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ANET hates Mesmers - Show your dissatisfaction


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I hardly need to explain anything, do I?

This thread is a form of digital signature collection showing that we're fed up with the Mesmer hate. You're encouraged to add reactions to this post to signal that we're displeased, and add comments about which content you used to do and why you're not viable or not having fun in that content anymore - why GW2 has been ruined for you personally.

In my case, I used to play Mirage and I've invested heavily into it, crafting my first two legendaries, Astralaria and Kralkatorrik's Insight, only for the spec to be gutted entirely, making my investment a waste. Years of progress in the game wiped out by salty balance updates - years spent with nothing to show for it. I used to run Fractals and do PvP, but now I'm the worst alac spec for fractals, doing no damage and having poor alac uptime outside of battle with full concentration gear. It is impossible to keep alac up between boss fights while moving from point A to point B, and other alac specs have so much more to offer. It's not even fun to play. In PvP I finally got my second dodge back - great - but now I'm dead if I get hit by anything because mirage is easily bursted down and you can't mirage cloak in CC. We can't even ambush attack while immobilized. I also hit like a wet noodle, no damage and no survivability - got nothing to offer. As such, there is no content left in the game for me to play.

I was told to switch to Power Virtuoso for PvP and wanted to make the switch today after testing the mirage changes, only to find that virtuoso has now been gutted too. Bladesong Requiem is now the biggest joke of a skill in the whole game, and that's not the only nerf they've received. That just leaves chrono bunker spec which certainly isn't for everyone, me included. I don't want to play a defensive chrono, ANET, and surely you're nerfing them too once one of you get frustrated fighting one of them. Sounds plausible, doesn't it?

Get someone who actually likes Mesmer to make the balance changes, because whoever is in charge would clearly prefer if the whole profession was deleted.

As a bonus point, I saw Mukluk's video about how you've terrorized a lot of PvE specs such as druid and scrapper. ANET's balance updates have been a meme for quite a while now, and it's like they're fully embracing the meme. It's not even funny anymore. It's business as usual. ANET screws things up, that's how it goes. That needs to change or this game just isn't worth playing.

Edited by Argonil.6970
Added that we can't ambush attack while immobilized...
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This nuclear fallout of a patch did us necros dirty as well.

Absurdly low alacrity uptime.
Shades having to be recast every 8 seconds (from 20s).
Baseline nerfs for opt in "gains" (yes that horrid alacrity).
Grandmaster traits changed from 3 solid ones to two garbage ones and the one that was not affected.

Signet reaper is dead.
Ressing in PvE gutted cause reasons.
Barriers nerfed cause reasons (they were already balanced before to deny dps scourges fat barriers).

Forgive me if i missed something. We got love bombed so much it's hard to keep up...

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1 hour ago, kingnelu.1642 said:


If you spent money on the game you have the right to a chargeback. 

Since ANET  intentionally sabotaged your product.

Was unironically thinking about this, i'm just waiting for july 18 to decide if is worth getting my account banned or not.

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3 hours ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

This nuclear fallout of a patch did us necros dirty as well.

Absurdly low alacrity uptime.
Shades having to be recast every 8 seconds (from 20s).
Baseline nerfs for opt in "gains" (yes that horrid alacrity).
Grandmaster traits changed from 3 solid ones to two garbage ones and the one that was not affected.

Signet reaper is dead.
Ressing in PvE gutted cause reasons.
Barriers nerfed cause reasons (they were already balanced before to deny dps scourges fat barriers).

Forgive me if i missed something. We got love bombed so much it's hard to keep up...

Agreed 👍 

From one gutted class group to another, here's a hug from us fellow scholar players🫂

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Anet doesn't hate Mesmers.  The company doesn't give enough resources (money or staff) to the teams that make this game, balance it, QA it etc, and the few people they do employ have definitive slants on how they want to build and balance the game.

If you don't enjoy playing the game the way it is being made, you have many other choices on how you want to spend your time.

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30 minutes ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

Anet doesn't hate Mesmers.  The company doesn't give enough resources (money or staff) to the teams that make this game, balance it, QA it etc, and the few people they do employ have definitive slants on how they want to build and balance the game.

If you don't enjoy playing the game the way it is being made, you have many other choices on how you want to spend your time.

They could just hire, idk, MightyTeapot. At the very least he explains his opinions.

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41 minutes ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

Anet doesn't hate Mesmers.  The company doesn't give enough resources (money or staff) to the teams that make this game, balance it, QA it etc, and the few people they do employ have definitive slants on how they want to build and balance the game.

If you don't enjoy playing the game the way it is being made, you have many other choices on how you want to spend your time.

Anet doesn't, 🤡m🤡 does.

Also, don't pander to a multi million dollar company, it's cringe, they have enough staff and resources.

When nobody looks forward to a balance patch in years, and each time it's an unprecedented disaster with build issues and bugs, that go unchecked for years, there's something rotten there. And it goes beyond just "people don't like X change", the balance is the biggest mess in years, and now they even added multiple new angles to balance - WHY would they do that if they don't have the resources to balance?

10 minutes ago, GetFoxxed.9478 said:

They could just hire, idk, MightyTeapot. At the very least he explains his opinions.

Yeah, no, he also made it very clear that every nerf on mesmer is "deserved" and does hard mental gymnastics on why that's so.

Edited by Veprovina.4876
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I already know I won't be providing any more of my money to this fiasco. 


In wvw.. fighting a thief is reactionary. You always have to wait for him to de-stealth when he is hitting you to know where he is....

Before, when I played thief I could hit you with  a 2k - 4k cloak and dagger (I've been hit for 5k and change with this ability) just as I de-stealthed  so I'd be visible for a fraction of a second.....


that 1 block on the bladestorm was needed so a memser could time One of those attacks, pop that block, and retaliate before the thief uses another means to stealth.  


One thing the genius in charge definitely did not consider was how slow the mesmer abilities are, and useless agaisnt those who can do what some can do when it comes to attacking into stealth. 


You would have never hit me with a bladesong ability and since mesmers have no cleave, if I was on my thief, no mesmer could touch me. 


But since I have no desire to play thief again, I will 100% just find a new game


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Chronomancer is definitely less effective in WvW now and a lot less fun to play.

The only thing it can consistently contribute is Gravity Well and boon strips.

The profession as a whole also suffers from a lack of mobility.  Yes, there is Blink, but manipulation recharge and super speed was  nerfed two patches ago.

I am challenged to find one aspect of the game that Mesmer does better or even as well as any other spec presently.

Edited by Pie.2167
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1 hour ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

Anet removing the block from Bladesong Requiem is because you'll be getting access to Chronomancer's shield in the future.

Do you not see how terrible that is?

1. You need 2 expansions.
2. There's 2 months until then. Why did the change go live now?
3. You lose DPS by using the shield, and your DPS is not that crazy to begin with.
4. Bladesong Requiem is now a "click here to lose your blades" button. It does nothing. It would've been better if it was removed so you couldn't missclick it.

If you think the shield is going to save the spec then that's just naive, and if you think it's well designed then that's just stupid. Mesmer will still be in a terrible spot, nothing will change. And that's not to mention the dumpster fire that is Mirage.

Edited by Argonil.6970
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1 hour ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

Anet removing the block from Bladesong Requiem is because you'll be getting access to Chronomancer's shield in the future.

I believe so too. This unfortunately isn't a single case, but a recent trend.
Baseline nerfs for opt in gains. Same was done to necro for possibility of  having alacrity.

And what if you don't want to equip a shield as Virtuoso or Alacrity sharing trait as a Scourge?
Well sucks to be you! Virtuoso still has no block on F5 and Scourge's barrriers and ressing are still nerfed!

This is a very poor approach that needs to change. The sooner the better.

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1 hour ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

you'll be getting access to Chronomancer's shield in the future.


I had looked at the shield before and didn't see it as a positive for wvw if I wanted dps. 

So because of something many of us would never use (a shield), we lose 1 block (F5), alongside our #2 and #3 weapon skills that have been completely made irrelevant to combat.



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3 hours ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

I believe so too. This unfortunately isn't a single case, but a recent trend.
Baseline nerfs for opt in gains. Same was done to necro for possibility of  having alacrity.

And what if you don't want to equip a shield as Virtuoso or Alacrity sharing trait as a Scourge?
Well sucks to be you! Virtuoso still has no block on F5 and Scourge's barrriers and ressing are still nerfed!

This is a very poor approach that needs to change. The sooner the better.

What more is that when they claim F5 would become a "point blank damaging shatter" following the change, it turns out to be a wet noodle. 

Edited by Varis.5467
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Balance team and its lead needs a complete overhaul, since they are really hurting the game in very bad ways because of their bias and unprofessionalism.


Like how can you not get this yet? Your balance team has already been through one big scandal, how many more scandals do you need before you start making real changes to the team?

This patch was not wanted, and many took their time to give you feedback but you guys just didn't care at all (as most of the times). And now you have the audacity to even ask us for more feedback for the beta?! Is this a joke?

Get your acts together and be professional for once!

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Just now, Varis.5467 said:

What more is that when they claim F5 would become a "point blank damaging shatter" following the change, it turns out to be a wet noodle. 

It's supposed to great for condi virt, but that doesn't change that I'd much rather have a block on F5 and torch in my offhand, than a shield in offhand and... this.

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10 hours ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

Anet doesn't hate Mesmers.  The company doesn't give enough resources (money or staff) to the teams that make this game, balance it, QA it etc, and the few people they do employ have definitive slants on how they want to build and balance the game.

If you don't enjoy playing the game the way it is being made, you have many other choices on how you want to spend your time.

I dont care. Many people are spending money to this game including me. They have resources and staff to create new black lion items but not for balance? This is not an excuse..

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this is from wvw/pvp perspective, got 0 clue when it comes to pve.

what irks me the most is that mesmer is not allowed to move at all, meanwhile every other profession is getting leaps thrown at them from every direction possible. we are not even allowed an easy source of swiftness. not to mention blink cd got increased when they did all the cd reductions xD 

then we have mirage getting second dodge back but everything that it could use to become viable got prenerfed in advance xD like wtf, it didnt even get a chance to perform before the legs got cut off.

F5 block getting removed in turn for shield is this prenerf mentality all over again, virtu doesnt need more blocks, it needs damage, id rather have pistol or torch than shield any day. not to mention f5 is useless now, had to remove the keybind as to not press it by mistake. atleast buff the dmg 3 fold or something

and dagger getting completely dumpstered is what takes the cake for me. 

i look at my dagger becomming completely useless while ele dagger gets a major buff with leaps and easier cc and dmg 😄

the balance lead is either a moron or does this deliberately.

lets not forget that mesmer isnt the only thing he kittened over this time, necro,engi,war got hit with stupidity aswell.

i got a fully geared tempest btw, not touching that out of pure spite because of the obvious bias



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1 hour ago, Suyheuti.1732 said:

I dont care. Many people are spending money to this game including me. They have resources and staff to create new black lion items but not for balance? This is not an excuse..

Is it surprising that a company would take the profits from this game and not reinvest them into continued development?  Just pocket the cash and move on?  

They had staff enough to build a whole new expansion but not enough to balance the game let alone release new patches with a multitude of bugs and mistakes.  Now do you expect the expansion to be worth the money they are charging for it or do you think it will be more of the same?

The priorities are clear, it isn’t to make a good game, it is to make a profitable game and investing in cosmetic micro transactions is what has made GW2 financially successful. Not fixing profession issues. 

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2 hours ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

Is it surprising that a company would take the profits from this game and not reinvest them into continued development?  Just pocket the cash and move on?  

They had staff enough to build a whole new expansion but not enough to balance the game let alone release new patches with a multitude of bugs and mistakes.  Now do you expect the expansion to be worth the money they are charging for it or do you think it will be more of the same?

The priorities are clear, it isn’t to make a good game, it is to make a profitable game and investing in cosmetic micro transactions is what has made GW2 financially successful. Not fixing profession issues. 

Disagree. You don't profit from micro transactions if you lose your playerbase.

Let's stay on topic please.

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Me and some others have been saying for ages that ANerf has in fact bias against mesmer, even before the discord leaks.
Some people still doubt this even now.
I mean when people talk kitten against mesmer and that mesmer needs to get nerfed and ANerf staff agrees on gw2 discord.
When gw2 discord banned the best mesmer player and the one that defended mesmer...

I'll say it once again (and I've been saying this since he was hired), CMC is the worst thing that ever happened to GW2.

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