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Why did Arenanet give up on this gamemode?


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Its like they give us the leftovers at the bottom of the pot on every patch and expansion, just how long has it been since PvP received a noticeable update that made major changes to it? They barely ever advertise it in a way where new players could come in and try it out and when they do they're immediately turned off because they get bursted in .5 seconds then the match becomes snowballed for the enemy team with 0 chance of a comeback ever. They've done exactly nothing to even address this kitten from happening because of the mechanics in the game they don't care enough about changing. Stealth, downstate, superspeed, teleports, maps, etc. they all need to be reevaluated from a different perspective than whatever they're using to look at PvP. To have the same builds as meta for 6+ years while only adjusting the insanely broken things every 6 months should not be ok but since we're 10+ years into this we've basically become numb to the fact they just recently removed balance patch note previews.


did i mention that map manipulation has been an ongoing thing for years now and Arenanet watching and doing absolutely nothing should speak volumes.

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The reason is basicly that their entrance to e-sports in 2016 failed. Resources gradually got taken away, and we stopped getting any new content in 2019. The playerbase rapidly declined not much later. 

Now after several years of chaos they finally managed to get themselves togheter. We were asking for this for half a decade: a roadmap. Finally we know what we can expect: PvE gets regular updates and features, PvP and WvW gets nothing. All the uncertainty is gone, now we know that NOTHING is coming our way. We can make an easy decision whether we want to keep playing this game or not.

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2 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

The reason is basicly that their entrance to e-sports in 2016 failed. Resources gradually got taken away, and we stopped getting any new content in 2019. The playerbase rapidly declined not much later. 

Now after several years of chaos they finally managed to get themselves togheter. We were asking for this for half a decade: a roadmap. Finally we know what we can expect: PvE gets regular updates and features, PvP and WvW gets nothing. All the uncertainty is gone, now we know that NOTHING is coming our way. We can make an easy decision whether we want to keep playing this game or not.


I don't understand this mentality though. Pvp is a huge part of most games, infact many games are entirely dedicated to it. Its genuinely not hard to put a pvp oriented team together, seperate pvp-pve mechanics (as they have done) and show this mode some actual attention for garunteed return on invetsment.


Just to simply announce some basic things that other games have done in the past would attract thousands of players.


- We have put together a dedicated pvp team - more frequent hotfixes to blatent over performing specs

- New spvp content to be added

- Constant 3v3, 5v5, 10v10 arena modes (1v1 just doesnt work, sorry duelists, unless you want nothing but mirror matches)

- Solo que only, or premade que only

- Elo capped matchmaking. G1 players may play against S3, G1 and G2 only. All other elos follow that princible. P3 players can only play against p3 and p2, no matter what. To compensate, P3 rating loss could be adjusted.

- Unranked is limited to 10v10 mode, and daily pvp rewards are found here. Only duo groups allowed, to limit pub stomping.





Edited by Flowki.7194
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Its a lot of work and all the people with big wallets are either in pve or are buying wins, which anet cant sell.

It still needs attention though.  I don't log in to buy gems, i log in to pvp and probably buy gems while im doing that. I'm sure most people in pvp are some version of that. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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8 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

I don't understand this mentality though. Pvp is a huge part of most games, infact many games are entirely dedicated to it. Its genuinely not hard to put a pvp oriented team together, seperate pvp-pve mechanics (as they have done) and show this mode some actual attention for garunteed return on invetsment.

That's the thing though, there was no return on the investment. While a well run PvP mode unquestionably increases player retention, turns out your average gem buyer is a supercasual dad with 2 jobs, 3 wifes and 4 kids, because he has no time to farm out gold for the gemstore shinies. So we get content and monetisation aimed at this demographic. 

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2 hours ago, garkos.2973 said:

In the eyes of ANED,, they abandon hackers, wintraders, toxic behaviour.


No value lost

I remember during a guild meeting before a new player before leaving the game that day, she said that, "at least Anet gave hackers and cheaters, their own game mode to play in"

No value lost indeed


Edited by Burnfall.9573
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11 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

That's the thing though, there was no return on the investment. While a well run PvP mode unquestionably increases player retention, turns out your average gem buyer is a supercasual dad with 2 jobs, 3 wifes and 4 kids, because he has no time to farm out gold for the gemstore shinies. So we get content and monetisation aimed at this demographic. 


There are plenty of ways to generate income from a pvp playerbase, its a lack of want or know how.

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Sounds like you already know the answer to your question.   Pretty sure anet has been speaking volumes on what they think about a game mode in their own game.   Nothing.   They’ve mentioned it never, besides nerfs in balance patches.   There’s been nothing.   This is what you should expect, nothing.

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On 9/16/2023 at 3:19 PM, Zizekent.2398 said:

There was an angry pve mob unironically saying: "what's this, i don't know whats happening in the screen, i want my living world episode, stop promoting pvp" whenever anet casted a pvp tournament.

And i gues they listened.

and this is what the game is now, barely a shadow of its predecessor. terrible story, terrible wvw, terrible pvp. born in a Chad era, destined to die in a pencil era

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14 hours ago, zaced.7948 said:

because it makes no money.


12 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

my guess is that their gem purchase is less than 1% of total

both are wrong, pvpers buy all the expansion, peruse the gem store, and spend money. even many pve'ers occasionally pvp or even just to earn achievements. stop spreading that fake news. literally trash bag info. 

THERE IS NO WAY YOU GOONS BELIEVE PVP MAINS DONT SPEND MONEY AND THAT THEY DONT DIVE INTO PVE. Pve is literally the break we take, because it is cake....where did you even think this was a good explanation? Terrrible. The end game to GW1 was pvp. GW2 just doesn't have the caliber of creators with vision and ingenuity.  They even removed their real names, because they don't want to be associated with this game when it dies or when they leave. Shed a tear, drink a beer, they don't care, the next job and cashgrab is only an application away.


Edited by magickthief.6492
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pvper with second child syndome spotted.

sorry mate but the whole bunch of 21 pvp players don't make as much money as the tens (or perhaps even hundreds) of thousands of pve players even if they bought everything there is on the gemstore. also getting kitten on for ages before you figure out what those cracked supersayans are doing in order to oneshot you is not a great selling point for new players. ever thought about why anet doesn't even mention pvp any more when advertizing the game (not that they do that a lot)?  "come and get carried through fighting huge kitten lizards or whatever" just sells more copies.

Edited by zaced.7948
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On 9/16/2023 at 8:50 PM, Flowki.7194 said:


I don't understand this mentality though. Pvp is a huge part of most games, infact many games are entirely dedicated to it. Its genuinely not hard to put a pvp oriented team together, seperate pvp-pve mechanics (as they have done) and show this mode some actual attention for garunteed return on invetsment.-

True, if you ignore genre.

Now go and name a large pvp centric MMORPG in the west which is not niche and the majority of players don't stick to PvE. My guess is you'll be hard pressed to find one, like at all.

I'm not happy with Anet dropping spvp (and even worse, WvW) the way they are doing now, but people need to stop being delusional about how significant pvp is in the MMORPG space.

Even WoW at its absolute peak with 12+ million players, and thus a lot of spillover into their pvp, was a tiny spec in the gaming pvp space. Why? Because dedicated pvp games just do things better than MMORPGs.

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On 9/17/2023 at 5:30 PM, dead.7638 said:

Sounds like you already know the answer to your question.   Pretty sure anet has been speaking volumes on what they think about a game mode in their own game.   Nothing.   They’ve mentioned it never, besides nerfs in balance patches.   There’s been nothing.   This is what you should expect, nothing.

As someone who mainly plays wvw, I'm kind of jealous you guys get balance patches.

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On 9/17/2023 at 1:04 AM, Bazsi.2734 said:

turns out your average gem buyer is a supercasual dad with 2 jobs, 3 wifes and 4 kids, because he has no time to farm out gold for the gemstore shinies. So we get content and monetisation aimed at this demographic. 

That dad sounds more like an anime protagonist. Also dont forget the soccer moms who just took their kids to practice and is trying to get the daily done while playing candy crush on facebook.

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On 9/18/2023 at 9:38 PM, magickthief.6492 said:


both are wrong, pvpers buy all the expansion, peruse the gem store, and spend money. even many pve'ers occasionally pvp or even just to earn achievements. stop spreading that fake news. literally trash bag info. 

THERE IS NO WAY YOU GOONS BELIEVE PVP MAINS DONT SPEND MONEY AND THAT THEY DONT DIVE INTO PVE. Pve is literally the break we take, because it is cake....where did you even think this was a good explanation? Terrrible. The end game to GW1 was pvp. GW2 just doesn't have the caliber of creators with vision and ingenuity.  They even removed their real names, because they don't want to be associated with this game when it dies or when they leave. Shed a tear, drink a beer, they don't care, the next job and cashgrab is only an application away.


this game currently has about the same amount of players as world of warcraft did at its peak, which is more than 10 million but less than 15 million. however, despite this population, you would be hard pressed to find 250 unique accounts in ranked pvp (not alts) to fill the leaderboard, meanwhile wvw as thousands of active players at any given time, simply because realm vs realm (rvr) games always tend to be more popular for pvp settings.


the reason for this is simple:  players tend to like the feel of a war more than the feel of a duel. alot of players just aren't hardcore duelists and get far more excitement out of running around in massive armies and mowing enemies down, as well as participating in siege warfare.


on top of this, there's really nothing worth buying from the gemstore in pvp except some outfits, since you don't even have to equip armor to play it. i can promise you the amount of money coming into the game from wvw due to armor skins, mount skins, world transfers, etc. exceeds that of pvp by several orders of a magnitude, and even then they can barely make any effort to support either game mode.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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