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[Suggestion] Home instance library - storage for books

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So many books! <3

As you all might have noticed, during the Living Story 3 and also with PoF stories, we got ourselves quite some amount of books.

Books take slots, we like keeping stuff that we can interact with so most people keep them in their bank or are even more attached to them like me and keep them in our inventory.Which means that it can take up on a lot of space.


Let me store them at home, please!

What I'm trying to suggest here would solve this "wanna keep books, but they take up space" problem.

I'd like to have a library/bookshelves installed in my home instance where I could deposit and withdraw books.It would be nice if we could also directly read the books, but that's just a tiny detail.I really like books (currently reading one IRL too.. Sea of Sorrows if u ever heard of it ^_^) and I believe that this feature would be quite fitting and practical!

Examples of where the library/bookshelves could be in Grove home instance:


What do you guys think?

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I support this. Either a personal library for the home instance or a shared library in the guildhall would be nice. The personal one would be better, mostly because ANet would have us pay 800g or something for a GH upgrade. ;)Make it a collection thing. Have us become apprentice librarians or something along those lines, have us get a few things, talk to some NPCs and get a bookshelf for our home instance as a reward.

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@lokh.2695 said:I support this. Either a personal library for the home instance or a shared library in the guildhall would be nice. The personal one would be better, mostly because ANet would have us pay 800g or something for a GH upgrade. ;)I believe that since books are for personal achievments and you get each copy only once it should be in home instance rather than GH. But maybe other people could be allowed to read your books when you invite them to your instance, but not deposit/withdraw.

Make it a collection thing. Have us become apprentice librarians or something along those lines, have us get a few things, talk to some NPCs and get a bookshelf for our home instance as a reward.

Some quest/collection would be a good way for sure!Also talking about apprentice librerian, could this be maybe connected to Scribe profession? Like crafting some books for certain NPC or such.

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Yes, we've been asking for key rings/currency (which we got!!!) and trophy collections, more specifically, a book library, this would be so helpful. I love keeping so many trophies and of course, that includes all the books. Anet put a lot of effort into lore and little details in each item and we should definitely have a way of keeping all the good things they included.

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or make it something like a bookkey or a librarypass. like they combined the living season portal scrolls too right?so you could put it together into 1 item

on 2nd thought... can also put them into the huge library we had to visit and search through anyways, cant remember which episode that was, but something to tp you into that instance like a 2nd aurene portal stone? idk, I loved that map, altho it was annoying with the achivement to find everything.

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@Rai.1084 said:on 2nd thought... can also put them into the huge library we had to visit and search through anyways, cant remember which episode that was, but something to tp you into that instance like a 2nd aurene portal stone? idk, I loved that map, altho it was annoying with the achivement to find everything.

Oh, I'd love to be able to visit that giant library anytime I want!

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  • 1 month later...

Yes, please! We really need a book storage function. I'm feeling real pressure at the moment to delete in-game books which contain lore I don't want to lose. I'm sure the devs who made the content also don't want players deleting it. I may have deleted some already. Nooo! Please implement bookshelves or a librarian npc in our home instance so we can safely store these items which also require effort on the part of the players to collect. Thank you. :)

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  • 2 months later...
  • 9 months later...

+1 - Need this. I actually spent hundreds and hundreds of hours collecting books on another Mmo I won't mention in order to create a home in which people could visit my vast library of exceedingly rare books. This may not be as expansive but I would very much like to have proper storage for the lore I collect.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

I think I'd prefer to have a "Books" section added to the novelty wardrobe. You could store infinite amounts of them there, have access to them on the go, and maybe they could even turn it into an animation where if you are reading a book, your character has an open book in their hands. But regardless, I like the idea of doing SOME kind of storage for the books, because I love to keep them...but I hate having to use up space for them.

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@shovelend.8794 said:Actually, just been to Sun's Refuge and found a bookshelf on the east side of the refuge! This holds quite a few of my books already, you guys should check it out too!

The books it holds are all the ones found for a quest. Sadly you cannot add any others to it--and it doesn't even have a nice interface to select the ones you want, either, should you want to read them.

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