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Please change moa

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On 5/5/2023 at 1:23 PM, apharma.3741 said:

Big tell.

The hell it is!! I can't see that kitten to save my life!

Wanna know whats a Big tell? Try casting Signet of Mercy and you tell me there isn't a big kitten batman beacon in the sky telling everyone and their grandmas i'm about to rez tf out of some one.....

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On 5/5/2023 at 11:23 AM, apharma.3741 said:

Big tell.


This is actually false, and is the one complaint on moa that has been 100% justified since the day people started complaining about it.

The Moa Signet animation is lazily designed garbage. It looks barely any different than the other signets, and is even less visible than the signet animations from F**|<ING GUILD WARS ONE. The elixir toss version is even worse.




Edited by Master Ketsu.4569
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22 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

My favorite part was when Shorts himself goes, "[Moa] is so broken! I mean, what can you do? It's so anti-fun!"

All I'm saying is, if your opponent is running a super glassy build relying entirely on ONE single ability which can be denied by stealth\stab\aegis, and you're using none of that, your opponent freecasts on your teammate and you do nothing, and you get farmed... maybe you kind of deserve it?

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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1 hour ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

All I'm saying is, if your opponent is running a super glassy build relying entirely on ONE single ability which can be denied by stealth\stab\aegis, and you're using none of that, your opponent freecasts on your teammate and you do nothing, and you get farmed... maybe you kind of deserve it?

Well the ones that are port hacking while using these Chrono builds are making the build look MUCH more inflated and powerful than it actually is.

It's easy to hide when 98% of the community is too dumb to count teleports and pay attention to the use of CS to see when the ground targeted stun breaking teleports are hacks and not Blinks.

The truth is that full glass Chrono with Moa is ridiculously glassy when people aren't using hacks for inflated sustain mechanisms.

What people should really be complaining about is this sudden reemergence of common hack use lately within the past month. There are a lot of people just publicly & shamelessly using hacks again. It's not even just common speedhacks & telehacks lately. There is some kind of new version of that old Godhealed **** going around again.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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2 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

All I'm saying is, if your opponent is running a super glassy build relying entirely on ONE single ability which can be denied by stealth\stab\aegis, and you're using none of that, your opponent freecasts on your teammate and you do nothing, and you get farmed... maybe you kind of deserve it?

No, I don't think anyone deserves to be hit by a 6s unbreakable CC in a team game with such dynamic combat and potential for high burst damage as GW2.


No, I don't think it's reasonable to expect one player to peel 2 other players off his teammate (who is quite literally a sitting duck Moa) and then blame him when it doesn't work.


To paraphrase a wise and highly skilled Mesmer player:

It's broken.

There's insufficient counterplay.

It's anti-fun.

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Just now, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Aegis, stab (to prevent the follwup with pistol5, which is what ACTUALLY enables the kill), stealth (which they used, and failed to capitalize on). Next.

Counterplay for when you actually get Moa'd. Because avoiding it isn't always possible. As Hellz and his duo demonstrate THREE STRAIGHT TIMES in the video. Not just a noob stomper; works on elite players too. And one dodge doesn't cut it in a team game.



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1 hour ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

Counterplay for when you actually get Moa'd. Because avoiding it isn't always possible. As Hellz and his duo demonstrate THREE STRAIGHT TIMES in the video. Not just a noob stomper; works on elite players too. And one dodge doesn't cut it in a team game.



Hellz and his duo got caught twice with their pants down without even attempting to counterplay, both of them failed to dodge BEFORE shorts casted pistol5, which would have prevented shorts from actually doing anything out of the moa.

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27 minutes ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Hellz and his duo got caught twice with their pants down without even attempting to counterplay, both of them failed to dodge BEFORE shorts casted pistol5, which would have prevented shorts from actually doing anything out of the moa.


It's crazy that we both watched that same video and came out with entirely different conclusions about what happened in that stealth moa combo...

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I've still yet to see someone make a valid point as to it being nerfed in the way the OP and some really spite filled players are saying  in actual modes that are supported, where it's simply not used because it's not good.
For the 4th (?) time, 2v2 and 3v3 are not supported game modes.

That's without mentioning the elephant in the room that I've been saying is busted since it first came out, continuum split. This skill should never have been in the game, there is simply too much potential for abuse.

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Seems like the Moa Elite skill is getting a lot of meme laughs from content creators so more people are jumping into running Moa now. I had like 4 matches in a row with Moa-Mesmers and of course any mid tier Mesmer is pretty effective using it. I'm like nah, I'd rather do something else with my time

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16 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

No, I don't think anyone deserves to be hit by a 6s unbreakable CC in a team game with such dynamic combat and potential for high burst damage as GW2.

I think this is really the issue, and speaks to mesmer issues in general. I recently had good fun in the mesmer forums being a toxic jerk about it, but I think the underlying idea is valid.

Being able to polymorph an enemy is unique to mesmer, and I think mesmer should retain access to it. Doublecasting (via mimic or continuum split) is also unique to mesmer, and I think mes should definitely retain access to it. Taking those kinds of things away begins to gut the uniqueness of mesmer. Punishing high player action inputs (via confusion) and constant movement (via pre-rework torment) seem to fit right into the overall mesmer theme as well, which of course run counter to how everyone else is expected to play.

These all sound (and indeed are) cool... until you try to fit them into competitive balance. The things that make mesmer so interesting also run against a lot of the dynamism and counterplay-focused nature of GW2 combat. Combine that with high burst potential from a skilled mesmer, and you're looking at a lot of dead moas.

I don't envy Anet's job in attempting to balance this all out. Nerf these unique things too hard, and you end up making those skills useless and mesmer becomes a magic thief with less mobility. Leave them too strong, and it leads to uninteractive, less counterplayable stuff. Anet's answer over time seems to be along the lines of "make mes so lackluster in more normal aspects of combat, and let the unique aspects of mes try to carry it." But then you get stuff like taking away core, game-wide stuff like a second dodge away from mirages, and you start to get problems with the spec. It's a mess, that's the only thing we can say for sure.

Edited by voltaicbore.8012
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17 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

Counterplay for when you actually get Moa'd. Because avoiding it isn't always possible. As Hellz and his duo demonstrate THREE STRAIGHT TIMES in the video. Not just a noob stomper; works on elite players too. And one dodge doesn't cut it in a team game.



You can literally dodge 3 times and run away

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The plus side of being moa'd is that you can still complete your finisher, it was hilarious when I used a finisher as a moa. 

I think moa is over powered though. 

Maybe if those moa'd keep the loss of access to weapons skills, but have access to the utility skill slots. 

And/or decrease the time in moa form. 

I wouldn't advocate for its removal though. 

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1 hour ago, agrippastrilemma.8741 said:

You disagree that they did not dodge pistol 5 despite being able to do so in moa form?


I disagree with the implication from "benevolent" mesmers  in this topic that dodging a 1/4 s cast skill from stealth is something that can easily be done consistently. 

The combination of stealth + CS + quickness (via Seize the Moment) means that high-level mesmers can essentially guarantee a stun into moa, while mid-low level mesmers can simply learn how to press 3 buttons in the right order and feel like they're godlike.


It's not "pistol 5". It's "pistol 5 with quickness cast in stealth that can be cast a second time if by some miracle I missed the first one".

Edited by GeneralBM.5781
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36 minutes ago, GeneralBM.5781 said:


I disagree with the implication from "benevolent" mesmers  in this topic that dodging a 1/4 s cast skill from stealth is something that can easily be done consistently. 

The combination of stealth + CS + superspeed (via Seize the Moment) means that high-level mesmers can essentially guarantee a stun into moa, while mid-low level mesmers can simply learn how to press 3 buttons in the right order and feel like they're godlike.


It's not "pistol 5". It's "pistol 5 with superspeed cast in stealth that can be cast a second time if by some miracle I missed the first one".

First of all it's not 1/4s, second of all you are talking about quickness, not superspeed. In conclusion, GeneralBM does not know what he is talking about.

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