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humans dont have long hairs like norns.

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It would be nice to swap the hairstyles across between Norn and Human. 
Some of the Asuran hairstyles are rather cute too, all of those hair accessories!

You would think that all you would need to do to swap human and Norn hair would be to adjust size.  It could be that Norn have differently shaped heads though.  
I suppose they could all be made from scratch to approximate those styles.  If they go through all that, they may as well make new Charr and Sylvari styles.

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3 hours ago, Aodlop.1907 said:

For a game with such a big focus on character customizing, it's weird how terrible GW2 has always been with hair customization.

The fact that you need gems to change your hair color is really pushing it.

Yeah seems they want to lock as much as they can behind paywalls.

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They give out hair styling kits, and even total makeover kits, more often than I would expect.  Sometimes during a special event.

Those kits are often on sale during March, and then randomly throughout the year. 

You could always grind 3k gold and buy a permanent hairstyle contract on the trading post.  Then you could change hairstyle at will.  

It is impressive that the devs were able to isolate hair customization from full character customization.  Going further and just giving access to color customization without full customization sounds like it would be difficult.  It really depends on how character customization was coded.  


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On 6/6/2023 at 12:01 AM, Archmage Talaftia.9853 said:

i was looking  at norn special hairs and noticed that norn females has hair long enough to reach waist , but why humans dont have any , i like long hairs but i dont wanna play norn just for long hair, norn having them shows anet capable of making long hairs , why theyre not givin any to humans ?

This isn't entirely true, there are to my memory at least two very long hair styles for human females, both of which I'm pretty sure are part of the default pool of options. That's not at all to say that Anet shouldn't add more of such to the existing selection, wish they add more too, though I'd prefer unique ones myself rather than recycling Norn ones, but hey-ho.

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1 hour ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

This isn't entirely true, there are to my memory at least two very long hair styles for human females, both of which I'm pretty sure are part of the default pool of options. That's not at all to say that Anet shouldn't add more of such to the existing selection, wish they add more too, though I'd prefer unique ones myself rather than recycling Norn ones, but hey-ho.

There are: https://i.imgur.com/yR1hsJN.jpg

They're both default styles, not exclusive to makeover kits. There's a few others which reach below the character's shoulders, but don't reach their waist but I'm not sure if that counts as very long. (There's also a few which would be very long if it wasn't tied up, but I don't think that counts.)

It's true that the norn have more long hair options, but it's certainly not exclusive to them.

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GW2 has very little to do with any focus on character customization:


body is completely set in stone through only a couple of predefined choices,
every slider is limited to such an extent that creating more than a single unique character per one base face is nigh impossible even before counting in race/sex differences or personal preferences,
no detail can be changed on face presets, several of which come bundled with some sort of exaggerated feature because if you have to stand out, better do so on your head,
the vast majority of hairstyles lack in texture fidelity, with most volume being simulated via paper-thin waves which look somewhat believable almost exclusively from the front,
several Face Details features are bundled together (e. g. Chin Length going both down and forward at the same time), don't do what they're supposed to or are outright missing completely (mostly an issue with non-human races),
and, of course, colors seem to be pretty pointlessly limited, even just as they are between different categories, not to talk about the inability to adjust the shade of lips, eyebrows, eye make-up, etc.,
on top of all the other things Black Desert and Skyrim's Race Menu spoiled me with: voice, saveable customization files, default facial expression, tattoos, beauty marks, freckles...

(Bonus meme: the first choice of Body Features between male and female is still named Gender. WHERE MUH WOKE PITCHFORK BRIGADE AT!?
Jokes asides, this one's factually incorrect.
[sarcasm] But hey, we have like four daggers that are actually daggers and not swords. Might be entirely lore-friendly. [/sarcasm])

To be clear, this is not to say that a pretty character is completely unheard of - all of our accounts are full of those, right - or that the customization is lacking.
In fact, for example, through sheer numbers, human women have 63 different hairstyles at their disposal with the norn ones trailing a bit behind at 41, whereas one of the more popular Black Desert (!) female classes, the Dark Knight, only has 17, most of them being shared between all other female classes.
(Now, it should be mentioned that you also have the entire color wheel, three different areas to use it on, a Shine slider, and limited length and even shape manipulation tools included, plus several headpieces acting as completely new hairstyles altogether, but... can't ego-boost through rationality, can you.)

"Simply" porting over male hairstyles to the female repertoire and vice versa within the same race and/or updating the quality of the ancient ones would bring a whole tempest of fresh air to character customization while preserving the unique nature of cultural style.

I, for one, would welcome more casual and much less gimmicky hairdos (ponytails, long curls, simple voluptuous locks... *cough* DeleteBangsFromEveryHairstyle *cough*).
Seeing as everybody likes something else, however, it obviously begs the question: how?
And that's why we could get an official poll with concept sketches or even a competition of original styles, vote as a community for the best (reasonable) ones, with the winner(s) getting added to the game.

The next brave step in our beautiful humane relationship of consumers/company with capitalism as the backdrop!
Tragedies write themselves, don't they.

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30 minutes ago, Vyr.9387 said:

Now, it should be mentioned that you also have the entire color wheel, three different areas to use it on, a Shine slider, and limited length and even shape manipulation tools included, plus several headpieces acting as completely new hairstyles altogether, but... can't ego-boost through rationality, can you.

What are you saying, and where are the 63 different hairstyles for human women you are talking about?

I haven't seen any of this.

Edited by Lanfear De Noir.9127
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10 hours ago, Lanfear De Noir.9127 said:

What are you saying, and where are the 63 different hairstyles for human women you are talking about?

I haven't seen any of this.

That part was giving context to the difference in hairstyle counts between GW2 and Black Desert:
the raw number of choices is higher here, but in BD there are all the quoted things which can be utilized to personalize almost any hairdo to an extent, making the customization arguably much more free than it is in Tyria even though it's 63 Tyrian styles vs the Desert's 17.

As for our human gals' hairstyles:
18 kit-exclusive ones,
23 core ones,
18 Elonian ones,
and 4 Canthan ones,
adding up to 63 in total.

Absolutely not saying I'm using more than a handful of those - e. g. my 9 April-sung commandresses only wear 5 unique hairstyles out of the aforementioned pool of 63 - and I imagine that's the case with many people not chasing variety for the sake of variety, but different strokes for different folks.

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6 hours ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

Over my rotting corpse.

Please, scissors unsheathed, brandished and unleashed before it hit the ground.

But alright, from every hairstyle might be pushing it.
The cutesy anime stuff has to go, though; no mercy.

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3 minutes ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Wow someone in this community is confused by someone saying they wished humans had tatto options, like norn does.

Some people are confused by every new/obvious idea 😄 I personally agree, that more customization = better!

Edited by Debesyla.7102
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I honestly disagree to give humans Norn hairstyles and vice versa. I would rather Norns to stay unique (well, as far as they can... female norn are basically upscale human female models more or less tbh).

They did gave Humans 3 of the Norns hairstyles and vice versa and it was so meh to me. Like why??

Why not give both of the races something more uniquely and longer hair if so, rather than copy+paste so the humans can look like wannabe small Norns? 🤔

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On 6/7/2023 at 5:27 PM, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

I'd be nice to have access to the tattoos norns have as options as well, its silly humans didn't get any.

Before I would heavily disagree since Tattoos are unique to the Norns. But now since Cantha is part of GW2 once again, seeing Kurzicks and Luxons NPCs and their unique Tattoos,  I wouldn't mind seeing new Tattoos based on Kurzick and Luxon themes.

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5 hours ago, TwistedAlga.4235 said:

I honestly disagree to give humans Norn hairstyles and vice versa. I would rather Norns to stay unique (well, as far as they can... female norn are basically upscale human female models more or less tbh).

They did gave Humans 3 of the Norns hairstyles and vice versa and it was so meh to me. Like why??

Why not give both of the races something more uniquely and longer hair if so, rather than copy+paste so the humans can look like wannabe small Norns? 🤔

Because ANet's communication when it comes to player suggestions has always been miserable at best, so people started assuming the devs are completely incompetent, the code literally unworkable, or ANet caring not a bag o' beans for their community, giving the atmosphere on the forums that of an alley full of creative beggars coming up with presumably the most harmless and low-cost solutions to what they'd like to see added to the game.

In many aspects, I'd assume this is caused simply by how much the game appeals to its players - the quality of the content puts many big names to shame, so the devs must obviously be at least as numerous as Blizzard, right.
But ANet is a relatively small studio, especially when compared to the success of GW(2). But this also means all ventures have to be heavily scrutinized and only few get the green light.
Not that the shot-callers never miss, but where a blunder would merely be a minor setback for a bigger company, it's felt much more here.
And that's before shareholders start breathing down your neck.

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