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Do something about pulls

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13 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Insert nonsense here.

There I fixed your post. 

It wasn't made to be used that way. 

I get pulled into zergs all the time. Most tines I am able to pop distortion and teleport away. Sometimes not so much.

But pulls were made for that. 


This is funny. I'd never cheat or use any exploit in a game because outside the game, I do not have the insecurities or inadequacies that would force me to find ways to make up for it. 


I'd never cheat or exploit to feel good by making someone else upset. 


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Ahhh hahahahaha

So many people trying to protect an exploit.  

All good. I am very careful to not get caught by it but I see others get nailed. 


I wrote above why I will never cheat or exploit it a game. Too bad those who do it need to do it ro compensate for other issues.

I'm off to the next topic.this one made me laugh at how protective people are when it comes to saving their exploits just to feel superior for a change.


And I an 100% correct.  If it wasn't made to be used in such a way then it us an exploit. EXACTLY LIKE when thieves were using some sort of staff skill to exploit into towers. Whatever skill used was not made to be used in that sort of way.


Lol  you people amuse me.


Edited by Jitters.9401
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1 hour ago, Jitters.9401 said:

There I fixed your post. 

It wasn't made to be used that way. 

I get pulled into zergs all the time. Most tines I am able to pop distortion and teleport away. Sometimes not so much.

But pulls were made for that. 


This is funny. I'd never cheat or use any exploit in a game because outside the game, I do not have the insecurities or inadequacies that would force me to find ways to make up for it. 


I'd never cheat or exploit to feel good by making someone else upset. 


Your points make less and less sense, at least to me.

So lets try it again, so you seem to see pulls as exploits. And then you imply they are also cheating. So do you see pulls as an exploit? Do you see them as cheating?

I think you are trying to make a different point, but that's how you are coming across. 

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2 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

It wasn't made to be used that way. 

I get pulled into zergs all the time. Most tines I am able to pop distortion and teleport away. Sometimes not so much.

But pulls were made for that. 

What way is it supposed to be used then?

Some skills are projectiles. Others are a spherical AoE. Some require a target. Others do not. Some need line of sight, etc. Some skills are channeled, others are instant. Some skills can be interrupted. When you jump off a cliff, you can open your glider if it's your territory. Some areas on a wall have smooth and flat polygons. Others have obstructing polygons. They were all designed that way. How can they be used otherwise?

These are not from bugs like holes in the polygons that allow illegal pathing and collision avoidance. You make it sound like utilizing the terrain is some form of cheating.

I'm reminded of EoTM which was designed with a lot of locations for killing other players by cc-ing them over the edge. Whole bridges spanning the gaps which are breakable even. Very difficult to say that players were using their skills in a way they were not made for.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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9 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Your points make less and less sense, at least to me.

So lets try it again, so you seem to see pulls as exploits. And then you imply they are also cheating. So do you see pulls as an exploit? Do you see them as cheating?

I think you are trying to make a different point, but that's how you are coming across. 

It's e-honor.

According to his logic, the NPCs in this game are all intended to be killed in the spots they were placed at.  You see how they were made that way?  If you're killing them in some other spot, like using "line of sight" behind some pillar so they all bunch up, you are exploiting.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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6 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

It's e-honor.

According to his logic, the NPCs in this game are all intended to be killed in the spots they were placed at.  You see how they were made that way?  If you're killing them in some other spot, like using "line of sight" behind some pillar so they all bunch up, you are exploiting.

Could be, and it makes all the harder to try and ferret out real exploits to get info that might be useful to get the real ones fixed. Again, if they just disliked where/how/range a skill works, hit the class/profession subforums and make the case there. Have pulls on various toons, would love one my core or Berserker Warrior builds (come on a change to Bolas having a secondary pull on hit change!) but can still appreciate when someone knows their pull well enough to use terrain against me when I am out of position. That's a plus to them and a bad call on my positioning. IMO. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd love if anet fixed pulling and rooting through gates. Odd this isn't brought up at all. How is it I get pulled into a gate while it's closed? Shouldn't skills like this be LoS? What logic is it that Someone can throw a skill out without even seeing you consequentially getting you killed?

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13 minutes ago, Perplexist.8396 said:

I'd love if anet fixed pulling and rooting through gates. Odd this isn't brought up at all. How is it I get pulled into a gate while it's closed? Shouldn't skills like this be LoS? What logic is it that Someone can throw a skill out without even seeing you consequentially getting you killed?

"You teach people how to treat you by what you allow"

Anet teach players how to exploit and abuse the game. 

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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6 hours ago, Perplexist.8396 said:

I'd love if anet fixed pulling and rooting through gates. Odd this isn't brought up at all. How is it I get pulled into a gate while it's closed? Shouldn't skills like this be LoS? What logic is it that Someone can throw a skill out without even seeing you consequentially getting you killed?

i was teleported with my target while using revenant sword 3 trough enemy portal a few days ago, cause there was a wall on the other side open......game assumed and draw a path trough a place called choke point and i bypassed all that.

entered trough enemy Durios portal while under sword rev 3 animation while the all faced to the camp was down (wasnt even the wall neares the portal), and yes i bursted the scourge down before attracted the zerg inside.

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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10 hours ago, Perplexist.8396 said:

I'd love if anet fixed pulling and rooting through gates. Odd this isn't brought up at all. How is it I get pulled into a gate while it's closed? Shouldn't skills like this be LoS? What logic is it that Someone can throw a skill out without even seeing you consequentially getting you killed?

It's not odd.  It's just been in the game since launch and so no one cares about wanting Anet to solve the intricate problem of AoE type skills being blocked by objects.  It's like catapults working through gates and pillars too.

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36 minutes ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

Anet should add relic that makes player immune for damage and cc after he get pulled. This would force trolls think and not just spam pulls.

That would be tough finding the right cooldown for. Too fast and it's overpowered with all the random cc flak everywhere. Too slow and it wouldn't be worth the slot. Since it's passive and not deliberate, it might not be up and ready when you need it. 

I could see a second or so on a moderate cooldown being alright since they'd likely just survive the immediate burst after the pull but still be under the control effect, giving the attacker whatever secondary modifiers they packed into Control skills so those aren't a total waste. 

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9 hours ago, Junkpile.7439 said:

Anet should add relic that makes player immune for damage and cc after he get pulled. This would force trolls think and not just spam pulls.

Is it just trolls that use CC or players trying to fight boonballs as well? CC is a counter to both boonballs and single players. Remember a boonball looking to CC is skipping options to  boonball. So if you nerf CC you just aid the boonball and options for smaller groups to be able to impact larger ones.

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You have to counter that kind of annoying playstyle to deal with it effectively.

When you encounter the pull spam, I would suggest swapping to something with reflects (bonus points for stab) and pretend they are lemons. Pour your reflection sugar all over the situation to make lemonade. This won't work on all of them, but it works on enough of them to make them heavily reconsider spamming it on cooldown.

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On 8/24/2023 at 10:15 PM, Perplexist.8396 said:

How is it I get pulled into a gate while it's closed? Shouldn't skills like this be LoS?

For a technical explanation, those pulls uses a spherical mesh for both effect and calculation just like most AoEs, so it doesn't factor in LoS. To make it where it does is to convert it into a tethering AoE like binding blades or daggersrorm. In which the spherical mesh is purely for calculation, but the actual skill effects are coded in similar fashion to projectiles. Can't go into detail for the how since I never tinkered with havok engines.


The one outliner I can't figure out how it registers is the reaper's gs pull.

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A WvW new player pointed out to me today in my 5 minutes peeking into WvW after being instantly one shot in stealth by a Thief Profession troll player  that, there was a Necromancer Profession under the water that is using a hacks to pull our players from the ground into the water.  I told her that it is not a hack. She laughed and than asked me, how can a ground target work in the water? it does not make any sense lol lol"

Even a new WvW player can already see the Gimmick Bad Design in the game 

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Do something about stability and immunes, because more than half the time my pulls don't work.

Also pulls should not target pets or maybe pets should get stability so I my pull doesn't target them it will anyways in case you haven't figured out this is a joke at this point of reading this run on sentence.

Sometimes I only pull 1 person out of 50, that's a highly absurd ratio of failure and success.

Don't forget to take your kitty mount for a walk on the wall.

Thank you.

Have a nice day.


Edited by XenesisII.1540
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2 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

A WvW new player pointed out to me today in my 5 minutes peeking into WvW after being instantly one shot in stealth by a Thief Profession troll player  that, there was a Necromancer Profession under the water that is using a hacks to pull our players from the ground into the water.  I told her that it is not a hack. She laughed and than asked me, how can a ground target work in the water? it does not make any sense lol lol"

Even a new WvW player can already see the Gimmick Bad Design in the game 

What ground target?  Spectral grasp works from in the water.  More like new player hasn't learned the game yet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday,  I went to check out WvW for few minutes and experience the next new low of pulls. While we attempting to break down the gate at Stonemist; not just one or two players were being pulled but it like 5 of us...were being pulled into the gate and being instantly killed.

I asked the Commander and the players who were instantly killed, what is going on? they told me that pulling has gotten out of control and that someone there is a bug that is allowing multiple pulls being exploited. 

So I logged out and relogged into a healthy, competitive gaming experience. 

"When You Created The Problem, When You Accepted The Behavior, When You Tolerated The Action, You Choose The Consequences"

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50 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

Yesterday,  I went to check out WvW for few minutes and experience the next new low of pulls. While we attempting to break down the gate at Stonemist; not just one or two players were being pulled but it like 5 of us...were being pulled into the gate and being instantly killed.

I asked the Commander and the players who were instantly killed, what is going on? they told me that pulling has gotten out of control and that someone there is a bug that is allowing multiple pulls being exploited. 

So I logged out and relogged into a healthy, competitive gaming experience. 

"When You Created The Problem, When You Accepted The Behavior, When You Tolerated The Action, You Choose The Consequences"

You do realize more than one mesmer or necro plays wvw right? it's not all pulls from just one person "exploiting".

You can probably thank Anet for allowing greatsword on all necro specs, thus the increase in pulls.

Nevermind the other question as to why you're standing next to the gate when the enemy is obviously standing behind it and bombing. Or why people are not using their brains and using the half dozen ways to avoid getting pulled.

Yes aoes hit through gates and platforms and bridges etc, yes rangers can hit stuff without line of sight behind gates and walls, deal with it or not, it's been that way for 10 years already.

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8 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

You do realize more than one mesmer or necro plays wvw right? it's not all pulls from just one person "exploiting".

You can probably thank Anet for allowing greatsword on all necro specs, thus the increase in pulls.

Nevermind the other question as to why you're standing next to the gate when the enemy is obviously standing behind it and bombing. Or why people are not using their brains and using the half dozen ways to avoid getting pulled.

Yes aoes hit through gates and platforms and bridges etc, yes rangers can hit stuff without line of sight behind gates and walls, deal with it or not, it's been that way for 10 years already.

If only if you'd ask. We were not close the gate, we were at 1200+ range  and in fact, after the gate was broken down; there was only one Mesmer Profession player behind the gate.

"using their brains" being pulled through gates is Bad Design. Have you not experience that yet? How about being pull through walls? How about being pulled beyond 1500 range? How "using their brains" applies to that?

I am surprised that you are defending this Toxic behavior and its Bad Design

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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5 minutes ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

If only if you'd ask. We were not close the gate, we were at 1200+ range  and in fact, after the gate was broken down; there was only one Mesmer Profession player behind the gate.

"using their brains" behind pulled through gates is Bad Design. Have you not experience that yet? 

The pull has 600 range, come here with a video as fact or it didn't happen.

Bad design that's been around since the beginning of the game, it might just be working as intended, yes use their brains to avoid it you have no reason to be next to a gate when breaking it down, or get stability, it negates every cc in the game.

Edited by XenesisII.1540
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1 minute ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

The pull has 600 range, come here with a video as fact or it didn't happen.

Bad design that's been around since the beginning of the game, yes use their brains to avoid it you have no reason to be next to a gate when breaking it down, or get stability, it negates every cc in the game.

I'll catch up with you during the day when your mind is refreshed. Have a good night

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