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First Contact: The Kryptis and Rift Hunting

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17 hours ago, Blademaster.6123 said:

Sounds alot like Bounties but more soloable or in a smaller group. Is there any more details you can share that better differentiate Rifts from Bounties?

we already have rifts in game. thay Kraka event where u catch crystals to open a portal rift than u go in and get teleported to a fight.

if like that than why even bother advertising it as the newest big thing?

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Sounds like dragon response missions.. eek

Fighting cool demonic creatures would be cool if you took the portal and got to a scary dark fantasy world (realm of torment please anet wink wink) ...but just summoning them on already existing maps.. yeah no. This is not hype.

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22 hours ago, Divity.3049 said:

Sounds like bounties which have been pretty dead for several reasons.

Bad drops, need self-organized groups and nothing to buy with the currency

As a regular Lily of Elon user, I see people in map chat doing bounties all the time, even when Crystal Oasis isn't the daily zone.

And self-organized group is overstating a bit. Pop a tag, announce in chat, and you typically end up with the handful of people required.


I do wonder if the Rifts will pay out enough to make it worthwhile for those who aren't pursuing legendary armor. Seems like that will make a big difference in how well they work.

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1 hour ago, Jokuc.3478 said:

Sounds like dragon response missions.. eek

Fighting cool demonic creatures would be cool if you took the portal and got to a scary dark fantasy world (realm of torment please anet wink wink) ...but just summoning them on already existing maps.. yeah no. This is not hype.

Exactly!  I always think back to Everquest.  The Plane of Fear.   It was this giant portal you walked into and after going into the world, you felt fear.  But looking at the Guild Wars Realm of Torment concept art is crazy https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Realm_of_Torment .  They should be portals into another world.  

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2 hours ago, Jokuc.3478 said:

Sounds like dragon response missions.. eek

Fighting cool demonic creatures would be cool if you took the portal and got to a scary dark fantasy world (realm of torment please anet wink wink) ...but just summoning them on already existing maps.. yeah no. This is not hype.

But wouldn't porting into a short instance to fight a few waves of creatures followed by a boss seem more like a dragon response mission than what we're going to get? I don't see how that would be better.

And there is always room for taking the fight to them (going  into the other realm) in a later content drop. Which would make sense story-wise.

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I'd love to see more synergy in the mobs. Put some healers in there pumping quick, might, alac, and stab. Get some longbow rangers and staff elementalists raining hell. Some dashing vindicator and willbender action. 

Also that downed mechanic with the toxic knights was really fun as well. Bring that back. 

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Thanks for another good teaser blog post, I'm excited about Rifts if they're going to improve on previous features that been rifts-like (bounties and various invasion events).

Both soloable at lower tiers and hallenging for squads, and possibly more than just killing waves of mobs before the boss. At least Cameron Rich's tweet on this feature does make it sound a lot more interesting, so yeah, I'm in!

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On 8/1/2023 at 8:08 AM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hello all and happy Tuesday! We've got some more Secrets of the Obscure information for you today!  Click here to read about the demonic forces awaiting you--the Kryptis--and the rifts that they come from. Once you've read through, let us know your thoughts! Thanks as always for reading and for sharing your feedback!



  • Allow leader board for alliances/guilds in the map instance weekly, monthly, quarterly. Similar to GW1 outpost challenge missions where alliances compete for the top spot with best rewards and prestige, example: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/The_Aurios_Mines
  • Claimable areas/towns/outposts by alliance once area is secure from the Kryptis, allow players to raise a guild banner at the nearest town or area + have it displayed on mini-map (as icon) to promote prestige + member recruitment (time gated or resets after: 1-day, 1-week. Or can be claimed by another alliance of higher score): https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Alliance#Controlled_outposts_and_towns
  • For ultra difficulty rifts, spawn 20 mobile Champion Giant Kryptis with high damage, one sweep by the giant flattens 1/2 of the players forcing guild/alliances to coordinate and be strategic instead of mindless Zerging, example:
  • Also from GW1, elemental focused buffs where physical damage of a group can be converted to a certain element such as fire can be added: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Greater_Conflagration. Fire would do 2x damage to ice based elemental Kryptis, assuming they react to certain types of damage? (water, fire, earth, air, chaos?)
  • Is there a Siege mode yet for Siege turtles? (can't move when sieged but longer range + higher damage)
  • Can Kryptis also spawn with their own mounts such as corrupted siege turtles? Once killed, it can drop skins?
  • Can players after activating a rift have a prep-time (say 3 minutes) to setup wood barriers, stone walls using resource nodes around the area? Constructing a path/funnel will allow survival against 3x the mob size as the rift tiers gets harder, example resource management before onslaught:
  • Can Siege Golem blueprints be allowed/enabled on the maps versus Kryptis? Golem toss skill to flip Kryptis siege riders?
  • Need variant commander tag icons with alliance/guild symbols
  • For increased difficulty, allow Kryptis to have healers or downed state
  • Can players summon NPC allies in battle?
  • Can one player play as the Kryptis Queen who strategically summons & sends different units/swarms to attack? A leader board for the best ‘Kryptis’ commander would be great too:
  • Attack & Defense with control points example:
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11 hours ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

Thanks for another good teaser blog post, I'm excited about Rifts if they're going to improve on previous features that been rifts-like (bounties and various invasion events).

Both soloable at lower tiers and hallenging for squads, and possibly more than just killing waves of mobs before the boss. At least Cameron Rich's tweet on this feature does make it sound a lot more interesting, so yeah, I'm in!

Any chance of linking his tweet or quoting?

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4 hours ago, Woop S.7851 said:



  • Allow leader board for alliances/guilds in the map instance weekly, monthly, quarterly. Similar to GW1 outpost challenge missions where alliances compete for the top spot with best rewards and prestige, example: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/The_Aurios_Mines
  • Claimable areas/towns/outposts by alliance once area is secure from the Kryptis, allow players to raise a guild banner at the nearest town or area + have it displayed on mini-map (as icon) to promote prestige + member recruitment (time gated or resets after: 1-day, 1-week. Or can be claimed by another alliance of higher score): https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Alliance#Controlled_outposts_and_towns
  • For ultra difficulty rifts, spawn 20 mobile Champion Giant Kryptis with high damage, one sweep by the giant flattens 1/2 of the players forcing guild/alliances to coordinate and be strategic instead of mindless Zerging, example:
  • Also from GW1, elemental focused buffs where physical damage of a group can be converted to a certain element such as fire can be added: https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Greater_Conflagration. Fire would do 2x damage to ice based elemental Kryptis, assuming they react to certain types of damage? (water, fire, earth, air, chaos?)
  • Is there a Siege mode yet for Siege turtles? (can't move when sieged but longer range + higher damage)
  • Can Kryptis also spawn with their own mounts such as corrupted siege turtles? Once killed, it can drop skins?
  • Can players after activating a rift have a prep-time (say 3 minutes) to setup wood barriers, stone walls using resource nodes around the area? Constructing a path/funnel will allow survival against 3x the mob size as the rift tiers gets harder, example resource management before onslaught:
  • Can Siege Golem blueprints be allowed/enabled on the maps versus Kryptis? Golem toss skill to flip Kryptis siege riders?
  • Need variant commander tag icons with alliance/guild symbols
  • For increased difficulty, allow Kryptis to have healers or downed state
  • Can players summon NPC allies in battle?
  • Can one player play as the Kryptis Queen who strategically summons & sends different units/swarms to attack? A leader board for the best ‘Kryptis’ commander would be great too:
  • Attack & Defense with control points example:

u expect to much from Anet

this full thing will be just a bounty with better scaling

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8 minutes ago, wolfof.1842 said:

they post a new video to show rifts on twitter:

They are basically reusing the models and animations of the forged from Path of Fire. The animations of the new orb looks clunky. And the mechanic itself its just as simple/antihype as what we have seen before with other invasions.

I really dont understand where all the resources of Arenanet are going (well yeah i do, to their new project). But seriously, not in my worst nightmares i could imagine gw2 going so downhill.

Edited by Izzy.2951
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I love the game and I've been enjoying it since 2019 but seeing these animations as the EoD void is showing me that this game is in maintenance mode and I bought SoTo. I mean, once again you are using animations of old enemies from other expansions, it is very unfortunate.

They are definitely making GW3, there is no point in such poor quality. Let's hope the rest of the events are different

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54 minutes ago, Krajtin.8956 said:

I love the game and I've been enjoying it since 2019 but seeing these animations as the EoD void is showing me that this game is in maintenance mode and I bought SoTo. I mean, once again you are using animations of old enemies from other expansions, it is very unfortunate.

They are definitely making GW3, there is no point in such poor quality. Let's hope the rest of the events are different

Reusing rigs and animations is what every mmo does, including gw2 and it’s deliberately set up that way for cost and time purposes. Yes they occasionally added new ones, but they are expensive and not entirely necessary when they are designed specifically to be reused over and over. Look at the wyverns. They weren’t going to spend all that money to make an animated rig and be once and done. The karka became chak. The nuhoch became kappa. The jackal became the griffon. And so on. Reusing the forged makes a lot of sense, especially as we know this is a small expansion that they have admitted they can’t commit the same level of resources to and work on other modes at the same time. The Void was a bit jarring, but thematically made sense.

Some mmos don’t even make new animated rigs anymore for their landscape mobs. It’s by design.

Not sure I see the correlation between reused assets and maintenance mode (a term few seem to understand anyway), especially when in the middle of the fight, I’m not convinced many people really notice or care about the subtleties of model usage

Edited by Randulf.7614
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Reusing rigs and animations is what every mmo does, including gw2 and it’s deliberately set up that way for cost and time purposes. Yes they occasionally added new ones, but they are expensive and not entirely necessary when they are designed specifically to be reused over and over. Look at the wyverns. They weren’t going to spend all that money to make an animated rig and be once and done. The karka became chak. The nuhoch became kappa. The jackal became the griffon. And so on. Reusing the forged makes a lot of sense, especially as we know this is a small expansion that they have admitted they can’t commit the same level of resources to and work on other modes at the same time. The Void was a bit jarring, but thematically made sense.


The difference between HoT enemies is that although their animations or models are similar, their skills and mechanics are interesting, like as the chacks. In the video I see how he seems to do exactly the same skill as the forged skateboard.

What will be the next to use? Deimos as a villain of this expansion?


Q: Do smaller expansions mean that there are fewer developers working on Guild Wars 2?

Nope, quite the contrary. In fact, thanks to the growth that Guild Wars 2 saw in 2022, we’re increasing the size of the Guild Wars 2 development team—largely in content and systems design. We’ve already hired a bunch of new folks since January, and we’ll be opening additional roles throughout the year.



We will see the events and the size of the maps.


Edited by Krajtin.8956
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2 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Reusing rigs and animations is what every mmo does, including gw2 and it’s deliberately set up that way for cost and time purposes. Yes they occasionally added new ones, but they are expensive and not entirely necessary when they are designed specifically to be reused over and over. Look at the wyverns. They weren’t going to spend all that money to make an animated rig and be once and done. The karka became chak. The nuhoch became kappa. The jackal became the griffon. And so on. Reusing the forged makes a lot of sense, especially as we know this is a small expansion that they have admitted they can’t commit the same level of resources to and work on other modes at the same time. The Void was a bit jarring, but thematically made sense.

Some mmos don’t even make new animated rigs anymore for their landscape mobs. It’s by design.

Not sure I see the correlation between reused assets and maintenance mode (a term few seem to understand anyway), especially when in the middle of the fight, I’m not convinced many people really notice or care about the subtleties of model usage

Reusing mean not every human needs individual new skeleton.

Reusing does not mean use same enemy models, animations,.. for 2, 3, 4 expansions.
you pay 3D creature artist to make new models for new product, you pay animator to make new rig/animations, not use same again and again

Or will soon feel like amateur player modding games in free time:

Edited by wolfof.1842
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My main concern with this idea game mechanically is the following: If you tier the rifts between solo and group rifts, that is one thing. But if the difference in rewards between tiers is too vast, people will feel like they are hard-locked into the group rifts or being punished for doing the solo variants. 


1 hour ago, Krajtin.8956 said:

What will be the next to use? Deimos as a villain of this expansion?

Putting a generic satyr-style demon in the game was a mistake and I wish Deimos was forgotten.


On 8/2/2023 at 8:05 PM, idpersona.3810 said:

But wouldn't porting into a short instance to fight a few waves of creatures followed by a boss seem more like a dragon response mission than what we're going to get? I don't see how that would be better.

And there is always room for taking the fight to them (going  into the other realm) in a later content drop. Which would make sense story-wise.

It would seem more like what dragon response missions SHOULD have been rather than what they actually were. At least if we go by the 'teleport into a small arena, kill some random mobs, done' model. 

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On 8/1/2023 at 5:08 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Second, you can begin a rift hunt in any map that has rift activity. If you happen to be in a map that does not have rift activity, the Heart of the Obscure will help you find one so you donh't spend valuable Kryptis-destroying time searching.

We travel these maps, jump from 'rift' to 'rift' over and over. Basically a scavenger hunt. If you consider the time spent on this valuable, it implies that it is mandatory. Those are normally a chore. But as you advertise this element as a feature, you may have found a way to make this scavenger hunt worthwhile and entertaining. Looking forward to see it.  

On 8/1/2023 at 5:08 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

First, rifts do not have cooldowns, so if you want to set a personal best for Number of Kryptis Destroyed, we've got you covered.

On 8/1/2023 at 5:08 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Third, there are multiple tiers of rifts. The first and easiest tier is intended to be completed by a solo player. (Second-tier rifts are potentially soloable as well, but it will certainly be a challenge.) That said, rift difficulty and rewards scale with group size, so you can always take on first tier rifts with a group if you prefer!

This is yet another player-suggestion making it into the game - partially. Looking forward to test it. I just hope the system is well designed, so casual groups can also have some fun and worthwhile loot.
You can see the feedback in this thread. People are mostly skeptical. Probably because of the way IBS and EoD took place. While I am not hyped for Soto, I want to give it a fair chance at least. Once the expansion goes life, there is still plenty of time to rant - if necessary. 

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