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why isnt willbender nerfed in wvw? ​​


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3 hours ago, Mhina.1827 said:

I'm asking genuinely here -- is it still really that busted? I think I'm viewing it from a biased angle because I've played primarily D/P DD,  Bladesworn,  Power mirage, which can fight well into it. I know it is an S++ roamer with its exceptional mobility and burst potential, but is it at a truly unhealthy level? In my own minimal, humble experience, it's the cele harbs, cele renegades, and soulbeasts/untamed, and of course thieves that can be just antifun to share the map with. 

they just play the forum not the game and keep posting those dumb montage clips and crying about it.I hope they spend their time on the game to learn more and get good instead of crying on forum

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4 hours ago, Mhina.1827 said:

I'm asking genuinely here -- is it still really that busted? I think I'm viewing it from a biased angle because I've played primarily D/P DD,  Bladesworn,  Power mirage, which can fight well into it. I know it is an S++ roamer with its exceptional mobility and burst potential, but is it at a truly unhealthy level? In my own minimal, humble experience, it's the cele harbs, cele renegades, and soulbeasts/untamed, and of course thieves that can be just antifun to share the map with. 

Your mileage will vary. Play Power, Condi, Cele, Tank, Sustain while roaming and in havoc and zerg surf. No I don't find one to rule them all. 33 toons in at this point. While roaming seeing all sort of classes/elites/builds. I disagree, we don't have a dominate elite & build that we saw in the past currently. 

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5 hours ago, Mhina.1827 said:

I'm asking genuinely here -- is it still really that busted? I think I'm viewing it from a biased angle because I've played primarily D/P DD,  Bladesworn,  Power mirage, which can fight well into it. I know it is an S++ roamer with its exceptional mobility and burst potential, but is it at a truly unhealthy level? In my own minimal, humble experience, it's the cele harbs, cele renegades, and soulbeasts/untamed, and of course thieves that can be just antifun to share the map with. 

WB is no better or worse than all the other crazy cele builds currently running around in wvw roaming.  Just one poster keeps necro'ing this topic over and over to continue their crusade and complain about WB specifically.

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1 hour ago, Burnfall.9573 said:


“They all laughed when I said I wanted to be a comedian

'Well, they’re not laughing now.'

Not sure what boons and Eles is about. I don't think I have seen any Ele's that don't spray out boons. That's been consistent since day 1. Are you asking for an Ele elite that has no boons? This is why I recommend never to post a video without points since that was first thoughts. 

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1 hour ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Not sure what boons and Eles is about. I don't think I have seen any Ele's that don't spray out boons. That's been consistent since day 1. Are you asking for an Ele elite that has no boons? This is why I recommend never to post a video without points since that was first thoughts. 

I posted the video as a tease to showcase how Guild Wars 2 'Balance" is a comdey show especially with Willbender being the host of the show for years 

 "I was a class clown. At 12, I was definitely clowning. I was making all the jokes. But I was smart, so the teachers didn't know what to do with me."

This is what happens when a Game Company treats its  game like a comdey show and selects clowns to be the main actors. When all the laughing stops, the joke begans to point at them

This is why, people laugh and make fun of Guild Wars 2


There nothing serious about the game including balance.

The game is 11 years old and it still can't take competitiveness seriously

That, I don't find funny.

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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15 hours ago, Hins.2489 said:

they just play the forum not the game and keep posting those dumb montage clips and crying about it.I hope they spend their time on the game to learn more and get good instead of crying on forum

Arguing on the internet is stupid, but to you good sir, I have to say this is rich coming from a guardian player. When did you ever have to learn to play the game. You get the easy mode and dont even know it.

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3 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

I posted the video as a tease to showcase how Guild Wars 2 'Balance" is a comdey show especially with Willbender being the host of the show for years 

 "I was a class clown. At 12, I was definitely clowning. I was making all the jokes. But I was smart, so the teachers didn't know what to do with me."

This is what happens when a Game Company treats its  game like a comdey show and selects clowns to be the main actors. When all the laughing stops, the joke begans to point at them

This is why, people laugh and make fun of Guild Wars 2


There nothing serious about the game including balance.

The game is 11 years old and it still can't take competitiveness seriously

That, I don't find funny.

Burn, I appreciate the reply and extra context. Thanks!

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11 hours ago, Kuya.6495 said:

Willbender is pretty OP until you run into a cele renegade or cele vindicator and start hitting like a wet noodle despite running full glass while they shortbow you to death. 

I show up in these posts and also ask Burn to give more details versus just link a video since some of the videos I have seen can be viewed in a number of different ways. Which is why when Burn does link an aspect and points I appreciate it. Burn and I may not agree at times, but I would prefer to not assume points made and when Burn provides them  I appreciate it even if I don't agree with it. You will see me less when posters use both videos and also highlight the points about them versus just do links leaving more open questions. 

As far as Willy while Guildmates fight them I tell them to range, else if melee let them engage and wait till they drop their AoE or two before you return fire. Save CCs till after that burst and lock them down from there. In all cases, still sticking to a core idea, build one, play it to best understand its counters and then rethink your play. I get the same in voice and forums, I don't play them. Well, maybe you should if they give you grief, yes? 2 cents

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11 hours ago, Daxia.1425 said:

I just wished it all be more balanced. I feel that is not too much to ask from Anet. 


I am not looking to pick on your post but you grant me an option to point out the complexity. So not saying no to you but more I don't think we will ever achieve this in WvW. 

So Daxia, take the rest of this as not to a reply to you but to all the others that think we could ever balance WvW.

How do you balance 1 v 60? 15 v 60? 5 v 20? You can't. That's why we get people complaining about Glass, Condi, Medium, Cele, Sustain, Tank, Heal and all the others. 

WvW will never balance as long as fight numbers can vary, which by default is WvW. So use balance less to better define a point. 


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The problem with the balancing is: stats on gear

1) get rid of celestial
2) get rid of gear with healing in combination with +power or +condition damage. So if you want to pocket heal you either go full heal or at least suffer from a reduction of dps stats.
3) end the boon festival and get rid of +boon duration and make long boons only available due to combo fields
4) start balancing

Will this solve all the problems? No, but it makes the game less stupid.


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3 minutes ago, gebrechen.5643 said:

The problem with the balancing is: stats on gear

1) get rid of celestial
2) get rid of gear with healing in combination with +power or +condition damage. So if you want to pocket heal you either go full heal or at least suffer from a reduction of dps stats.
3) end the boon festival and get rid of +boon duration and make long boons only available due to combo fields
4) start balancing

Will this solve all the problems? No, but it makes the game less stupid.


So you run ZERK Gear? Check. Old school I see. PVT needs to go. Knights next. 

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1 hour ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


I am not looking to pick on your post but you grant me an option to point out the complexity. So not saying no to you but more I don't think we will ever achieve this in WvW. 

So Daxia, take the rest of this as not to a reply to you but to all the others that think we could ever balance WvW.

How do you balance 1 v 60? 15 v 60? 5 v 20? You can't. That's why we get people complaining about Glass, Condi, Medium, Cele, Sustain, Tank, Heal and all the others. 

WvW will never balance as long as fight numbers can vary, which by default is WvW. So use balance less to better define a point. 


Delete stealth.
Boons cannot be reapplied for atleast 3s after they were ripped. (If regeneration was removed, it cannot be reapplied for 3s)
Reduce boons amount. (Not stacks, amount of them in total pool of boons)
Conditions cannot be reapplied for atleast 3s after they were cleansed. (If bleed was removed, it cannot be reapplied for 3s)
Reduce conditions amount. (Not stacks, amount of them in total pool of conditions)
CC's cannot be chained and character is immune to cc's for 3s after using break stun.
Boon and Condition duration cannot exceed 30% from gear alone, total duration including traits and food shouldn't exceed 50%.
Maximum power damage cannot exceed 70% of max hp of enemy at one instance of time. (In Berserk vs Berserk situation, in Berserk vs Minstrel it shouldn't exceed 40%)
Increase boon removal, decrease conversions between conditions and boons.
Decrease Power and Condition gains from Might from 30 to 15.
Normalize all hp pools to 15,922.
Bring risk vs reward balance.

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7 hours ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

Delete stealth.
Boons cannot be reapplied for atleast 3s after they were ripped. (If regeneration was removed, it cannot be reapplied for 3s)
Reduce boons amount. (Not stacks, amount of them in total pool of boons)
Conditions cannot be reapplied for atleast 3s after they were cleansed. (If bleed was removed, it cannot be reapplied for 3s)
Reduce conditions amount. (Not stacks, amount of them in total pool of conditions)
CC's cannot be chained and character is immune to cc's for 3s after using break stun.
Boon and Condition duration cannot exceed 30% from gear alone, total duration including traits and food shouldn't exceed 50%.
Maximum power damage cannot exceed 70% of max hp of enemy at one instance of time. (In Berserk vs Berserk situation, in Berserk vs Minstrel it shouldn't exceed 40%)
Increase boon removal, decrease conversions between conditions and boons.
Decrease Power and Condition gains from Might from 30 to 15.
Normalize all hp pools to 15,922.


7 hours ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

Bring risk vs reward balance.

I think these two groups of things are mutually exclusive. If the first was applied then we all we would be left is who brings more wins. So there would less risk and more reward for the bigger zerg. At least with the mechanics in the first group smaller groups have more options to fight larger ones. 

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I think we should define risk here. If the only risk is downstate or losing a 1v1 (any form of fight) then risk should be equal distributed between specs, classes and players. Sadly the risk is way higher when you are a full berserker geared elementalist than a minstrel firebrand. 
I don't see how you could even out "risk vs reward" without streamlining everything into one class. And as much as I hate the stealth mechanic in this game I still don't think you can delete stealth without equally giving everyone (bad idea imho) similar traits, mobility, oh-kitten keys, etc.

GW2 is way too complex with the classes and builds and utility and stats galore on gear on top of that.

And that's basically why I'd start with the gear options first. You can easily find out which stats are overpowered by the distribution of armor on the different builds. Minstrel, Celestial, Marauder should be the most common (Trailblazer still a thing?) and that's where the first changes should be done.


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2 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


I think these two groups of things are mutually exclusive. If the first was applied then we all we would be left is who brings more wins. So there would less risk and more reward for the bigger zerg. At least with the mechanics in the first group smaller groups have more options to fight larger ones. 

Huh? Current balance is about bringing more players than enemy though, what are you talking about?
Risk vs Reward needs to exist though, otherwise you have abominations like teef that can harass you 24/7 and you can't do kitten against it unless you play abc things and you may have some chance to fight back until it decides to reset fight or another abomination like Guardian that carries zergs since 2012.

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9 hours ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

Huh? Current balance is about bringing more players than enemy though, what are you talking about?

Right now we still have options that smaller groups can face larger ones if they are more set to compliment each others builds, or are ensuring they have enough complimentary CC to target mini-boon balls or larger one to pull out and surround targets. The changes you mentioned would just give the zerg the edge in both cases.

9 hours ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

Risk vs Reward needs to exist though, otherwise you have abominations like teef that can harass you 24/7 and you can't do kitten against it unless you play abc things and you may have some chance to fight back until it decides to reset fight

This can already be countered. Have too many enemy Teefs in small scale, bring more anti-teef. In Havoc play, just make sure you have at least one anti-teef in you havoc and others for purpose the Havoc was setup for. 

9 hours ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

or another abomination like Guardian that carries zergs since 2012.

This is the boon/anti-boon conversation and agree we need to address. After more nerfs it means finding more corruption and CC to pull their support out and burning them down. DH is in a good spot to counter both their counter parts in WB and FB and when paired with a Reaper helps to counter their own boons and add more pulls to get them out of the boonball.

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30 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

Right now we still have options that smaller groups can face larger ones if they are more set to compliment each others builds, or are ensuring they have enough complimentary CC to target mini-boon balls or larger one to pull out and surround targets. The changes you mentioned would just give the zerg the edge in both cases.

Lol, that's a bs. If there are such options for small groups that means that big groups benefit from it even more. That's just delusional what you wrote.
If you have 2 groups, one is 20 man, other is 40 man, and both groups run same kitten with equal skill level then 40 man wins 100% of times, there's not "zerg-busting" in that type of scenarios ever. It's based on luck what type of enemy you meet and only that. If your 20 man group meets group of 40 bots then your group will win, otherwise it's not happening ever. Your skill cap prevents that if you haven't figured basics yet.

30 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

This can already be countered. Have too many enemy Teefs in small scale, bring more anti-teef. In Havoc play, just make sure you have at least one anti-teef in you havoc and others for purpose the Havoc was setup for. 

False. "Anti-teef" doesn't exist in this game. 

30 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

This is the boon/anti-boon conversation and agree we need to address. After more nerfs it means finding more corruption and CC to pull their support out and burning them down. DH is in a good spot to counter both their counter parts in WB and FB and when paired with a Reaper helps to counter their own boons and add more pulls to get them out of the boonball.

Corruption should not exist, it's a conversion still. There should be more boon removal. You should either apply conditions or remove boons, not both. Risk vs Reward.

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On 10/19/2023 at 4:24 AM, Loke.1429 said:

Arguing on the internet is stupid, but to you good sir, I have to say this is rich coming from a guardian player. When did you ever have to learn to play the game. You get the easy mode and dont even know it.

hmmm easy mode?what about cele harb cele rene cele shortbow vindi?baby mode?joke 

sometime you’ll need to accept that you’re just bad

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Willbender is utterly broken in WvWvW and this is not learn to play issue. I spent thousand of hours in WvWvW, mostly as roamer (10k rank).

The problem with Willbender is that it has sustain, mobility and massive damage, all in one package. At least one of these should go. Since mobility and sustain are built-in, the damage should be cut to half. Simple 20% shaving won't work.

Guardian has always been the favorite class of Arenanet and avoided the big nerfs, many other classes have experienced. Guardians seem to be the also the most numerous profession in WvWvW, for multiple reasons.


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