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My own wishlist of Warr buffs and nerfs (Bring also your ideas Guys!)


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Heyo all,

I have some time rn and wana share some Ideas when it comes to Warrior Balance. Also I wana hear Ideas from yourself so feel free to gain em to me.




The Idea here is to make Power Berserker Finaly variable again so a buff to crit chance while in Berserker Mode would be a good way and also wouldn't make it too strong in PvP or WvW eather. Also I love the Idea of been able to leave the Berserker Mode if you want. In that case make it baseline would not only be a QoL Change but would also be the Thing needed to make Power Defence Berserker variable in PvP and WvW again.


Berserk:  Going off the Berserker Mode when ever you want is now Baseline (traits you chose will always proc while go in and off this mode)



Fatal Frenzy: This trait will now gain +300 Precision besides its other Stats. (All gamemodes) [This is now in the Game but instead of Fatal Frenzy they buffed Smash Brawler and gain it a 15% crit chance buff]





I think unblockables without any resource loss or efffort is not healthy for the Game at all. In this case my Idea is to remove fullcounters unblockable Part and let it deal small dmg instead when Revenge Counter is traided. I want some Spellbraker skills to be Playable in that case I would buff Break Enchantments so we would have an option besides Bulls Charge and Banner of Defence or Banner of Tactics.


Full Counter: This skill is now blockable. It does now 1.0 power scaling (PvP/WvW)

Revenge Counter: This Trait makes Full Counter Blockable but let it now doing a 1.0 Power scaling (2.4 in PvE)  instead of a 20% DMG buff though it. It still does it other Effekts. (PvP/WvW)


Break Enchantments: This does now 0,5 power scaling (PvP/WvW)




I want this e-spec to have more resources against CC skills. But since it would maybe be too strong again with all its Aegis resources I would Just Nerf it there. Also Just some QoL changes


Triggerguard: This Skill will now gain 1 Stability Stack for 5 Seconds (10 Seconds CD) (no ammunition Skill) (every gamemode)


Cyclon Trigger: This Skills Aegis is removed (every gamemode) [Take this Off  since it doesnt make sence removing also this skills Aegis when Aegis is also removed from Triggerguard]


Break Step: This Skill now deals dmg at the start and the end of its animation (every gamemode)


Artillery Slash: This Skill now does not daze the enemy. Instead it immobilize them for 1,5 Seconds each ammunition used. It now uses 2x ammunition in every gamemode. (every gamemode)



This Trait could be so usefull but is actually not as good as it could be thx to some high CDs and traitlines that could be smother. The Idea here was to  decrease Marching Orders CD so it will trigger every time you just sweap weapons (or even more) Just to gain warr access to a variable supp option.


Marching Orders: This Skill now get a 5 Seconds cooldown instead of 10 Seconds.


Soldier's Comfort: This Skill now gains a 1,0 healingpower scaling


Mending Might: This Skill now also heals allies per might you gain to them in a 600 Radius





Also some QoL changes to make the feeling of playing this class less clunky. Also some reworks to skills that Just need them in my opinion to make them better Overall.



Flurry: You now are able to move in normal Speed while use this (every gamemode)


Riposte: you are now able to use it by yourself (It still autoproc when enemy is nearby and you Block an Attack) (every gamemode)

Adrenaline Rush: Is removed off the game (every gamemode)



Hundred Blades: Its Cast time is now reduced from 3,5 to 2,5 seconds (every gamemode)



Kill Shot: You now are able to move in normal Speed while use this (every gamemode)



Counterblow: you are now be able to use it by yourself (It still autoproc when enemy is nearby and you Block an Attack) (every gamemode)

Adrenaline Rush: Is now removed from the game (every gamemode)



Dual Shot: This Skill now let enemys burn for 1 Second each strike



Crack Shot: This trait now Increase every Rifles dmg for 10%. It also reduced its recharge for 20%

Edited by Myror.7521
Got tha News we will not get a new e-spec so I want See supp warr been a thing
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20 minutes ago, Pati.2438 said:

@Lan Deathrider.5910 ah yea my fail sir.


20 minutes ago, Pati.2438 said:

EDIT: It should now be fixed🦾



I agree with most of it btw. For the Full Counter change I suggest adding the unblockable onto one of the GM traits, possibly Magebane Tether.

For BSW I think taking away the Aegis would be a mistake. They need to undo the change to DSD and have it be 1 stack of stability for 2s again on the proper CD this time.

On Artillery Slash, I don't like what they did with it, but changing it to be a 1.5s immob per ammo spent would be too much. You'd end up with 9s immobs in WvW from that one skill.

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I want them to massively buff ranged weapons.

Warrior's Rifle should not lose to Ranger's Longbow in range or damage.

Warrior's Longbow should not be a weaker weapon than Renegade's Shortbow.

I also want them to get rid of the passive particle effects on both Soldier's Focus and Signet of Rage (or at least give us the option to hide these effects on the client side).

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I don't like temporary precison buffs. You either buff it permanently or not at all. In pve you want to be crit capped all the time, not only in berserker mode. So on any decent build those +300 precision would go to waste. If its a split functionality between pve/pvp then I guess it would be fine.

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1 minute ago, Cuks.8241 said:

I don't like temporary precison buffs. You either buff it permanently or not at all. In pve you want to be crit capped all the time, not only in berserker mode. So on any decent build those +300 precision would go to waste. If its a split functionality between pve/pvp then I guess it would be fine.

The answer to that is to have that buff give half benefit outside of berserk mode.

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I guess I dont mind FC losing unblockable, it would only hurt against guard and mesmer. And those matchups are already favorable for the spb. I think theyd remain favorable even with blockable FC.

For the other matchups you'd have trouble proccing FC while your opponent is (channel) blocking. Unless its a team fight and there getting a FC in doesnt mean much.

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I disagree on the spellbreaker full counter unblockable. It is resource dependent and requires a 2 step activation, making it more onerous than many other unblockables in the game.


if you were to remove FC unblockable, it would, imo, need to be in conjunction with a comprehensive look-over of the GMs and how they interact with FC to create unique gameplay styles and different flavors of FC.

Just my opinion though. 

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11 hours ago, Peacekid.1463 said:

warriors are very slow look what they did to revs there fast and can port but warriors ... sad

warriors don't have combat initiative, which is very important, in any pvp. its a huge drawback.


warrior can't out initiative any of the 8 other classes. unless they give it to you.


its very punishing.

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Hard agree that Power Berserker needs substantial buffs.


I would also like some buffs to make Heal warrior viable (double the quickness on Warhorn 4, add a reliable source of party-wide protection, move around some of the support traits on Tactics and Discipline so they're not competing against each other.)


As a QoL change, I would like effects that grant adrenaline to put you in combat so that the adrenaline you gained isn't immediately wasted. This is mostly for Longbow Berserker in WvW.


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2 hours ago, HeliosMagi.9867 said:

As a QoL change, I would like effects that grant adrenaline to put you in combat so that the adrenaline you gained isn't immediately wasted. This is mostly for Longbow Berserker in WvW.

or.. just remove adrenaline decay, and make it a regenerating resource. 🙂

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@Pati.2438 Just to point out that if unblocable is removed Full counter doesn't actually Full Counter and turns into maybe counter, I wouldn't change it mostly because Spellbreaker doesn't really have much going outside of Full counter since its is bargain bin last minute spec . Taking any more kitten out of it doesn't make any sense, utilities are crap, Off hand dagger is crap and half the traits are useless. If the spec got a usefulness rework to be able to actually do different builds instead of being the on skill spec that gets get carried by core skills and traits , then maybe it could be changed.

Also the unblockable part is perfectly fine since it counters only a handful of builds that can attack and block at the same time as in the people annoyed by FC unblocable are people that themselves play annoying kitten and deserve even more builds that can counter defense cd stacking.

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On 4/19/2023 at 9:35 PM, HeliosMagi.9867 said:

As a QoL change, I would like effects that grant adrenaline to put you in combat so that the adrenaline you gained isn't immediately wasted. This is mostly for Longbow Berserker in WvW.

Playing raged warrior in WvW in a zerg sucks as it is hard to build adrenaline because you keep going in and out of combat losing it all, on top of all the block spam that exists in the game today, good luck using your burst skills. If you want to use range you are force to use To the Limit or Signet of  Fury. It's hard to fathom how such an oversight like this can still be in the game all these years in.

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23 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

That first one is in Cleansing Ire already. 

Should be baseline on one of the minor traits in Defense, not on one of the grandmasters. Adrenaline is pain in the kitten to keep up as is and having to go through hoops to get some is already kitten when almost all professions can use their mechanics for free just with CD. 

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1 hour ago, Vancho.8750 said:

Should be baseline on one of the minor traits in Defense, not on one of the grandmasters. Adrenaline is pain in the kitten to keep up as is and having to go through hoops to get some is already kitten when almost all professions can use their mechanics for free just with CD. 

I would put it into Adrenal Health then.

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On 4/21/2023 at 3:01 PM, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

That first one is in Cleansing Ire already.


Yes but it should be baseline.


Probably just biased perception on my part, but when I play hammer sbp I find myself plenty of times in a situation where I've used my stunbreaks and I'll get stunlocked to dead(obviously).


But it gives me enough time to think that if I was getting some adrenaline from getting crited in the face I could actually pop a FC and - "Bye have a nice day".

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