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Pvp not playable while Nade Scrapper remains this way [Merged]


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3 hours ago, bethekey.8314 said:

You do realize full or near full Ele teams won multiple mATs before getting any substantial nerfs, right? Went on for months before any changes.

Scrapper was nerfed a month into its semi-prevalence. Before a "meta" even settled. Why? People exaggerating its impact and dismissing its counters. And it does have counters. Many. You know what didn't at all? Cata.

You do realize mAT winners could probably play any half decent spec and win vs most of you? The game isn't competitive anymore. It's a great noob killer spec.

You know whats toxic? Having a dedicated "nerf engi" troll poster necro 10 individual threads any time they want to draw attention from their class.

Give me a break.


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4 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

You do realize that the MAT winners from NA and EU both  ran 2 scrappers per team?  Calling someone "bad" because they're pointing out the obvious is both toxic and out of touch with reality.

Just an year ago there were 2 necros per team, followed by 2 guards per team after eod release. Its really not that abnormal.

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1 hour ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Just an year ago there were 2 necros per team, followed by 2 guards per team after eod release. Its really not that abnormal.

I wonder if you remember how strong these specs were, its not surprising that strong/OP classes are being stacked but now we have a bunch of delusional engimaens screaming its dead class on the every corner :)

Edited by semak.7481
typo :>
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5 minutes ago, semak.7481 said:

I woner if you remember how strong these specs were, its not surprising that strong/OP classes are being stacked but now we have a bunch of delusional engimaens screaming its dead class on the every corner 🙂

They were the best for team fights, but compared to current power levels they weren't that strong IMO. Core necro was just  obnoxious to kill, reaper was fine with a support guard next to it. WB (when there were 2x guards) before it got nerfed was an outlier. Something will be the strongest. Having 2x of something per team doesn't make it broken like cata or spb were.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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@bethekey.8314 Ok im tired of PvP cause of Builds Like scrapper and cata are a thing BUT 

Bruh your argument is Bad af. Even cata get counters and they are just mainly the same means high Focus and condi pressure plus when it comes to scrapper CC is also somewhat of a counter. Tho both Specs are also be and where broken cause of the Same reason superspeed in Comb with hard ranged dmg (yes 4k granaded AA chains are hard dmg). But and here is the big difference between both. Scrapper get ascess to stealth plus have Overall alot bigger dmg pressure and all of those DMG is aoe so its good in +1 and Teamfight (delete you or your Team instantly If Not focused)

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Scrapper might be too strong currently, but OP is exaggerating alot here. Games are not decided by "who has more scrappers". If that would be the case, then we would have seen 5 scrappers win MAT, you know, like we recently saw with another class that ACTUALLY was this level of overpowered and still was allowed to remain like this for months.

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I was having a hard time with scrappers then i switched to Harbinger curses/SR and its really strong against them (better than curses DM imo). But i think they really should look into the invi burst, sure great players may not have many issues with it, but theres a huge portion of the playerbase that has and probably that those people will play in the same match as plat players when queue is low.

Edited by Brkz.4712
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Standing here

I realize

Too hard to cc-

Tryin' to nerf superspeed~


This whole build is obliterated by lightning aura or anyone with object permanence and seeing people requesting nades be deleted when the other engie specs need those is concerning but not surprising

This is why you all should have learned to deal with thieves, because now any time there's a build that surprises you with damage you cant handle it



Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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The problem is not scrapper per-say, but Engi damage modifiers and nobody is addressing it.


Both Scrapper and Holosmith can ALMOST 1-Shot you even with full toughness tuning with amulet and rune. Their damage is just abnormally high for what they can do. Not to mention “LOCK ON” Tools trait providing Passive REVEAL on nearly every burst eliminating entire classes from the meta. And then you can throw in Superspeed retreat while blasting grenades from behind their head as they run. Good luck warriors!


Arena net needs to completely dissect and rebuild engineer to figure out what the kitten is wrong with it at this point to correct it for PvP. How long are we supposed to say “It is what it is” when pertaining to certain classes being busted?

Edited by JosephKatz.9375
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Guys the enemy had a scrapper and we got killed on our spawn. Right next to our spawn-guard NPC-s... Before invulnerability dropped! This needs nerfing NOW!

Oh noes, I slipped and fell on a <SUBOPTIMAL INSURANCE CONTRACT> and now I can't get up. Can you imagine that this forum used to be an actual place for useful discussions about the game? I can't, even though I remember because I'm old as <REDACTED>. Who want's some muffins?

Edited by Bazsi.2734
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1 hour ago, JosephKatz.9375 said:

“LOCK ON” Tools trait providing Passive REVEAL on nearly every burst

I feel this is more a problem with thieves being unable to deal with reveal due to not having build options that can survive in low stealth situations (because people keep whining when it does.) 

I like the interaction with lock on and the cd is high enough that it would be reasonable to expect playing around if reveal didnt gate thief's positioning, defense, healing,and damage sources  due to not having any recourse for fighting while revealed. 

They should fix acrobatics. 


And then you can throw in Superspeed retreat while blasting grenades from behind their head as they run. Good luck warriors!

Eh. This isn't as big a deal as you'd imagine, just stop chasing them. you only need to catch them with no stunbreak once and the game is over. I have more trouble dealing with soulbeasts that run a bird pet. Catching them is more of a chore than dealing with scrapper nades since they have multiple low cd stunbreaks, consistent pressure from across the map, and even if you manage to surmount all that and get a burst window there's still the chance their smokescale will interrupt you from 2 miles away and let them start all over again. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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On 3/27/2023 at 11:58 AM, AlPower.2476 said:
  • Nerfing grenades power coefficent (almost to 0) and buff conditions on them for Core Condi users.
  • ^ Reduce default launch speed like the trait, and rework the trait to improve conditions when choosen and remove grenade barrage on heal.
  • Lower CD on Blast Gyro but make them blockable would be great eithe

Those are bad changes.

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On 3/26/2023 at 4:07 PM, TomUjain.8206 said:



Play it, before you start bashing on it. It has 3 sec of super speed (per gyro) and even if you max out the skills with just gyros - it still wouldn't be 'perma super speed'


As I pointed out in another thead, these builds all run zerker amulet with no stability and one stun break - it is very, very weak to condi (has no clenses) and can be CC'ed into the ground. To add, it will never be in the meta because it has huge flaws and can be burst down very quickly.


We need to stop this witch hunt, calling for nerfs every time we come up against something we don't like - this isn't the way forward.

Witch-hunting is the only thing the PvP forums are nowadays. Are you honestly surprised?

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  • Forum Moderator.3419 changed the title to Pvp not playable while Nade Scrapper remains this way [Merged]


The problem is that you can shoot the grenades running from all sides, shoot backwards and so on, just like fresh air, if they say that you can only throw them when you have the enemy facing you, everything is fixed. Then also put a ranger that the two bow can shoot backwards, it would be OP.

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