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World vs. World: January 31 Update Preview

Rubi Bayer.8493

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On 2/3/2023 at 12:21 AM, Natalyia.9846 said:

Eight gold's nice, but the idea that you don't have to do all the goals every week rings a bit hollow when one of them is so much less likely than the others to be achievable.

In fact you do have to do all of them if your main goal is to get wvw tickets. The overall weekly doesn't give any tickets and the 7 separate weeklies all give 5 tickets each. So if you want to get the max amount of wvw tickets you do have to do all 7 of them. They give 5 tickets each.

And SMC is not achievable for all servers in all matches. So if you're on a weaker server you will not be able to get the max amount of tickets.

Edited by Gehenna.3625
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I'm glad that wvw is getting some gold achivement! Here some feedback tho.
First, these achivements are good mostly for karma train oriented groups of players. They don't really incentive fights over objectives since karma trains often tend to wait for things to be capped so they can recap them. I wish some achivements were more fight-oriented, like defending structures or anything on this line.

Secondly, that would be great if the achivement could have tiers, getting few gold each tier. This way even more casual players /new players / small casual guilds could actually achieve something seeing the reward as a good incentive to approach wvw in their weekly routine. For example i know a small pve guild who was considering doing one wvw oriented evening to get some extra gold while having fun in a game mode which they don't know much. But seeing how that achievement is undoable by a small not-dedicated guild in 1 evening, they just gave up the idea.

Speaking of another wvw issue, i have stacks of emblems and tons of badges! Please let me at least sell the first for few silver and spend the latter on some nice new item :C

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Let's set aside whether or not 8 gold and a bunch of tickets is worth the time sink. (Although I think most people would agree it's not.)


How many hours on average does Anet think constitutes an average "weekly" time spent in wvw? Speaking for myself, it's probably 4 hours on the low end, and closer to 10 on the high. And wvw is all I play; I just don't have buckets of time to play the game overall. So, fine, let's say 6 hours for me.


I was lucky and got to flip smc one underpopulated night. Normally that doesn't happen in a week of playing.  Keeps: 5, again no problem, mostly because on reset a few kept flipping back and forth. Past reset, though, this becomes a lot harder as keeps tier up and are better defended. Towers: 10 -- nope, at the end of this week I'm sitting at 6 towers. And believe me, I tried.  Camps/yaks: way too many, took too long. I basically had to sit and grind nothing but camps/yaks for an hour and a half this evening, which was just LOADS of fun let me tell you. Yaks die way too quickly when running with a zerg, which means not everyone gets a hit; if you hit a yak solo, die before it does, and someone else kills it -- you don't get credit (unlike the same with basically everything else in wvw!)


So: either adjust the numbers for camps and yaks and towers downwards, OR change the rewards to be tiered so you get a bit of gold/tickets at various levels. ALSO, of course, add rewards for defending. Right now it's skewed very heavily towards "let the opposing team flip the thing so you can flip it back after, repeat". 

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I was a bit worried the first time I dipped into WvW with the new Weekly Achievements active. Why?

  1. The population was way higher, with all the maps queued, some with ridiculous ones like 50 queue.
  2. The "increase" in population on all maps seemed to consist primarily of PvE noobs who were running useless builds and melted like butter that's been left out overnight whenever challenged by actual WvW players.
  3. Despite the fact of the second point above, there's still no challenging a mob of 100 when you're only 20 in an organized squad, so sometimes the mob of noobs just destroys your entire guild before you know what hit you.
  4. A lot of these achievements are things that I won't get if I just play WvW the way I have been for the last few years. I'll have to completely re-arrange my style of playing. I'll have to join other tags and run around doing stuff I consider kind of a stupid waste of time like killing a bunch of dolyaks and taking way more camps and towers than I usually would.
  5. These are so lopsided towards capturing objectives that, rather than encouraging fun fights between groups, they encourage massive map blobs to run around capturing objectives at lightning speed in order to get the Weekly meta achievement.

After the first weekly reset on these achievements, I thought they weren't quite as bad as I had thought at first. I did have to go outside of my normal way of playing WvW in order to get them all. The most annoying were Dolyaks, Camps, and Towers. I did WAY more PPT than I would normally do, and this cut down on the number of much more entertaining fights that I'd normally engage in.


Also, while the population and queues increased this last week, the quality and fun decreased. We had totally unbalanced maps where there was on one map, for example: a massive 50-man map blob of experienced organized players on voice on one opposing team, another opposing team consisting almost entirely of PvE noobs who seemed to have no idea how to play, and our team which consisted of two small organized guild squads and a mix of PvE noobs and roamers who were (as usual) not well-organized. Nobody could switch border because all the maps were queued. On a usual night, people would have swapped borders and everything would have been fine. Due to the massive queues, we were stuck on this border for the entire evening. One team consisted of butter that we cut through like a plasma cannon. The other team was invincible. Wasn't much fun.


My thoughts on improvements:

I would start with aligning the new rewards with how the majority of players who are usually in WvW play the game. If you're a player who spends 8 hours or more per week in the game mode, the 8 gold achievement should be something you get simply by playing. If only 10% of the players who play regularly will get this without completely changing their style of play...then the reward is NOT for WvW players. It's for Achievement Hunters and to drag PvE players into a mode they usually ignore. And that sucks for the people who are there because they like the mode. It changes WvW into a place where you queue for ages to play against noobs for camps, towers, and keeps that you'd normally ignore in favor of actual fights with other players.


Some more specific ideas:

  1. Change "Ruin Runner" from "capture 5 ruins" to "get Bloodlust in the Borderlands 2 times" - at least this requires organization between players rather than just a quick and boring "capture."
  2. Replace "Dolyak Denier" (a totally sleep-inducing objective) with "Weekly Defender" - Defend 5 Objectives.
  3. I think Weekly WvW Ranker would be a more fun achievement for most long-term and involved WvW players than either of the counters for towers or camps.
  4. If you're going to keep the ones for towers, keeps, and camps, I'd prefer if you adjust the numbers downward a bit so I don't have to go out of my way to capture a bunch of objectives I'd normally ignore in favor of having more fun fights between groups of players.

Weeklies I hope I NEVER see: killing Veteran Creatures or capturing Sentries, and my worst nightmare would be one for Obsidian Sanctum jumping puzzle. If you add the first two, they'd be sleep-inducing like the dolyak achiement. If you add the JP, I'd just give up on weeklies entirely. I don't need something that terrible in my life.

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14 hours ago, daimon.9876 said:

I did have to go outside of my normal way of playing WvW in order to get them all.
I did WAY more PPT than I would normally do, and this cut down on the number of much more entertaining fights that I'd normally engage in.

Exactly! 😕 I tried achievements on first week. I had to spend 2 hours nearly alone, hitting dollies and stuff like that while there was some juicy open field battle i wanted to jump in. Felt very boring. I don't think i'll do it again since i'm more of a fight/defense oriented wvw guild player. Sometimes we have those nights where the fights bring us into conquering keeps and towers, but it may not happen in a whole week.
I know this is not how all people play wvw and it's probably not how Anet sees wvw. Still it feels very meh to spend so much time in a game mode i love and yet not meeting the requirements to get the achi supposed to be done by playing the game.

Edited by kurosy.1384
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Truly disappointing. With all the things we can do in wvw, Cecil Armstrong and the wvw team can only come up with 7? Repeated each week? How about Tower defense X times, Veteran creature kills, Keep defence X times, Sentry X times, Shrines X times, Walls repaired (outside defense timer) X times, SMC defence X times, Yaks escorted X times, added to the list and rotate 1 or 2 each week. Convince us you are committed to this. Convince us you are actually going to make a difference. Convince us you are going to make wvw better.

Edited by Bern.9613
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On 2/7/2023 at 1:00 PM, kurosy.1384 said:

 I had to spend 2 hours nearly alone, hitting dollies and stuff like that while there was some juicy open field battle i wanted to jump in. Felt very boring.

Something many people appear to have missed is that the time you have to complete the weeklies is... a week.

It sounds odd I know but you didnt really have to rush alone for 2h while ignoring the rest.

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after trying it out more i can say i like weekly wvw achievs even less now. total time to complete them is big, you can do them all at once, or you can spread them through a week, 2h is 2h.. Compare it to weekly strikes, where you get more gold for less time. Basically nothing changed - player gets rewarded elsewhere(any PVE gamemode), and then, if so wants, can play wvw for fun.

If those achievs dont change anything why they were needed in the first place and what was the aim. I will pay Arenanet 8g per week if they do something meaningfull with wvw rewards.

with how many players still play wvw despite not having rewards, it is insane, this gamemode is indeed very fun.

I wonder how much more would play with rewards, how (positivelly) would it impact overall game population.  gw2 wvw is pretty unique gamemode among other games, it could become main salepoint have it more players, meaning more media visibility(be alive not just on few servers).  I bet much more people would watch gw2 wvw on twich or youtube rather than openworld grind. there is a lack of content in wvw because of low pop, which leads to low media visibility, which leads to low game pop.

And all it takes for anet to fix the issue is to give players some meaningfull coin. I guess coin is more precious then, are there skritts in managament?

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After so many years without having worthy rewards in WvW, something much better was expected, 8 golds for a series of weekly missions that require so many objectives and great commitment, it is shameful. We wonder if ArenaNet is really giving enough attention to WvW players. It is possible to make 30 to 50 golds in 1h of farming in some maps, I think it would be fair to increase this weekly mission reward to at least 30 gold.

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7 minutes ago, Fissuris.7892 said:

After so many years without having worthy rewards in WvW, something much better was expected, 8 golds for a series of weekly missions that require so many objectives and great commitment, it is shameful. We wonder if ArenaNet is really giving enough attention to WvW players. It is possible to make 30 to 50 golds in 1h of farming in some maps, I think it would be fair to increase this weekly mission reward to at least 30 gold.

Mostly agree. Even 2g per achieve with an additional 10 for completing the weekly (possible 24g total) would fall far far below other game modes. It had taken me 4-5 hours to complete the weekly. I know some on here have said it took them 2. But even at 2 hours that's only a bonus of 4g/hour.

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Congratulations, ANET ... You've now made it practically impossible for 1 or 2 players to enjoy playing in WVW ... You've put a bounty on our heads ... It's practically impossible to accomplish anything with mobs of players looking to get their 50 weekly kills ..
Love the way you are rewarding people by ruining the enjoyment of others .... WVW is getting less and less fun to play by catering to guilds, forgetting that not everyone enjoys playing in a guild ... About ready to quit WVW altogether. 


Suggestion: You want people to play in large groups and get 50 kills ???? Make the kills in the Eternal Battleground the only ones that count towards the 50.  .... Give us 1 or 2 player groups a chance to survive in the rest of WVW

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Don't care about the 8 gold a week. Especially because it's ALL PPT and well, it's only 8 gold. 
Not noticing much balancing since we keep getting coupled up with 24/7 blob servers as well as a new group of PvEers that have swarmed the servers looking for gold....I think that is offsetting everything.
Still waiting for support classes to get better participation rewards though. 

Edited by Melecha.4576
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On 2/6/2023 at 5:11 AM, Rosy.5194 said:

Let's set aside whether or not 8 gold and a bunch of tickets is worth the time sink. (Although I think most people would agree it's not.)


How many hours on average does Anet think constitutes an average "weekly" time spent in wvw? Speaking for myself, it's probably 4 hours on the low end, and closer to 10 on the high. And wvw is all I play; I just don't have buckets of time to play the game overall. So, fine, let's say 6 hours for me.


I was lucky and got to flip smc one underpopulated night. Normally that doesn't happen in a week of playing.  Keeps: 5, again no problem, mostly because on reset a few kept flipping back and forth. Past reset, though, this becomes a lot harder as keeps tier up and are better defended. Towers: 10 -- nope, at the end of this week I'm sitting at 6 towers. And believe me, I tried.  Camps/yaks: way too many, took too long. I basically had to sit and grind nothing but camps/yaks for an hour and a half this evening, which was just LOADS of fun let me tell you. Yaks die way too quickly when running with a zerg, which means not everyone gets a hit; if you hit a yak solo, die before it does, and someone else kills it -- you don't get credit (unlike the same with basically everything else in wvw!)


So: either adjust the numbers for camps and yaks and towers downwards, OR change the rewards to be tiered so you get a bit of gold/tickets at various levels. ALSO, of course, add rewards for defending. Right now it's skewed very heavily towards "let the opposing team flip the thing so you can flip it back after, repeat". 

It has become a flip fest. 
And I have the same issue. Time. The weeklies just aren't beneficial to me so for a second week, I didn't get them done. Oh well.

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On 2/9/2023 at 7:40 AM, Dawdler.8521 said:

Something many people appear to have missed is that the time you have to complete the weeklies is... a week.

It sounds odd I know but you didnt really have to rush alone for 2h while ignoring the rest.

Maybe don't assume everyone has the whole free week. That's clearly not my case at least...

Edited by kurosy.1384
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While I'm glad that WvW is finally getting some visible attention (I know you're working on alliances, but that's not exactly visible to us players at this moment, besides some beta weeks), I would've loved for the weeklies to rotate;


- Ranking up (5? 10? rotate with SM)

- Objective defender (15?)

- Guard killer (50? rotate with player kills)

- Sentries / land claimer (15?)

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  • 2 months later...
On 2/11/2023 at 8:27 PM, Hari.7259 said:

Congratulations, ANET ... You've now made it practically impossible for 1 or 2 players to enjoy playing in WVW ... You've put a bounty on our heads ... It's practically impossible to accomplish anything with mobs of players looking to get their 50 weekly kills ..
Love the way you are rewarding people by ruining the enjoyment of others .... WVW is getting less and less fun to play by catering to guilds, forgetting that not everyone enjoys playing in a guild ... About ready to quit WVW altogether. 


Suggestion: You want people to play in large groups and get 50 kills ???? Make the kills in the Eternal Battleground the only ones that count towards the 50.  .... Give us 1 or 2 player groups a chance to survive in the rest of WVW


There is no fun or enjoying WvW. I just spent the last minutes in WvW, fighting against Aoe's.

Not fighting against other player or "objectives" but Aoe's.

WvW has been literally so Dumb - Down, instead of giving the players a chance to play using their skills and learning curves...we spent most of our time, fighting Toxic design with Toxic builds.

This is something that is not new; we are used to it for 11 continual, repeatable years; AOES'S EVERYWHERE!!

The Burnings Conditions Are Atrocious!!

It is Unbelievable... they stack, they are stacking....on piles on top of piles.

-Not forgetting  about the The Pulls, The Immobilizes, The Dazes, The Skill Resets, The Entangles, The Stuns, The One Shots, Stealth Everywhere...-

The game has come to an end of not giving the players; absolutely no reason for fun or enjoyment.

--To be honest, the word Fun, is a Bad Word For the game...I will try not to use is too much---

You can literally walk into a pile of stack Aoes's and get one shot. Yup! just walk on big red circles and instantly die.

This Is the direct result of Dumbing down the game; play as you want? No! play the most Dumb - Down anything and secure a win.

You can literally be in a dream, playing the most Broken and Exploitable mechanic and skills....and still win

Harie; Impossible, was on the first day when the Community addressed those issues.

-11 Years later; there are no words to describe the state of the game-

---Have You Noticed That, I Am Using The Word - Toxic Less?--

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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  • 2 weeks later...

I believe it's  player mindset problem. Game population is way down compared to release population and that includes WvW and Open World. Open World maps have shrunk to accommodate fewer people and WvW has scaled also for the same reason.

But I refer to player mindset due to the simple fact there are those who gets frustrated because others are using in-game tools as they're intended to be used.

Why worry about defending when no one wants to defend and those that do defend by choice are then despised.

You want to secure your server's world? Have well plan defensive seige in place attackers will stay on their side of the world unless they can seige you from long distance or stack the odds to 20 to 1.

Defense is actually fun and I do very well in game so I don't get it.

Jumping puzzles that's other story.







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  • 4 weeks later...

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