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Active time lore system


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Any chance of getting a system similar to final fantasy xvi's active time lore system? This would be such a nice feature to help with understanding different parts of the story, especially when you do bits out of order. 

I'm not saying it needs to be exactly the same but a way to access story related information based on where you are with few button clicks would be nice.

Edited by Tiamat.8254
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36 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

XVI hasn't been released yet, so i am sure most of the readers have no idea what you are even talking about. You might want to put in far more detail into your suggestion than this.

Came out last week.

However, you are otherwise correct, I have zero idea what the op is asking for. I mean lore can be accessed the wiki command in game. Maybe that is close to what they mean?

Edited by Randulf.7614
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I love the new ff and it's active time lore. But I don't think it's likely or even possible to put such a thing in guild wars. 

Since active time lore pauses everything to bring up relevant information. And you can do all story instances with friends no? So you can't pause it for everyone and keep them waiting indefinitely. As lovely as the feature is, it works in a solo rpg but not so much an mmo. 


If you need a refresher the story journal has a summary for each chapter once you have done them 🙂 Should give the needed context for where you are presently. 

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Oh so "active time lore" is just an option to get a recap on the story whenever you want it?

As @Aelin.9317 said the story journal has summary of all the storylines you've done (which updates as you're going through them, so if you're in the middle of one it will tell you what's happened so far but won't give anything away). For more detail you can always look stuff up on the Wiki.

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22 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

Oh so "active time lore" is just an option to get a recap on the story whenever you want it?

As @Aelin.9317 said the story journal has summary of all the storylines you've done (which updates as you're going through them, so if you're in the middle of one it will tell you what's happened so far but won't give anything away). For more detail you can always look stuff up on the Wiki.

Not whenever but let's say you're doing things out of order as the game allows you too to, for example doing the core Tyria dungeons, but you don't remember much, or you want to know more about the characters, it would be good just to be able to access that information from a single click or button press.

The story journal only does part of the job. It's a bit messy and you don't get backstory on characters up to that point. 

I just thought it would be nice to have that information whenever you're in a bit of the story and they don't fill in the gaps for you or they mention someone you either don't remember or haven't met yet 

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How does that work for other people in the group? Do they all have to wait (or watch the recap) while someone looks up whatever details they don't remember?

I don't think it's a bad idea necessarily, I certainly wouldn't mind some sort of lore compendium built into the game, but I'm not sure how stopping to cross-reference the info you're being given works in a group. In my experience a lot of players don't even like waiting for someone to watch the cut scenes in the dungeon itself.

Edit: Just realised this is about something in the new single-player Final Fantasy, not the MMO one, so that problem won't have come up. It'd be something Anet would need to find a way to address if they did want to add a similar system.

Edited by Danikat.8537
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We've asked for in game lore books and an in game library like the Priory one before over the years. But it's a great deal of work--monstrous in fact--and really /wiki does the same job.

I'm still in favour of an in game lore library, but I'm conscious it's probably never going to happen


It's a nice feature/idea, but a pipe dream

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2 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

We've asked for in game lore books and an in game library like the Priory one before over the years. But it's a great deal of work--monstrous in fact--and really /wiki does the same job.

I'm still in favour of an in game lore library, but I'm conscious it's probably never going to happen


It's a nice feature/idea, but a pipe dream

I once tried suggesting an interactive version of Wikki's Official Guide to Tyria that opens to an embedded browser window (like the gem store) that displays the Wiki. I thought it'd be a good compromise because then Anet only has to build and maintain the UI part of it instead of needing to create text for all the possible entries).

But apparently there's security problems with having the embedded browser access a public website, especially one that anyone could edit. Someone did a post about it back when the browser was updated, I didn't understand a lot of the details but apparently someone could put code on a page which would then automatically run in the game if anyone looked at that page.

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2 hours ago, Parasite.5389 said:

Can i have an Active time lore system for the context of what you want, because you havent really explained what you mean, and i'm not going to google a system from a game i have no intention of playing

Going by the comments in this thread it sounds like it's a system where if someone mentions an event or person from earlier in the story and you don't remember them you can look it up right away in some type of in-game encyclopedia to get a reminder.

But yeah it's not clearly explained at any point, and I may be wrong because I haven't played the game it's from. I think referencing other games can often be a good way to explain a suggestion, but it's a bad idea to assume everyone else will have played all the same games you have (even the ones "everyone" played). Ideally you need both - reference other games as examples but also describe the system you have in mind.

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22 hours ago, Tiamat.8254 said:

Any chance of getting a system similar to final fantasy xvi's active time lore system? This would be such a nice feature to help with understanding different parts of the story, especially when you do bits out of order. 

I'm not saying it needs to be exactly the same but a way to access story related information based on where you are with few button clicks would be nice.

I am not sure what FFXVI's system is but if you check the story journal, it lists the year(s) that the chapter / episode / mission takes place in. The story journal is also in chronological order.

So you already have the order and timeframe for every release.

19 hours ago, Tiamat.8254 said:

Not whenever but let's say you're doing things out of order as the game allows you too to, for example doing the core Tyria dungeons, but you don't remember much, or you want to know more about the characters, it would be good just to be able to access that information from a single click or button press.

The story journal only does part of the job. It's a bit messy and you don't get backstory on characters up to that point. 

I just thought it would be nice to have that information whenever you're in a bit of the story and they don't fill in the gaps for you or they mention someone you either don't remember or haven't met yet 

So basically a lore codex? That has been asked for for years. Ironically a system existed, in a way, back during the original betas but was taken out by release time. It was a bit clunky in its original form. People have wanted one and for a while, but I'm sure it's both an extensive undertaking and if ANet could easily do it, they would have given how popular the request is.

If it isn't a codex, then I'm still confused as to what this system is.

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1 hour ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

So basically a lore codex? That has been asked for for years. Ironically a system existed, in a way, back during the original betas but was taken out by release time. It was a bit clunky in its original form. People have wanted one and for a while, but I'm sure it's both an extensive undertaking and if ANet could easily do it, they would have given how popular the request is.

I can think of no better time to reintroduce this feature than the upcoming expansion.
Give us an account library, a creature codex, a lore vault, all in one neato UI, and call it the selling point. Hot cakes.

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4 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

I can think of no better time to reintroduce this feature than the upcoming expansion.
Give us an account library, a creature codex, a lore vault, all in one neato UI, and call it the selling point. Hot cakes.

Honestly I would have been much more excited for all that than fishing. I would 100% would accept these as xpac selling points.

Thing is, I'm not sure anyone who isn't already invested into GW2 would see it the same way.

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