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Sublime Armor


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So yeah, this post is about the Sublime chest piece in WvW. Literally the coolest chest piece I've seen in the game and I want it. Until I realized you have to be over level 2k and I'm only at 124 xD. So is it even worth going for if I hate WvW? How long will it take to grind it out? Ugh this is so depressing lmao. Give pvp this shit too.

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I've been playing WvW pretty much exclusively for the past 5 years and I'm only rank 1800 or so. Granted, I've taken long breaks and I majority spend my time roaming, but just some perspective.

Don't roam, find a zerg and stick with it. Use your celebration booster and get the World XP boost from your guild. Consider joining a WvW focused guild so you can have a bit of an idea when your guild is running so you can maximize your time grinding for the rank. Consider switching servers to a higher tier if you're on a lower tier server. Remember on off hours, you can always try venturing into Edge of the Mist. I believe the WXP is a bit lower than regular WvW but if your server has dead times or you can't find a zerg, its a good option to pass the time till you find one.

Good luck!

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Roaming vs zerging for wxp is about the same. Assuming you are focused mostly on objective when roaming (camps/towers). It is boring but its helps your server (most do not care about that anymore) and something to do in the offhours. Its just that roaming is difficult now compared to classic gw2, alot of proffessions that can disengage and high burst. Roam during the low periods and zerg during the high periods. Most of my rank comes from roaming platinum scout now.

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@fuzzyp.6295 said:I've been playing WvW pretty much exclusively for the past 5 years and I'm only rank 1800 or so. Granted, I've taken long breaks and I majority spend my time roaming, but just some perspective.

In comparison I prefer big group fights and I play Necro, Reaper and then Scourge (so I tag a lot more dead bodies for wXP) and I'm 3345. I don't use boosters that much as I try to keep my rank down (because it makes me a target).

I do play for 5 hours a day though.

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@fuzzyp.6295 said:I've been playing WvW pretty much exclusively for the past 5 years and I'm only rank 1800 or so. Granted, I've taken long breaks and I majority spend my time roaming, but just some perspective.

i also spent most time solo roaming and simply beeing annoying to our enemies, with 2x 6 months break i am rank 4,400+ but i do play alot, like really alot. tho if you join a zerg that farms your opponents your wxp bar will explode compared to roaming.

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@xDudisx.5914 said:Try to resurrect the EoTM 3-way karma trains, use boosters = grind fast ranks.

its not that good like it was before... still faster for wxp then normal wvw.From time when we get wvw backpiece and pips ... i made 1000 ranks... so it goes well... it helps to be on boosters ... birthday booster + classic booster (i use that halloween candy cobler wich use candy corn to make boosters) but i run 40% time with commander, and 60% solo roam just picking fights.Farm 2000 rank with no fun in that will be really bad.... it takes some time spend...

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@GottFaust.5297 said:Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the legendary version of the Triumphant Hero armor use the same skin as Sublime?

I'd Imagine that's much faster to get than 2,000 WvW ranks.

Only if you use the Sublime Armor to make the legendary. The legendary doesn't add a skin, it just adds the legendary stats. So If you use the non-sublime ascended armor, your legendary will come out of the toilet with non-sublime skin.

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@Turk.5460 said:

@GottFaust.5297 said:Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the legendary version of the Triumphant Hero armor use the same skin as Sublime?

I'd Imagine that's much faster to get than 2,000 WvW ranks.

Only if you use the Sublime Armor to make the legendary. The legendary doesn't add a skin, it just adds the legendary stats. So If you use the non-sublime ascended armor, your legendary will come out of the toilet with non-sublime skin.

Can you get the sublime skin after you make a legendary out of the normal ascended armor?

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@GottFaust.5297 said:Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the legendary version of the Triumphant Hero armor use the same skin as Sublime?

I'd Imagine that's much faster to get than 2,000 WvW ranks.

All the mistforged triumphant armor have some extra glows compared to Triumphant Hero, and the Sublime Mistforged chest piece include the tentacle-like wings in the back (this one)... But yes, you can do legendary armor without using the Mistforged version, but you'll only have the regular armor with no glows.

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@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Turk.5460 said:

@GottFaust.5297 said:Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the legendary version of the Triumphant Hero armor use the same skin as Sublime?

I'd Imagine that's much faster to get than 2,000 WvW ranks.

Only if you use the Sublime Armor to make the legendary. The legendary doesn't add a skin, it just adds the legendary stats. So If you use the non-sublime ascended armor, your legendary will come out of the toilet with non-sublime skin.

Can you get the sublime skin after you make a legendary out of the normal ascended armor?

Yes, that's what I did.

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@Jeknar.6184 said:

@Mthe mystery.4615 said:So is it even worth going for if I hate WvW?


I like Wings of Ascension but I don't suffer through sPvP (Which I hate) for it. You shouldn't do what you do not enjoy.

As a WvWer last 2 years only.... i went for spvp backpiece... it was not that hard... but it was time to get me angry... if ppl was ok... no problem with game... even if we loose.... but when talker appears and trashtalk alltime... or at start goes afk.. coz 2 thieves in group or whatever... that makes me really angry.... hate pvp only coz of this 14years dramatic dota kidos.Also made Fractal backpiece.. but that was safe&sound ez.

Sublime is more bound to time spend... even if you running on birthday + exp booster + some other (guild hall.. blc..) it takes lot of time to spend here

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@Loosmaster.8263 said:

@Veprovina.4876 said:

@Turk.5460 said:

@GottFaust.5297 said:Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the legendary version of the Triumphant Hero armor use the same skin as Sublime?

I'd Imagine that's much faster to get than 2,000 WvW ranks.

Only if you use the Sublime Armor to make the legendary. The legendary doesn't add a skin, it just adds the legendary stats. So If you use the non-sublime ascended armor, your legendary will come out of the toilet with non-sublime skin.

Can you get the sublime skin after you make a legendary out of the normal ascended armor?

Yes, that's what I did.

Oh cool, i don't have to bother with the mistforged version for now then. I wanna do the legendary first, i can buy the mistforged one later when i have the rank and then i'll just apply it to the legendary. Thanks!

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@intox.6347 said:

@Jeknar.6184 said:

@"Mthe mystery.4615" said:So is it even worth going for if I hate WvW?


I like Wings of Ascension but I don't suffer through sPvP (Which I hate) for it. You shouldn't do what you do not enjoy.

As a WvWer last 2 years only.... i went for spvp backpiece... it was not that hard... but it was time to get me angry... if ppl was ok... no problem with game... even if we loose.... but when talker appears and trashtalk alltime... or at start goes afk.. coz 2 thieves in group or whatever... that makes me really angry.... hate pvp only coz of this 14years dramatic dota kidos.Also made Fractal backpiece.. but that was safe&sound ez.

Sublime is more bound to time spend... even if you running on birthday + exp booster + some other (guild hall.. blc..) it takes lot of time to spend here

I'm not a big fan of conquest. When decapping worth more than actually killing people in a pvp mode, somenthing is not right.Also, there is the amulet system which just make me cringe... I cannot reproduce most of the builds I use in WvW because I'm not allowed to mix my stats. And I'm not even talking about somenthing cheesy like Trailblazer. I cannot even play Commander's stats on spvp. To not mention all the sigils and runes that aren't avaible.And then, like you said, there is "the talker"... And I tend to run on these people very often around Platinum. Kinda kill any enjoyment I would have in the game mode.

Sometimes I still do it to try get some Ardent Glorious skins, but I never finished Byzanthium pip track in a season due not having the desire to play the game mode.

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@Ulion.5476 said:Roaming vs zerging for wxp is about the same. Assuming you are focused mostly on objective when roaming (camps/towers). It is boring but its helps your server (most do not care about that anymore) and something to do in the offhours. Its just that roaming is difficult now compared to classic gw2, alot of proffessions that can disengage and high burst. Roam during the low periods and zerg during the high periods. Most of my rank comes from roaming platinum scout now.

wxp in a zerg is exploding, dunno wtf your doing while zerging but im ranking up so much WXP when blobbing around nothing is better then blobbing especially when ur blob is winning.

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@reddie.5861 said:

@Ulion.5476 said:Roaming vs zerging for wxp is about the same. Assuming you are focused mostly on objective when roaming (camps/towers). It is boring but its helps your server (most do not care about that anymore) and something to do in the offhours. Its just that roaming is difficult now compared to classic gw2, alot of proffessions that can disengage and high burst. Roam during the low periods and zerg during the high periods. Most of my rank comes from roaming platinum scout now.

wxp in a zerg is exploding, dunno kitten your doing while zerging but im ranking up so much WXP when blobbing around nothing is better then blobbing especially when ur blob is winning.

The amount of wxp you get from zerg is comparable to roaming, average ~1.5 levels per hour. If you are the dominate zerg every time you log on you can get higher amounts of wxp than that but it does not happen all of the time. Also you have to take into consideration the queue for those peak hour maps. Roaming (depending your tier) you fight players every 2 to 4 camps with most player hanging around the southern camps.

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@Jeknar.6184 said:

@Mthe mystery.4615 said:So is it even worth going for if I hate WvW?


I like Wings of Ascension but I don't suffer through sPvP (Which I hate) for it. You shouldn't do what you do not enjoy.

So you're saying I should never make another legendary weapon because playing wvw for any length to time makes me want to gouge my eyeballs out with a soup spoon?

Honestly, suffering through that gift of battle track is bad enough...I couldn't imagie playing wvw long enough to unlock that sublime mistforged armor.

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@Quarktastic.1027 said:

@Jeknar.6184 said:

@Mthe mystery.4615 said:So is it even worth going for if I hate WvW?


I like Wings of Ascension but I don't suffer through sPvP (Which I hate) for it. You shouldn't do what you do not enjoy.

So you're saying I should never make another legendary weapon because playing wvw for any length to time makes me want to gouge my eyeballs out with a soup spoon?

Honestly, suffering through that gift of battle track is bad enough...I couldn't imagie playing wvw long enough to unlock that sublime mistforged armor.

Yep. Like doing map completion for a lot of us. Get over it, or don't do it. Complaining about it doesn't help you get it.

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