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Read the header,  most problems stem from " i dont care if i win or lose, still get progress for chests 🙂 "  this is an actual in game message that i've received multiple times when asking why the players openly play to lose or not care. Please fix this. it will help the health of the competitive pvp scene and could make people want to participate in it rather than afk. 

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Hard disagree friend.  It would do nothing to help the competitive scene.  Increasing the rewards doesn't Offset the fact they still get ticks for winning.  If they remove the rewards for the losing team, That would be the final nail in the coffin of SPvP.  On NA at least.

Better rewards would only encourage META-lording. Every one gunning for that sweet 30..40..50..60..100 gold prize?  It would also devastate the gold economy.  I mean, I struggle to make 100 gold a week. Suffice to say, It would take me like 5 months of daily farming for a minimum 3 hours each day to afford Eternity.  I can't imagine how high the cost would go if gold was hyper inflated.   Inflation happens in exponents.

Copper Ore remainds so inexpensive because it is an easily obtainable resource.  If you increase the ease of access to gold, You are creating a situation where basic crafting materials like Copper Ore and Bone Chips are woth 15 of gold EACH.  I would not play this game if it costed you 100,000 gold for 400 gems.

It would also do nothing to change why PvP is in the state that its in.  For the record, The current season is probably the healthiest the PvP has ever been.  Its still frustrating to play though.  The queue timers are sometimes 15 minutes long, and like 70% of the time you're up against some Legendary God of PvP who shouldn't even be in your high silver low gold lobby, but they are because there isn't enough people queuing for PvP.  Why?  Because Its just not fun being one shot by 15 stacks of 9 damaging conditions that all manage to do a minimum of  4K   damage and a Maximum of 90K damage. The average doing about 35K.

Most don't have 30K health.  Most have between 21-26K health.  The damage is simply to high for the amount of health available.  It limits the players ability to out play an opponent, especially when the enemy has 1800 units if Concentrated AOE Death.   They don't clear the point, They clear the Area Code and that is simply not engaging for any one who isn't playing that Profession or Spec.

If PvP were more enjoyable, more people would play it, and thus, nerfing the ticks for a loss might have positive impact on the game itself.  However;  as is, nerfing ticks earns for losses would probably just encourage botting and further trolling.

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While I understand the sentiment I don't think this would result in people trying harder to winor changing their behaviour. Rather I feel it would result in more people quitting half way through the match when they can't see the win or just choosing not to participate at all. 

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One word: moderation.

Just start punishing griefers/toxic individuals/win traders. Boom, problem solved.

N.1 reason why you always see topics like "PvP in GW2 is absolutely terrible" is not because of rewards but because new people have in general terrible experience and give up before they get to the fun part.

Arenanet: 🙉🙈

Losing these stomp matches that end up with 100:500 score already feels bad, not sure why would you want to exacerbate this problem by punishing losing side even more because of poor match making and skill disparity that is most of the time unfortunately beyond their control.

Edited by Greyrat.2378
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I wouldn't called removing rewards for participation and thus also a non-negligible part of the remaining sPvP population, a healthy choice.

And by that I mean actually participation people, not bots, auto-runners and other match manipulation.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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Holy work. Stay brave & upright and continue being loud so that He might witness ye 🙏


I see it this way personally, kind of a middle ground:
Rewards that encourage effort; top stats, near-win, those are okay because they encourage that people at least try 👍

Rewards for doing nothing; the 3 base pips given just for being there and being above a certain rating threshold are not okay, and they belong in Unranked where it doesn't matter if they want to laze about.

And anyone who threatens to quit and give up over losing the latter in Ranked is making a facile argument against common sense, not to mention proving their mindset. They were probably quitting and giving up long before anyone suggested getting rid of their participation award in Ranked. If they quit; nothing gained, nothing lost.

9 hours ago, Abram.7816 said:



I offer bonus prayers for this undeniable truth. 🙏 DuoQ ruins competitive games. Advantages have no place in competition. Everyone plays at the same level, or eventually nobody will be playing and the competition will be completely dead & meaningless.

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On 6/13/2023 at 3:49 AM, Abram.7816 said:

Read the header,  most problems stem from " i dont care if i win or lose, still get progress for chests 🙂 "  this is an actual in game message that i've received multiple times when asking why the players openly play to lose or not care. Please fix this. it will help the health of the competitive pvp scene and could make people want to participate in it rather than afk. 

Your solution would kill the game mode more than ANet already has lmao. Nobody cares about the rewards even if you do win a lot of the games, the play is often copium for this dead game mode. You are also asking a lot of NA who plays mostly "for fun", which the game is marketed for. ANet stopped caring about competitive PvP the moment they dropped the eSports scene, don't know what era you're living in but catch up with the rest of us.

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First: Buy a new keyboard:
Second: If the reward for winning is increased even more (or no reward for losing) ... then it is even better to stop playing at all - if you start to lose early. If it is at 100 vs 300 it is way better to let the enemy get 500 quickly - not doing anything ... so you can move ot the next match (where hopefully you can win). Still aiming for a win might aned in 400 vs. 500 or so ... + taking a lot more time ... while no additional reward.

Other suggestions are better here - to give the loser more rewards if they played better. (Should be a difference in 100 vs 500 loss and 300 vs 500 loss for example. Not just the small extra pips for a loss where it was pretty close.)

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11 minutes ago, Nate Anabe.6091 said:

At least they had one

Thanks for stopping by, you just hopped in here to defend some random post like a white knight? How do you expect me to talk with you when all of your forum posts are five words or less. Hurry up because the rest of your household needs to share your singular braincell like a game of hot potato. 

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18 minutes ago, Nate Anabe.6091 said:

Just what I expected from mediocre PVP.er that afks in the corner


P.S. It Doesn't matter how many words I post as long as people take the bait

Well aren't you just the master baiter.

Edited by Abram.7816
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