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Untamed and movement speed


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For a spec that was sold as a bruiser and WvW oriented, why doesn't it has a better trait selection for movement speed ?


Ferocious Symbiosis movement speed stacking is just not it. Give it a 25-33% speed boost and call it a day ?

Or make Vow of the Untamed give 25% speed boost while Unleashed ? 

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7 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

You have tones of swiftness on Core and Untamed has alot of access to Super Speed. In terms of mobility only Druid can come close. 

Untamed is the least mobile out of all ranger elite specs. Soulbeast is the most mobile by far.

Core has plenty of movement speed options, which are ofc useable for Untamed. I was missing movement speed in PvE tho, because none of those options fit very well into good builds and that together with the lack of mobility skills (unless dropping even more crucial skills/weapons) makes it awfully slow. It is not as bad in PvP/WvW, but for (solo) roaming in the latter game mode it does feel a bit too slow still, tho not because of a lack of movement speed buffs.

Edited by UmbraNoctis.1907
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37 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

They all have a preferable form of mobility:

  • Druid has Super Speed when leaving Celestial Avatar and Staff 3
  • Soulbeast has Merge skills
  • Untamed has Super Speed Utilities

I still find Untamed the fastest since it required the least investment (just 2-3 skills)

Every ranger spec has access to superspeed. Uptime on untamed specific skills is pretty bad and does not make up for losing out on actual mobility skills. The only mobility advantage untamed has over other ranger specs is unatural traversal, because it is the only port, but it's rather situational. Decent in sPvP, underwhelming everywhere else.

Edited by UmbraNoctis.1907
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37 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

They all have a preferable form of mobility:

  • Druid has Super Speed when leaving Celestial Avatar and Staff 3
  • Soulbeast has Merge skills
  • Untamed has Super Speed Utilities

I still find Untamed the fastest since it required the least investment (just 2-3 skills)

Untamed is by far the slowest on par with core ranger...well untamed is after all just a core ranger with extra fluff

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So much nonsense ...

18 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

You really are only talking about skills. Skills are just as situational as Unnatural Traversal since it requires you have them equiped and know how you use them. Super Speed is much easier to use.

But superspeed requires the use of skills too (and then you also have to use wasd in addition, which can be just as "challenging" as pressing a movement skill button i guess ...).

18 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

Untamed has the same movement skills as Core with the addition of two more Weapon skills, Hammer 5 and Sword Ambush.

Hammer is less mobile than sword and GS, so no mobility gain over core or any other ranger spec, because you can't use 3 weapons. And sword ambush moves you barely more over just holding W.

18 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

Untamed has one movement skill,

900 range, 20-40s cd, requires target

18 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

Druid also has one movement skill

1200 range, 11-20s cd (less with QD)

18 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

and Soulbeast has two.

2x 800-1200 range, 10-18s cd

18 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

All require you to equip a weapon/pet to use, while Untamed just needs utilities and no traits.

Good luck running arround without weapons and pet on untamed ...

18 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

The reality is all Ranger Elites have access to many forms of mobility. None are best [...]

Math says something different. Ingame experience too. In the same time frame you travel 900 units with untamed, you can move up to like 4000 - 6800 units (depending on whether you get the cd reset on UT) via soulbeast only mobility skills. Even if we only look at "burst" mobility and don't factor in the cd of skills used, we are looking at 2400 vs 900 range. It's not even close.

18 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

but if we are just talking about the speed at which a Ranger can travel like swiftness then Untamed does have the best.

No, because Untamed does not have more superspeed than other ranger elite specs. Aside from core sources (which btw includes traps with trapper rune) druid has additional 3s of super speed every ~ 12s and soulbeast has griffon stance for up to 16s every 30s, both far superior in terms of mobility than Forest's Fortification with it's 6/10s every 90s.

And yes, i deliberately didn't include Perilous Gift, because Spring with trapper rune is superior in terms of mobility as well as an actual healing skill, unless you are running with a pocket support that makes up for the fact that the untamed heal is pretty bad at fullfilling the main purpose of any healing skill - recovering lost health.

Edited by UmbraNoctis.1907
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12 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

Again we are talking about movement speed on specifically Untamed, I only brought up Druid becouse it also has some access to Super Speed.

The auther question was about access to swiftness but in reality Core has that and he should focus on Untamed Super Speed Utilities. 

If the question is who can get from on side of a WvW map to the other Soulbeast would win but no is asking that, just movement speed. 

Dude, just stop it. You chose to bring up a comparison with other specs, and then you made the claim that in terms of mobility only druid comes close to untamed, when in fact untamed is the slowest of the three elite specs.


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10 hours ago, Mell.4873 said:

Okay........ in a thread that is talking about movement speed (on Untamed) Soulbeast is fastest with movement skills.

Great we clarified that..... 

Mell, stop posting horse dung. Soulbeast is 100% the most mobile class. Potential of having 4 mobility skills slotted in 1 build, with the option to keep rotating between them because the cds are so short. They can have:

- sword 2

- gs 3

- merged bird f1

- merged hound f1 / merged gazelle f2


That's literally unparalelled mobility, on top of their already passive movement speed bonus in sb form. And then you can also slot griphon stance which if used right can give you max duration superapeed. Those few seconds of superspeed from untamed won't top everything soulbeast has in one package. In pvp it's usually the least mobile ranger e-spec and it literally doesn't even compare to what soulbeast can do, even if you use hammer.

Edited by Koensol.5860
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Okay I Agree so i will retract all my comments.

Soulbeast is the fastest, I should have not tried to compare them in this thread. I don't know how I got stuck trying to say Untamed is faster.

Sorry Author for derailing it so much sigh....

Edited by Mell.4873
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1 hour ago, Mell.4873 said:

Sorry Author for derailing it so much sigh....


Don't worry about that. The post is for discussion and that's what we did. That way we learn new things.


I've even though they could buff Quickening Screech (yes yes, the bird pet swiftness skill lmao) to give perma swiftness and bump it to 20 secs. 


Yes, I am using Rune of Fireworks in PvE, then Lynx or Traveler in sPvP. I just feel that a bruiser spec movement speed shouldn't come from runes but from the traits and skills. None of the Untamed give actually mobility. 


Yes, Unnatural Traversal exist, but you need a target. It doesn't do anything much beside that. It's also on a long cooldown if you fail to hit a target. Then, you have Mechanist's Shift Signet that does so much...


The simplest solution is to just give 25% movement speed with Ferocious Symbiosis. Removing the stacking nonsense. Like, you're lacking movement speed and you need to hit something to get more speed ? What if they are already much faster than you already ? Just such a weird idea. 

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7 hours ago, Krispera.5087 said:


Don't worry about that. The post is for discussion and that's what we did. That way we learn new things.


I've even though they could buff Quickening Screech (yes yes, the bird pet swiftness skill lmao) to give perma swiftness and bump it to 20 secs. 


Yes, I am using Rune of Fireworks in PvE, then Lynx or Traveler in sPvP. I just feel that a bruiser spec movement speed shouldn't come from runes but from the traits and skills. None of the Untamed give actually mobility. 


Yes, Unnatural Traversal exist, but you need a target. It doesn't do anything much beside that. It's also on a long cooldown if you fail to hit a target. Then, you have Mechanist's Shift Signet that does so much...


The simplest solution is to just give 25% movement speed with Ferocious Symbiosis. Removing the stacking nonsense. Like, you're lacking movement speed and you need to hit something to get more speed ? What if they are already much faster than you already ? Just such a weird idea. 

It could be a WvW/PvP split change. This kind of feeds into my other point which is in combat Untamed is designed (even though in reality it isn't) to be fast and mobile. 

When I Zerg clash movement abilities are very hard to control but Superspeed is amazing at catching people. The other thing that helps is roots. 

Im sure they will fine tune the class over time so maybe one day it is the most mobile. 

Edited by Mell.4873
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12 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

It is easily fixable by having whatever is unleashed gain +25% movement speed if traited with Ferocious Symbiosis.  

Otherwise, yes, Untamed is by far the most immobile and it isn't even close.  Both Druid and Soulbeast might as well be ultra-marathon runners compared to Untamed....

I guess they failed with Untamed since it should be the fastest. Three utilities and one trait are meant for speed yet its the slowest spec if you include movement skills. 

Maybe the Untamed teleport should be ground targeted and in a lower cooldown who know. 

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I will add coin…

Untamed may not the fastest by design but it can be pretty fast…. 

SB Eternal Bond and double bird is the fastest one hands down…. but Untamed can be as fast as Druid or SB with only one or no bird ….

something that no one mention (or I didn’t see at least) is the 1200 hammer movement (double hammer 5 leaps, 600+600)  plus hammer ambush skill that give you “super speed” effect. (See Vallun Untamed Roaming build on Guildjen.com … on the comments they explain how to do the leaps) 

that Added to the low CD teleport with target with Super Speed and the core stuff GS or Sword or perma swiftness (super speed with speed rune) make you a quite mobile and fast class able to scape or chase target’s nicely. 

Edited by ApaWanka.2698
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