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3 hours ago, KryTiKaL.3125 said:

I'm not saying people are correct in being vitriolic or toxic, but you cannot blame them for being as monumentally frustrated as they are. The way you are challenging it looks as if you are being dismissive of the premise, when really if you want to convince them to change how they approach giving the feedback then you need to challenge the way they are doing it directly, not by looking as if you are challenging the entire premise of player feedback and its importance because that is what it looks like to, apparently so, the majority of people here who see your posts.

Sometimes you just need to let people feel out their frustrations or vent them in these spaces, also depending on how you approach these people you may also be able to get them to relax their emotions and help them get to a calmer place to then present their opinions. However you do not do that by looking as if you are being dismissive of their opinions or being dismissive of the entire premise of player feedback.

I've been where you've been in other spaces before, not even with this game, where I've challenged people who are initially presenting all of their frustration and irritation in a not so courteous form and I have never seen them react positively or have a revelation of changing their behavior by anyone being dismissive of what they are saying because that will almost always derail the entire conversation or have it go nowhere productive...as has happened in this very thread.

Nothing I'm doing prevents people from venting and in case it's not clear, that includes me, just in a different way for a different reason. 

My post was dismissive of the premise? Well, when the thread premise is that Anet made these changes because they are incompetent and ignorant to vent, it seems like a completely fitting approach. I mean, IMO, that kind of premise shouldn't even get a platform on the forum because it's absolutely ABSURD. We need to let people vent? Good. We also need to let people tell THOSE people why they might be being unreasonable and give them some USEFUL information about Anet's class change process. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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6 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Nothing I'm doing prevents people from venting and in case it's not clear, that includes me, just in a different way for a different reason. 

My post was dismissive of the premise? Well, when the thread premise is that Anet made these changes because they are incompetent and ignorant to vent, it seems like a completely fitting approach. I mean, IMO, that kind of premise shouldn't even get a platform on the forum because it's absolutely ABSURD. We need to let people vent? Good. We also need to let people tell THOSE people why they might be being unreasonable and give them some USEFUL information about Anet's class change process. 

Like I already clarified, the way by which you were endeavoring to tell them that they are being unreasonable looked dismissive of the process of providing feedback. Your phrasing was not, and is still not, indicative of you trying to elaborate or explain anything as to how they might better approach providing their feedback, it simply looks as if you are telling them what they are doing is irrelevant. Which, again, is dismissive.

I've already stated that I do not think people are correct in how they may approach providing their feedback in these ways, but I also already explained that it does not mean what they are saying is invalid or incorrect or that their frustration isn't valid...because it is valid. Regardless of what you think of their words does not mean the entire idea of their feedback is invalidated.

If your initial, and sole, issue with the post is the vitriol and toxicity being displayed by the person then you need to be clear in that being your issue, which you were not, and instead it seemed as if you have been dismissive of the entire concept of players giving feedback because "ANet has a process that does not include you" (paraphrasing but again that is how you come across in your posts).

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Idk given anet's track record it's kinda hard to consider where they got wins on what needs improved or is in the correct class field at times. I mean look at the one banner update we got a while ago which reverted back to placing and carrying the banners but did not give the carrier of the banner any access to skills. Which sure they changed it later but by their intent they were going to shove it down our throats either way no? 🤔 I was never a fan of banners myself but nonetheless some balancing choices can be questionable at best. I mean there are still those waiting for a mobile hundred blades🤫 or for maces to be useful once again. But eh master of weapons  am I right? 

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1 hour ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

Idk given anet's track record it's kinda hard to consider where they got wins on what needs improved or is in the correct class field at times. I mean look at the one banner update we got a while ago which reverted back to placing and carrying the banners but did not give the carrier of the banner any access to skills. Which sure they changed it later but by their intent they were going to shove it down our throats either way no? 🤔 I was never a fan of banners myself but nonetheless some balancing choices can be questionable at best. I mean there are still those waiting for a mobile hundred blades🤫 or for maces to be useful once again. But eh master of NERF weapons  am I right? 

Fixed it for you.

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17 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

See here is my problem really with threads like this. Do we want the forums to be a place where Anet pays attention to what we have to say? I think YES ... I certainly do. 

And yet, we have a numerous threads like this one full of posters, while creating a toxic environment and attributing Anet's class changes to "incompetence and ignorance", complaining Anet doesn't listen to them. Ah, OK then ... 🙄Then someone challenges the Anti-Anet culture that's created by threads like this (and yes, i have no problem admitting to my role in these threads) ... they are the bad actor because they aren't supporting 'what most players want'. It's a good show.  

So you're being contrarian. As a contrarian myself, you have to actually challenge the popular opinion but in a way to swap perspectives. You've posted too many times repeating the same lines meaning you're on the defensive. 

As for the topic, what you've been saying (yeah I'm gonna do that) is: Anet will use their opinion on the bar they want stuff to be at in their game, not the opinion of the masses (masses as in plural people, not a specific collection). I'd say that's rather evident and doesn't need a contrarian to point out that logic.

I suppose now is the time to shift arguments (and yes, it's an argument. If you're trying to persuade someone to a new opinion, it's an argument) to bad mouthing the devs. And you're right. It's no mystery that we will activity resist interacting with rude people. Finding ways to get your feedback in the front will always be what posters do, however.

Fyi, this post isn't only directed at the quoted poster but also contains my opinion on the thread.

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  • 3 weeks later...

warrior mains acting like they are the only ones who don't get love meanwhile I'm still waiting for ricochet on pistol thief to return it was removed in 2015 not long after i started playing in fact, i started as pistol pistol thief then after the removal i just became a dagger dagger condi scum in spvp.

it's never fun having your build nerfed but here we are. I'm currently bouncing between power DH and Power spellbreaker dh is boring but good while spellbreaker is meh but alot of fun.

hoping pistol's on guardian will be like old p/p thief with an unload that isn't nerfed into the ground it's guardian so it won't be.

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I mean most of  core warriors weapon skills haven't quite changed since launch. And with the blanket cc damage nerf mace and Hammer is useless against anyone sitting on more then 3 stacks of stability. When you also got to eat through protection when your 20 damage back breaker suddenly hits for 5 it really makes one wonder why did we get Rubber weapons?  Without including weakness and blind spam by other classes 😂. To make that devastating back breaking so much more intense to then hit for 1 damage or 0 for a critical tickle. 

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On 8/17/2023 at 2:58 PM, Rainbow Dragon.7268 said:

warrior mains acting like they are the only ones who don't get love meanwhile I'm still waiting for ricochet on pistol thief to return it was removed in 2015 not long after i started playing in fact, i started as pistol pistol thief then after the removal i just became a dagger dagger condi scum in spvp.

it's never fun having your build nerfed but here we are. I'm currently bouncing between power DH and Power spellbreaker dh is boring but good while spellbreaker is meh but alot of fun.

hoping pistol's on guardian will be like old p/p thief with an unload that isn't nerfed into the ground it's guardian so it won't be.

I run P/P on my Daredevils 2nd weapon set. I actually play my thief like a Warrior. I am also looking forward to the Guardian pistol set.

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On 8/17/2023 at 2:58 PM, Rainbow Dragon.7268 said:

warrior mains acting like they are the only ones who don't get love meanwhile I'm still waiting for ricochet on pistol thief to return it was removed in 2015 not long after i started playing

I am a thief secondary. 

Both of the classes were treated badly due to whine from people who to this day continue to facetank damage.  People being disappointed in one doesn't mean they're neglecting the state of the other.


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Are we sure its not just Obtena and an alt thats here to nuke the topic?

Was also strange to me thaty they changed Arc Divider just as power berserker was getting its footing on the stage. Cant have that, no sir.

At this point im 100% sure someone on the balance team got devestated by a power berserker one too many times and took it personally. It feels like a vandetta.
kitten, with the discord leaks we all know there probably isnt a warrior player on the balance team at all. If there was we wouldnt have VENGEFUL RETURN AS AN OPTION AT ALL.
Wasnt it confirmed that they just look at the wiki when they are balancing warrior as a profession?

Crackshot is still glitched btw and reduces the cooldown of brutal shot, its been 2 months.
On any other profession this would have been unacceptable but for warriors it simply passes the non-existant QA.

Aplogies if im ranting, its just so frustrating playing a profession where you can clearly see the issues, reporing said issues, only to be met with radio silence. Or worse, outright abuse.

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1 hour ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

Are we sure its not just Obtena and an alt thats here to nuke the topic?

Was also strange to me thaty they changed Arc Divider just as power berserker was getting its footing on the stage. Cant have that, no sir.

At this point im 100% sure someone on the balance team got devestated by a power berserker one too many times and took it personally. It feels like a vandetta.
kitten, with the discord leaks we all know there probably isnt a warrior player on the balance team at all. If there was we wouldnt have VENGEFUL RETURN AS AN OPTION AT ALL.
Wasnt it confirmed that they just look at the wiki when they are balancing warrior as a profession?

Crackshot is still glitched btw and reduces the cooldown of brutal shot, its been 2 months.
On any other profession this would have been unacceptable but for warriors it simply passes the non-existant QA.

Aplogies if im ranting, its just so frustrating playing a profession where you can clearly see the issues, reporing said issues, only to be met with radio silence. Or worse, outright abuse.

As far as I know that dev in particular is no longer with Anet. Their Reddit profile no longer has the Anet logo on it. If I recall it was Thief that they were balancing based off of the wiki specifically, though I suspect based on the content of the banner 'rework' during that infamous patch they were doing the same with warrior, but just didn't finish their work. Probably was too busy raiding with Firebrand during work hours (which they said they did btw) to do their real job.

It does feel like they go in alphabetical order sometimes and just run out of time when they get to warrior...

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Maybe not a vendetta but something else more sinister attempting to be symbolic. I just look at how they usually depict models of warriors, the vitriol associated with warrior being viable, how divisive things have become along with how certain people just can't tolerate others' enjoying their own thing even though that's what they're always preaching for themselves. I'm sure I could be wrong but I've seen far stranger things in my years on this world for far more petty reasons. 

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I would not be sorry for anyone a warrior obliterates  since most of our skills if not all are constantly telegraphed  plus there is such things as dodges in the game as well so it's not like we ever had put people in the dirt with out warning signs nor that they would have ways to avoid our attacks except for idk dodging or additional other class utilities. 🤭

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