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Can you update silent surf so that it is a fractal?

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55 minutes ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

The boss takes 4-5min. You would need like 3k dps per player for a 15min fight. the boss should just enrage at the 10min mark so maybe people finally realize that their ultra low dps is not intended.

My dude. Its a T1. Let people have fun on their sub optimal build. Around 5k Dps is what i would expect from one of my alts in sub optimal gear, without boon support. The 15-17 Million hp the boss has on T1 is just over tuned for something that is meant for new or casual player. Almost having as much HP as 10man Strikes boss.

Edited by SlayerXX.7138
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1 hour ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

My dude. Its a T1. Let people have fun on their sub optimal build. Around 5k Dps is what i would expect from one of my alts in sub optimal gear, without boon support. The 15-17 Million hp the boss has on T1 is just over tuned for something that is meant for new or casual player. Almost having as much HP as 10man Strikes boss.

OLC has 24m per knight. Almost 71m total.
AH has 49m.
Ankka has 52m.
Li has 42m alone without the split phases.

HT cm has 115m without the split phases.

So no. The 15m are not even remotely close to strike hp pools unless you mean icebrood construct or fraenir which are complete joke bosses dying within seconds even with inexperienced players.

A full berserker set costs like 10g on tp. Why are your alts geared in useless things and have useless traits? There needs to be some challenge to be allowed to advance a tier so t3 would not be such a clown fiesta. It is not lvl 1. It is lvl 25. The end of t1. There are 1 button builds doing 20k+ dps. There is no reason at all to account for sub 5k dps players in endgame lvl 80 content. If anything other games solve this with gate bosses which you can only clear when you are able to achieve a certain amount of dps for example to test the game and build knowledge. Currently there are plenty of clueless players hitting a brick wall in t3 because their soldier hammer revenant worked "fine" until that point. How about telling them sooner how useless their builds are? preferably before they made expensive ar or ascended investments.

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4 hours ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

So no. The 15m are not even remotely close to strike hp pools unless you mean icebrood construct or fraenir which are complete joke bosses dying within seconds even with inexperienced players.

T1 has 17mil HP. Icebrood construct has 12 for 10 People. Even Bones skinner where People asked for years, for kill proof has 21 Million for 10 People. Real inexperienced player don't do 20k dps. Comparing it to the unpopular Cantha strikes is just dishonest.

4 hours ago, Nephalem.8921 said:

A full berserker set costs like 10g on tp. Why are your alts geared in useless things and have useless traits? There needs to be some challenge to be allowed to advance a tier so t3 would not be such a clown fiesta. It is not lvl 1. It is lvl 25. The end of t1. There are 1 button builds doing 20k+ dps. There is no reason at all to account for sub 5k dps players in endgame lvl 80 content. If anything other games solve this with gate bosses which you can only clear when you are able to achieve a certain amount of dps for example to test the game and build knowledge. Currently there are plenty of clueless players hitting a brick wall in t3 because their soldier hammer revenant worked "fine" until that point. How about telling them sooner how useless their builds are? preferably before they made expensive ar or ascended investments.

LoL. Calm down and touch a little grass. Have some defensive stats, no boon support, the 3rd best weapon equipped and no Elite spec damage drops of fast. For something who acts elitist you know very little about the Game. A couple of days ago I ran  T1 with new players, they did 5k. No one wants to sit through a 10 minute fight in t1.

Edited by SlayerXX.7138
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10 hours ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

T1 has 17mil HP. Icebrood construct has 12 for 10 People. Even Bones skinner where People asked for years, for kill proof has 21 Million for 10 People. Real inexperienced player don't do 20k dps. Comparing it to the unpopular Cantha strikes is just dishonest.

LoL. Calm down and touch a little grass. Have some defensive stats, no boon support, the 3rd best weapon equipped and no Elite spec damage drops of fast. For something who acts elitist you know very little about the Game. A couple of days ago I ran  T1 with new players, they did 5k. No one wants to sit through a 10 minute fight in t1.

No, only "veterans" like you dont wanna sit through a 10 min fight in t1, i dont see any of your "new players" crying at the forums. Plus you admit that they did 5k dps, so why the fk it shouldnt take 10 mins with 5k dps? You wanna faster runs? Go and find experienced people. If content becomes harder than OW even if its t1 and its "elitist" for you, then this game is just doomed to go downhill from here for anyone who plays instanced content and all thanks to people like you 🙂

Whats next, you gonna ask for autoplay option or its elitist if it doesnt exist?

Back in the day if you didnt play the right class you got kicked and people ignored the true performance since dps meters didnt exist, nowadays if you are asked to do more than a BARE MINIMUM (thats what your 5k dps is, and you still can complete content), yep now this is becoming "elitist" instead :")

Edited by soul.9651
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8 hours ago, soul.9651 said:

No, only "veterans" like you dont wanna sit through a 10 min fight in t1, i dont see any of your "new players" crying at the forums. Plus you admit that they did 5k dps, so why the fk it shouldnt take 10 mins with 5k dps? You wanna faster runs? Go and find experienced people. If content becomes harder than OW even if its t1 and its "elitist" for you, then this game is just doomed to go downhill from here for anyone who plays instanced content and all thanks to people like you 🙂

LoL. Calm down and touch a little grass. If I want a fast run I play on my main and do meta dps. How warped is you perspective man? Are you implying I'm doing lobby work to speed up my T1 runs? Over 10 minutes is a long time for a single boss for casual or new player. Also the new players I grouped with did 5k on eternal Battleground and cursed hammer not sure they do that on Silent surf, when they get to that. It is vastly over tuned for a T1, if you don't realize that you don't understand how the systems work in GW 2. Also please explain your mental gymnastic, how the game is doomed, when a T1 is casual friendly? Besides all that, you clearly not the target audience for T1, there are 3 other tiers and a coming challenge mode, so please leave your "informed" takes there.

8 hours ago, soul.9651 said:

Back in the day if you didnt play the right class you got kicked and people ignored the true performance since dps meters didnt exist, nowadays if you are asked to do more than a BARE MINIMUM (thats what your 5k dps is, and you still can complete content), yep now this is becoming "elitist" instead :")

Cool? When was the last time you talked about games with Real life Acquaintances? You remember games are for fun? T1 is not the place where try-harding should be required to enjoy the content.

Edited by SlayerXX.7138
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  • 2 months later...

Tried to do this fractal 3 times today 2 at T1, 1 at T2.  Everytime the party quit, twice during the JP part, once at boss when everyone died after pounding on that tank.  Way to many new mechanics in a directionless void of space, where do you go and jump and use what?  I had some idea as I spent 45 minutes watching several videos to get some idea how to navigate it.  I don't think I'll ever play this one again.  There is no gradual introduction to anything in the instanced content of GW2 (like story bosses too)... here, take a brand new set of functions with a weapon you've never ever been able to practice, try it in a world you can't explore, with a ton of new mechanics represented by graphics you have never seen before... oh and while you are at it, dodge a carpet bomb of AoE.  Are you having fun?

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There's some easy reasons how players get to t4 without learning some mechanics.

Those particular fracs were not comparable to other fracs in the same tier, whether in terms of complexity, time required, wipe=reset, etc. The rewards weren't greater, the stress was a grater, a smorgasbord of gamework that not many would look forward to after a tiring day at work.


So they tried it, never completed it (with their own strength) in t1 after several aborted tries, parties get dissolved after fails, and they never gradually learnt and practiced the mechanics.


Then when they leave t1, they can't do the frac at t2 or t3, and their parties are unlikely to want to go back to do it at t1 cos, yknow, why suffer through that to get a t1 box when for the same amount of time every day you t1+t2 boxes from other fracs.


The design philosophy for t1 should be to teach mechanics (with a guarantee of success after repeated tries IE boss healthbar should have checkpoints and not reset fully), and T2 onwards would be about tuning up the difficulty.


I do also feel that the harder new fracs should be in a separate category (similar to how they scaled the frac point rewards in the recent frac rush), so that you can have 3 normal-grade frac dailies and 1 special grade frac daily, with a possible option of giving up partway through the boss fight and receiving a consolation reward (perhaps a handful of relics or bags, nth valuable), based on cumulative damage to the boss or progress on the boss.


And the purpose is to entice ppl to keep trying and to learn.

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On 7/10/2023 at 2:05 PM, Balsa.3951 said:

lol definitely not true what u said but ok

Newsflash: that is exactly what Fractals are. Historical occurences that manifest in the Mists and are found by Dessa and her team, facilitating our characters to take part in those events without changing history or reality as it is today. We clear these "islands in the Mists" that they have found of danger, so they can investigate.

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I like Jumping Puzzles (Tribulation Mode collection completer) and even I dislike Silent Surf's gimmicks and consider them a waste of time. 

On 7/10/2023 at 12:06 AM, leila.7962 said:

Fractals are supposed to be about lore that happened in Tyria's history, therefore, there will be things that are not "straight forward" - it's telling a story. If you don't like stories being told, a MMORPG isn't the game for you.

That's cool and all but that's why dungeons had story mode and exploration mode. Not everyone wants to replay story mode 100,000 times.

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8 hours ago, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

Newsflash: that is exactly what Fractals are. Historical occurences that manifest in the Mists and are found by Dessa and her team, facilitating our characters to take part in those events without changing history or reality as it is today. We clear these "islands in the Mists" that they have found of danger, so they can investigate.

u go now buy SOTO than u come and delete ur post.

fractals are not pure historic they can be manipulated distort changed 

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4 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

u go now buy SOTO than u come and delete ur post.

fractals are not pure historic they can be manipulated distort changed 

I have SotO. Played all through the story. And I paid attention. So I'm not going to delete my post. I'm going to explain it in a bit more detail so maybe you understand.

You are conflating the Fractals these wizards created themselves, Fractals that got pulled out of the Mists, with the dungeon Fractals. They are not the same. The dungeon Fractals aren't created by the NPC's, they are found. They represent different historical events of Tyria. We go in and clear out the danger, so they can then go in and investigate. This is the backstory of the dungeon Fractals. They are not the same as the Fractals we encounter in Skywatch Archipelago.

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8 hours ago, Doggie.3184 said:

I like Jumping Puzzles (Tribulation Mode collection completer) and even I dislike Silent Surf's gimmicks and consider them a waste of time. 

That's cool and all but that's why dungeons had story mode and exploration mode. Not everyone wants to replay story mode 100,000 times.

Exploration mode has story as well. The reason people don't play story mode very often is because the rewards are inferior to exploration mode. It has nothing to do with the lack or presence of a story. Fractals have stories. Raids have stories. Heck, technically even Strike Missions have story, since they're basically story bosses confined to a single instance fight. There are no PvE instances that do not involve a story.

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2 hours ago, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

I have SotO. Played all through the story. And I paid attention. So I'm not going to delete my post. I'm going to explain it in a bit more detail so maybe you understand.

You are conflating the Fractals these wizards created themselves, Fractals that got pulled out of the Mists, with the dungeon Fractals. They are not the same. The dungeon Fractals aren't created by the NPC's, they are found. They represent different historical events of Tyria. We go in and clear out the danger, so they can then go in and investigate. This is the backstory of the dungeon Fractals. They are not the same as the Fractals we encounter in Skywatch Archipelago.

ok lets be super clear here 

historic event ur grandma goes buy a ice cream thats historic.

now fractals ur grandma is not there but its u buy the ice cream instead of her.

thats alternative

even so it looks like everything that day ur grandma buys ice cream looks the same. it is not. because instead of her its u and instead of buy vanilla u choose strawberry taste.

every fractal is an alternative universe. do they have similarities yes.

are they the same? no


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3 hours ago, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

I have SotO. Played all through the story. And I paid attention. So I'm not going to delete my post. I'm going to explain it in a bit more detail so maybe you understand.

You are conflating the Fractals these wizards created themselves, Fractals that got pulled out of the Mists, with the dungeon Fractals. They are not the same. The dungeon Fractals aren't created by the NPC's, they are found. They represent different historical events of Tyria. We go in and clear out the danger, so they can then go in and investigate. This is the backstory of the dungeon Fractals. They are not the same as the Fractals we encounter in Skywatch Archipelago.

The Fractal Multiverse is a concept that describes the universe as an ever-expanding sea of inflating space-time dotted with “island universes” or “pocket universes”

like our own where inflation has ceased. The universe becomes a multiverse, an eternally growing fractal consisting of exponentially many exponentially large parts.

The fabric of the multiverse is an inflationary field that's filled with quantum fluctuations.

These fluctuations can interfere with each other, creating high inflation at the peaks. The low points of the interference are where stable universes can pop out of the field.


hope that helps fractals are not based on time travel but multiverse

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20 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

The Fractal Multiverse is a concept that describes the universe as an ever-expanding sea of inflating space-time dotted with “island universes” or “pocket universes”

like our own where inflation has ceased. The universe becomes a multiverse, an eternally growing fractal consisting of exponentially many exponentially large parts.

The fabric of the multiverse is an inflationary field that's filled with quantum fluctuations.

These fluctuations can interfere with each other, creating high inflation at the peaks. The low points of the interference are where stable universes can pop out of the field.


hope that helps fractals are not based on time travel but multiverse

Maybe you should go read and listen to the conversation at the end of 98 fractal again mate since what you written here is incorrect.

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44 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

The Fractal Multiverse is a concept that describes the universe as an ever-expanding sea of inflating space-time dotted with “island universes” or “pocket universes”

like our own where inflation has ceased. The universe becomes a multiverse, an eternally growing fractal consisting of exponentially many exponentially large parts.

The fabric of the multiverse is an inflationary field that's filled with quantum fluctuations.

These fluctuations can interfere with each other, creating high inflation at the peaks. The low points of the interference are where stable universes can pop out of the field.


hope that helps fractals are not based on time travel but multiverse

Yeah, no. That's not how it works at all. ANet's multiverse doesn't work like multiverses in other IP's. Yes, there are multiple Tyrias, but not an infinite, expanding number. The number is actually a set number. Why? Because the worlds are the servers of GW2. Timelines also do not diverge. So there isn't a version of Tyria in the Mists where Zhaitan has not been killed. There are no alternate realities. There are potential realities, though, potential futures to be exact. Lorewise there are also other worlds in the Mists, with their own histories. The Mists can make reflections of these worlds and of Tyria and that's basically what Fractals are.

All of this also means there is no such thing as time travel here. These reflections of historical events we see in Fractals are present in the now, in the Mists. When our characters go there, they go there in present time and stay in present time while there.

All of this is from interviews with devs of the game. I think they know best what Tyria is and how it functions. So, sorry to say it, but your view of Fractals and of the Mists is incorrect.


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7 hours ago, TheNecrosanct.4028 said:

Yeah, no. That's not how it works at all. ANet's multiverse doesn't work like multiverses in other IP's. Yes, there are multiple Tyrias, but not an infinite, expanding number. The number is actually a set number. Why? Because the worlds are the servers of GW2. Timelines also do not diverge. So there isn't a version of Tyria in the Mists where Zhaitan has not been killed. There are no alternate realities. There are potential realities, though, potential futures to be exact. Lorewise there are also other worlds in the Mists, with their own histories. The Mists can make reflections of these worlds and of Tyria and that's basically what Fractals are.

All of this also means there is no such thing as time travel here. These reflections of historical events we see in Fractals are present in the now, in the Mists. When our characters go there, they go there in present time and stay in present time while there.

All of this is from interviews with devs of the game. I think they know best what Tyria is and how it functions. So, sorry to say it, but your view of Fractals and of the Mists is incorrect.


Well there is that asura infinity ball thing were you fight a evil version of yourself aint it?

So it got some other universe out there atleast

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58 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Well there is that asura infinity ball thing were you fight a evil version of yourself aint it?

So it got some other universe out there atleast

Yes. And that version of the player character comes from a potential future. It's not an alternate version from the same point in time. And since the future is always changing it's not a fixed reality.

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On 7/15/2023 at 5:25 PM, SlayerXX.7138 said:

My dude. Its a T1. Let people have fun on their sub optimal build. Around 5k Dps is what i would expect from one of my alts in sub optimal gear, without boon support. The 15-17 Million hp the boss has on T1 is just over tuned for something that is meant for new or casual player. Almost having as much HP as 10man Strikes boss.

You can't expect the game to reward you for doing literallly EVERYTHING wrong.

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