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Math to back up why Maguuma should go it alone next relink.


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6 hours ago, zastari.1730 said:

Here's my perspective as someone that began on game launch day 1 on Maguuma, quit this game several times, and just resumed playing on Mag after a 4 year break.


Maguuma is fundamentally like a cat. Cats don't hunt their prey to satisfy hunger, they do it because it's fun. Maguuma used to be the kind of server that would open up NWT or NET and then spawn camp the enemy instead of cap the lord because all they cared about were the fights. Very catlike.


However, much like cats, Maguuma is inherently destructive to its ecosystem. The Maguuman cats are not good population ecologists: They don't know when to cap the tower. Instead, they bleed the enemy team dry until they all log off and do something else. This results in a boom/bust population cycle of content.


I can't entirely fault Maguuma for this, because a lot of their behavior is incentivized by dev reward structures: Siege mechanics and tower upgrades create broken incentives that get worsened by the circadian cycle of game activity/inactivity; reward tracks give players a problem (gliders and mounts) and then force them to grind to get up to parity with every other player in the game mode; roamers are given no way to contribute to the realm other than +2 points at a time, so they create their own subgame using some complicated form of communication involving salty pink text and unbuilt siege plans thrown on dead enemies. This list is very incomplete as well.


At the same time though, the players have a lot of fault too. Roamers don't realize that they have no roamers to fight because of their own actions. They don't think of the population dynamics that occur when they spam emotes or throw siege on people, because the pile of people that log off and go do something more productive with their time is invisible to their spite-centered world.


Groups don't have good groups to fight for the same reason. Group battles are turned into wars of pride and spite instead of gfs. No fight ends with "gf" between enemy commanders, instead it end with complaints about ANet, servers, and server meta. Or, worse yet, enemy teams group up and team cap objectives while ignoring fights because they only care about paying the spite back. I'm sure these groups don't even log off fulfilled — just a bit less agitated because they were finally able to extend the middle finger the entire way.

Regarding the skill of Maguuma versus other servers, I think pretty much everyone that plays this game now is bad, myself included. I think this because the meta appears stale. I don't see interesting builds or team comps, I don't see the meta being pushed, I don't see an active GvG scene rolling modern builds out to PuG group warfare. Skill expression itself is exiting this game. If you think you're especially skilled now, you're deluded and you should go play a game that has high skill expression and active competition so you can go get an accurate self-image of skill.


Everyone else that's less delusional, I just hope that there's just a little bit of drive to git gud underneath the layers of hubris, anger, and spite. Otherwise this just seems like a miserable game to play.

I can spot a self hating fake MAG a mile away.  You’re trying to put the blame on us for playing the game as it is intended. Well let me tell you something..


it’s not our fault people don’t like to die in a video game where there is zero penalty for dying.


it’s not our fault we cracked the code of the boon blob spammers and make all that time, effort and commitment mean nothing.


it’s not our fault people take off on MAG week because they are too afraid to play a hard match.


it’s not our fault your roamers don’t have the SKILL to get out there and make stuff happen.


it’s not our fault MAG was open.


it’s not our fault that wvw commanders and pugmanders quit the game.


so take your long winded propaganda and post it someplace where the truth doesn’t matter.


I know who you are. You’re not a MAG guy, sure you might have dropped your toes in the water a few times on our server. But we know what you really are, you’re not fooling anyone. Btw tell the fellas in twitch, obs says hello.




Edited by moutzaheadin.4029
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2 hours ago, Tryfan.1457 said:

This is the kind of brain dead response I expected, yes. Nobody said the blob can't get kills. The problem is getting enough kills on a cloud to make any progress in a fight. There's no mass to attack. You kill one or two every ten seconds (the rest mistforming, stealthing, or invulning deeper into the cloud or through a portal), the cloud hard rezzes the ones you got last time. You can't split up or spread out because 60+ people using meteor shower, barrage, engy stuff, wells from every direction do a lot of damage and there's a lot of cc and pulls being thrown at it. Individuals can run away faster than a blob can chase, this has always been true.


Every blob I have been a part of the last two weeks has completely kitten on the cloud in kdr, by more than 3 to 1. But when that comes from a 20 minute fight in a single camp because the cloud never stops rezzing itself, the map isn't going to change much.

yeah sure, that’s why whatever server your on can’t even muster a 1 kdr. I don’t even have to know what server you’re on. I know if you’ve fought MAG recently your kdr was sub .7 💀


boon blobs get rolled all the time. You guys lie to each other about how well you’re doing. If you didn’t lie and said man we suck after every day.  no one in their right mind would play a support and mash 1 skill for 3 hours. So yeah lie to yourselves, lie to your pals. I don’t care what you do. Just stop ducking us. Ty.



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15 hours ago, moutzaheadin.4029 said:

Here is the key issue that no one will admit.


you can’t get better at anything if you quit/take the week off, when things are too hard.


people waiting around for boob blob tags are doing themself a great disservice by waiting around for one of the few fancy boon blob tags to log in. You don’t get better at wvw taking weeks off vrs the hard fights. You don’t get better at wvw waiting in spawn for the na morning hours to come to make your push for 2 hours.


as the old saying goes “when the going gets tough the tough get going” that’s not the case here in gw2. Here the case is when the going gets tough I’ll log out cause it’s to hard.


I’m sorry to say this isn’t a MAG problem, this is an ongoing change to society that everyone wants something easy or free without any work. My father would slap me for such a quitter attitude. I pity how soft most of you guys are. 💀



Hopefully you see this before this thread is inevitably deleted (as we both know it will be).

I agree with you in principle, but there are two factors that you seem to be ignoring in your post:

1) I'm in a guild that faced off against Mag the previous three weeks, and here is what happened every single time; Our group of 15-20 would move to a map, and based on both the Outnumber buff and what we saw on the map itself, we were the only content on that map, and within 5 minutes Mag (and their link server) would have the map queued (we have a friend on YB who kept us updated on such info). Doesn't matter how good you are, how you change your tactics, or how hard you try, if you're a group of 15-20 fighting a map blob, you're going to lose. I can't really blame Mag (and their link) for all racing to find us, as it seemed we were the ONLY content across all the maps during NA primetime outside of a few small roaming groups, but even for the most dedicated WvW players, dealing with that for several hours day after day gets really old.

2) And this is the REAL issue, and Mag seems to be the only NA server that doesn't have to deal with it; PVE players who want nothing to do with WvW but are out IN WvW because they want their legendary weapons and/or armor. If you want a legendary weapon, you need a Gift of Battle, and WvW participation is the ONLY way to acquire it. And while there are 3 ways to acquire legendary armor, the WvW method is by and far the easiest method to attain it. You literally have to do nothing more than keep your participation active to acquire it. And flipping a camp for 10 minutes of participation or flipping a sentry for 5 minutes of participation is RIDICULOUSLY easy compared to joining in SPvP (easily the worst game mode in GW2 by far) or joining in the PvE Raids, which require far more time and coordination. I don't blame Mag. I blame Anet for making the WvW method of obtaining legendary armor the easiest method, and thus attracting players who active HATE the gamemode to play in the gamemode. Mag has a community that is likely 90-95% (if not higher) dedicated to the WvW gamemode. Every single other server has a community that is probably closer to 50-75% dedicated to the WvW gamemode. Those are the players who vanish when any server ends up facing Mag, and those players are NEVER going to change their minds and suddenly try to fight Mag when they hate playing in WvW no matter what server they're fighting. The question is, how does Anet change the requirements for the WvW legendary gear so that the players who hate the gamemode stay away without punishing the players who actually enjoy the gamemode?? I wish I had an answer for that one.

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5 hours ago, Hesione.9412 said:

Yep, the answer to all the problems in WvW is, not being sarcastic, players.

Exploits in WvW? Sure it's Anet's code that makes them present. But it's players choosing to use them that's the problem. And when it's entire groups and not just one player, come on. And, for some of them, you can't target the player to report. And if you know who they are and are doing nothing, e.g. because they're in your guild, then you're part of the problem even if you're not using exploits yourself.

Relink problems - major guilds transferring off servers around the time of the relink so that server populations are incorrect for the designed relink. Player problem, not Anet.

Server coverage basically only NA or only OCX (NA server problem) - not sure how Anet is supposed to magic up WvW players who play in off-NA hours.

A bunch of players want to "win" WvW by cheating and/or bandwaggoning. 

What I would really like to know is whether WvW player nunbers are increasing, holding, or going down - as a seasonal trend. 

Singular player can shout and blame other players as much, but all he will be treated is as a village lunatic. Singular dev actually has power to change things. If you gave everyone buttons to kill everyone, some would press it and in the end only solution was to not give them the button.


So blaming players solves nothing. These destructive people that just spam toxic things either alone in a group, then transfer when server starts ignoring them, just love when people try to blame them for state of WvW. Essentially trying to change players, will just lead WvW into worse and worse state whereas devs are the only solution. Unfortunately while these forums are being read, it isn't the way to reach the devs: only way to get them to fix obvious flaws is know them in person or being super big content creator that they can't ignore. Normies just have no influence in their income or life and for them we are just unwanted babies during famine that are thrown into woods and forgotten forever.

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5 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

I've seen SoS double team with FA on TC in ebg, SoS to langor, FA to Bravost, same with the TC borderlands, practically every day the same routine. But somehow this can't be applied in T1 for them, although I would guess that would be because they're one of the biggest runaway servers around, Mag really did a number in their ppt heads. Oh and SoS loves their acs, while FA loves their trebs, they're at least prepared for T1.

But yeah that saying, the enemy of your enemy is your friend, just apply that to T1. But people just like no challenge easy caps. 🤷‍♂️

Hmm, I wouldn't blame FA for that. They're linked with FC, which has a lot of players that do nothing but PPT making any fighting seem very unpleasant.

Will be funny to see them PPT to t1 and drag the KDR to hilariously low numbers though.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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2 hours ago, moutzaheadin.4029 said:

I know who you are. You’re not a MAG guy, sure you might have dropped your toes in the water a few times on our server. But we know what you really are, you’re not fooling anyone. Btw tell the fellas in twitch, obs says hello.





I'm confused. Who am I?

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27 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Hmm, I wouldn't blame FA for that. They're linked with FC, which has a lot of players that do nothing but PPT making any fighting seem very unpleasant.

Will be funny to see them PPT to t1 and drag the KDR to hilariously low numbers though.

/drool 🤤

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6 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

I've seen SoS double team with FA on TC in ebg, SoS to langor, FA to Bravost, same with the TC borderlands, practically every day the same routine. But somehow this can't be applied in T1 for them, although I would guess that would be because they're one of the biggest runaway servers around, Mag really did a number in their ppt heads. Oh and SoS loves their acs, while FA loves their trebs, they're at least prepared for T1.

But yeah that saying, the enemy of your enemy is your friend, just apply that to T1. But people just like no challenge easy caps. 🤷‍♂️

SoS is pushing TC down and FA up.  FA is the loser in this match up.

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1 hour ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Hmm, I wouldn't blame FA for that. They're linked with FC, which has a lot of players that do nothing but PPT making any fighting seem very unpleasant.

Will be funny to see them PPT to t1 and drag the KDR to hilariously low numbers though.

Yeah kinda figured it's their link, cause I don't remember fa being that siege heavy. Even on reset night they had 3 trebs on the north side of bay, like chillax guys you have all week to defend ppt. 🤭

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Other servers can't fight mag pugs because they never bothered to invest time into learning how to actually play the game from an Spvp perspective (not mindless ktraining as a zergling). Therefore, when they fight actual players that know how to use skills and punish bad positioning and movement, they freak out and log off. The only people left are the 20-25 man guilds, which if they had the rest of their pugs could fight on even terms against the maguuma forces. Instead the already logged off and which means the cloud can just overwhelm the 20-25 man guild with ease (though they probably would have still lost badly even if they had their pugs). It's not a population issue, its a skill issue compounded by the lack of urgency to actually improve themselves.

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3 hours ago, Engel.6029 said:

If mag was as good as they claim they wouldn't need to ppt everything to t3 while the other servers were asleep and at work.


To be fair, and to quote others, was it them running yaks or the coverage takes and then the system just auto-running yaks doing the upgrades? And no as a prior upgrader I don't want the old style back to just see all the time lost when the ktrains wouldn't defend. 

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I have my main account on YB (paired with Mag). I have never seen such distasteful team chat as I have seen with Mag. I have never reported so many players for verbal abuse and spamming. The chat is full of hostility, childishness, hateful comments, arrogance, ignorance, racism, and flat-out clinical narcissism every single time I log on.
I don't know how to fix the Mag problem. Honestly, it's like all the jerks just congregated together to one server and then they pat each other on the back for being the best. "FACT!!!" 
Maybe Magumma should have to fight themselves next matchup. Split the server in half, put them on their own map. Hell, just give them an EBG map to fight on; they never leave there anyway. That way, they can cloud themselves, they can throw siege on themselves, they can hate whisper their own commanders, they can emote laugh and jump up and down on their own teammates.
They already circle-jerk themselves so that won't change. 

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1 hour ago, Famine.7915 said:

I blame the 7 years of wvw guides that tell new players to find a commander and ask them what to do.


You...lol, might be on the right train of thought. WvW does promote people to be 'On Tag'. Which means they don't build out themselves, which is where this thread comes from. +1 from me.

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1 hour ago, Spiral.3724 said:

I have my main account on YB (paired with Mag). I have never seen such distasteful team chat as I have seen with Mag. I have never reported so many players for verbal abuse and spamming. The chat is full of hostility, childishness, hateful comments, arrogance, ignorance, racism, and flat-out clinical narcissism every single time I log on.
I don't know how to fix the Mag problem. Honestly, it's like all the jerks just congregated together to one server and then they pat each other on the back for being the best. "FACT!!!" 
Maybe Magumma should have to fight themselves next matchup. Split the server in half, put them on their own map. Hell, just give them an EBG map to fight on; they never leave there anyway. That way, they can cloud themselves, they can throw siege on themselves, they can hate whisper their own commanders, they can emote laugh and jump up and down on their own teammates.
They already circle-jerk themselves so that won't change. 

This is just simply not true. I play about 7-8 hours a day. There is NONE of this gibberish in our mapchat or team chat. 

To be fully honest MAG chat is probably the most organic and fluid helpful chat on any server. It’s mostly call outs of numbers and location. Since none of us use comms it’s vital for us to have a high informative mapchat to respond to the bad men.


The only time mapchat gets turned upside down is when the alt trolls,spies,saboteurs and other foul entities decide to look for attention. We have so many it’s actually a clown car full of funnies.



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