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There's Someone In Game Being Very Vile

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12 hours ago, sorudo.9054 said:

if they can't get rid of him with game bans, the devs should just IP ban him.

IP bans are terrible idea though. Most IP addresses are dynamic and eventually change, so ban gets lifted and some random guy might get banned when that happens. And IP bans are ineffective in general because they can be circumvented with VPN's.

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55 minutes ago, DexterousGecko.6328 said:


racist assholes exist because people that hate racist assholes and don't want to deal with them exist? What?

It has been my general experience that all the people shouting racial slurs in online chat rooms are doing it for attention, and not to advance any sort of cause.  The real racists say other things.  Society's swear words keep changing, and there's a large subset of people who will shout obscenities into the sky just because they were told not to.

This is a lot of words to say don't be troll bait.  

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1 hour ago, Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:

It has been my general experience that all the people shouting racial slurs in online chat rooms are doing it for attention, and not to advance any sort of cause.  The real racists say other things.  Society's swear words keep changing, and there's a large subset of people who will shout obscenities into the sky just because they were told not to.

This is a lot of words to say don't be troll bait.  

This is a point that somehow still doesn't get driven home often enough.

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I think actually the solution here isn't to ban the player ... but Anet to globally mute them (if that's possible). that way they can spam all they like, no one will see it and they wouldn't even know people couldn't see it. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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21 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hi all, thank you for the heads up. I've been talking with our Customer Support team and they are aware thanks in part to your in-game reports--thank you for helping us out on that front. Please keep reporting and blocking as you come across it. 


Thanks for the heads up. Such things have no place in a game or social space. Thank you!

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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28 minutes ago, Hashberry.4510 said:

These words have no power over you.

Words have power.

Words have started families, beget new life, raised up the downtrodden, and overthrown countries.

Words have also gotten people killed. All it takes is one person thinking "Well, I was told all <insert minority here> do <insert criminal thing>. So if I kill someone of <insert minority here>, I'm just killing a criminal who got away with it. So I'm the good guy!"


Story time:

I lived my teenage years in a very conservative part of Florida in the early 2000's, where my neighbors were convinced any minority they hated (Be they black, latino, LGBTQ+, etc) were all just unconvicted criminals.

There was a street all the kids avoided, because their parents kept telling them "There's that gay guy on that street. And you know how they can't help themselves around children." Everyone was convinced that being gay automatically made one into a child stalker. They 100% thought it was a scientifically proven fact.

And those words, passed around in an echo chamber like that, is what causes assaults and murders. Fake 'facts' like that turn into "I heard he attempted to trick Little Billy into his house!", which confirms their bias, so they don't fact-check. And that then turns into "If the cops won't do anything about him; I will."


I actually attempted to become friends with him, and he was terrified that, if anyone saw him talking to me, they would assume he was attempting to...ah...put the moves on me, to stay PG for the forum.

Dude seemed desperately lonely. None of the adults would talk to a 'weirdo' and 'deviant' like him, and he was terrified to leave his home because he did not want anyone to accuse him of 'looking at my child funny'.


So please don't tell me words don't have power.

Because history itself proves you wrong.

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1 hour ago, Obtena.7952 said:

I think actually the solution here isn't to ban the player ... but Anet to globally mute them (if that's possible). that way they can spam all they like, no one will see it and they wouldn't even know people couldn't see it. 

Um, yes please. This is such a simple solution too, concept wise. I love the idea of them shouting into the void having no idea they've  been "handled."

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1 hour ago, Obtena.7952 said:

I think actually the solution here isn't to ban the player ... but Anet to globally mute them (if that's possible). that way they can spam all they like, no one will see it and they wouldn't even know people couldn't see it. 

Good idea. Letting them scream into the void would be hilarious, and it would leave them occupied instead of making a new account the second they were punished.

I like it.

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Dont know what customer support can do, but they should pull the chatlogs and report this person inclusive his ip to the police.

This guy posts in chat to kill people because of their skin color…

banning or rejecting such persons can be dangerous as you never know what triggers then.

so before doing nothing and just watch in the news the next kitten shooting to appear while they find firearms in his home  and guildwars 2 on his computer after its better to act proactively. He threatens to murder others what is already a committed crime actually.

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11 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

I think actually the solution here isn't to ban the player ... but Anet to globally mute them

Shadowbans are definitely way more effective than bans, especially in a place where you can create unlimited free accounts BUT it won't be long until they notice and make yet another free account.

the real solution is just to ignore them. As long as there are snowflakes making threads about these "people" or whining in-game, they will just keep doing it.

54 minutes ago, Lysico.4906 said:

How anet can’t ban his ip

nobody uses static IPs anymore. They'll have to range-ban and that would leave a lot of people without access.

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44 minutes ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

Shadowbans are definitely way more effective than bans, especially in a place where you can create unlimited free accounts BUT it won't be long until they notice and make yet another free account.

the real solution is just to ignore them. As long as there are snowflakes making threads about these "people" or whining in-game, they will just keep doing it.

nobody uses static IPs anymore. They'll have to range-ban and that would leave a lot of people without access.

Just going to say; People who get offended by words meant to offend are not 'snowflakes'.

That term is meant to victim-blame.

IE: "I'm not at fault for saying <racist slur>! You're a snowflake for being offended!" or 'Snowflakes need safe space with no mean words!"


The term 'snowflake' was created explicitly to shift the blame away from the person saying vile things.

People who believe freedom of speech = freedom from consequences.

People who believe they should never be punished for their actions.


But as the saying goes 'You are free to swing your arms. But that freedom ends when you hit me.'

Or, to put it in another light: A person is free to say anything. Like, say, "FIRE!" in a crowded theater. But if the consequences of his speech are that someone was hurt, physically or otherwise; The shouter is at fault for the consequences of their speech.


The same applies to MMOs:

A person can start saying whatever they want. But the people who report them are not 'snowflakes'.

Sure; people should not engage the screamer. But to call them 'snowflake' is to blame them for being offended by words that are, again, meant to offend.


The word really needs to leave the lexicon. It was created as a wary cry by people, like the one reported, to say "I'm not wrong for saying <racist slur>. You're choosing to be offended! Just don't be offended and there will be no problem!"

When the real answer is "Just don't say vile things, and you won't be reported/silenced/banned."

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1 hour ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

...As long as there are snowflakes making threads about these "people" or whining in-game, they will just keep doing it...


1 hour ago, Akisohida.8963 said:

Just going to say; People who get offended by words meant to offend are not 'snowflakes'.

That term is meant to victim-blame.

IE: "I'm not at fault for saying <racist slur>! You're a snowflake for being offended!" or 'Snowflakes need safe space with no mean words!"


The term 'snowflake' was created explicitly to shift the blame away from the person saying vile things.

People who believe freedom of speech = freedom from consequences.

People who believe they should never be punished for their actions.


But as the saying goes 'You are free to swing your arms. But that freedom ends when you hit me.'

Or, to put it in another light: A person is free to say anything. Like, say, "FIRE!" in a crowded theater. But if the consequences of his speech are that someone was hurt, physically or otherwise; The shouter is at fault for the consequences of their speech.


The same applies to MMOs:

A person can start saying whatever they want. But the people who report them are not 'snowflakes'.

Sure; people should not engage the screamer. But to call them 'snowflake' is to blame them for being offended by words that are, again, meant to offend.


The word really needs to leave the lexicon. It was created as a wary cry by people, like the one reported, to say "I'm not wrong for saying <racist slur>. You're choosing to be offended! Just don't be offended and there will be no problem!"

When the real answer is "Just don't say vile things, and you won't be reported/silenced/banned."

@Akisohida.8963 answered the "snowflake" slur very well. I just wanted to add that it really makes me laugh when people use "snowflake" as an insult as they are trying to shut down other people. Yes, one snowflake is a beautiful, delicate, and very fragile thing. But have you ever been someplace when there are too many snowflakes in that place at one time? I have. I remember a winter when one of the largest cities in the U.S. was hit by a series of devastating snowstorms in a very short period of time. That city was struggling just to keep its major arteries open. The side streets were shut down until the snow melted, with cars being buried for the rest of the winter under too many "snowflakes". Things got so bad at one point, that if there had been one more snowstorm, the whole region around that city would have been shut down and the city's food supplies would have run out in days. Whew, that's what "snowflakes" can do. 🙃

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Hi everyone,
I'm locking this thread as CS is aware and Rubi has responded (quoted below).


On 12/6/2022 at 5:45 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hi all, thank you for the heads up. I've been talking with our Customer Support team and they are aware thanks in part to your in-game reports--thank you for helping us out on that front. Please keep reporting and blocking as you come across it. 


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