I'm glad for them, I still think the winds nerfs over the years were not necessary, but it's good they're finding a way back into groups. Hammer builds seem to be effective again.


On 11/5/2022 at 10:20 AM, Sleepwalker.1398 said:

Oh come on, every server builds siege. Only some have people that are actually bothered to refresh them before they expire. 

You should see the amount of siege Mag puts in keeps after they've taken over and trying to tier it up.

It was reset night and they flash built all that siege when we came to take bay, and then built a second round of them after we cleared the walls and then went for lord. But yeah every server does it, wasn't a complaint just a funny observation, more so I didn't even realize the server I was comparing them to was actually linked to them lol. Maybe it was just some nostalgia from fighting siegebend in T2/3 all those years ago before links. I know about mag sieging, they've done it for years. Red Keep siegefest 1 Red Keep siegefest 2 these were from like 4 years ago when I was on mag. 🤭


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I really feel the OP’s pain as a chrono. Scourge & Chrono really only have one purpose and they were both nerfed really hard and given nothing in return.


But nothing hurts worse than the cancellation of scrapper. I don’t play scrapper, but my friends who did… they’re mostly gone. They quit the game


WvW was in a beautiful, forgotten, place a year ago. It was just the player’s game. Now it belongs to the fun police at anet

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7 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

lmao nerfing oh wait my bad it's fixing sigil of absorption.

Really digging the bottom of the barrel for those boon removal nerfs eh fight guilds.



thats just the cherry on the sh#tpile yeah xD how long did sigil of absorption exist? did they really have it bugged for years or what's that claim, no way

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I would just like to be helpful in some way on this subject. and try to make you see things from a different perspective.

When I look in the mirror I don't see the person I was 10 years ago. This person is not only different in face but has also completely changed his way of thinking and reasoning. Many of his certainties and beliefs that he had 10 years ago have also changed.  And luckily I would add, or I would definitely be a failure for myself.

The same perspective is also valid for our favorite game, if it were simply as it once was, perhaps it would really be a ''dead game'' (a term I often see used completely improperly in this section of the forum). Things change and things have to change with the passage of time, it is normal, in this context survives that adapts better or who adapts more quickly than others. 

This in general, then specifically when the things that change invest your class by taking something away , without adding anything, it is painful, complicated and difficult to digest. And I say that I play only as a warrior. And I've said it all.

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