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Nerf everything


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"People aren't arbitrarily accepting complaint fast enough" is definitely a new take.  I'm inclined to believe that behavior is for a reason, though. 

Wasnt your post just yesterday about your chrono oneshot not working on like... four classes and how that was unacceptable?  Getting deleted on a burst build is the balance. The harder you hit, the faster you fold. If you want to tank, virtuoso or shield mirage can cover that. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
*lawn chair scraping noises*
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They did the "nerf everything" patch a few years back. The game became miserable and things like minionmancer became meta. You made a post crying about how some classes can tank your power chrono burst. All I can say is, have fun trying to kill anything with your power chrono if a patch like that ever happens again

Edited by Endorphin.9147
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1 hour ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

The harder you hit, the faster you fold.

czerk really out here foldin fast u right
i think it's really weird when something like a chrono complains, but there's squishier specs out there with less damage, less mobility, survivability, less options in general and little to no other advantages to make up for it lol

Anyways, big blanket nerfs like this don't work well, but I absolutely get the sentiment that the game promotes skill spamming rather than tactical use, EoD sent mobility to the moon, some specs have a ton of safety for basically free, and so on, and wanting to nerf it all.
That's design and power creep problems though and not something a balance patch would ever manage to fix in any satisfactory manner.

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4 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Just nerf everything. Too many of you are complaining about all the nerf posts, when this is the entire purpose of this forum. The game mode isn't nor hasn't been fun for a long time anyway. Damage creep is too high, there's less skill and more who can one shot who first, which is dumb.

Go away bot. 

4 hours ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

all the nerf posts, when this is the entire purpose of this forum

That is not the purpose of a forum. What is wrong with you? A forum is for constructive conversation. It pleases me that your mad though. If your rank is ever high enough I hope to catch your keyboard turning and back peddling in an actual match. Good luck in your future matches - if you even que at all. 

Edited by jdawgie.1835
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I mean they're not wrong. Everything is so power crept that 99% of the time the only things that are viable are the Unstoppable Force that 100-0s someone in under a second (probably from stealth) or the Immovable Object that chains damage immunities and stability for 40 minutes straight. It just a bunch of boring rock/paper/scissors matchups at best.

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Can't wait for threads to claim some new ranger builds op now that the meta build was addressed, may as well get every effective ranger build nerfed while eyes are on it, least that what I bet all non ranger players are thinking in this community haha. The gw2 pvp community eats its own worse than almost any mmo pvp community I've seen, it's a suprise anyone is suprised its population has taken such a dive in last few years.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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13 minutes ago, Sweetbread.3678 said:

I mean they're not wrong. Everything is so power crept that 99% of the time the only things that are viable are the Unstoppable Force that 100-0s someone in under a second (probably from stealth) or the Immovable Object that chains damage immunities and stability for 40 minutes straight. It just a bunch of boring rock/paper/scissors matchups at best.

its been this bad since path of fire honestly, even then heart of stones had some pretty strnog CC spam then got worse as new expansions came out path of fire and end of dragons brought out even more stealth mobility and CC spam combined with invulns, and its disgusting.

Worst yet? they nerfed boon corrupts and  didn't do big nerfs to resilience buffs, so Boon spam meta zerg it is.

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Just now, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

The metas the best it's been in like 4 years and people still complain. The internet is for negativity, I guess

Yeah, only two viable supports in a sea of insane damage with condizerk being a weird outlier that is both bunker and when you get all the pieces of exodia together also a one shot build.

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Just now, veritech.1048 said:

Yeah, only two viable supports in a sea of insane damage with condizerk being a weird outlier that is both bunker and when you get all the pieces of exodia together also a one shot build.

Bad take - theres lots of builds to choose from right now. The meta is evenly spread out. Also FYI there is a MASSIVE MISSUE of the term "1shot" on the forums. These are all COMBOS being used by classes to get their kills which is good. The people dying are allowing those combos to be used on them and then die to them. Then come here and post this nonsense. 

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6 hours ago, veritech.1048 said:

eah those.. two.. viable supports. Some real spread there.

The rest of your post is drivel, as usual.

How so? Do you want to post anything coherent or thoughtful? Or just make declarations with no supporting evidence? The truth is your posts are useless. I challenge you to post anything at all with actual information. If you removed your feelings and opinions from your posts - Im willing to bet you have nothing to post. 

Here are the facts:

Support Tempest is Viable

Support Gaurdian is Viable

Support Druid is Viable 

Scourge Support

Theres more than two (4 total) - and to be frank having two viable choices for support in opsisite ends of the spectrum (heavy armor and light armor) is a form of balance and even spread. So GG? Want to share about what you like support to look like? You want every profession to offer a support option? Is there a certain number? Want to share thoughts or just run your mouth?

Also - Want to address the fact that 1shot isnt actually a 1 shot - but combos being allowed to be completed by players who are not good enough to get out of the way? Or just dodge all together? 

Here is a list of the "Spread" im talking about:

Mezmer - Chrono/Virt are viable as DPS (two specs one profession)

Guardian - Viable in DPS and Support roles as Core/Will Bender/Dragon Hunter (2 roles 3 specs one profession)

Thief - Viable DPS picks are Specter/Deadeye/Daredevil (3 specs 1 profession)

Ranger - Viable as DPS and Support Untamed / Soul Beast as DPS and Druid as Support (2 roles 3 specs 1 profession)

Revanant - Viable as DPS in Vindi and Power Herald (2 Specs 1 profession)

Necromancer - Viable as support in Scourge DPS in Harbigner and Reaper both condi and power (2 roles 3 specs 1 profession)

Enigneer - Viable as DPS in the form of Srapper and Holo (2 specs 1 profession)

Elementalist - Viable as Support in the form of tempest and DPS in the form of Catalyst and Weaver (2 roles 3 specs 1 profession)

Warrior - Viable as Berserker right now (1 spec 1 profession)

So there it is guy - What are you actually talking about? 

Please feel free to actually articulate how this isnt true? Or just be a silver, put a confused react, and not que while you post nonsence on here. 


Edited by jdawgie.1835
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Druid and scourge are not viable without perfect team comps, they don't put out enough healing/boons on their own because they are both hybrids and rely on an actual support to carry them.

There are only two viable "roles" within the meta currently: doing as much damage as possible as fast as possible or trying to survive the amount of damage currently being put out. It's not enjoyable, and not all classes are actually represented equally in this. Those things you said are viable, if they're worse at doing either of those two things people don't play them except in unranked or really low tiers.

Because of how it currently is it's really easy to spot blow outs, and it also feels really useless to play a support at all outside of AT because there's too much damage that, as a support, you are not actually playing in a skillful way and instead are in a constant state of pressure due to the sheer amount of damage creep that has happened.

It's also impossible to take you seriously, at all, because you were one of the most ardent defenders of soul beast with your "just dodge", "you're all scrubs" mentality when soul beast was blatantly OP with how much sustain, how much more damage it was doing than everyone else in an already insanely high damage meta, and how often it could actually do its multiple huge damage combos. You're also equally dismissive of the fact that skull grinder with relic of akeem for most non bunker classes is a death sentence.

You seem to just support whatever current thing is OP, and thankfully anet disagreed and saw fit to bring soul beast back to reality with the rest of us so it's at least more in-line with the meta.

But I guess you can keep crying about it in every thread and maybe you can just dodge those nerfs.

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5 hours ago, veritech.1048 said:

Druid and scourge are not viable without perfect team comps, they don't put out enough healing/boons on their own because they are both hybrids and rely on an actual support to carry them

But they are viable. No one said anything about the events surrouding what needs them to be viable. They are there. This brings me back to:

5 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

and to be frank having two viable choices for support in opsisite ends of the spectrum (heavy armor and light armor) is a form of balance and even spread


5 hours ago, veritech.1048 said:

There are only two viable "roles" within the meta currently: doing as much damage as possible as fast as possible or trying to survive the amount of damage currently being put out. It's not enjoyable, and not all classes are actually represented equally in this. Those things you said are viable, if they're worse at doing either of those two things people don't play them except in unranked or really low tiers.

Watch Diamas's stream from last night around 10:30PM PCT - We lost the match because they had two supports and we had one. We couldnt do the damage through the support sustain. This was a plat 1-2 Lobby with notable names throughout the match. Beleive me everyone in there is capable of doing damage. Supports won the day. I am offering you a direct point of refference to counter your point here.

5 hours ago, veritech.1048 said:

It's also impossible to take you seriously, at all, because you were one of the most ardent defenders of soul beast with your "just dodge", "you're all scrubs" mentality when soul beast was blatantly OP with how much sustain, how much more damage it was doing than everyone else in an already insanely high damage meta, and how often it could actually do its multiple huge damage combos. You're also equally dismissive of the fact that skull grinder with relic of akeem for most non bunker classes is a death sentence.

Soulbeast was easily killable with coordinated focus - its hard for me to take anyone seriously who thinks a spec that requires two people to focus it for 3 seconds is "OP" once target soul beasts drop like flies - later on I will come back to this post and link my Vods fighting some of the best Rangers in NA at the height of the Soulbeast meta which was the last 3s season. We went 3-2 on the match and lost by 1. They ran DOUBLE Soulbeast. We lost the match because we didnt get our pins off properly and the match fell apart. Sucks but it happens. We out played them the first two matches - and then got out played later on. And lost for it. You know what I didnt do? Cry on here - to the class I lost too, because I know we only didnt get that 3rd win because we mis-played. 

5 hours ago, veritech.1048 said:

You seem to just support whatever current thing is OP, and thankfully anet disagreed and saw fit to bring soul beast back to reality with the rest of us so it's at least more in-line with the meta.

I do not - Only two things have been truly OP. Vindi when it could dodge forever and signet cata when it was actually immortal. Anet didnt disagree with me either btw. They did not nerf it into the ground - and I am gonna guess its because me (along with a lot of other people) spoke out against this forums stupid echo chamber of pateo play. If you actually read my posts I agreed with some nerfs. I.E. Warhorn 4 - Birds coming out prior to the cast bar filling out - there needs to be time to counter things. That needed to be fixed. Also with Sahne - who I disagree with on this forum on essentially everything hes ever posted  - I agreed PvE Damage modifers have no place in PvP. At all. So even someone who I generally dont agree with - I agreed with openly. Because my posts are not about anything other than trying to ensure the health of a game mode I enjoy - and that I actually play. 

Edited by jdawgie.1835
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5 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:


"People aren't arbitrarily accepting complaint fast enough" is definitely a new take.  I'm inclined to believe that behavior is for a reason, though. 

Wasnt your post just yesterday about your chrono oneshot not working on like... four classes and how that was unacceptable?  Getting deleted on a burst build is the balance. The harder you hit, the faster you fold. If you want to tank, virtuoso or shield mirage can cover that. 

Literally, most of your comments are you defending Anet. Nothing you say can be taken seriously. You don't even know what balance is. 🙄🙄

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17 hours ago, Endorphin.9147 said:

They did the "nerf everything" patch a few years back. The game became miserable and things like minionmancer became meta. You made a post crying about how some classes can tank your power chrono burst. All I can say is, have fun trying to kill anything with your power chrono if a patch like that ever happens again

That was not because the attempt to nerf everything was wrong but the patch execution was horrible and inconsistent. 

ATM dmg, sustain, mobility... everything just everything, needs nerfs (some stuff more than others but all need nerfs) . The power creep und the low skill demand is not even funny anymore. 

Edited by CK rimeiller.5014
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5 hours ago, CK rimeiller.5014 said:

That was not because the attempt to nerf everything was wrong but the patch execution was horrible and inconsistent. 

ATM dmg, sustain, mobility... everything just everything, needs nerfs (some stuff more than others but all need nerfs) . The power creep und the low skill demand is not even funny anymore. 

Everything doesnt need nerfs. Just nerf the stuff that are over performing in the areas that they are over performing in. 

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10 hours ago, Endorphin.9147 said:

Everything doesnt need nerfs. Just nerf the stuff that are over performing in the areas that they are over performing in. 

Everything is over performing in power creep that is the point. 

Good balance is not to have everything equally broken and braindead. 

There is a reason no real competitive and skilled pvp player touch this casual noobcarry  game. 

Edited by CK rimeiller.5014
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