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I see astralaria so infrequently (assuming because it's harder to get) compared to frostfang, but the fatal flaw (to me) for frostfang is the square footfalls. So i made aurene's rending and got the zhaitan skin. I'm very happy with my axe skins, effects and footfalls.

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Astralaria crafter here. It’s very cool to have my renegade F3 flung beautiful axes everywhere! I’m thinking about which mace to craft though. While Eureka is very cool, The Moot would make renegade F3 fling disco balls! Oww I couldn’t pick…

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5 hours ago, Raffrey.5271 said:

Astralaria crafter here. It’s very cool to have my renegade F3 flung beautiful axes everywhere! I’m thinking about which mace to craft though. While Eureka is very cool, The Moot would make renegade F3 fling disco balls! Oww I couldn’t pick…

Craft The Moot!  Craft The Moot!  It's such a fun weapon.  Or obnoxious, depending on your tastes.  😀

I started to craft Astralaria but got sidetracked by wanting The Binding of Ipos a little more.  Eh, I'll get both of them someday.

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Just curious for anyone that would know....how much work is the collections part for Astralaria? I've crafted 2 gen 2s so far, and they seem more work in general than the other generations. And I have yet to craft one of the 4 of them with collections. About how long do they take to do and are they soloable?

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2 hours ago, idpersona.3810 said:

Just curious for anyone that would know....how much work is the collections part for Astralaria? I've crafted 2 gen 2s so far, and they seem more work in general than the other generations. And I have yet to craft one of the 4 of them with collections. About how long do they take to do and are they soloable?

I've crafted Nevermore and loved it, interesting collections and mostly soloable, have crafted the precursor for Chuka & Champawat and think it was probably the most interesting of all.  Both took a fair amount of time (can't quantify it exactly) but it was fun.  Haven't made Astralaria yet so can't comment on how much work/time it takes.

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5 hours ago, idpersona.3810 said:

Just curious for anyone that would know....how much work is the collections part for Astralaria? I've crafted 2 gen 2s so far, and they seem more work in general than the other generations. And I have yet to craft one of the 4 of them with collections. About how long do they take to do and are they soloable?

Astralaria is my only non-Gen1 Legendary, so I don't have other reference points of comparison... but the time investment was substantial, from my perspective.  The "Zinn" collectible alone requires completing a book collection within Tangled Depths, which is time-gated to a book per day... so something like 12 days to complete... (My advice for that is to park an alt within the vault that hosts the vendor, else you'll have to run that event successfully each day to gain access.).. Not sure what you mean exactly by soloable, but to get through all 4 upgrades to the precursor, you're basically doing most of the metas within Tyria and HoT as well as several fractals (so, not really 'soloable' in those cases)... I note also that as you've already crafted Gen2, am guessing that you'll need to Map Complete HoT as well, assuming you don't have the 4 associated Gifts already completed with other characters... Whether you are able to solo those maps or not, that is time consuming as well... also as a result of the 'cosmos theme' to this weapon, there are also a bunch of collectibles that are achieved during the nighttime, which also slows progress... 

In summary, as a result of needing to unlock recipes and such in specific order, and therefore somewhat limited to how far you can advance 'out of order', I found Astralaria to be quite the progression... much different to my experiences with Gen1, where outside of Gifts of Battle and Exploration, it's basically spending gold (whether you have it, or need to acquire it)... Loved my journey and experience, but... would definitely suggest mapping out the steps and progression, if you are trying to optimize the process...

Best of luck and hope to see you in Club Astralaria!  🙂

Edited by Garrison Storm.3046
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17 minutes ago, Garrison Storm.3046 said:


Best of luck and hope to see you in Club Astralaria!  🙂

Thanks for all the information. I crafted 2 Gen 2s, but they were both through PoF. I have the HoT map completions but still need to circle back and finish off the last mastery. I figured I would eventually make one of the 4 HoT exclusive weapons that require collections. It's kind of a toss up between Astralia and H.O.P.E.
I can park an alt easy enough. I've got 4 or 5 characters not assigned anywhere yet. I consider the metas "soloable" since I can just show up to them. It will be a bit harder for the fractals since I'll have to find a group for them, and my old static group has since moved on to other games.
I've got gold and mats banked so I'm not overly worried about that part. I was mostly curious about the time investment.
If you remember, about how many weeks would you say the collections part takes? Just trying to plan out in game projects and I wasn't able to find that sort of information. 

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46 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

If you remember, about how many weeks would you say the collections part takes?

Honestly, that's tough to quantify; as I recall, only that Zinn collection was substantially time-gated.  Unfortunately Zinn is part of the first Collection, so that time invested up front...  I'm guessing overall it took me about 6 weeks, but I'm pretty limited with my time and casual in my play... It really depends on how much grinding you need to do for the HoT currencies, and how much gold you're willing to spend outright on the daily-gated ascended materials...

But for the Collections themselves, other than Zinn, if you're flush in everything you need, it just boils down to how much time you can invest, and how much you will need to rely on some of the others... Fractals, for example, I am not very assertive and don't publish LFG; I waited for the fractals I needed to cycle through Dailies and then jumped on one of the many groups looking for those daily runs... Other than that, if you have time to map out the timing of the various metas and events to optimize, you can do it pretty efficiently...

Sorry I can't be more precise... it would be an interesting project to map out the minimal amount of time to complete, assuming someone could run non-stop...   

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3 hours ago, Garrison Storm.3046 said:

Honestly, that's tough to quantify; as I recall, only that Zinn collection was substantially time-gated.  Unfortunately Zinn is part of the first Collection, so that time invested up front...  I'm guessing overall it took me about 6 weeks, but I'm pretty limited with my time and casual in my play... It really depends on how much grinding you need to do for the HoT currencies, and how much gold you're willing to spend outright on the daily-gated ascended materials...

But for the Collections themselves, other than Zinn, if you're flush in everything you need, it just boils down to how much time you can invest, and how much you will need to rely on some of the others... Fractals, for example, I am not very assertive and don't publish LFG; I waited for the fractals I needed to cycle through Dailies and then jumped on one of the many groups looking for those daily runs... Other than that, if you have time to map out the timing of the various metas and events to optimize, you can do it pretty efficiently...

Sorry I can't be more precise... it would be an interesting project to map out the minimal amount of time to complete, assuming someone could run non-stop...   

No, that's very helpful. Thank you. That's more information than I had yesterday.

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