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Central Tyria Mastery Points... ugh.

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I've been playing GW2 since launch back in 2012 and have maxed every mastery in HoT, PoF and now EoD. BUT... to this day -- nearly 13 freaking years later -- I still need 28 mastery points in the core game of Central Tyria.  Yes, I've read all the farming posts and watched all the yTube videos on it and they all lead to tedious pain and suffering (oh yay!... I can get 1 point by finding 50 bugs in Lion's Arch... oh yeah... you'll probably drop the special gun a million times in the dark and give up, but hey... 1 point! only 27 more to go!!!). This isn't really a question/response post, it's just a hope that some dev somewhere takes up the cause and gives us a better way to attain mastery points in Central Tyria. That is all.

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I thought the bug hunt was one of the more unique masteries to acquire in the game, compared to many of the basic recurring themes...  At least the Skyscale now removes a lot of the angst in the 'Retrospective Jumping Puzzle in Silverwastes... now that was painful... so if you're still missing that one, your day just got a little brighter!!  🙂

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The game hasn't even been out for 11 years yet you have been working on it for 13. Maybe go back to your time machine and try again?

There are 83 core mastery points but only 49 are required to max out everything so there are 34 things you can skip.

20 minutes ago, Garrison Storm.3046 said:

I thought the bug hunt was one of the more unique masteries to acquire in the game, compared to many of the basic recurring themes...  At least the Skyscale now removes a lot of the angst in the 'Retrospective Jumping Puzzle in Silverwastes... now that was painful... so if you're still missing that one, your day just got a little brighter!!  🙂

That one is easy without skyscale. On release I did spent a very long time on the burrows section(long enough that someone could have complete Chalice of Tears multiple times) but that was a result of stupidly jumping into burrows randomly without tracking the results. It also has plenty of checkpoints, just pay the skritt 1g.

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2 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

There are many central Tyria mastery points. I have 24 points left and have maxed every mastery. 

I think I've unlocked them all and I have 28 spares. I never struggled at all to maximize masteries. Though I got the rest of the points just because I could and some were time consuming, I can't imagine it would be hard at all to max out with such an excess of points,

Edited by Manasa Devi.7958
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Early on with this game I made the mistake of placing mastery points in the fractal category, certain that there would be enough eventually for however I played.  That proved to be a mistake as I never play fractals and am left without sufficient masteries for the legendaries category.  It's gotten to the point where I just don't care.  This is from the perspective of a player of 3 years who casually and exclusively plays open world pve, but managed to create 2 legendaries, obtain all mounts (skyscale/griffon),  and fill out all other masteries but one in HoT.

So, I agree with the OP.  Tyria points should be revisited.   I suspect that those who have an excess of Tyria masteries regularly play fractals or other modes of the game where they can be got.  Maybe just add an option to move points (for Tyria only).


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I've long wanted a way to just use "wasted" EXP to earn them. That way, you'll still advance faster if you get the points the normal way, but you can eventually earn them playing however you want. (Within limits of Central Tyria/PoF/HoT/Ect...)

I don't like the big, scheduled World Boss fights. I don't like feeling lost, or wondering if I'm even doing what I need to be doing at some phase. I don't like how people act when they fail. I don't like wondering if I'm part of the reason it failed. And I don't like feeling like they carried me when it succeeds. But that's a lot of the Central Tyria mastery points that I'll never see, and I can't finish my masteries. Any L80 I play in CT is just throwing EXP away.

I like making progress. Even slow progress. I like to do the things I consider fun. Being stuck at a point of having to choose between never making more progress or doing things I find unfun does not encourage me to play the game.

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1 hour ago, PepeLePewPew.2107 said:

Early on with this game I made the mistake of placing mastery points in the fractal category, certain that there would be enough eventually for however I played.  That proved to be a mistake as I never play fractals and am left without sufficient masteries for the legendaries category.  It's gotten to the point where I just don't care.  This is from the perspective of a player of 3 years who casually and exclusively plays open world pve, but managed to create 2 legendaries, obtain all mounts (skyscale/griffon),  and fill out all other masteries but one in HoT.

So, I agree with the OP.  Tyria points should be revisited.   I suspect that those who have an excess of Tyria masteries regularly play fractals or other modes of the game where they can be got.  Maybe just add an option to move points (for Tyria only).


Even without any of the points from fractals while also wasting points in fractals mastery would still leave 14 as extras.

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Never saw central tyria mastery points as an issue, even when I didn't have them maxed out. I just didn't feel the need to rush them -and now I have 30 more than needed to max out. So I still can't say I see them as problematic, just open achievement tab from time to time and do something new.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, PepeLePewPew.2107 said:

Early on with this game I made the mistake of placing mastery points in the fractal category, certain that there would be enough eventually for however I played.  That proved to be a mistake as I never play fractals and am left without sufficient masteries for the legendaries category.  It's gotten to the point where I just don't care.  This is from the perspective of a player of 3 years who casually and exclusively plays open world pve, but managed to create 2 legendaries, obtain all mounts (skyscale/griffon),  and fill out all other masteries but one in HoT.

So, I agree with the OP.  Tyria points should be revisited.   I suspect that those who have an excess of Tyria masteries regularly play fractals or other modes of the game where they can be got.  Maybe just add an option to move points (for Tyria only).


I'm afraid you are mistaken.  I don't do Fractals; have only visited 3, I think, in total.  Can't get Tyria Mastery Points from other modes, such as WvW or PvP and I've never done a Raid. 

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20 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Would love to see the reward for excess experience be allocated to a variable something/currency that each player could change and optimize to suit their taste... I'm not suggesting mystic coins or amalgamated gemstones, but just different options for those who don't use these a lot or have the interest/patience to flip mats.  So I agree in theory, not wasted but... could be much improved, from the perspective of many, I would guess...

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4 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

That one is easy without skyscale

Admittedly JPs in general are not my strength, but the vastness and darkness of those caverns made this one in particular tedious for me.  I would rank many JP 'easier', but I don't really enjoy them and it's subjective anyway... so I guess my point was, that particular area was far easier in my experience with the flying mount than without...

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5 hours ago, TheOuroborus.6387 said:

I've been playing GW2 since launch back in 2012 and have maxed every mastery in HoT, PoF and now EoD. BUT... to this day -- nearly 13 freaking years later --

Are you from the future? If so, can you tell me how 2024 and some of 2025 goes?

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18 minutes ago, Garrison Storm.3046 said:

Admittedly JPs in general are not my strength, but the vastness and darkness of those caverns made this one in particular tedious for me.  I would rank many JP 'easier', but I don't really enjoy them and it's subjective anyway... so I guess my point was, that particular area was far easier in my experience with the flying mount than without...

It is long(timed it once on my thief, still took around 15minutes despite not making any mistakes) but that id not the same as difficult.

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7 hours ago, PepeLePewPew.2107 said:

Early on with this game I made the mistake of placing mastery points in the fractal category, certain that there would be enough eventually for however I played.  That proved to be a mistake as I never play fractals and am left without sufficient masteries for the legendaries category.  It's gotten to the point where I just don't care.  This is from the perspective of a player of 3 years who casually and exclusively plays open world pve, but managed to create 2 legendaries, obtain all mounts (skyscale/griffon),  and fill out all other masteries but one in HoT.

So, I agree with the OP.  Tyria points should be revisited.   I suspect that those who have an excess of Tyria masteries regularly play fractals or other modes of the game where they can be got.  Maybe just add an option to move points (for Tyria only).


In the light of this, fractal masteries probably should initially be locked and only unlock upon actually playing fractals.

I don't think it's wrong of anet to place a lot of mastery points in fractals (and the majority is honestly very obtainable, even without a full group if you just play a fractal once on its lowest scale) when one of the three categories are fractals itself.

I've seen the general complaint about Tyria mastery points several times and with how super niche the last legendary crafting mastery is (you only need it for 4 of the gen2 weapons) and how you don't have to invest into fractals without playing fractals I've always found complaints a bit weird. So besides bundling LS2 with HoT, protecting people from investing into fractals might be a good thing.

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18 hours ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

Even without any of the points from fractals while also wasting points in fractals mastery would still leave 14 as extras.

Your choices become very thin if you "wasted" points on fractal masteries. I played till tier 3 and looking at my my remaining mastery points to unlocks doesn't make me exactly happy. Luckily I have enough tolerable unlocks remaining. But every mastery point I would be missing from fractals if I didn't play it for a while, would hurt a lot. 

Edited by SlayerXX.7138
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8 hours ago, Endaris.1452 said:


I've seen the general complaint about Tyria mastery points several times and with how super niche the last legendary crafting mastery is (you only need it for 4 of the gen2 weapons) and how you don't have to invest into fractals without playing fractals I've always found complaints a bit weird. 

Im quite sure you need to do fractals for those gen2 collections anyway so theres that. 

Anyway while you dont need to do fractals to max out masteries, they are one of the easiest source. You can get most in t1 and t1 is mostly open world level of difficulty

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There are already nearly twice as many mastery points available for Central Tyria than you need, compared with the other mastery lines, and you need fewer of them to complete it, not too sure why you're struggling.
Central Tyria: Total: 83, Needed: 49,
HoT: Total: 198, Needed: 144
PoF: Total: 130, Needed: 110
IBS: Total: 76, Needed: 63
EoD: Total: 115, Needed: 89

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3 hours ago, Parasite.5389 said:

There are already nearly twice as many mastery points available for Central Tyria than you need, compared with the other mastery lines, and you need fewer of them to complete it, not too sure why you're struggling.
Central Tyria: Total: 83, Needed: 49,
HoT: Total: 198, Needed: 144
PoF: Total: 130, Needed: 110
IBS: Total: 76, Needed: 63
EoD: Total: 115, Needed: 89

If you don't have LS2, the pool is shrinking down to 67.

Then consider that anet decided to put mastery points on achievements as delightful as golden fractal weapons, ambrite weapons or emperor's new wardrobe that are just insanely grindy or insanely expensive to complete for a single mastery point. Dive Master also kinda bleh with Not So Secret existing. 4 of the fractal ones are locked behind completing fractals on T4 (Twilight, Nightmare, Observatory, Sunqua) and the regular fractal weapons collections is also kind of grindy. Not really possible to expect that from your average player. So where's our pool now? 59 and you need 49? 15 of those 59 are T1 fractals so if you don't want to run fractals, you're never going to complete them, easy as that. And even there you still have those ones that can take innumerable attempts like Flawless Fins Foil Foes or Weapons Tester. The spoon collection too tbh considering it relies on lucky drops from fractals and WvW.

Considering all this I can definitely emphatize with struggling to complete core masteries because you're left with nearly no masteries to reasonably select from if you aren't already playing fractals. For me it didn't feel that harsh cause I was going for the Light in the Darkness title even before that so I didn't have to spend hours in Silverwastes hoping for legendary spawns but people trying to complete masteries definitely have to.

/edit: What I can't emphatize with is wanting to max out fractal mastery when you don't want to play fractals. Because then you're just making things hard for yourself, you're at 38 out of 44, yes, you probably do have to run some Silverwastes but that will be about the only annoying grindy thing you do.

Edited by Endaris.1452
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