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Bring back the old Dailies [Merged]

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Yeah. I never thought I would say this as I was very excited about the expansion and thought the new system would be good. But bring back the old system.

This system is absolutely terrible. We need more choice, we need to be able to do dailies with friends and families, and we need to be able to do dailies without going to expansion maps which we own but haven't reached in the story (I'm only in Heart of Thorns in the story, so I'm never going to visit a PoF, EoD or SOTO map! I know the old system bought up PoF sometimes but with 12 dailies to choose from including WvW and PvP there was always options for me).

Edited by Mistwraithe.3106
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This new system is a disaster. ANET: If something is not broken you don't fix it... never, ever. To sum it up:

  • We should not be forced to do specific tasks, and there here should always be a choice as it was with the old dailies.
  • We should not be forced to commit to some activities upfront with daily/weekly resets, it's just stupid. What if I want to change my mind in the middle of the week?
  • Rewards should be at least on the same level as with old system. Now if you naively accept default settings then you are forced to do sth you don't like and moreover you have to do it for just half of the previous reward... great
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5 hours ago, Mroczna Siwucha.8402 said:

We should not be forced to commit to some activities upfront with daily/weekly resets, it's just stupid. What if I want to change my mind in the middle of the week?

Yea, especially with the unpredictability of the WvW ones. In the old version, I could aim for a keep and if that didn't work, I would just go back to pve and gather. Most of the time I never even did all the WvW dailies despite spending most of my time there.  Typical ratio is 2 wvw: 1 pve, but on days where I don't have time, I usually go more into pve. This is taking that choice away from me.

But here I have to decide beforehand if I want to do pve or WvW at all. That's a lot of work for what is just daily check in content I think.

I suppose one could be like "you don't have to do them", and that's true; I have a bit of gold from a decade of playing. But not everyone is like that. They're the types to only spend a bit of time daily and aren't going to grind the metas and fractals beyond maybe the world boss. This may be their main source of gold. I would know, since 8-9 years ago I cared a lot more about the daily gold then I do now. A lot of vets may have forgotten that, or maybe they were always just good enough.

It is tempting as a vet to fall under a smug sense of superiority to call casuals lazy or entitled or whatnot, and I'm not innocent myself as some would know. But sometimes we take things for granted. I've always pushed Gw2 as the game with high accessibility because the game rewarded people just for existing. You don't have to feel like you're pushed to grind like every other kitten life sucking MMO out there. I felt there was positive aspects to that, even if it set the bar a bit lower. At the very least you get a very loyal following and a helpful community. People were always around to assist with event dailies/JPs. Heck, people even tagged up to show good gathering locations. But with the new system, this is no more with people having different dailies, and not having any reason to get together. It's become some crappy single player experience.

Regardless, I feel a niche particular to this game has taken a bit of damage here.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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Y'know I wasn't so put off by the new dallies initially, but good god now that I've had time to think and play I realize that I loath them.  

The old ones gave you choice, it was nice when I wanted to play WvW one day and in the middle of my WvW session I randomly got 2 gold., or maybe I do PvP and get lucky and manage them in one game, dailies were a big part of why I played PvP.
And it was nice when I was actively working towards them too, back when they where shared and there was a jumping puzzle one, I'd try it and it was fun and memorable to see me and others failing and moaing in chat only to then complete the puzzle, or be bailed out by a Mesmer, lol. It makes me upset thinking that I'll never get to see people do a jumping puzzle together for the daily.

Instead we get the most silly tasks, and you HAVE to chose, you don't have a choice of gamemode, I enjoy PvP, WvW, and Open World, but some days I wanna do one, two, or all three. Why would I have to choose from doing one, two or three? What was wrong with having the choice of doing the daillies in one game mode or a combo of them? Because we get this Gem Store Lite Version? C'mon, it's lame.

This patch has me really bummed, I just returned from a year long break of consistent play and I gotta deal with Runes being gutted of abilites and the crappy new daily system, the new masteries are cool for flyers but I only care about Griff, guess its good for Skyscale folks. For me it feels like I've returned home after a long trip only to slapped and spit in face.

I'm taking a break, again, this patch has made me sad and I'm hoping in a week or two thing's have changed or I'm feeling better. If thing's don't I might just quit.

TL:DR: New dallies feel too restrictive and takes both the fun and convenience out of them, Rune changes aren't helping. 

Edited by SamuelW.2685
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I wonder just how many people entered the daily system without first choosing whether they wanted PvE, WvW, PvP or some combination, find themselves with choices they dislike, and are judging the system by this.  Not that the system is not deeply flawed, but choosing WvW only was not that bad solely on the basis of the tasks available.

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Need.  More.  Options.

I hate PvP, so I always did the PvE Dailies and the non-PvPish World vs World selections (Kill the Veteran Creature, Capture the Ruins, Stop the Caravan, Kill the Sentry, etc.) to gradually earn reward track items.  So when the new system came along I selected PvE and WvW, only to find that I am being assigned much-disliked PvP stuff for the World vs World portion.

NO CHOICES!  Where are the OPTIONS to choose what I WANT to do?  I should be able to select 3 things to do out of at least 6 different options.  Telling people what they must do is an excellent way to get them to hate doing it.

I have already switched my options to remove WvW for next week (we have to wait a week?!?), but then having no more CHOICES,  I don't see myself going back to WvW regularly anymore to work on reward tracks.

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Did anyone actually complete Vexa's Lab to get the daily award?  I got that one as the daily, and I'm having trouble bringing myself to even go there.  Normally I'd just skip over it and then do WvW dailies instead, but that isn't an option anymore.  It's Vexa's lab or bust.  I mean, I'm fine with having less options under the condition that those options are proportionally rewarding for their time and effort investment.  But... they are not.  

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Arena, you leave no choice for daily, this is a script, I can't select the desired activities for daily how it was before!

Your new system is terrible, it pushes away from the game 😑

The new system is terrible and visually and intuitively incomprehensible!



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Also very disappointed by the new system. With the old system you could always select some efficient mix of PvE and WvW daily activities that would have you complete the daily achievement within 10-20 minutes for that early morning GW² kick. This kept me motivated for years.

The new system is restricting the player, you need to go PvE and WvW and some of the activities are a much bigger time investment. Why not just carry over all previous PvE and WvW daily activities?

First morning in years that I am demotivated by the game.

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1 minute ago, danielhahn.8654 said:

Также очень разочарован новой системой. В старой системе вы всегда могли выбрать какое-то эффективное сочетание ежедневных PvE и WvW действий, которое позволило бы вам выполнить ежедневное достижение в течение 10–20 минут для утреннего удара GW². Это поддерживало меня в течение многих лет.

The new system is restricting the player, you need to go PvE and WvW and some of the activities are a much bigger time investment. Why not just carry over all previous PvE and WvW daily activities?

First morning in years that I am demotivated by the game.

Today I did daily for almost 1 hour, it becomes a job 🥵

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When we had a choice I mostly played a PvP match or 2 as i'm also needed Ascended Shards of Glory for a legendary set and then I could concentrate on PvE knowing I had my 2 gold nice and easy. I occasionally went to WvW but just for the PvE parts like Veteran Creature, Ruins, Camps, Caravans and don't have any interest in the rest.

But now because you have to do all of the dailies you are assigned and have no choice I've dropped WvW completely and probably am just not going to play it at all anymore.

I've picked PvP because I'm still playing PvP and they seam nice easy stuff to do just from playing a few matches as normal and i've picked PvE because that is where I spend most of my time.
I can't opt out of PvE because then I wouldn't get any rewards for PvE (and the Weekly PvE stuff looks more fun) but because I'm opted in for PvE I get less rewards playing PvP and am now forced to do at least 1 PvE task as well (and for less reward)


I'm getting close to finishing this PvP armor set and then I have to consider if I want to opt out of PvP completely too and just stick to PvE so I'm not forced to do both.


Only having 3 dailies assigned and having to complete them with no choice is just going to push people out of playing game modes completely. It's just too much of a commitment to play something you might not want to do that day.

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3 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Yes if you change your selection.

The daily will change next daily reset and your weeklies will change next monday morning when guild missions and raids reset

I just had another look and found the cog on the top left of the WV interface that allows us to  make that change.

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The new daily system looks like something from LoL or something similar. (Have not played them, only seen other do so)

NO I do not want to dodge 3 enemy attacks for a daily...

The old dailys took me out in the world which resulted in me doing some random event, ressing someone in brisban wildlands or just farm some ores.

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I think they just need to add more choices

There's no choice right now, big step back

I didn't get daily done yesterday. I got that mini dungeon where you have to collect some red/green/blue stuff. Couldn't find one of the colors and couldn't be bothered to finish.

If they add more choices, it's an improvement over the old system imo

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Nah, I just want it improved

More choice being the first priority

If it's because you don't want people to earn to much AA from daily tab, then just offer more choice, but have a cap on how much you can earn in the daily category


Edit: could start by adding in the old daily's that takes you out into the world, why were these removed in the first place?

Edited by jokke.6239
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