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Updraft and Leyline break Griffon Flight [Merged]

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A few days ago there was a train of people doing rifts in Amnytas, starting every rift on griffon from the high waypoint in the celestial bastion. Whenever they went south-east, you could see half the train being yanked out of their speed rush. The leyliness are practically invisible there by day, against the bright sky. It would've been funny if it hadn't happened to me a few times too. (Not that day, I wasn't with the train.) Many complaints in map chat, obviously.

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46 minutes ago, Krexen.9057 said:

You enjoy riding your griffon, then suddenly being whisked a different direction, taking away ALL CONTROL except to dismount to get out of it?


I fly to avoid leylines, unless they're heading in a direction I want to go. If I'm not paying attention to where I'm going and run into one, yes I dismount and remount once I'm out of range. With masteries you can do that in midair.

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34 minutes ago, Rumpus.1234 said:

I fly to avoid leylines, unless they're heading in a direction I want to go. If I'm not paying attention to where I'm going and run into one, yes I dismount and remount once I'm out of range. With masteries you can do that in midair.

When you are full speed on Griffon, Dismount is not a viable option. Your loose ALL momentum and can no longer pull up to your starting height.

Default Griffon Mechanics: 
Dive and wingflap to sacrifice altitude for speed
Pull up and wingflap: sacrifice speed to regain lost altitude. 

Ley Line breaks Griffon mechanics? Yes 100%. The second you hit one, intentionally or accidentally, the ability to pull up is gone, deleted.
Even if you fly with the leyline direction and seemingly are still at the same speed, still gone. Your ability to pull up and regain lost altitude is no longer there. 
100% broken. 

Dismounting is not an option. Dismounting is same effect: you loose your momentum and therefor your ability to pull back up.

As for technically too hard to make a special action key... we got SO many new "special action key" interactions (just do a few events in SotO) that it makes you dizzy, so 1 more for interact with leyline to grab it or not should not be a problem.



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On 8/23/2023 at 9:43 PM, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:

Why am I not suprised, I hate the leyline mastery on Griffon.

You are pulled, no matter what... no matter angle you hit it, no matter speed you hit it... ley lines now are litterly roadblocks for fun flight paths.

They did not listen.

I am not happy. Some maps are now no longer fun on a Griffon.

Please ArenaNet, let the interaction with leyline and/or updrafts be OPTIONAL with an action key... "press to ride the line" 

But your obsession of automation DOWNGRADED the flying experience. 

I want to ride my Griffon, not be taken on a ride.

They're no longer fun on a skyscale either. Biggest regret is I put points into leyline flying.

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I feel like I'm getting taken hostage by leylines while on flying mounts.

I can't describe how frustrating it is to have a pleasant flight to your aimed destination and a random leyline, hiding in front of neon lights or some other obstructed view location, suddenly drags you sideways off a cliff and downwards to a height you can't recover back up to where you were a moment ago. This is up there around the frustration level I felt the last time the game kicked me while I was waiting for gerent meta reward and I got loaded to a different map after login so I missed the rewards.

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I was practicing my griffon flying on such a perfect flying map and WHAM got slammed into by a leyline and not only pulled away from the direction I was going, but also down to a lower island and could not break free. It really ruined my flying experience. Even on a skyscale I have been pulled away from where I was going by a surprise leyline. Theory was good... execution not so much. Definitely needs some adjusting to be able to use the griffon in particular to it's full abilities. 😞

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There needs to be away of toggling up-drafts and ley-lines separately for each mount. Maybe a couple of check boxes on the both mounts section of the hero panel. I really don't have a problem with up-drafts. It works as I expected it would but ley-lines rip the mounts in a horrible way. Ley-lines might be useful if they were around all maps, including core, acting as a movement conduit across the map but it doesn't seem to work the same from the new maps to the way it works in older maps. In older maps with them, it's easy to fall out of the ley-line at the slightest bend in the ley-line.

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Maybe tinker around with your graphics settings and contrast. Pay attention to where you're going, I realized that in a bright color field they're hard to spot but it works.

I doubt if A-net change anything anytime soon so it's on the player to make it work until it do get change, that is if it ever do get changed. That's the hard skillful content folks been asking for, well... we got it.

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7 hours ago, Widebody.5071 said:

Maybe tinker around with your graphics settings and contrast. Pay attention to where you're going, I realized that in a bright color field they're hard to spot but it works.

I doubt if A-net change anything anytime soon so it's on the player to make it work until it do get change, that is if it ever do get changed. That's the hard skillful content folks been asking for, well... we got it.

They've responded to feedback in the past, but they can't respond to feedback that isn't given.

Leyline usage is intended to be a skill that's nontrivial to learn, so it really should be something that's easy to not do even if you do know how to do it if you did want to.

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Maybe they should make it direction based? Get the direction of the leyline and the direction of the player. If the player is facing in the same direction as the leyline, grab them. If the player is facing a different direction, break them off.

Edited by Quench.7091
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Direction based or toggle would already be a massive help

As for the Feedback, I also started a similar topic before SotO release to please not have Ley Line automatically interact with specifically the Griffon. 

It ruins the flight, it ruins the Griffon mechanics. 

The ley line utterly ignores the Flight mechanics of the griffon.

When I dive and wing flap, I am on max speed, and can always convert that energy back to altitude. Hit a ley line: Lost, utterly lost. You're done. Start over.

So to me, they actually broke the intended flight mechanics for Griffon with Ley Lines.

As for seeing them in time: That would be dumb down graphics to an absolute minimum, which would look horrible. 
When i am full speed going to say the west, and the ley line goes any other direction, it should not grab me. 

A last option would be: Griffon full speed too fast for ley lines.

As for the previous pre-soto topic... We DID give feedback.



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Completely agree, ever since I got that mastery, griffon flight in SOTO is a game of peekaboo and very annoying.

The main Issue being that leylines textures spawn very late: after I've already been caught in one or right before. On gen5 SSD. 

Either make them brighter, visible from longer distances or remove effect from griffon, which is completely fine with me. 

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I was flying at max speed on my griffon, only to get yanked by a ley-line that was not even visible. Since I needed the momentum to reach a far away destination before flying back up, I had to restart... except I couldn't even get back up to my starting location since it was too high to reach...

Also, I was flying up on my skyscale and turned left, only to get yanked by a ley-line that I wasn't aware was to the left of me. The ley-line pulled me downwards, away from my destination. Again, my destination was now too far to reach and I had to restart... except dismounting to get out of the ley-line and remounting made me lose all my endurance so getting back to my starting location was annoying.

We should get a confirmation prompt (f) before using ley-lines, or get an option to disable this mastery.

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I really like the mastery. It is fun to experiment with the Updrafts and Leylines, creating new flight acrobatic combos. To be honest, I was expecting a massive bug-fest, where people get constantly launched to the ceiling of the map or getting 1-shot when touching a Leyline. There are a few minor bugs, some are quite hilarious, but it works significantly better than expected.

Improvement idea:
Would be nice to have a check-box in the options. To either have the mastery automatically work or activate it with a key-bind, when needed.

If they remove/disable the mastery due to the negative feedback, well I would be sad but not crying a river. The flying mounts were already quite powerful in the right/wrong hands. The updraft/leyline mastery improved the existing methods and made reaching certain locations significantly easier. But that is it. (imo)

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For me, the main problem is that is takes out all the momentum and speed out of it. The second is that you can only disengage with the dive, and you're left underneath with no speed momentum.  If you were able to keep the speed and momentum and use the climb to get out, it could actually be fun.

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Hi, it seems like learning leyline gliding (specially on mounts) is bit "hell" - 99% of the times u accidently get into a leyline and pulled backwards from where u want to reach.

When i do try to use it, its a bit odd and hard to get into. can you make the leylines activateable when a player press action key? (like press F near leyline to use it)?

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4 hours ago, Takanoshy.5297 said:

Hi, it seems like learning leyline gliding (specially on mounts) is bit "hell" - 99% of the times u accidently get into a leyline and pulled backwards from where u want to reach.

When i do try to use it, its a bit odd and hard to get into. can you make the leylines activateable when a player press action key? (like press F near leyline to use it)?


I agree, an option to interact with the leyline is necessary to use it.
  Even when we are using it we have to keep directing the griffon in the right direction, because sometimes I get kicked out of the leyline when I leave it on automatic, I believe that in Skyscale it doesn't happen to be thrown away.

  There is already a topic about it if you want to read more about it.


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