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Math to back up why Maguuma should go it alone next relink.


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7 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


 But in NA, if you remove their link, where are you going to place that single extra server to and not expect them to overbalance that match up? 

Remove blackgate's link too and don't open that server for another few months regardless of their actual activity

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Hmmm so I guess the real truth is that the blame lies with the players themselves. Voluntarily choosing to go to the server already winning. And thus making the experience worse for everyone, including themselves. Meanwhile ANet is making a killing on the gems used to transfer between servers.


I feel like pointing another thing out: I think (possibly mistakenly!) that the original idea of transferring servers was merely so friends could play with each other. ANet could not have possibly assumed it would have been abused to more or less buy victory. It's no coincidence that it was among the first things WvW had changed to it many years ago, at least according to the wiki.


I know it's hard to accept, but there are a ton of players that deserve a lot of the blame for it getting this bad. Keep in mind it's literally the main reason the world restructuring is happening. Because players abused the current system so hard it needs to be scrapped and replaced entirely.


TLDR: read the above.

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37 minutes ago, Ruru.1302 said:

Remove blackgate's link too and don't open that server for another few months regardless of their actual activity

the other server that you do not give to BG we take it in EU together with mag. now we miss the last one so finally we can close BB and give them a match, put the server limit full like everyone else and we will all be treated equally in the EU finally. isn't it that you have another server left over to play better in NA ?🤭

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It is not about how many players a server has in total. It is about how many players the server has that actually play WvW. Entering WvW to afk waiting to get the mount does not count.

The 'new' world balancing system is trying to solve that basically by counting only the people that are going to play in WvW but that comes with other problems not related to this thread.

Personally, I like fighting against magumma (unpoppular opinion) and also I like getting linked with them (not common for my server). The reason is that magumma is very active in WvW so there is always something to do either by fighting them or joining them. Fighting magumma is normally a challenge but it is also entertaining and that is what I play the game for.


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Lol I love this idea. Not only for how utterly hilarious it is. But also for how terrible of an idea it is. It makes my kitten ideas look amazing in comparison.

That's weird as hell. It's rewriting kitten with kitten... do I have autocorrect on or something.


ooooh fascinating this forum has a swear word censor thing.


I must know

kitten kitten kitten christ screw damnit kittening kitten shite bugger hella tarnation damnation kitten sod git lout...

I don't think I missed any of the biggies.

Interesting!! ANet really hates kittens I guess!


It even censored one of the british swear words as well! How worldly.

Edited by exeggcuter.8394
Testing the swear word filter.
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EU guys today we do golden business, I am in negotiations for two new servers in the EU, and I asked if by chance there is also a third server left. So we settle down once and for all. They are enthusiastic because in the Compavendita there is Mag, they say that they are a bit toxic and formidable players. There will be fun.🤭

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1 hour ago, exeggcuter.8394 said:


I’m sorry to say this isn’t a MAG problem, this is an ongoing change to society that everyone wants something easy or free without any work. My father would slap me for such a quitter attitude. I pity how soft most of you guys are. 💀



I firmly disagree with the overall sentiment that society is somehow worse than it used to be (frikken nostalgic geezer). But! This is literally what Maguuma is right now. They have an overwhelming numbers advantage, so they have it super easy right now. Having fought against them as a pugmander myself, they really aren't any more skilled than the average player. This is not a question of changing the game mechanics. The janky mechanics are entertaining as hell to me. And I'm also not proposing a permanent idea of maguuma going alone for *all* relinks either.


ANet has at it's disposal a system for rebalancing servers every 6 weeks that exists right now and works. Saying that servers choose not to play because they are *THAT* badly outnumbered frankly reinforces my point. Maguuma will live for 6 weeks going alone. I don't have the numbers of course, but whatever server pair is currently in tier 4 can have Yak's Bend - the server currently linked with Maguuma.


TLDR: not a skill, game mechanic, hacking, w/e issue, purely number of player issue. GLHF ya'll.

So much false here I’m not sure where to begin.


Let’s start with “OmG MaG hAS mOaR nUmBerZ!!!11”


listen, we was very high for 2 weeks cuz, you guessed it! We didn’t have the numbers all of you claim we did.  Which exposed the real truth of the matter. You and all of the other servers were getting farmed by a smaller amount of people. You can’t dispute it. It’s a fact. Your copuim built in excuse exploded in your face the day MAG was opened and stayed open for 2 weeks 🤪


the rest of the fake things I won’t even bother with.  




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2 hours ago, Ruru.1302 said:

Remove blackgate's link too and don't open that server for another few months regardless of their actual activity

Then we'd have to #OpenBG.  That's the real purpose of this thread, no?

Edited by Chaba.5410
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Everyone sounds like they are in trouble. People just need to form their own communities and buy out other strong players/guilds from other servers to deal with Maguuma. 


P.S Boon blob don't dodge/just face tank red circles. It's a wonder why they always wipe when they don't have a full map queue with 4/5 supports per party.


~I'm a Charr.

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People are missing the forest for the trees. Maguuma pugs are mechanically superior to any other pugs on NA. Clouding is not even the most effective tactic available; a properly comped blob with semi-competent players will easily wipe a cloud open field. The problem is the other servers are just completely clueless when it comes to positioning, movement and rotations. The Mighty Teapot called out these clowns: https://clips.twitch.tv/RealCuriousDaikonTooSpicy-R2-Owng5Ftmfz6vI


If you want to beat Maguuma, learn your classes and start playing better. The lack of basic fight competency is not Maguuma's problems, it's the other servers.

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1 minute ago, jul.7602 said:

The lack of basic fight competency is not Maguuma's problems, it's the other servers.

But it *is* Mag's problem too because all the competent players end up getting fed up with their servermates and then they transfer to Mag then players complain about Mag having too many players then Mag opens up and more players transfer in.  It's no different from what occurred in the GvG guilds with skill-stacking.

Then there's those of us who saw this coming for a long time and vowed not to add to the problems that skill-stacking creates.

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5 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

But it *is* Mag's problem too because all the competent players end up getting fed up with their servermates and then they transfer to Mag then players complain about Mag having too many players then Mag opens up and more players transfer in.  It's no different from what occurred in the GvG guilds with skill-stacking.

Then there's those of us who saw this coming for a long time and vowed not to add to the problems that skill-stacking creates.

Friend, on next relink. You can send friends over to our linked server. To beat Maguuma, you need to understand Maguuma. Think of it as a training course for 2 months!


OBS is a great Charr commander and you will learn a lot from him!


~Humble Charr

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12 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

But it *is* Mag's problem too because all the competent players end up getting fed up with their servermates and then they transfer to Mag then players complain about Mag having too many players then Mag opens up and more players transfer in. 

playing on mag is not fun at all. It feels worser than Halloween Labby, put off your trinkets, buy a lvl 1 weapon, we all need to make a hit at this one enemy in 10min to keep up our participation.

Edited by Dayra.7405
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1 hour ago, moutzaheadin.4029 said:

So much false here I’m not sure where to begin.


Let’s start with “OmG MaG hAS mOaR nUmBerZ!!!11”


listen, we was very high for 2 weeks cuz, you guessed it! We didn’t have the numbers all of you claim we did.  Which exposed the real truth of the matter. You and all of the other servers were getting farmed by a smaller amount of people. You can’t dispute it. It’s a fact. Your copuim built in excuse exploded in your face the day MAG was opened and stayed open for 2 weeks 🤪


the rest of the fake things I won’t even bother with.  




You manipulated the actual population by playing on alts on other servers until Mag was open for transfers.  It's been done before.  BG used to manipulate the system back in their over population dominance. 

There's your facts skeeted all over your face. 😉

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4 minutes ago, Evenge.4067 said:

You manipulated the actual population by playing on alts on other servers until Mag was open for transfers.  It's been done before.  BG used to manipulate the system back in their over population dominance. 

There's your facts skeeted all over your face. 😉

source = trust me bromeo 

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Honestly, Mag would be neutered if the other 2 teams just work together. Literally just have both teams ignore each other and only fight Mag - together. Prevent them from holding SMC (or getting it back), take over their keep, tier it up, and just farm their kitten at spawn all week as karma.

But servers don't like to work together, so it'll never happen. So the next best option is to just ignore EBG that week.

Edited by Bristingr.5034
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15 minutes ago, Bristingr.5034 said:

Honestly, Mag would be neutered if the other 2 teams just work together. Literally just have both teams ignore each other and only fight Mag - together. Prevent them from holding SMC (or getting it back), take over their keep, tier it up, and just farm their kitten at spawn all week as karma.

But servers don't like to work together, so it'll never happen. So the next best option is to just ignore EBG that week.

what an amazing smart well thought out idea!


problem is, it’s an old idea that has failed over and over again. Some of mags biggest kdr weeks are when the two servers team up. SOS and JQ held hands the last few times. They ran face first into a wood chipper. That’s why they don’t do it.

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6 hours ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

Well the request to Anet has been made, and the challenge between the continents has been launched.😎

Let's see if Anet can do anything about it.

P.S. but why can't we all play together EU+NA from T1 to T9 it would be great. What are the technical problems?


This. I really wish they hadn't gone with different data centers, would have better handled coverage time and loved previous WvW style games that allowed us all to play together. Weekends where we could get a larger number of time zones on at the same time made for epic fights.

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2 hours ago, exeggcuter.8394 said:

Lol I love this idea. Not only for how utterly hilarious it is. But also for how terrible of an idea it is. It makes my kitten ideas look amazing in comparison.

That's weird as hell. It's rewriting kitten with kitten... do I have autocorrect on or something.


ooooh fascinating this forum has a swear word censor thing.


I must know

kitten kitten kitten christ screw damnit kittening kitten shite bugger hella tarnation damnation kitten sod git lout...

I don't think I missed any of the biggies.

Interesting!! ANet really hates kittens I guess!


It even censored one of the british swear words as well! How worldly.

Yeah kittens have been a thing for a while lol.

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3 hours ago, Ruru.1302 said:

Remove blackgate's link too and don't open that server for another few months regardless of their actual activity

You would need a third server to make a T5 for NA and I don't think we have that many people. Can't say what Mag queues look like now but last time it was an EBG queue and outnumbered everywhere else. 

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Seriously, having EU->early NA coverage has always been a big advantage on NA servers because it allows a server to set up favorable ownership of objectives before the larger NA prime population even logs in.  If objectives reset after each skirmish, outcomes would be rather different.  "Paper" structures lend themselves more to increasing the number of fights than upgraded ones.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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52 minutes ago, Boh.4568 said:

I didn't read the thread but the current FoW+Deso link would spawncamp Mag in EBG all week.

my guess is you read every word of this thread, on top of that you probably put all the little confusion emoji’s near anything pro MAG. I know your type. 


Easy to talk big knowing that you’ll never face the big bad MAG to find out.  Keep holding our pocket, we love the fan base from overseas, we are becoming internationally famous, unlike your obscure no name euro servers that no one talks about lol.



Edited by moutzaheadin.4029
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