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Do something about Baruch Bay


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Most boring server to play. While outnumbered on pretty much every map earlier today, we had a kdr of 2.7 over 2 skirmishes, most kills coming from people on Baruch Bay (also Riverside players are beginning to seem like rare mythical creatures, rumoured to exist, but nobody ever sees them). Then at night Baruch Bay outnumber both opponents 40/50 to 1 and you end up with a PPT tick of 440/10/0. The sad thing is that even by covering time zones that are usually fairly empty on EU and the fact they run in groups they are so bad that they can't even stay in T4.

Just lock them. And consider giving them a link. At least they may get some competent people through the link or if they are on their own maybe it will force them to become better at fighting. Alternatively just transfer them to NA: they play at NA times anyway, we don't have to die of boredom every other week, just make them a NA problem. Farming them is so boring that when you see a cele harbinger+soulbeast together you still take the 1v2 because you know the odds are in your favour. This is not normal.

Please fix it one way or another.

Edited by Karagee.6830
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1 hour ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

Is baruch bay still the spanish speaking server that gather spanish and south american people?


and with Baruch Bay being the only Spanish language server (and NA having no dedicated Spanish server AFAIK) it is home to a lot of native Spanish speaker from the Americas. That's why they can pull off those "Mexican Night Caps" with ease.

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1 hour ago, SFShinigami.1572 said:

Friday and Saturday, nobody has more than Gandara on ANY server in EU during NA prime time.  The only difference is BB has a commander all week.

This is false.

1. Gandara does not have queues on Friday and Saturday evening and this is a FACT.

2. It's not just BB that outnumbers Gandara even on Friday and Saturday. Desolation has similar numbers (perhaps slightly less) and AM traditionally also has about the same. BB is much higher than anyone else, including Gandara and all of the above

3. This week and 2 weeks ago Baruch Bay had 2 different blobs both equal in numbers to Cormac's lonely tag st the weekend. And because he spent his time porting and defending (see no queue for a large tag swapping between EB and home border?), our kdr skyrocketed. Wipe one blob, move, wipe the other, rinse and repeat. And that's in the evening: later at night BB numbers stay the same or increase, while the opponents are fewer and fewer.

Either way the thread is not about limiting their numbers (that seems obvious, but it's largely irrelevant since they significantly outnumber only the 2 linkless servers), it's about forcing some change to make them more normal. Give them a link so they can go in higher tiers where with even numbers will average a 0.5 kdr and get farmed day and night. This server shouldn't exist in its current form. Why is there no spanish server on NA? Why do we have to suffer through boredom and weird/lopsided time coverage forced down our throats because the current system (and BB lack of skilled players) ensures horrible mobility through the tiers and imbalances at every level?

Edited by Karagee.6830
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11 hours ago, Svarty.8019 said:

I really feel for BB. They never get a link, no wonder their population is more concentrated in a small time period (per day). 

A link for everyone? Open all linkless servers, so at least there will be 3 servers with similar numbers? I think any competent server with numbers like BB, would be a middle of the pack team, rather than yo-yoing between T5 and T4.

But just try something new. Give them the smallest link and see how it goes.

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BB is always open, as it's the only server marked spanish, and it's not obvious to newbies that this has nothing to do with their normal (PvE) gaming experience.

Alliances will remove Server, so the BB problem will disappear.

Any Alliances-Beta-Match was more balanced than the usual EU T1 (imbalance due to overstacking) and T5 (imbalance as we have only 12 minor- for 15 major-server).

Edited by Dayra.7405
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Players complaining to something that is intended in game. :P

Expect massive organized alliance vs randoms RNG aliances of no guild players and small guilds to keep the same Ktrain lvl ;), or big alliances vs empty alliances... sooon.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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9 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

You'd think so but then again Gandara.


Yeah, yeah and incompetent engis whining about thieves' stealth. The world is full of mysteries.

Besides what about it? We are nowhere near the population of BB (at best we're 30% smaller) and very likely also below the population of a few other servers. And even if you wanted to say Gandarans are generally incompetent, the last time we had a link we were comfortably in T1 (with FR), we didn't duck anyone and, when they finally arrived, we stayed ahead of the stackatron GH+WSR both in score and in kdr most of the week (the the difference in numbers that was already there at the weekend, became insurmountable during the week. We had hardly any queue at the weekend also). Anyone else that relink got farmed by them. 

Wait, it just occurred to me, it logically follows that unless you're one of the good frenchies, you're either a bandwagoner or play on a worse server than Gandara!

And btw, I'd be happy to bet the last server to beat BB while not linked was Gandara. However the problem of the current system is that the other servers also don't play when unlinked and it's almost impossible to win a match that is not WvWvW but WvW (1v1) against someone outnumbering you that much. You need at least the 3rd server to play ball.

Edited by Karagee.6830
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16 minutes ago, Aeolus.3615 said:

Players complaining to something that is intended in game. 😛

Expect massive organized alliance vs randoms RNG aliances of no guild players and small guilds to keep the same Ktrain lvl ;), or big alliances vs empty alliances... sooon.

What's intented? Servers of higly farmable stock allowed to grow with no criteria? Since they are the only exception in the entire game, I beg to differ.

Give them a link, at least they will learn from the linked server.

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What BB problem? https://ibb.co/RcXGHw2

Surely working as intended?

I mean you don't want a fair matchup do you?

I mean BB having squads that can take your bay, hills and garri on home / EB at the same time while you try and defend with less than 10 people is not an issue right? (each squad with 30+)

Edited by muerte.3842
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2 hours ago, Svarty.8019 said:

Everyone except Gandara. They are exploiters of the system and deserve no link.

yeah the exploiters who got no link 8 months out of 12? Sounds legit mate...

you wanna spot when Gandara tanks (and it's happened for a few weeks in the last 2 years when people got fed up of not having a link, nobody has ever been quiet about it)? It's very easy: watch as the number of  'Full' servers magically goes from 2-3 to 8...

Edited by Karagee.6830
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2 hours ago, muerte.3842 said:

What BB problem? https://ibb.co/RcXGHw2

Surely working as intended?

I mean you don't want a fair matchup do you?

I mean BB having squads that can take your bay, hills and garri on home / EB at the same time while you try and defend with less than 10 people is not an issue right? (each squad with 30+)

but that map's not even that bad: they will get enemy garrisons to T2 and T3 because they have so many people that have nothing to do and so they defend those! 🙂 I mean, I've seen the map on weekdays around this time or later...

And next week they will be farmed by equal or superior number teams and will be last again. Nothing new, but something needs to be done.

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Funny how bitter you sound that you resort to make a generalization and call all Baruch players bad while also making an underhanded flex about you killing them while outnumbered, very petty and immature. Baruch has some extremely competent players.


Funny that at the times I play (noon and early afternoon) we (Baruch) are the ones always extremely outnumbered and I (a solo roamer) have 99,99% of my deaths while outnumbered and ganked 3 to 1 at a bare minimum.


Our perspectives seem to be diametrically opposed huh? Baruch just has a few more people at night but it's completely barren and outnumbered at the times I play. It's a server with different time peaks, it doesn't make it any better or worse than any other server, just different.

Edited by Khenzy.9348
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