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Since DE is on the weekly list


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I do not dislke the main event itself. As many said: the pre-events are boring though. And lengthy. Just some "hard" world bosses in general - are more fun. With faster pre-events. (Triple Trouble.)

Another thing is that the weekly made a lot of people try to go there just for the weekly. I had some luck yesterday or the day before yesterday. (Had a fail on Tuesday or so. Afternoon and not many regulars playing I guess. Most of the people just first-timers going for the weekly.) Weekend ... seems more people are online. And most might have done the weeklies already (regulars left - with experience).

Would prefer it this was not weekly - instead the weeklies for stuff that needs a "push": Kaineng is not played that lot I think and we have other stuff than EoD maps ... things seem EoD-heavy with the Valdhertz and Spirit Vestibule on the dailies as well. I do not remember that much season maps or HoT/PoF stuff in the dailies though I have bought every content ... core + EoD seems a lot though.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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10 hours ago, Rauderi.8706 said:

you can't just say "CC" and expect everyone to know what you're talking about

10 hours ago, Rauderi.8706 said:

The boss constantly flails through invuln-transit phases

For what its worth, I doubt a squad is missing on a lot of dps if they don't know what CC is. Not that the invulnerability isnt frustrating but clearly not the main issue either

7 hours ago, Hesione.9412 said:

There is also waaaaaaaay too much visual noise during the end fight.

Thats also true. I used to recommand switching graphics to low pre boss-fight back when I was comm so its not as overwhelming. 

Edited by Taclism.2406
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I enjoy DE, and generally experience it succeeding, but the only way I’ve found to make sure I’ll have a good group is to watch for the ones that form 45 min to an hour before.

I’m aware people have gotten it down to not needing the lengthy pre-event time, but my experience with trying to join a late-formed squad is that it’s a total crap shoot on whether they’ll succeed.

So most of the time when I’m on at the right time for DE I’ll still choose other activities in the game.

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On 9/10/2023 at 6:36 AM, Gibson.4036 said:

I enjoy DE, and generally experience it succeeding, but the only way I’ve found to make sure I’ll have a good group is to watch for the ones that form 45 min to an hour before.

I’m aware people have gotten it down to not needing the lengthy pre-event time, but my experience with trying to join a late-formed squad is that it’s a total crap shoot on whether they’ll succeed.

So most of the time when I’m on at the right time for DE I’ll still choose other activities in the game.

All of this.

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On 9/9/2023 at 7:45 PM, Keymaster.7362 said:

Just a reminder, now that the most people know what to do, the meta can't technical fail anymore if you join a coordinated squad.

I know there are many people who know what to do, but there are still some that don't. So yes, probably a lot of people on the map know how and that will help the meta. But there are plenty who still need explainers. 

From a different HoT map, I would ask how to do a specific event and everyone replies, drop eggs on the wyvern. Now I know since recently they mean that one legendary wyvern on the peak. But there are tons of other wyvern around the cliff. I could never figure out why the eggs weren't working or why i didn't get any credit for trying to do the event. Even after people thought they explained. 

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Organisation helps, but it isn’t necessary. I saw a commander gather people in a map which appeared to be empty 5 mins before it began. I saw little-no communication, no organised sub groups and we had a few minutes left on the clock.

We prob got lucky with experienced players, but there’s a lot of myths about how badly it fails.

It does sometimes fail, but with a full map and people using their cc skills correctly, it usually succeeds on EU servers at least. Without a full map though, it’s not going to happen.

Im not saying it couldn’t use a cleaning up visually and in hit boxes, but I doubt it’ll get revisited

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On 9/10/2023 at 5:10 AM, Pyrin.2741 said:

I literally just joined a coordinated squad and we failed, so this is objectively false.

At least change the weekly to grant whether you succeed or fail that final fight. We dedicated the time to trying. It already feels like a waste of time if you fail, now doubly so if it's a weekly.


Seriously how? I have never seen it fail after the nerfs. Not even with people doing terrible dps. 

Chak Garant is more failable that Dragon's End. 


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I used to only do the meta with Hardstuck train cuz it'd often fail otherwise, but lately it's been successful on off hours pretty easily. I did it earlier Thursday at 11pm-12am EST range.

Pre-event system is pretty boring though. Both of them~ the stack farming and the escorts. Actually prefer the organized low-prep groups just to get in and out quicker.

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