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Semi excited Legendary Relics and what i did runewise.

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I did a big oops. I miss read the post. Don’t try this at home. Thank you all that told me without insults or implying things. I will contact support and see if anything can done about it.

Hi all.

I already had 7 Legendary runes for a while now but after reading "Players who have already crafted legendary runes will be compensated with significant progress toward unlocking legendary relics. In fact, each of the seven legendary runes you create will unlock further progress toward these relics." I made seven more!! This might be a bit of curiosity killed the Charr but I want to see what DOUBLE COMPENSATION! is. I wonder if anyone else did this or further?

I am not sad that runes are being split, its more goals to go for. I think that legendaries should of always been to make a gift of (stat line, rune or sigil) to unlock each part for your legendaries, instead of getting them when you get expansions or what ever. So you would be always building your legend and less of an auto unlock. Of course they would be a bit cheaper to craft the legendary gear to to begin with to compensate.

I'm looking forward to what comes next. Thanks for reading.

Edited by bharr.2890
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I assume this is a joke? That's no small chunk of change, and most reasonable people would simply wait to find out what the compensation is to begin with before doing something so extreme. Also in their initial discussion it said up to 7 so...

Edited by Acheron.1580
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It isn't a troll post, you can make more than 7 legendary runes and I did make an extra 7. I really don't get why some are so negative here? Is the Reddit less depressing? It also does in fact say  ''In fact each of the seven legendary runes you create will unlock further progress toward these relics''. So I got exited and may or may not of wasted a lot of gold without fully knowing. I don't feel hurt by my actions. I am not going to make more even if it will it ''troll'' you more apparently. I also wanted to compare my extra 14 rune progress to others 7 rune progress. 

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It just shows that Anet have to be really careful with what they say should have added up to 7 total max no more then this ok since you cant  use more then 7 total.

This is the reason car instruction manuals got dont put thumb in door crack when you close door.

Also why my coffie cup i may buy at starbucks  have to have maybe hot printed on it.

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2 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

It just shows that Anet have to be really careful with what they say should have added up to 7 total max no more then this ok since you cant  use more then 7 total.

They tried to warn people but some apparently can't, don't or won't read:


Players who have already crafted legendary runes will be compensated with significant progress toward unlocking legendary relics. In fact, each of the seven legendary runes you create will unlock further progress toward these relics. We’ll be able to share more details when we are closer to the launch of legendary relics next year.

That's each of the seven not each of the 14 or 21 or whatever. Anyway I find it difficult to take the op's claims seriously.

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8 hours ago, bharr.2890 said:

It isn't a troll post, you can make more than 7 legendary runes and I did make an extra 7. I really don't get why some are so negative here? Is the Reddit less depressing? It also does in fact say  ''In fact each of the seven legendary runes you create will unlock further progress toward these relics''. So I got exited and may or may not of wasted a lot of gold without fully knowing. I don't feel hurt by my actions. I am not going to make more even if it will it ''troll'' you more apparently. I also wanted to compare my extra 14 rune progress to others 7 rune progress. 

Note that it does not say that you will earn progress, "for every seven legendary runes you create," but rather that you will get progress, "for each of the seven legendary runes you make." This distinction means that progress will be provided for only seven legendary runes crafted.

I am sorry you wasted your time and resources.

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