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They ruined the game

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I really don't understand any of this, But Thank you, I cant figure out how to do these dailies now, I don't want to play anymore if my Husband and I cant do our dailies together, I am disappointed in the decision they have made, I personally feel Like they should have kept our dailies and turned the wizards volley into a bonus for those that want to grind for the Astral Acclaim token for the wizards vault.

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I don't think it is fair to say the game is ruined, but at the same time daily replacements, removing rune bonus effects while adding relics, and the character weapon changes were unnecessary and do not make the game better in their current state.

Regarding the dailies. When the expansion was first announced, I had high hopes the Wizard Vault would augment the existing system. Instead, it entirely replaced it. We had much more choice before for dailies and now we have do 4 of 4 with no choice. It is very harsh to only get 4 options and need to complete all 4. Give us all 12 options (+1 for daily login) for the daily back where we only get points until we get to 4/4!  Make them consistent for all players each day so we can do them with friends. Make it so the chests automatically open once we achieve them- we should not have to re-open the clunky page and click on them! Same with the daily login- have that automatically open as soon as we load our first character. The tracking for these dailies should not replace another achievement we are tracking. What happened to our Potions for WvW and PvP reward track growth? These pots seem to be missing from the Wizard Vault and the WvW dailies were one of the best ways for PvE preferred players to get their Gift of Battle (complete easy dailies in WvW to get Pots). The weekly coming back and being able to pick our own rewards with the points are nice, but the rest could really use some improvements.

The relic change seems to disrupt quite a few builds and time/resources players spent to get runes for their builds. I know I spent quite a bit of time grinding to craft 7 legendary runes just so I could experiment and try different options and never have to worry about creating/finding runes again after major balance changes. However, it seems this is a major enough balance change because that 6th rune bonus effect has now been entirely migrated off. Even more than that, it looks like there is a desire to change the meta away and have people no longer use some of their favorite effects (straight damage, summon pets, and so on). I get that some of these bonuses are tough to balance around, but it still feels like things getting taken away more than getting more flexibility added.

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3 minutes ago, Sovarica.4368 said:

The dailies were comfort food.. and something to look forward to because you knew what to expect.. and now it's more of a chore and mentally feels like you're getting nothing out of it just an uncomfortable lingering grind

Dailies were something to look forward to for me, fun to hang around before a world boss or jumping puzzle for example.  Now it feels like busy work, and not even enjoyable busy work.  Identify 10 pieces of gear?  Are you kidding me?

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It's hard to imagine how anyone thought the dailies and rune changes were a good idea. Before, you could pick three dailies, now you don't have a choice. Yes, I know you can pick your game type, but only once per reset period, and even then you always need to do each type every day. Why can't I choose to only do PvP some days and only PvE other days like I could before? If the issue is getting too many points, they can limit it to 3 rewards while still allowing choice. Getting a rune deleted on every character also feels like a downgrade. They could have given everyone a relic with the same effects as the rune, so the build was unchanged. Now I have to go through every character and fix their builds just to be back to where I was yesterday. 

Edited by Aearon.5691
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37 minutes ago, Rose.2593 said:

Also from talking to others in my Guild, when they unticked an option they still had 3 dailies + the log in so they were not forced to do PVP at all for example

So again I think the OP has jumped ahead without looking at things properly. 

It cleared after reset and patch there  was a glitch 

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4 hours ago, AryaWolf.1468 said:

just pick the right modes in the gear wheel of the vault, next reset you'll only get the modes you want

stil weird you're blaming user error though

It was NOT explained well. In fact, not at all. How on earth could a customer possibly know there would be such ramifications?

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3 hours ago, Kaibamon.7206 said:

 I've played and enjoyed this game for 2 years so it's not like I come here to complain for nothing! Let me have fun! Let me have back my golem companion!

It would be one thing is this was a one-off, but the truth is that Anet goes out of its way to disrupt and jumble established mechanisms in their game tot he great detriment of players almost constantly - and while a lot of it is "in your face" such as the constant chipping away at player-character power and versatility, a lot of of it is invisible (such as nerfs to drops of certain items and the like).

The treatment we players receive from this company on a regular basis goes well beyond indifference, or even condescending disrespect.

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I was expecting the DLC to add onto the game, add new features, and it did with the new masteries and weapon master training.

But what I didn't expect is Anet changing Runes and Dailes that have been around for years, it feels as if a part of the game as been ripped away from us by force. It doesnt even feel like a rework it feels almost like a downgrade, maybe I'm being melodramatic but the rune and daily changes really rub me the wrong way. 

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3 hours ago, loregnum.3619 said:

Nobody should be surprised by anything given the recent history of the game. Just look at the abomination that was the June balance patch or the second half of Gyala Delve, to name two. Why would anyone think the same people that were behind that stuff wouldn't keep doubling down on bad decisions making the game worse and alienating even more of their player base?

I'm actually sort of happy to read about this stuff since I effectively quit playing after that balance patch since I saw the writing on the wall. Seeing this makes me not feel like I need to start playing again and confirms I made the correct decision.

I really don't want to, but they're almost forcing me to stop playing. They've removed almost all incentive to continue playing.

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2 hours ago, Sahfur.5612 said:

"Releasing something"  -> Disingenuous, they reduced options. Its planned obsolescence and they are gonna make you work to get what you already had. Its an obvious toxic thing that developers of garby lootbox mmo's use and shouldn't be happening here. We want content, not for them to sell what we had back to us or make us grind for it.

Most of the previous rune options are simply missing.


"they made the rune system so it has more options" - > Then they should have released the change when they had prepared those options instead of rushing it.


They rushed it. It is just that simple. There is no legitimate reason that these changes had to come out now and not after they actually were finished. They can release the finished stuff.

If I turn off the light, thus creating a problem (darkness) and then you turn the light back on again to solve that problem that isn't content. It is trivial time wasting.

And while they were at it, sure enough - they went around and removed a bunch of rich orichalcum nodes!  WTH is up with THAT? Plain old maliciousness.

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3 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

If you are trying to show that there are opposite opinions, it can be done by focussing on those and not dismissing others as just "crying". Focus on what your feedback is and owrry less what others are saying if you are opposed to it. If you are positive about changes, then feed those back. But, not at the expense of dismissing other. The same goes for anyone on the flip side. It's all very well the devs putting in effort, but effort to reinvent several working systems instead of focusing on new content entirely is always going to be a controversial subject. If they wanted to reinvent systems, there are broken ones that should be priorirtised (build templates for one).

It's also not our responsibility to be fair to the devs if the feeling that fairness towards us is reciprocated. It works both ways

Whilst I do agree things should always been given a chance, we do need to be aware some things can seem obviously a problem off the bat and much of these have been concerns raised leading up to SoTo's launch. . Lets not forget the devs actually forgot legendary runes existed and had to design a whole new system for legendary relics - hence why it will be + 6 months before arriving when it should have been today. This was spotted by the community and has exapserated the worry that other things aren't being carefully thought out. That's a valid concern because of precedent

I like your posts (on this subject), but I want to point out that in order to "give it a chance", I'm basically required to buy the expansion. Since this is the mindset that went into the expansion, there's simply no way I'm going to pay to find out if they change their minds.

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Just now, Daddicus.6128 said:

I like your posts (on this subject), but I want to point out that in order to "give it a chance", I'm basically required to buy the expansion. Since this is the mindset that went into the expansion, there's simply no way I'm going to pay to find out if they change their minds.

My point isn't that we need to give it a chance, it's that we could see the issues and that they are live in the game regardless whether anyone buys the expac or not. Non-soto owners still get the new daily and rune systems

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38 minutes ago, Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136 said:

I really don't understand any of this, But Thank you, I cant figure out how to do these dailies now, I don't want to play anymore if my Husband and I cant do our dailies together, I am disappointed in the decision they have made, I personally feel Like they should have kept our dailies and turned the wizards volley into a bonus for those that want to grind for the Astral Acclaim token for the wizards vault.

I have the EXACT same problem as you do.

My bf and I just want to do dailies together.  Is that so much to ask?  I don't think I'm being entitled to want this.


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Serious Buyers remorse here!   Was looking forward to the new game play but I should have known better. First encounter with this Diablo looking demon and the game FORCE kills you !  What kind of sadistic ppl make this game! So now if I can beat this thing and survive that's it? Stupid! Trying to make this a Souls game? You stole ideas from every other game out there with this drivel!  I can see why many of my friends are quitting this game!  

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2 hours ago, Morpheus.5970 said:

I have played GW1 since realease. I have played GW2 since release. I have several years of playtime and today is the day I will stop playing GW.

Thanks Anet.

Sad, but I mirror your sentiments. (Except I didn't start playing GW1 until the third expansion was out.)

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2 hours ago, IndigoSundown.5419 said:

So I find myself wondering what the thought process was with regard to the periodic reward feature.  Were they so naïve as to believe that people in large numbers would prefer: being limited to choosing 3 of 3; picking a game mode, 2 or 3 for longer than today; having the volume of rewards reduced while increasing the time involved; completing tasks that are brain-dead boring (e.g., escort yaks); and any other aspects that I'm sure have been mentioned by others.

The reaction thus far was entirely predictable.  If they didn't anticipate it, well, it won't be the first time that any number of players could have told them how people would react, but they didn't ask.

They have never seriously asked. Yes, they've paid lip service to asking, but they never listened except to the squeaky wheels.

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1 hour ago, Kalavier.1097 said:

But you can pick your options for what dailies you want between PVP, PVE, and WVW, you have load more options with what you want to do with astral acclaim, and you can directly use that to buy mystic coins or clovers saving money on legendary crafting if you do it.

But one cannot USE Astral Acclaim unless one buys the expansion. At least not effectively (since 90% of the stuff one can buy is locked behind buying the expansion).

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9 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

My point isn't that we need to give it a chance, it's that we could see the issues and that they are live in the game regardless whether anyone buys the expac or not. Non-soto owners still get the new daily and rune systems

Those of us who didn't buy SOTO got it worse than those who did. We got all the the bad stuff, and we can't even demand a refund!

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55 minutes ago, Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136 said:

I really don't understand any of this, But Thank you, I cant figure out how to do these dailies now, I don't want to play anymore if my Husband and I cant do our dailies together, I am disappointed in the decision they have made, I personally feel Like they should have kept our dailies and turned the wizards volley into a bonus for those that want to grind for the Astral Acclaim token for the wizards vault.

But that would have made sense. Heaven forbid they would actually try to make sense.

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I really wish they hadn't made them Skyscale maps.  I just... don't like that mount.  Feels like a cheap way to make everything annoying and waste seconds and minutes here and there.  I just don't like how unresponsive mounts maneuver in this game - like a car with sluggish steering - so I prefer not to have all the content dependent on them.  Makes everything feel like a jumping puzzle.  The rift thing is kiiiiiiiiiindaaa nice.  But it will feel horrible once people stop farming them, Lol.  Just like most other expansion zone metas, etc.

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1 hour ago, Alaeacus.9635 said:

If I would have known this is what Anet intended, I would have ONLY chosen PvE.  

So many people going to be doing this now.  "And then the players will voluntarily exclude themselves from those game modes" was probably not on the top of the dev's expectation lists, lmao.

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I don't understand why this mobile game system wasn't just added as an extra thing from lvl 80 onwards. The old daily loggin (even quests) could have stayed and this mobile shop could have just had bigger prizes for items and more complex quests for at least some difficulty and fun. And what would ANET get? Satisfied players with the classic old daily loggin + a new system for challenges and rewards that interested players will be happy for and in the final there wouldn't be so much dissatisfaction from players to deal with.

The current new system is just a mix of boring quests, it's also confusing, annoying and limiting for new players, the previous system at least had a real meaning of "daily loggin".

I really hope ANET brings back the old loggin system and just modifies this new one as a new reward shop with more complex and original quests as something extra and not a replacement otherwise good luck, since this is probably the first MMO with such a bad daily loggin.

Edited by trulosek.7145
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