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Night and Day


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I have recently returned to GW2 after a break. Just to see how the other half lives, I temporarily set aside my beloved main class and took up a more popular one.

The difference is night and day.  The ease of play and effectiveness, the reliable pathfinding, the utility I can bring to the table,( with build swapping,) and the easy DPS are astonishing.

I'd pay for another expansion to have this kind of playability on my main.


In my opinion, there is a hierarchy of classes, as the Quality Of Life demonstrates clearly . That's not the way things should be.

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I'm bit indifferent on this since the game has never been that fairly balanced. I know the devs try but with 5 core and 3 elite trees and all the various minor/major traits and weapon skills for each class I doubt they can ever make it truly balanced. But then again what MMO game is balanced?

This is also the reason why I have all the classes so I can play the currently strong ones or the ones I feel are good or just happen to like.

Edited by Jukhy.2431
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I realise you're being vague deliberately, likely to avoid the discussion focusing on this kind of analysis but without saying which professions you're comparing and what areas of the game you're using them in it's difficult to comment on your comparison.

To me it just sounds like you've found a profession you like more than your previous one. If you hadn't tried other professions before that's not surprising because a lot play differently to how you might expect from the RPG archetypes they appear to match. For example I know a lot of people are surprised that light armoured casters can do well in melee (even without elite specs) and I was surprised by how many movement options guardian has. I didn't think I'd like engineer at all when I first heard about it, but once I tried it that became one of my main professions. It doesn't necessarily mean that profession is universally one of the best, especially not across all areas of the game.

Also if you want Anet to act on this feedback you will definitely need to say which professions you're comparing and what specifically you like about the new one, otherwise it's very unlikely they'll be able to guess at what needs to be added, even if they want to give you exactly what you're asking for.

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Well, Mesmer in general provide some good utility, one of them is even almost unique to the class, with only 2 other class getting only a discount version of it. 

Virtuoso is also good and easy dps, with correct sustain.

Sure, some mesmer spec are hard to play, but engineer too got really hard to play spec.

Maybe the style of the class suit you more, or the situation you tried it was more adapted for engineer than mesmer. 

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2 hours ago, Ithilwen.1529 said:

I main Mesmer.  I've recently tried out mechanist.

No I dislike the concept of engineer. However the difference in playability and effectiveness makes it hard to log in on Mesmer.


They made a class that can practically play itself about as well as most players play other classes.  If you aren't a big fan of that, you aren't alone.  But it's what they did and they're not undoing it.  On the bright side, they at least had the decency to nerf it down from absolute god tier.  

Edit:  It is a little funny coming from mesmer, though.  Staff mirage was the mechanist of the pre-EoD era and still holds a top tier spot for auto-win solo gameplay.  If you can push 2 buttons you win.  Mechanist just removed the need for the 2 buttons.

Edited by AliamRationem.5172
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17 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:


Edit:  It is a little funny coming from mesmer, though.  Staff mirage was the mechanist of the pre-EoD era and still holds a top tier spot for auto-win solo gameplay.  If you can push 2 buttons you win.  Mechanist just removed the need for the 2 buttons.

Totally good point, though Rifle Mech destroys things ridiculously fast compared to S/S Mirage.

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On 3/26/2023 at 9:48 PM, Ithilwen.1529 said:

I main Mesmer.  I've recently tried out mechanist.

No I dislike the concept of engineer. However the difference in playability and effectiveness makes it hard to log in on Mesmer.


Man you went from possibly the most complex overall class, to one of the most braindead elite specs in the game, the robot does 50% of your job in any build and while kits at first are a bit messy its possible to work with them fairly easy when you have the bot around, mesmer on the other side... chrono and time split, mirage with dodges, ufff, virtu is easyer i still see it more complex than mec by a big margin

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18 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Totally good point, though Rifle Mech destroys things ridiculously fast compared to S/S Mirage.

  If we are talking about soloing things, there's foes able to kill the mech and put Mechanist in troubles, a problem which Mirage doesn't have since can spam clones on demand. I would say that both are easy to play and effective, although the nerfs in Mechanist's rifle speed and the back pedaling of needing to precast mantras again reduced the quality of life of both specs compared to how they were 7-8 months ago...

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