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Season 1 made me uninstall


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I tend to be extremely long winded, but I just dont feel like it this time so I'll be brief.  If people misunderstand me because I didn't explain it in as much depths as I usually would, oh well, I'm lraving anyway.  I just wanted to give my feedback.  I will probably, hopefully, return soon enough.  But I just want the devs to know how atrocious the achievements of the breachmaker/scarlet instances are.  How nightmarish the tower of nightmares is.  And how moronic it is to be making these instances in such a way that they will be dead and devoid of players soon, making progressing the main story impossible.  Tried to help a family member do tower of nightmares today and ONE person showed up.  I've been trying for the last few weeks to do marionette again, even one time.


I've been playing for a few months shy of  8 years now, over 5,000 hours.  I've never taken a break, I've never uninstalled, I've spent thousands of dollars here.  Not trying to brag, but I'm trying to contextualize how bad these achievements are that they've driven me to uninstall the game, I am a complete and utter fanboy.  I love everything about the lore and I love this game, I'd usually defend it until the day I die or try to rationalize anything that isn't right, but there's no excuse here.  The content was gone for 9 years and you wasted all of March-December of this year re-adding it back, why did you not take 5 mintues to fix a couple of godawful achievements?  Even now it's not too late, put out a patch making the ridiculously comically kitten requirements less stringent.  Fight against the philosophy of the atrocious season 2 achievement design, don't let that bleed backwards into season 1 and moreover, block completion of the main story in the requiring of tower of nightmares and battle for lion's arch.


I've overstayed my welcome.  I wanted to be brief, this is already too long.  I'm at my wit's end, I can't take this anymore, the design of certain achievements and chunks of content is just inexcusably, unimaginably, awful.  It has actually led me to leave, I don't know when or if I'll be back.  So many hours and so much money wasted, I feel like so much of my life is just empty now.  It was everything I could do to uninstall instead of deleting every character.  I'm at a mental breaking point in so many ways and I just want to die now.

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I get disagreeing with design decisions, but whew.

This is really, really overbearingly dramatic. There is no way that this content is THAT bad to warrant this sort of thing.

A single piece of content should not drive you to this extreme, it's not healthy.

Please take a break from the game, experience other games , experience life, work on whatever else you have going on, and then come back in like a year or so when you are in a better mental state, and you'll enjoy the game again. 

Benefit of this game's design, you can leave and come back right where you left off fairly easily.

Edited by JayMadIV.8721
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2 hours ago, JayMadIV.8721 said:

I get disagreeing with design decisions, but whew.

This is really, really overbearingly dramatic. There is no way that this content is THAT bad to warrant this sort of thing.

A single piece of content should not drive you to this extreme, it's not healthy.

Please take a break from the game, experience other games , experience life, work on whatever else you have going on, and then come back in like a year or so when you are in a better mental state, and you'll enjoy the game again. 

Benefit of this game's design, you can leave and come back right where you left off fairly easily.

Thanks, I’m well aware I’m not healthy rn but it’s an ongoing work that I don’t really know how to address. I won’t deny I’m struggling with me entire life rn, but I also want to be clear that I adamantly believe a single piece of content can ABSOLUTELY be this bad.  People get frustrated by games and just give up and quit or worse, get hateful and rage constantly.  I wouldn’t be surprised if others have quietly left over this or the season 2 achievements that are similarly horrific.  

The other thing is I DID take a break, I haven’t played in about a week I took a nice single player game and took it all the way through the main story before I came back here. Within an hour I was so close to deleting my characters that I decided to uninstall before I did something permanent.  The design of this content, which actually I named more than just a ‘single piece’, is infuriating in almost every conceivable way.  I don’t have the energy to go in depth without getting a bit hateful so I will refrain.  I freely admit that I was threatening people in the in game chat, I really do not use a good handle on my anger lately.  In my meager defense, the one achievement I tried today was stopped by morons who can’t read a chat box and follow a simple instruction.  I don’t want to be excused for acting horribly, but I want it to be made clear that adding an achievement where other people can screw you over by literally standing in the wrong range for one second is unbelievably imbecilic, who made this content?

Edited by Fenom.9457
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4 hours ago, JayMadIV.8721 said:

I get disagreeing with design decisions, but whew.

This is really, really overbearingly dramatic. There is no way that this content is THAT bad to warrant this sort of thing.

A single piece of content should not drive you to this extreme, it's not healthy.

Please take a break from the game, experience other games , experience life, work on whatever else you have going on, and then come back in like a year or so when you are in a better mental state, and you'll enjoy the game again. 

Benefit of this game's design, you can leave and come back right where you left off fairly easily.

Unfortunately it's not just the LS1 content that has this problem as it persists throughout the game.  Creating throwaway content isn't normally an issue until things get tied to it which require many players.  This means that the benefit you claim the game has of "being able to leave and come back later to pick up where you left off fairly easily" does not apply to everything including what the OP brought up. 

For example, currently the achievement to defeat the three bosses in Battle for Lion's Arch in under six minutes is bugged for players that completed the first variation of it years ago.  That instance is seeing less and less players, and by the time Wintersday comes, there will not be enough players to succeed in that achievement going forward unless you have a streamer pull in their audience to do it.  Even then, you still have the RNG of hoping you have players that can pull it off and don't cause it to fail by doing something like tunneling and kill one boss before the others are ready.

GW2 has been where you rush the stuff tied to group content first and then do the rest at your own pace.  That's what I have learned during the past 10 years.

Edited by mythical.6315
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I guess it is a reward problem. Playing the final chapter now - on different chars. The Battle for Lion's Arch still has people doing it. Though there are some potions I think ... that players can grind the heirlooms (takes a while since you get them only slowly) for if they have not gotten it back then at the original release.

Marionette at least is optional for the story (story has it's own instance that you can solo) ... would be similar to the triple trouble: Having to check for good times to go onlin when you need the achievements.

I guess in the tower and the Battle for LA they might need to add better rewards for the long term. Otherwise people that did all the achievements ... won't do it again cause there is no value in it. Rare infusion or something like that ... maybe.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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GW2 had no LW S1 for more than 8 years. And it was fine with you. And now it has been added you feel like uninstalling?


You still have what you had and liked. Skip the content and achievements that don't suit you. I'm achievement hunter myself and I keep the joy and progression in them by not focusing on achievements that are too difficult, buggy or too frustrating. Give it a try or two or three, and if you still don't have it: Move on. Don't waste energy on them.


And perhaps in a few years, achievements may be fixed, power creep may have made things easier and/or a return to ... event made player abandoned content hot again.

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Wow this all seems very extreme. I myself avoided all achievements until battle for lions arch came out. I went back and completed achievements to get the mastery and get the lion’s pride key. In no way during any of this it seemed to be that terrible. Completed every mastery achievement in about a couple days. Achievements are by no means required, but if you are quitting over not getting Lion’s Pride then that seems a little much. Also please realize, all this content is in the past so achievements made back then don’t reflect what current and future achievements will be designed.

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9 hours ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

GW2 had no LW S1 for more than 8 years. And it was fine with you. And now it has been added you feel like uninstalling?


You still have what you had and liked. Skip the content and achievements that don't suit you. I'm achievement hunter myself and I keep the joy and progression in them by not focusing on achievements that are too difficult, buggy or too frustrating. Give it a try or two or three, and if you still don't have it: Move on. Don't waste energy on them.


And perhaps in a few years, achievements may be fixed, power creep may have made things easier and/or a return to ... event made player abandoned content hot again.

For years there was no green star nagging that I should go and complete LS1 story. I like my story quests just as they used to be for years - soloable. Achievements alone are much easier to ignore.

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7 hours ago, Dark Red Killian.3946 said:

Wow this all seems very extreme. I myself avoided all achievements until battle for lions arch came out. I went back and completed achievements to get the mastery and get the lion’s pride key. In no way during any of this it seemed to be that terrible. Completed every mastery achievement in about a couple days. Achievements are by no means required, but if you are quitting over not getting Lion’s Pride then that seems a little much. Also please realize, all this content is in the past so achievements made back then don’t reflect what current and future achievements will be designed.

    I did LS1 with my main, then redid the episodes when they were connected with seeing old Lion's Arch. Tower of Nightmares was still being done successfully AND was able to get in a 6 minute fight with the knights in the public map just the other night. It sounds to me like you have other issues and are venting it into a game.


My main in old Lion's Arch

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On 11/23/2022 at 5:59 AM, Luthan.5236 said:

I guess in the tower and the Battle for LA they might need to add better rewards for the long term. Otherwise people that did all the achievements ... won't do it again cause there is no value in it. Rare infusion or something like that ... maybe.

the asc. recipes was selled by a nice gold(5g+), but i guess their prices dropped, along the toxic spores prices(was 20s, now is 5s).

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On 11/22/2022 at 11:38 PM, Warscythes.9307 said:

Just go to hardstuck and help organize a cheevo run or something. You are this upset over some AP? I think you got more important thing to worry about than anything else. Fix your real life problem first because I doubt this is the only thing that you are being upset about. You are probably just upset about literally anything that's slightly inconvenient and that's a problem in general.

Thanks for projecting a bunch of stuff onto me and telling me how my life and attitude is, I forgot you knew me personally. 

as for your other advice it’s not bad, although I’m not an expert in hardstuck. I didn’t think just anyone could organize a run whenever the wanted - but it’s also a matter of principle.  Does it not say anything to you about the atrocious design of these achievements that your best advice for getting them is to seek a third party tool/community built around taking on the hardest content in game and bringing an entire group to a piece of content that’s meant to be solo friendly as a story instance?

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On 11/22/2022 at 11:39 PM, anninke.7469 said:

I guess I pretty much agree with you, OP. I don't even care about achievements but having been stuck at the Tower for weeks not able to complete the main story I'm quite bitter about the whole LS1 thing.

this is my dad right now. We used to play together but he can’t finish the main story now and has been stuck on the tower for weeks

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On 11/23/2022 at 5:31 PM, Dark Red Killian.3946 said:

Wow this all seems very extreme. I myself avoided all achievements until battle for lions arch came out. I went back and completed achievements to get the mastery and get the lion’s pride key. In no way during any of this it seemed to be that terrible. Completed every mastery achievement in about a couple days. Achievements are by no means required, but if you are quitting over not getting Lion’s Pride then that seems a little much. Also please realize, all this content is in the past so achievements made back then don’t reflect what current and future achievements will be designed.

first of all I agree that most of them are fine. It’s specific pieces of content that I have issue with.  This is not about lions pride at all - I’m not really that concerned with getting the time and I’m pretty sure these achievements don’t even count towards it.  I just wanted to be an achievement Hunter and I also have a very strong completionist urge so I have to finish it all (or at least 90% of every category, I’ve worked on my mental issues with completionism to where I’m ok not getting ALL all of them)


I know it’s from the past and I’m glad anet ha improved so much - I’ll be back someday probably sooner than later and I can’t wait for the truly new content new maps and all that! But the fact that this is old makes it worse to me. Because the fix for the issues I’ve come across is super simple, it’s not complex at all.  And yet in almost a decade, and releasing it TWICE, they somehow thought this was passable instead of making it a better experience.  New players will come across this before the much better stuff.  Do you really think all of them will be fine with it?

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On 11/23/2022 at 1:56 PM, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

GW2 had no LW S1 for more than 8 years. And it was fine with you. And now it has been added you feel like uninstalling?


You still have what you had and liked. Skip the content and achievements that don't suit you. I'm achievement hunter myself and I keep the joy and progression in them by not focusing on achievements that are too difficult, buggy or too frustrating. Give it a try or two or three, and if you still don't have it: Move on. Don't waste energy on them.


And perhaps in a few years, achievements may be fixed, power creep may have made things easier and/or a return to ... event made player abandoned content hot again.

I never said it was fine with me that a giant chunk of story was missing for 8 years.  But that’s a can of worms I don’t want to open now, a whole other topic for some other time. 

I do have what I used to like, even if I’ve played it all many times and season 1 was fresh content for me.  But okay, let me just ignore the new drop anet wants us to focus on and rerun old stuff exclusively, it’s not like I can simply leave and do other things with my time.  The other problem with your philosophy: I CANT give it a few tries, the kitten instance can only be entered again if you redo the entire story. I restarted the episode but there’s no purple star ‘replay for achievements’ option for this instance, even after competing the entire LA battle.  I can’t think of anything I’m missing except to get the story to that stage again to make the instance appear.  I’d love to try it again but anet doesn’t even have the foresight to allow for that.  

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On 11/22/2022 at 6:37 PM, Fenom.9457 said:

I tend to be extremely long winded, but I just dont feel like it this time so I'll be brief.  If people misunderstand me because I didn't explain it in as much depths as I usually would, oh well, I'm lraving anyway.  I just wanted to give my feedback.  I will probably, hopefully, return soon enough.  But I just want the devs to know how atrocious the achievements of the breachmaker/scarlet instances are.  How nightmarish the tower of nightmares is.

If achievements from 2013 and less than a third of the devs' hobbled attempt to return 2013 content, when the devs at large were still learning what's good gameplay content for GW2 players, makes you leave... I only have one thing to say:


Can I have your stuff?




On 11/22/2022 at 6:37 PM, Fenom.9457 said:

And how moronic it is to be making these instances in such a way that they will be dead and devoid of players soon, making progressing the main story impossible.  Tried to help a family member do tower of nightmares today and ONE person showed up.  I've been trying for the last few weeks to do marionette again, even one time.

I actually have never had issues with players if you go to Marionette after reset (on NA - and EU has Hardstruck doing it regularly), and ToN/BfLA in the run immediately before and after reset.

12 hours ago, Fenom.9457 said:

I CANT give it a few tries, the kitten instance can only be entered again if you redo the entire story. I restarted the episode but there’s no purple star ‘replay for achievements’ option for this instance, even after competing the entire LA battle.

There's been a purple star for every instance which has an achievement from my experience. For all five episodes.

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15 hours ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

the asc. recipes was selled by a nice gold(5g+), but i guess their prices dropped, along the toxic spores prices(was 20s, now is 5s).

The toxic spores stuff had a higher price cause it was needed for some stuff (not too much though -otherwise the price would have even been much higher) while only being available from the rare events nobody cared about. (Killing offshoot in the map - which we had all the tim during the last years.) Now with the tower everythign is just farmed. Same with the sprockets I think. Have not checked it but you have the node in home instance - where I usually sold and I think I am getting less cause the later chapters give additional sources for these from drops.

This was to be expected. Can be sad - for people that preferred this as additional source of income. And it can be nice ... for people that prefer to buy such stuff (now being able to get it cheaper).

I think another currency would be fun. Something in between strikes and open world stuff. Added to the 4 things they advertise in EotN. Though the IBS related stuff has the defense seals and stuff. (And the Dragonstorm has the infusion as well.) Add some watchwork infusion to Battle of LA. Some toxic effect thingy infusion to the tower. And maybe give the Tyrian defense seals as well. Technically ... this also is defending Tyria (though mostly Kryta here). At least gives some value for the vendor it can be used for.

Or turn Countess Anise in some Shining Blade vendor and add a currency to buy stuff from her. 😄

Edited by Luthan.5236
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9 hours ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

If achievements from 2013 and less than a third of the devs' hobbled attempt to return 2013 content, when the devs at large were still learning what's good gameplay content for GW2 players, makes you leave... I only have one thing to say:


Can I have your stuff?




I actually have never had issues with players if you go to Marionette after reset (on NA - and EU has Hardstruck doing it regularly), and ToN/BfLA in the run immediately before and after reset.

There's been a purple star for every instance which has an achievement from my experience. For all five episodes.


lol I’m surprised it took so long for someone to ask for my stuff.  I don’t intend to be gone forever I’ve just never been so angry with this game as to uninstall it.  

I guess when I return I’ll keep trying the marionette, but it still sucks that at BEST you get to try it once or twice a day - I have tried before at reset and it hasn’t gotten enough people.  Clearly there needs to be a slight bump in rewards, it’s already pretty good and yet people ignore it. 

where is the purple star for the breachmaker then? I searched everywhere and tried everything short of replaying the entire episode.  Every other instance always has the star, yes, but I think this one is bugged or designed to badly you have to replay to get in there - cause I cannot find it anywhere 

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16 hours ago, Fenom.9457 said:

where is the purple star for the breachmaker then? I searched everywhere and tried everything short of replaying the entire episode.  Every other instance always has the star, yes, but I think this one is bugged or designed to badly you have to replay to get in there - cause I cannot find it anywhere 

I have updated the post in the other thread where I talked to you about this. (Made another reply and the later an edit that you might not have seen.)


Edited by Luthan.5236
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If you enjoyed the game up to this point and it's just the difficulty of this achievement you dislike so much .. why not just ignore that achievement and keep enjoying the rest of the game as you have before? The game has so much content, you can pick and choose which parts you want to play and which you don't.

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