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What little things did you wish you knew about (but took years to find out!)


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One of mine:

I wish I knew that I could double-click things I want to sell to a vendor. Up until a couple of months ago (and my first character is soon to be turning 11 years old!) I was: click on item, click on sell, click on item, click on sell. Double clicking is so much faster.

What little things do you wish you had known earlier?

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When I first started this was my first mmo and I wanted as close to a single player experience as I could get so I didn't use wiki or even map chat. So back when the altitude indicator for nodes that were above or below you was just a little white up or down chevron instead of the current colored icons with distance indicators, I had no idea what they meant. Could not figure it out. After wondering about it for months, this was one of the first questions I ever asked in map ; p

I also didn't really understand what the tp was. I thought it was just the place you went to spend rl money which I didn't want to do, so I just didn't use it. Vendored everything. Everything . . .

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Right Clicking pop up chests (at least most of them) instantly puts the contents into your inventory instead of opening the reward window.

Typing <I am Evon Gnashblade> on the TP search bar makes the search results more compact.

The existence of the Prototype Position Rewinder gizmo.

The fact that you can gather multiple Guild nodes daily if they are at a different tier. 

Double Clicking a waypoint will skip the the confirmation window.


Took me some time to learn about each of these things, I've been playing for 5,5 years and I only learned about the first one a year ago. 

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  • Right clicking the wiggling chest on the screen border to get the reward immediately.
  • Right clicking the salvage tool to salvage in batch. (Yes, I clicked on every piece before :s)
  • Right clicking stacks of bags to open in batch. (I used a mouse macro before to spam double click)

(As you see I had no concept in my head that a right click in a mmo is actually doing something xD)
(But I knew about double click ^^)

  • Moving the mouse pointer to the icon of an recipe (instead of the text) to see whether you already own it or not. (I used gw2efficiency before)
  • Learning about personal marks (sth important in wvw zerging, made it so much easier to find and follow my commander in clusters of players)
  • You can draw a path on the minimap and your group sees that (don't ask me what key combo that needed, the time I got to know about that was a time I didn't play pve much anymore)
  • Flying the griffon you can use the flap key before its endurance bar is fully recharged
  • Combo fields and finishers were long a mystery to me. I read it in the skill description but like Gop I didn't go read or ask about it. I wanted to play, so I ignored it. But later it was a thing in wvw. (I still have to use the wiki to check what combinations causes what) (with EoD you finally get a tutorial in game for that 😉
  • I had no clue what the break bar is and how it works for a really long time. I just thought its a visual thing for champions and higher xD


1 hour ago, jason.1083 said:

The fact that you can gather multiple Guild nodes daily if they are at a different tier. 

What does that mean?

Edited by Lucy.3728
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7 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:
  • Right clicking the wiggling chest on the screen border to get the reward immediately.
  • Right clicking the salvage tool to salvage in batch. (Yes, I clicked on every piece before :s)
  • Right clicking stacks of bags to open in batch. (I used a mouse macro before to spam double click)

(As you see I had no concept in my head that a right click in a mmo is actually doing something xD)
(But I knew about double click ^^)

  • Moving the mouse pointer to the icon of an recipe (instead of the text) to see whether you already own it or not. (I used gw2efficiency before)
  • Learning about personal marks (sth important in wvw zerging, made it so much easier to find and follow my commander in clusters of players)
  • You can draw a path on the minimap and your group sees that (don't ask me what key combo that needed, the time I got to know about that was a time I didn't play pve much anymore)
  • Flying the griffon you can use the flap key before its endurance bar is fully recharged
  • Combo fields and finishers were long a mystery to me. I read it in the skill description but like Gap I didn't go read or ask about it. I wanted to play, so I ignored it. But later it was a thing in wvw. (I still have to use the wiki to check what combinations causes what) (with EoD you finally get a tutorial in game for that 😉

What does that mean?

You can gather from two guild halls, so long as one is maxed on the synthesizers and the other one is not.

I think this also works on candy cane nodes in home instances.

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9 minutes ago, Hesione.9412 said:

You can gather from two guild halls, so long as one is maxed on the synthesizers and the other one is not.

Nice, but unfortunately the two guilds I am a member of are maximized. :s

(Home instances are too bothersome for me :P)

Edited by Lucy.3728
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Things I wish I knew when I started this game (in no particular order)

  • Weapon Damage is determined by level and rarity.  Me using a level 40 rare weapon when a blue  level 60 weapon would have done better, even though it would have the wrong or lesser attributes.
  • Specializing in specific attributes requires armor, trinkets, and weapons, not just weapons (I tried to get a condi damage rifle on warrior back in 2013 when the auto attack dealt out bleeding, thinking that'd make a meaningful change.  IT didn't.)
  • Mousing over the legend on the map will make any visible (though not filled in/undiscovered) item of the same glow and flash.
  • You can deposit materials to a storage that's at your bank using a button in the upper right of the inventory.
  • You can access your bank from any crafting station
  • You can  also access your bank from any guild bank.
  • Hitting F12 then Enter will take you to the character select screen without accidentally clicking exit.
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  • Ascended weapons/armor can be stat changed via a recipe in the mystic forge. JUST DO NOT TRY TO STAT CHANGE ASCENDED PRECURSORS LOL.
  • (For newer players) "Killstealing" isn't so much of a thing (outside of the bugged issue with WV missions credit). If you get a hit in and so does anyone else, you all get full XP + loot.
  • (Also for newer players) Loot is individual based; don't have to roll everyone else for it, Praise Joko.
  • (Ok, most of these are for newer players) You can do almost everything in this game in exotic gear. Ascended gear is only required for T2+ fractals and min/maxing. Legendary gear has the same stats as ascended gear; the only difference is it costs nothing to reskin, can have stats changed whenever you're not in combat, is available across all characters who can use that legendary item, and more QoL things. Ascended gear is account bound and can be traded to other characters on the account. Exotic is soulbound and can only be used on one character.
  • Legendary trinkets are probably the single best items I have on my account. 😐 They actually were worth the suffering.
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I discovered only last year that double-clicking a directional skill will automatically cast it at your current target. 😄 (And no, I don't have auto-targetting enabled for directional skills, because I prefer to have the freedom of choice, same with AoE skills.)

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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On 9/24/2023 at 6:54 AM, jason.1083 said:

Right Clicking pop up chests (at least most of them) instantly puts the contents into your inventory instead of opening the reward window.

Typing <I am Evon Gnashblade> on the TP search bar makes the search results more compact.

The existence of the Prototype Position Rewinder gizmo.

The fact that you can gather multiple Guild nodes daily if they are at a different tier. 

Double Clicking a waypoint will skip the the confirmation window.


Took me some time to learn about each of these things, I've been playing for 5,5 years and I only learned about the first one a year ago. 

I just learned this last one right now, thank you!

Edited by Kaliwenda.3428
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- How 'On Kill' can be used to squeeze out the maximum result


Only equip one of those sigils on either of your weapon-sets, preferably the weaker one. Gather all 25 charges, then swap to your real/strong weapon-set and use the 25 charges + 2 active sigils. Get another sigil on either of your underwater weapon sets, to prevent the stacks from resetting when diving or accidentally hitting water.

While this does not look like much, you can boost low-level character with this method far beyond broken. And it helps pushing mediocre Open World builds to a higher level. You still need to stay alive, but you are basically using two active sigil slots + the 25 charges of the On Kill sigil as a 'free' bonus.

This is extremely overpowered on classes which cannot swap weapons in combat, such as Elementalist and Engineer. 

- Given the effort&time/reward ratio, Adventures are probably the fastest method of power-leveling Masteries. They can only be completed daily, but most require only a few minutes to complete and they offer massive chunks of content-specific EXP.
- WvW Reward Tracks can help you get around complicated meta-achievements for the Legendary Trinkets
- If you are real crafter (not just for yourself, but also for friends&guild), the Runecrafter's Salvage Kit is a huge improvement and also helps getting Legendary Runes/Sigils much easier
- Daily Provisioner Tokens exchanging. Takes some time to pile them up, but they are quite useful. Especially in SotO.
- Never purchase Obsidian Shards from vendors. Just gather the nodes in the PoF/EoD guildhall daily and you have plenty for almost everything, including the Provisioner Token at Diessa Gate (Black Citadel).
- WvW is a great source for stat-select exotic armor boxes, especially the Warlord boxes but also the Triumphant Reward Track. And the skins look really good.
- Do the Monastery Heart in Seitung Province daily. It is easy and quick. If you include the HP golem, you get easy loot, as well as a 6h buff that enhances Magic Find by 10 % and EXP gain (all sources) by 20 %. You can keep it across all maps.
- If you want to test your support build without worrying about performance, try the student training at the Monastery Training Grounds. You can win the event by maintaining the NPCs health and buffing them, while dealing very little damage. Works best when you are the only participating player.
- Another fun option to learn healing easily is to run a heal-build in the Mad King's Labyrinth. High DPS builds are bad there anyway and you can test your skills properly when the squad runs into Steve or any of the other bosses. Atmosphere is great. You can experiment with your build and see how you perform in enemy burst phases.
Both methods will not make your a master-healer, but you get an easy introduction into healing and can get an idea how it works before you test your skills in harder content.
- The turtle can basically outclass every other mount easily. Controls look weird, but it is actually one of the more stable mounts to control. The more you use it, the easier it gets.
- You can farm Fractal Relics without doing Fractals. If you manage to obtain the Fractal Reliquary, there are sometimes blue +5 Infusions in the stock. They cost 25 Fractal Relics, but can be exchanged at an NPC in the Fractal Lobby for 5x Bags of Fractal Relics, each containing 15 Fractal Relics. So you make 50 Relics profit, every day the +5 Infusion is in the gizmo - which happens quite often. 
- When using Tomes of Knowledge to get to level 80 in a few seconds, you always need to manually click the level-up rewards. Which is tedious. But you can speed it up significantly if you just hit ENTER on all rewards without a select-option.
- Never play without food. If you have got nothing for stat enhancement, at least boost your exp & loot gain. Piece of Candy Corn Almond Brittle is the cheapest, most useful farm food you can get (above level 45). If you ignore food (and utility), you walk with at least 20 % less exp gain. On level 80, that can do a noticeable difference, as you can make gold with spirit-shards. No need to use ascended food or something special. If you have low budget, just use anything. But never nothing.
- Some food can be more powerful than traits. Examples: Bowl of Orrian Truffle and Meat StewBowl of Saffron-scented Poultry SoupWinterberry Sorbet
- If you identify & salvage large quantities, use the following strategy: Put all the unidentified gear stacks into invisible bag-slots. Open a few and salvage them, do not deposit! Rightclick on a stack and identify everything. Once your inventory is clogged, press 'deposit'. Then salvage everything, but do not press deposit. Continue identifying until inventory clogs up again, deposit again. ... rinse and repeat.
- Get the Legendary Amulet or give your characters at least an ascended amulet. Never play without an Enrichment.
- You can stack the boons from Jade Tech Offensive/Defensive by entering and leaving combat quickly. Easy method is to hover with the turtle high enough to receive falling damage. Other method is to kill ambient (white) NPCs.
- Most remote maps can use Waypoints in Tyria. Just open the map and change the height-layer. That works for most of the instances, including dungeons. 
- If you use gathering characters, get them the guildhall gathering buff and banner-buff. Good sources for the banner buffs are WvW maps during prime-time, right in the bases. If you only log those characters for the gathering, the buff from the banner can last multiple weeks. Effect is not huge, but noticeable.
- Stealth allows you to ignore all guild-mission traps EXCEPT Crab Scuttle. And of course if someone before you triggered the trap right before you reach it. 
- The stealth orbs in the Bear Lope guild-race can be re-entered over and over. That way you can stack up stealth-duration for an extended time-period and run most of the track in stealth.
- Daily Events and Daily EoD Events can be completed in the Trial of the Elders minidungeon with very little time and effort. Each of the 8 rounds counts as an event. If there is a monthly, you can also repeat the minidungeon a few times in a row. Raptor engage skill helps getting the events done even faster.

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I only found out recently you can target emotes on players using @ after the emote while a player or NPC is targeted. For example /cheer @ will cheer for the targeted person. And you can sync up emotes with other players in the same way using * instead of @. There is a 5 second window for players to do their emote this way. 

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