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World Linking 11/25/2022

Cal Cohen.2358

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We will repeat ourselves again but it is time to delete some French national servers.
Vizunah, Jade Sea, Fort Ranik, Arborstone. They are all dead servers.
These servers become a handicap as they are useless in World Vs World.
Or link them together. While waiting for your World Restructuration, do something useful.

And by the way remove the Tier 5. But do something omg.

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The systems outdated: Mass transfers, outmanned unlinked full servers, language issues.

Can we just delete the links, put the players there on current main server and give them 1000 gems? Tier 4 and 5 won't be dead, not with 1-up-1-down, transfer costs and queues all supporting movement there

I know alliances are coming but current system is just a circus

Edited by Riba.3271
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I thought of calling the attention of anet if in the meantime it is not the case to think of some small correction. we got used to so little that if you are part of this community of players you can know well any correction / change that puts the balance in the foreground would be like a big party.

they could tell us, since with alliances we will have transfers that work differently we thought of starting to limit them to a maximum of 5% of the population of the world from which they come, starting from next week so you begin to get used to it.

but why shouldn't they do it?

or they could tell us, in anticipation of alliances, we thought of joining some servers in the EU so as to eliminate t5 to check how the queues work.

but why shouldn't they do it?

and so on, small things, do not involve work or new programs to be built, they are just numbers parameters that change. at the same time they are small new things that you give to your players, we begin to accustom him to the things that need to change, small novelties that keep the player's interest, so that the player sees the work of anet in that direction, you can see and feel that the development is really on the piece. you see in fact a mode that prepares for a change. so we feed the curiosity in the player and remove the possibility that he will move away from the game.


copy and paste, I posted it just 3 or 4 days before reconnecting. it would be better not to wait for the day after the reconnections to ask for 3 or 4 small changes to get a little more fun for everyone. and it would be better to ask for the same things in so many players, maybe in this way you get something . or perhaps you have new information that alliance is just around the corner? and not behind the cornerstone😎


copy and paste again, posted in the September relink. Please can we follow the work of the alliance in the coming long months or years, with a little more fun for everyone? Can we all ask it together with Anet in order perhaps to get something for all of us, with little commitment of Anet?

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Please guys if you agree too, if you also feel the need to get something for our mode waiting for alliances, copy and paste dozens or hundreds of times this , in this section of the forum, maybe we can get at least an answer from the development, if we really are condemned only to wait for alliances ,   without doing anything else in the meantime.

My last thought is to put our friends of Anet in difficulty, but I would very much like to arrive at an answer / confrontation in the most constructive and friendly way possible.

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7 hours ago, Vulkan.1375 said:

Vizunah, Jade Sea, Fort Ranik, Arborstone. They are all dead servers.

strange, last time we, on Gandara, hat Fort Ranik as a link,  I distinctly remember us going straight to T1. Quite a lot of strength for a dead server.
Now, maybe some of them could be combined into one bigger server, but that would make things even worse, wouldn't it? Suddenly you would have a new server, that's bigger, but where do you put it? So it either becomes a main, and needs a link or it is still small enough to be a linked server. And suddenly you are left with yet another "big" server without a link, while creating another server combination with even bigger numbers than before.

One more linkless server, which, thanks to the current balancing, which favors number over skill, gets pushed down to T5.

Or you might even do it to all medium servers. Now there's room for a sixth tier. However I highly suspect that this tier will consist mainly of dead communities, because people will likely still transfer away from the lower-performing servers. There are already enough servers around, where public tags are in high demand, not enough of them being around. Suddenly you have a whole new tier, also hungering for guilds and public tags. I don't think that's sustainable, without additional invest from Anet side.

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14 hours ago, evlover.6270 said:

Baruch Bay camping t4-5 and Gandara camping t5: no link

Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure Baruch Bay NEVER had a link... EVER...

German and French servers got away without their language based links, but god forbid the Spanish server gets one...

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1 hour ago, Riba.3271 said:

The systems outdated: Mass transfers, outmanned unlinked full servers, language issues.

Can we just delete the links, put the players there on current main server and give them 1000 gems? Tier 4 and 5 won't be dead, not with 1-up-1-down, transfer costs and queues all supporting movement there

I know alliances are coming but current system is just a circus

I am curious as to your reasoning to why tier 4 and 5 wont be dead. 

Merging the links change absolutely nothing in any tier.

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1 hour ago, Riba.3271 said:

Can we just delete the links, put the players there on current main server and give them 1000 gems? Tier 4 and 5 won't be dead, not with 1-up-1-down, transfer costs and queues all supporting movement there

Yeah, good luck, Anet just gifting people 1000 gems. That's what, like 12€?

The idea isn't wrong though: Generating a real incentive to transfer away from higher activity would help somewhat. Creating incentive for the losing party would help keep up activity. Creating incentive for people to tag up would help - we don't necessarily need pro tags with voice all around, but often some people generating activity would already go a long way.

Rewards in WvW have improved a little with the new reward tracks, but have you checked what a reward track will generate in terms of gold? A whole track goes around something like 17 gold, best case. There will be some additional rewards from pip chests and kills / synths - but compare that to raid rewards or even open world PvE rewards. Rewards won't solve our problems, but it would help in generating more activity, especially when they are placed where there is a lack of activity.

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16 hours ago, manda.7981 said:

SoR+DB has been in dead last place for almost 8 weeks straight. How does it make sense to keep them linked for two more months? You're literally forcing us to be perma t4 for another 2 months because both of our servers have awful PPT. 2 more months of fighting the same 3 servers for 2 months straight

I have to say, I am glad I'm not on your server with your substandard commanders! 😁

Thank you Anet, we have a great match up! 

Edited by DtenCfour.3567
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5 hours ago, Jeknar.6184 said:

Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure Baruch Bay NEVER had a link... EVER...

German and French servers got away without their language based links, but god forbid the Spanish server gets one...

I know, that's why I mentioned them. They are only going to t4 sometimes because of their night coverage but they have no day coverage so they deserve to get a link that's active during the day but has like bottom tier night coverage cause BB will make up for it.

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16 hours ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

Ok.  Got it.  But you talk about ‘stale matchups’.  What is the difference in a T-4/5 stale matchup and a t1 stale matchup when the teams are…. The same?  You haven’t answered that.  

Hate consistently being in T-5 unlinked, then maybe transfer to one of the servers that is a link server.  Those servers bounce between hosts frequently.  But then we hear ‘server pride’.  (I’ve been on the same server now for 7 years…). There are options.  

I mean, you can complain, and likely I would also, but you DO have some control.  Or ride it out for the next two years until world restructuring which will do it for you.  That is your current choices.




And don’t misunderstand me:  I am NOT saying transferring is a great option.  But it is AN option.  Hope you find what works for you.

The difference in a t1 or a t5 matchup is that there are barely any fights cause there are simply no people on the unlinked servers aside from prime weekend hours and even then it still depends from time to time. All we can do against whatever linked server that drops from t4 to t5, is defend t3 towers with ACs/cannons firing on lord room cause we have to defend with half the people the linked server is running with. We can troll a bit and group up and try to outlast a 30v50 zerg for a bit but eventually it's a lost fight if they start running a 2nd zerg on a side border with the people that can't join their main zerg. Plus the fights on t5 are just nothing compared to t1/t2 aside from the occasional exceptions, whether you're on the winning or losing side of them. I don't really care tbh when playing on my Underworld smurf but the fights are just better because of the total numbers on all 3 sides. Stale matchups aren't necessarily a bad thing if the fights are good.

That's why they need to get rid of the unlinked servers until alliances goes live. Being bottom 4th tier on 2/3-way links is way less annoying than being bottom 5th tier with 2/no link because with 2/3 way links the minimum amount of people is higher than with unlinked servers and there's not a clear winner of that 4th tier.

With the current system and 3 unlinked servers, Baruch Bay is always the one to go to 4 tier because of its night coverage compared to the two other unlinked servers, but they always demote straight to tier 5 since even they can't compete against linked servers. And in the weeks that they are in t4, we get a server in t5 that has a link of which you already know you can't compete cause you simply don't have the people to do so. 

Pretty much looks like this: in the weeks BB is in t5, there are no decent day fights cause they don't have day coverage, and the other unlinked server is usually even worse than Gandara so there are no fights there either, and at night you get stomped by BB. The other week both unlinked servers get stomped during the day by whichever linked server drops down, and we can karma train a bit between midnight-4am, that's it. 

Yes, transferring is an option, but the one thing Gandara has going for it, is the community and lack of toxicity (in general). Transferring could be an option if they would stop locking Gandara as being full all the time so we could come back afterwards but that doesn't happen for whatever reason.

But transferring itself doesn't take away the problem of whichever other unlinked servers though. With that logic everyone should abandon the 3 unlinked servers every 2 months. They would get a link next time since they have barely any people and 3 other good servers would end up without a link. Let's say Deso, Gunnars and Underworld for example, which would suffer the same fate: being stomped by the linked t4 servers so then those 3 would need to be abandoned as well? It's no solution to the real problem: the difference in coverage between any unlinked server and any other two linked servers is just too far apart while with 2/3 way links there's more room to play with and higher base coverage.

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16 hours ago, Nomad.4301 said:

Oh boy SoS and HoD, 2 servers with virtually 0 NA population, time to find a new game to play for the next two months because my timezone is going to be completely dead ZzZz..

On the bright side we didn't have to worry about any queues last night for reset! EBG had a queue of 12, but it probably only takes 5 minutes to get through that.  Was fun going up against BG's 80+ blob with our 12-person group!! 😆

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11 hours ago, nthmetal.9652 said:

Yeah, good luck, Anet just gifting people 1000 gems. That's what, like 12€?

The idea isn't wrong though: Generating a real incentive to transfer away from higher activity would help somewhat. Creating incentive for the losing party would help keep up activity. Creating incentive for people to tag up would help - we don't necessarily need pro tags with voice all around, but often some people generating activity would already go a long way.

Rewards in WvW have improved a little with the new reward tracks, but have you checked what a reward track will generate in terms of gold? A whole track goes around something like 17 gold, best case. There will be some additional rewards from pip chests and kills / synths - but compare that to raid rewards or even open world PvE rewards. Rewards won't solve our problems, but it would help in generating more activity, especially when they are placed where there is a lack of activity.

Games should be designed around fairness, creativity and fun. Rewards are only useful within the game. By increasing rewards you're trying to make people come from popular gamemode to unpopular one, rather than making the gamemode better. People who prefer PvE, will still prefer PvE. The gamemodes are so vastly different that asking people to have preferance of both is too much. The gamemode needs to be outstanding, fun and fair from other games point of view, not only when compared to other things within same game.


Anyways if servers had a staple tier with staple teammates, they would know what timezones are fun and wouldn't be outnumbered all the time. Obviously they would need to adjust some unfun gamedesign that has seeped into the gamemode past years as well.

Edited by Riba.3271
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11 hours ago, DtenCfour.3567 said:

I have to say, I am glad I'm not on your server with your substandard commanders! 😁

Thank you Anet, we have a great match up! 

Take a dig at SoR , those commanders put their work in, and here you are just being a troll for no reason than to be salty, so they are doing something right. A true commander plays regardless of adversity or matchups.      


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