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Will Relics invalidate legendary runes? [Merged]

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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

No, the funciton of runes and legendary runes is picking stats and 6th rune bonus. Something you won't be able to have without relics after the patch.

The function of legendary runes is so you don’t have to use a Rune Extractor to keep a set of runes and not have to buy new runes…

you 100% get to keep that function nothing has changed. You’re confusing the function of Legendary runes with your own make believe idea of what function means 

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2 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

No, the funciton of runes and legendary runes is picking stats and 6th rune bonus. Something you won't be able to have without relics after the patch.

Wrong. What "everyone should get" is maybe a relic box for each rune set they have. In case of legendary runes, it's legendary relic.

Again you’re aren’t losing anything with the change so you don’t require compensation  the functions of the legendary runes stay the same

so if you aren’t losing anything you shouldn’t get something for free as compensation unless everyone gets the thing for compensation for not losing anything.

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5 minutes ago, BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

The function of legendary runes is so you don’t have to use a Rune Extractor to keep a set of runes and not have to buy new runes…

you 100% get to keep that function nothing has changed. You’re confusing the function of Legendary runes with your own make believe idea of what function means 

Wrong, legendary runes provide you with a free choice of a rune set -consisting of stats and a bonus effect for a set- on unlimited number of builds and characters with literally 0 inventory space taken.

Anyways, the previous poster seemed to be correct, you either don't understand how legendary runes work or are just bored and will continue avoiding what's being written just so you can say that ferrarii remains it's functionality because you can keep opening and closing its doors after you lose the engine (want to drive it? Hook it to another car and tow it. Same way you need to keep getting whoknowshowmany relics to have -still not full- functionality of the current legendary runes). Oh well.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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2 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Wrong, legendary runes provide you with a free choice of a rune set -consisting of stats and a bonus effect for a set- on unlimited number of builds and characters with literally 0 inventory space taken.

Anyways, the previous poster seemed to be correct, you either don't understand how legendary runes work or are just bored and will continue avoiding what's being written. Oh well.

Runes are Runes, legendary Runes only make it so you don’t have to purchase extractors to replace runes without losing them and you have full access to all runes at all times.

the function is staying since you can select whatever runes they have after the patch, you’re confusing functionality with whatever make believe definition you think it means. 

clearly you don’t know what functionality means the only function Legendary runes have is freedom to select any rune nothing more nothing less. They can rebalance the runes the function stays the same 

Edited by BlaqueFyre.5678
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15 minutes ago, BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

Current Legendary  runes are runes that can be swapped at will

new runes are rebalanced runes that can be swapped at will

the only function of Legendary Runes over Superior runes  is swapping what rune they are at will 

you can still do that therefore zero functionality loss 

Again the only function of Legendary runes is swapping the type of Rune you aren’t losing that function


Legendary armour function is to swap stats. Just because Arenanet decide to take half the stats of existing pieces and add a belt, a nose pierce, a bandana, nail and toenail polish slots, you aren't losing any legendary armour function.

Btw, weapon swap now is a equipment slot, and all the on swap triggers that used to be on sigils are now part of a new weapon swap system.

Also, 2 handers now are main hand and off hand, so you need two copies to get the five skills.

Guess those people with a few legendary staffs should have kept them after all.


Ah, and Anet is adding a hide shoes tick box. Sorry your invisible shoes are worthless now.

Edited by Swoo.5079
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5 minutes ago, Swoo.5079 said:


Legendary armour function is to swap stats. Just because Arenanet decide to take half the stats of existing pieces and add a belt, a nose pierce, a bandana, nail and toenail polish, you aren't losing any legendary armour function.

Btw, weapon swap now is a equipment slot, and all the on swap triggers that used to be on sigils are now part of a new weapon swap system.

Also, 2 handers now are main hand and off hand, so you need two copies to get the five skills.

Guess those people with a few legendary staffs should have kept them after all.

Now you’re just making up nonsense that’s unrelated.

if they reduced stats on Legednary armor and added a new slot you’re not losing functionality of the legendary armor the function completely remains the same… 

also weapon swap is an equipment slot…. You can’t swap weapons if the other weapon slots are empty…. 

come back with some real logical arguments and not nonsense


edit: your edit about invisible shoes would be a loss to those that acquired invisible shoes, but it’s irrelevant in the current topic since legendary runes aren’t losing their functionality of swapping between any rune at will.

Edited by BlaqueFyre.5678
Because they edited their post
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13 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

True Story

Before the introduction of the Legendary Armory, there were a few people (including myself) who had crafted two (or more!) additional full sets of Legendary Runes for the other two armor weights (and any extra Legendary Armor sets one might have owned from various game modes).

We were "compensated" for the spare sets that we could no longer use. Was it a loss of gold and resources for some? Certainly. But we survived.

The whole "Oh Gods, my Legendary Runes are going to be devalued by Relics!" is nothing in comparison. You really need to calm down and wait to see what ANet has planned for us.

After the implementation of the legendary armory did you still have the full benefit of the runes that you possessed prior?

Answer: yes.

You lost nothing. You kept 100% of the functionality.

It has been stated that one of the benefits of the runes already paid for will be removed as part of the relic implementation.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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Mate they can do whatever they want (except fixing some random bugs that have existed for years).

If they want to make a box where you slot something that triggers when you press the weapon swap, they can. At the moment is sigils. But if they make another box so you can have more costumizable weapon swap button, you bet they can do it.

They did it to runes with relics.

The stable value of items is the reason Anet is heavy handed to exploits that disrupt the economy. Because gems are worth gold and real money.

I could have played the game to get legendary runes or I could have swiped my card and spent hundreds of real currency to speed up the process.

If people were short changed when legendary armory was introduced, you should have been louder.

If the legendary armory hadn't been added I would have bought the permanent extractor instead.

Edited by Swoo.5079
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48 minutes ago, BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

Runes are Runes, legendary Runes only make it so you don’t have to purchase extractors to replace runes without losing them and you have full access to all runes at all times.

the function is staying since you can select whatever runes they have after the patch, you’re confusing functionality with whatever make believe definition you think it means. 

14 hours ago, ItsAlive.1236 said:

We're going to be removing major stat values from all armor and weapon slots.  Minor stats will remain intact.  As an example berserkers will no longer have power, but will keep its precision and ferocity.

We will be moving major stats to new gem slots on your equipment.  These gems may be crafted or earned as drops!

We realize this may negatively impact those of you with legendary armor and weapons, but fear not!  You will still be able to select your minor stats and freely transmute your appearance!

Idk why you guys are mad the armor functionality is staying the same.

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On 7/7/2023 at 4:17 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hello everyone, we have been following this conversation and continuing to read your feedback since my last post, and I'm here to give you another quick update. Like other major elements of the expansion, we’re planning on providing more information on relics before launch. For relics specifically, we’re working to get that blog ready for publish on July 18—and because I know you’re wondering, that timeline is so we can write it, review it for accuracy, edit it, and translate it into all supported languages.

We know that the legendary rune compensation is of great interest to you, and we'll be sharing more of our plans about that in the blog post. While that's still coming, I want to clarify a bit about my note on compensation. This will not be an unrelated item; it’s going to be part of the relics system. We’ll have more details in that upcoming blog post.

Finally, I want to thank you all for continuing to have this conversation and share your feedback with us. It’s been helpful and we all appreciate it.

I hope that the way runes work will also be addressed.  Like do I only need 5 runes now?  Since there are 6 armor pieces how is that going to work??  Some runes only have 5 stats and the 6th one is just the bonus effect, like for example. Superior Rune of the Chronomancer.

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1 hour ago, Vegeta.2563 said:

I hope that the way runes work will also be addressed.  Like do I only need 5 runes now?  Since there are 6 armor pieces how is that going to work??  Some runes only have 5 stats and the 6th one is just the bonus effect, like for example. Superior Rune of the Chronomancer.

You still get 6 runes they have said what ever is in the 6th slot is going away and it will be replaced with stats corresponding to the earlier rune slots.


With the first release on August 22, the sixth tier of each rune set will instead complete the stat bonuses associated with that rune set, and the additional special effects or conditional bonuses will be removed entirely.


Edited by Linken.6345
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8 hours ago, BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

Using your logic any balance or change is a taking away when they are rebalancing and restructuring, they aren’t removing the functionality of the legendary runes, runes are the entire thing not just one small piece, every time in existence is being restructured and given a compensation of 6th stat in some cases, while giving more functionality of having more stats and a bonus that’s going to be different, since the relics won’t have stats on the effect of the effects that have both a stat and an effect. 

if they removed some stats from the game that’s not changing the function of legendary armor/weapons/trinkets since the overall function of stat selection at any time is still there. Same things with the runes the runes are the stats they give plus whatever effect if any that effect isn’t the whole rune, it’s 1/6th of a rune.

Now you get added functionality of any stat you want because if we take you people at your word you weee taking stats you didn’t want which is the majority of the rune for an effect, now you get the stats you actually want and then some extra on top of Relics.

again you’re not losing any functionality, you’re gaining a functionality increase


I will repeat what someone already said here: Current changes are like taking flying away from skyscale, while leaving walking behind. And your telling runes are fine is like telling paying for skyscale to fly again is fine, cause springer can't fly.

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9 hours ago, BlaqueFyre.5678 said:

Current Legendary Rune: select any rune

New Legendary Rune: select any Rune 

No functionality lost

No. Current Legendary Rune: Select any rune

New Legendary Rune: select any rule, and buy/farm the Relic

The "no need to buy stuff" functionality clearly lost.

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i can't imagine what they're thinking making a horizontal progression game and then taking some of the horizontal progression away. if this continues they might as well just raise the level cap to 90 and introduce a new tier of gear because that's the road we're likely headed down.


i know it seems like everyone is overreacting, but this is how it always starts in mmos. there's a fine line that can't be crossed, which keeps in tune with your game's philosophy and when you cross it, it opens the door up to all kinds of changes players don't want. the investors go "wow, do more! do more!!" and you end up with an unstoppable landslide just like with build and equipment templates.


i really hope they take things in the right direction from here.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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22 hours ago, Pifil.5193 said:

Because that's the functionality of legendaries? The moment Dragon stats got the game they were available on every Legendary weapon, armour and trinket straight away no need to craft another item to get them.

And it's important to now that I said unlock every Relic for all the current Rune sets, not for every Relic that is ever added in the future. 

Craft the relic legendary when you can then.

You enjoyed 6th legendary rune. Now it changes, deal with it.

You still benefit from the 6th legendary rune, so you deserve nothing.

Edited by Kulvar.1239
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2 minutes ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

Craft the relic legendary then.

And where does that end? If they can split the effect of legendary into two, and make us farm for new legendaries, then that original legendary function no longer matters, because it does not guarantees protection from balance changes anymore. Because when something has been done once, it can be done again - and again, and again, and again. The only way to prevent a change in paradigm is either cancel the whole idea (which is extremely unlikely to happen), or ensure that any such changes will still preserve "legendary gear grind protection". Which, in this case, can only be assured by giving out a free legendary relic to anyone that crafted 6 runes.

In short, the solution has to be something that will disincentivize Anet from trying to push a repeat of this as a stand-in for gear progression.

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16 minutes ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

You enjoyed 6th legendary rune. Now it changes, deal with it.

Some hate change and can’t deal with it and are afraid of it. You see it in real life as well. It is narrow mindedness. 
I have legendary runes and they are still going to be a huge QoL item. Really looking forward to the new system. 

Edited by vares.8457
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42 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

And where does that end? If they can split the effect of legendary into two, and make us farm for new legendaries, then that original legendary function no longer matters, because it does not guarantees protection from balance changes anymore. Because when something has been done once, it can be done again - and again, and again, and again. The only way to prevent a change in paradigm is either cancel the whole idea (which is extremely unlikely to happen), or ensure that any such changes will still preserve "legendary gear grind protection". Which, in this case, can only be assured by giving out a free legendary relic to anyone that crafted 6 runes.

In short, the solution has to be something that will disincentivize Anet from trying to push a repeat of this as a stand-in for gear progression.

It never "protected from balance". It provide freedom of build and never did anything else.

ANet should not be strangled by legendary gear when it come to balance. What next profession having "protection from nerfs" ?

The 6th rune will provide raw attribute and thus will still be useful and you'll still enjoy the flexibility of it.
Unless you want to get the materials of your 6th legendary rune refunded and the rune removed from your armory ?

42 minutes ago, Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

If they outright remove the full functionality of the set without giving full legendary rune players a legendary relic, then that is actually a direct nerf to legendary.

An entirely free new legendary item. There are so many Karen jokes people could make from that level of entitlement.

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35 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

Some hate change and can’t deal with it and are afraid of it. You see it in real life as well. It is narrow mindedness. 
I have legendary runes and they are still going to be a huge QoL item. Really looking forward to the new system. 

Anet already said they realize there is a loss of functionality. Not sure why some are debating it.

Now, what Anet hadn't said is if there is going  to be a legendary relic, since for example there is no legendary bot core. If most of your gear is legendary it is annoying not having all of it legendary.

Maybe there is no need for legendary relic, maybe the relics are account wide/character unlocks, and the compensation is all the current runes set bonus are account wide unlocked for those with 6 legendary runes.

Hopefully Anet comes with a good solution because the rest of the expansion seems quite goo.

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15 minutes ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

An entirely free new legendary item. There are so many Karen jokes people could make from that level of entitlement.

Ah, that explains it.

Some just don't want others to get stuff that allows them to do what they already did, since they would have an extra thing.

Especially a Legendary, since Legendary items are so special, except the Legendary Runes which can lose something no problem.

Edited by Swoo.5079
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13 minutes ago, Swoo.5079 said:

Ah, that explains it.

Some just don't want others to get stuff that allows them to do what they already did, since they would have an extra thing.

Especially a Legendary, since Legendary items are so special, except the Legendary Runes which can lose something no problem.

You remind me of those players who were crying rivers when the base game went F2P.

You enjoyed the benefit of that legendary item since you made it. You'll keep enjoying its benefit after the update even if they're not as big as before.
The loss is meaningless. You're owed nothing.

ANet is only talking about doing a gesture for their own benefit. They don't want people crying rivers for thousands of pages that they got "scammed" with even more delirious entitled demands.

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14 minutes ago, Kulvar.1239 said:

You enjoyed the benefit of that legendary item since you made it. You'll keep enjoying its benefit after the update even if they're not as big as before.

I'll keep enjoying the benefits of things I already crafted once I craft the new items they've been split into, got it.

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36 minutes ago, Swoo.5079 said:

Ah, that explains it.

Some just don't want others to get stuff that allows them to do what they already did, since they would have an extra thing.

Especially a Legendary, since Legendary items are so special, except the Legendary Runes which can lose something no problem.

Seems so. From what i see, those that do not have issues with this change are either those that do not have legendaries themselves, or those that do, but are so wealthy buying a new one outright is pocket money to them. That's why they don't think farming for an additional legendary is an issue. Because it won't be - to them (due to either not getting it anyway, or being so wealthy they would not know what to do with their money otherwise)

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