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Discover the Wonders within the Wizard’s Vault in Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure

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3 minutes ago, Whirlygig.9685 said:

So, 28 days x 5 astral acclaim = 140 astral acclaim, and can that amount of astral acclaim pay for 20 mystic coins, 35 laurels and 7 mystic clovers  which is the amount of rewards for previously logging in? ( if you picked clovers of course)

That is a good question.

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4 minutes ago, vrauns.3215 said:

how are they selling it back to you when people don't need soto to gain access to the wizards vault, some locked rewards are probably soto related.

The question is do the rewards you get from the Wizard Vault include KARMA BOOSTERS, HEROIC BOOSTERS, MAGIC FIND BOOSTERS or are they actually equivalent in value to the Laurels, Mystic Coins we got before?

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4 minutes ago, Whirlygig.9685 said:

So, 28 days x 5 astral acclaim = 140 astral acclaim, and can that amount of astral acclaim pay for 20 mystic coins, 35 laurels and 7 mystic clovers  which is the amount of rewards for previously logging in? ( if you picked clovers of course)

Or 20 mystic coins, 55 laurels if you picked laurels.

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I actually like the fact that Login rewards can be bought with Astral Acclaim. That way people can focus on certain materials instead of spreading it out. i.e. buying only Mystic Coins/Clovers and therefore in a higher amount since not buying Laurels.


EDIT: That's assuming the amount of Acclaim we get just by login would let us buy the same amount of Clovers/Coins/Laurels we would have gotten otherwise.

Edited by Mor The Thief.9135
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55 minutes ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

I'm here and I've got an answer for you!

Gold, Laurels, and Mystic Coins can all be purchased in the Wizard's Vault for completing your daily objectives. Daily achievement points will still be available as well, you'll earn them by completing your Wizard's Vault daily objectives.

Ty for answering! 

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17 minutes ago, vrauns.3215 said:

I will get a lot of bad reactions but it has to be said, people now have to do tasks to get rewards, no more getting it easy.

your not alone here, I'm also not the biggest fan of having to do active gameplay to get everything done (as in login rewards were a nice thing when I didn't want to actively play or between raid/strike nights with the guild, I'm in) Im not saying I want everything to come to me without any work I'm saying that I don't like being forced to active and not always casual/minimum effort gameplay.

I'm well aware though from the looks of things I'm in a minority here

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3 minutes ago, vrauns.3215 said:

It makes perfect sense for people who bought the expac to get some exclusive rewards, why is that a bad thing.

As long as it makes sense within the system (eg currenices, crafting mats or mastery exp only found in that expansion), then it isn't a bad thing.

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4 minutes ago, Dapper Shark.4958 said:

your not alone here, I'm also not the biggest fan of having to do active gameplay to get everything done (as in login rewards were a nice thing when I didn't want to actively play or between raid/strike nights with the guild, I'm in) Im not saying I want everything to come to me without any work I'm saying that I don't like being forced to active and not always casual/minimum effort gameplay.

I'm well aware though from the looks of things I'm in a minority here

astral acclaim isn't just for making legendaries or getting login rewards.

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I guess the next question for me is related to time-spent vs reward-gained. 

Doing Daily acheivements to obtain the rewards is fine but, the current Daily Login (for a user that is time poor) takes less than 1 minute each day per account. Total value is probably around 30-33g plus the clovers (per acc).  This equates to around 60g/hr which is by far, the best return on effort in the game, what with most farms pulling 20g/hr. 

If the new system doesn't reward at this level, I guess the next best option for the time-poor is to buy gems (real money) and convert to gold.  This will increase ANet's revenue but will also strip Mats and MC's from circulation so I would expect prices to start rocketing very soon!

Edited by Stygian Abyss.7203
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With 5 for login and 20 mystic coins (current old system) per 28 days a coin would need to cost 7 or less than 7 of that new currency. (140 per 28 daily logins divided by 20.) Since there also was other daily login stuff it would have to cost less.

Though on the other hand: With more flexibility for how you use the currency ... cost might be slightly higher in the new system. I guess they'll just still make it possible to get 20 coins per 28 days. (And even more if you mainly focus on coins and take less of the other stuff.) But - that would be easiest to balance - with a limit on how much you can buy per 28 days. (Or any nother number of days - the thing they then call "season" if they compare it to a season pass.)

Pretty sure they'll balance it so you can get more than currently. Otherwise it would make no sense - if you still had to spend the currency on stuff you might not like instead of being able to get more of the interesting stuff. And coins are things the people want.

Edit: Increasable cost might also be an option. Been used before in general NPC vendors. Buy x per day/week ... then buy x again - but at a higher price. First 20 coins for a cheaper price. Further ones (in a 28 days cycle) for a higher price - but still with a max limit.

Edit2: Keep in mind that the game has to get more friendly to players that are new - trying to catch up. (With more and more content being added.) And a lot of changes been made have been steps in that direction. Would make no sense to make the coin prices explode.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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1 minute ago, Stygian Abyss.7203 said:

Thanks Rubi

I guess the next question for me is related to time-spent vs reward-gained. 

Doing Daily acheivements to obtain the rewards is fine but, the current Daily Login (for a user that is time poor) takes less than 1 minute each day so... <30 mins/month gives you 20 MC's, 10 of each Tx Mats, 7 Clovers, Obs Shards...etc.  Total value is probably around 30-33g plus the clovers.  This equates to around 60g/hr which is by far, the best return on effort in the game, what with most farms pulling 20g/hr.  For those with multiple accounts, 10x Daily login = 300g/month or 15 hours of solid farming to get the same result.

If the new system doesn't reward at this level, I guess the next best option for the time-poor is to buy gems (real money) and convert to gold.  This will increase ANet's revenue but will also strip Mats and MC's from circulation so I would expect prices to start rocketing very soon!

Yes, and you will be able to buy less with converted gold. Pretty much milking strategy.

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1 minute ago, Stygian Abyss.7203 said:

Thanks Rubi

I guess the next question for me is related to time-spent vs reward-gained. 

Doing Daily acheivements to obtain the rewards is fine but, the current Daily Login (for a user that is time poor) takes less than 1 minute each day so... <30 mins/month gives you 20 MC's, 10 of each Tx Mats, 7 Clovers, Obs Shards...etc.  Total value is probably around 30-33g plus the clovers.  This equates to around 60g/hr which is by far, the best return on effort in the game, what with most farms pulling 20g/hr.  For those with multiple accounts, 10x Daily login = 300g/month or 15 hours of solid farming to get the same result.

If the new system doesn't reward at this level, I guess the next best option for the time-poor is to buy gems (real money) and convert to gold.  This will increase ANet's revenue but will also strip Mats and MC's from circulation so I would expect prices to start rocketing very soon!

I mean, this is a perfect argument about why the current system is broken and why Anet would change it. Stuff like this adversely effects their BLTP sales too since you can convert gold to gems, so I bet they are looking forward to getting rid of it. The 5 astral acclaim per login is basically throwing a bone to people who spent real money (the argument why the system isn't completely corrupt).

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1 minute ago, Mor The Thief.9135 said:

Another thing that is highly likely going to happen is that Mystic Coins/Clovers and Laurels will have a monthly limit to how many you can buy, that way they can literally limit alt-farmers to have the same amount of rewards as before, while not affecting regular players.

While other people focus on mystic coins and clovers, i could careless, this system isn't only for that stuff.

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1 hour ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

I'm here and I've got an answer for you!

Gold, Laurels, and Mystic Coins can all be purchased in the Wizard's Vault for completing your daily objectives. Daily achievement points will still be available as well, you'll earn them by completing your Wizard's Vault daily objectives.

Any changes to the daily points? 

Still 10 points a day, 300 points a month? 


just curious

Edited by jokke.6239
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Just now, Randulf.7614 said:

Sad to see dailies go. Could really have sat alongside. Are we still able to get 2g a day?

The system otherwise sounds pretty good

Dailies aren't really going away, they are just being folded into the new system. I personally hope they have a daily dungeon every day so that the older content gets a bit more love but I suspect it'll be a lot like the current system.

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