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PvP is in a horrible state


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This is one of the worst balanced states sPvP has ever been in.  It really seems like ANET has dumped all their eggs into the PVE basket this expansion and given up entirely.  We get a balance patch every 4 months and the changes make no sense whatsoever.   It's as if they are made by an elitist player who exclusively plays high skill ceiling power assassin builds with extreme bias and prejudice.  We are in a meta dominated by one shot power builds yet there's not a single viable bunker class, even though that is suppose to be the hard counter.  I guess whoever is in charge of balancing classes just decided since this game died and only has 200 people still participating in PVP they may as well just make their favorite classes broken.  


Here's a list of classes that can literally kill you from full health in the duration of a half second stun.

-Power Chrono





Catalyst is the most broken thing I have ever seen right now.  Can oneshot people back to back with fresh air it has no cooldown on its burst rotation.  Then it can become invuln for like 30 seconds, then heal to full health with water sphere.  I was a fool to think I could play a class I actually liked in this game.  Nerf reaper... nerf scrapper... nerf everything that's not a 1 shot meme class.  That's the kind of meta ANET wants.  5 female human anime character DPS assassins on a team twitching out on adderral.    No bunker or support or condi or strategy.. nah..  just press buttons FAST

Edited by Kstyle.5829
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In my opinion, it's better not to have excessive bunkers, I remember that they were a problem in the past.

Currently, I think the problem is not so much with the oneshot build itself, but with the fact that many of these oneshot builds have far too many active defenses anyway. I feel like some classes with certain builds don't even have real tradeoffs, doing high damage while also having high mobility, lots of active defenses, and CC.

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11 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Complaining about no bunkers, what did I just read?

Condi spb is a bunker and a half, if you really cant play anything that requires you to actually play the game. Or you can always go play wvw, its all bunkers there.

Because mashing 3 keys and oneshotting someone is playing the game right

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23 hours ago, Kstyle.5829 said:

No bunker or support or condi-


Just say you need more time to react to bursts instead of projecting that onto the game.


Bunkers, Support and Condi all exist. Two of those groups are currently meta (SpB and Auramancer) and one of them is almost meta, but kept out by the current meta. ( Condi Chronobunker)

Of those groups, two of them are currently getting whined about for being too hard to kill, and there's MAT data to back up that that claim may be correct.

Do you mean "no bunker" or "no class where if I memorize a rotation it's impossible to kill me"? Cause even if you mean the latter, vindi's right there... 


Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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23 hours ago, Kstyle.5829 said:

there's not a single viable bunker class

Go to metabattle and check condi spellbreaker build


The only flaw of that build is being super slow, but once you get to the node you wont die, at least not to this super meta builds


I was able to push a top 10 player playing scepter cata out of the node, i got plus'd multiple times and never died (the top 10 player is one of the good players, not the duo q, q dodger offhour their way to top 10, but their skill surely doesnt match their rank)


And i dont even play warrior, the build is just disgusting

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On 1/15/2023 at 4:12 PM, Kstyle.5829 said:



Here's a list of classes that can literally kill you from full health in the duration of a half second stun.

-Power Chrono




How is Gunzerker not on that list? We're the true giga chads of one-shotting people. Yall don't want these 69k crits but yer mum sure does, hahaha. Do you know how many times a virgin Mech tries to step to my chad Gunzerker only to get sent on a one way trip to humiliation town? Every. Single. Day. 🤣😂

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Because Gunzerker disappears the moment you sneeze on him.
Yes, it hits like truck and easily one shots people but it's fragile af. And that's fine, because there is clear trade off.

When you can erase people and still have access to bunch of defensive skills and can survive without too much issue, that's the problem.

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11 hours ago, Greyrat.2378 said:

Because Gunzerker disappears the moment you sneeze on him.
Yes, it hits like truck and easily one shots people but it's fragile af. And that's fine, because there is clear trade off.

When you can erase people and still have access to bunch of defensive skills and can survive without too much issue, that's the problem.

I just want to point out that we're calling base warrior stats as fragile af while we're complaining about other specs with a bunch of defensive skills

*sips whiskey*

It's almost as if those high base stats don't matter one bit but having access to numerous blinds, blocks, and/or evades does. 🤔

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Pvp never gonna be good when. U have other classes that perform better than others. When u have elite specs that perform better than none elite spec = u have to pay real money to get these also u have to be lucky on u teammates as u can only queue with 1 friend. No match system cuz of a no playerbase for the gamemode . So many rng when u start a match that way pvp never gonna be great. Thats just how games like these works

Edited by Nightcore.5621
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11 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

I just want to point out that we're calling base warrior stats as fragile af while we're complaining about other specs with a bunch of defensive skills

*sips whiskey*

It's almost as if those high base stats don't matter one bit but having access to numerous blinds, blocks, and/or evades does. 🤔

Power creep says hello. :-)
It's like comparing some season 1 champions in League of Legends with very limited and somehow reasonable skill set with some recently released champions that are usually nerfed anyway due to their bloated kit (note that I don't play LoL anymore since I would like to keep my sanity intact).
Might not be the best comparison but I guess you get the point.

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On 1/16/2023 at 7:34 AM, Hotride.2187 said:

Complaining about no bunkers, what did I just read?

Condi spb is a bunker and a half, if you really cant play anything that requires you to actually play the game. Or you can always go play wvw, its all bunkers there.

Also I agree that bunker are a bigger issue, too high dmg and spamming offensive low CD, high reward skills is also by far not the peak of skillful design. Not even when the dmg spam is telegraphed btw. 

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