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Consequences from the WvW Rush event?


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6 hours ago, Gorani.7205 said:

From the players I have talked to, that identified themselves as the "I am here for GoB" variety, nobody said that he got hooked on WvW. Most said that they followed a tag, enjoyed their success while it lasted, didn't know what was going on really and they left when they got wiped. So pretty much "world boss rush" behavior and hardly anyone bothered to roam and followed a small group.

I have found over time some that do, the hurdle seems to be if they know what to say first. Which if it is "Can I ask a question?" the odds are better you might have a new player in the making. Even when its just a random roamer they have approached.

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8 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

If you do, just don't my mistake and let your auto-reflexes double dodge you right off those rope bridges! Weeeeeeeeee!!! scroll scroll scroll where is that WP on the minimap, splat! 😜

I double dodged so hard it took me out of the game, it's been a few days still looking for the waypoint back into it.

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On 10/1/2023 at 12:30 PM, XenesisII.1540 said:

Also there's an Instructor[Tutorials] as soon as you port into a map, like does no one talk to them? They show the map and explain the objectives. Do they need to QOL the Instructor with a big fat blinking sign that says [SPEAK TO ME FIRST TO LEARN ABOUT WVW YOU NEWB]

Maybe not quite that, but something similar to how Agent Hamna greets you when you zone into Cragged Vale might work:  "Before you head into Vabbi, I have information you're going to want to hear."

If you're new to the zone, you might take her up on that info. If you've been there before, you probably just ignore her and move on.


PS I thought about that for a bit and maybe what WvW needs is a few Scouts at the various spawn points. I had forgotten that there actually aren't any in WvW until I looked it up, but in PvE they're right there when you enter a new zone, with the telescope map icon and everything. PvE semi-conditions you to expect those NPCs to be there to give you a basic status report, so the lack of that NPC is felt.

Edited by Teknomancer.4895
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On 10/1/2023 at 10:06 PM, Deniara Devious.3948 said:

How AG have so much queues and you are in last tier 5? I play on Desolation (EU) and we have had queues just to 2 maps in prime time (except for very brief time on reset evening). Often outnumbered on 1-2 maps. Outside the busiest 1-2 hours, generally no queues. Desolation is in tier1. So does that mean tier5 has more population than tier1 (Crazy!).


Friday was relink and reset day. That means tiers have no meaning and it will take a couple of weeks at least until servers are around where they should be.

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45 minutes ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

Maybe not quite that, but something similar to how Agent Hamna greets you when you zone into Cragged Vale might work:  "Before you head into Vabbi, I have information you're going to want to hear."

If you're new to the zone, you might take her up on that info. If you've been there before, you probably just ignore her and move on.


PS I thought about that for a bit and maybe what WvW needs is a few Scouts at the various spawn points

New WvW Event: Every single npc in wvw turned into the Instructor, every time you get close to one they open by saying "Pardon me but do you perhaps have some time to look at this informational pamplet on wvw?" every, single, time, until you look through the entire tutorial. After that their conversation turns into "Pardon me but do you have any grey poupon?"

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I'm fairly new to WvW and I don't understand why they don't release new maps, like one per expansion?  Wouldn't that distribute the player load more evenly or at least allow players that can't get on queued maps into another map?  Plus, it would just be fun to have different maps with different tactics required.  Seems like a huge, missed opportunity to me.  

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2 hours ago, illuminati.8453 said:

I'm fairly new to WvW and I don't understand why they don't release new maps, like one per expansion?  Wouldn't that distribute the player load more evenly or at least allow players that can't get on queued maps into another map?  Plus, it would just be fun to have different maps with different tactics required.  Seems like a huge, missed opportunity to me.  

New maps, population distribution, population balancing and more frequent profession balancing, would of been great over the years. The game has been out for 11 years.

Edited by CrimsonOneThree.5682
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12 hours ago, illuminati.8453 said:

I'm fairly new to WvW and I don't understand why they don't release new maps, like one per expansion?  Wouldn't that distribute the player load more evenly or at least allow players that can't get on queued maps into another map?  Plus, it would just be fun to have different maps with different tactics required.  Seems like a huge, missed opportunity to me.  

Basically the game mode is structured around X maps, so a new map would replace an existing map (one of the 2 Alpine borderlands, specifically), and thus not open more slots.

It's part of the whole server size aspect, which was originally meant to create a sense of competition between the servers etc. 

EotM works differently, and works closer to PVE and just creates new instances as needed, and also combines all red teams into the same team etc. But EotM doesn't have scoring/points so doesn't count for the weekly matchups/ranks (and more importantly for most, no PIPS).

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On 10/2/2023 at 10:57 AM, Jitters.9401 said:


So this is why, when I went into wvw and was invited to a small group the WvW levels were:

Level 9    level 9    Level 28.  They seemed to be enjoying it so hopefully they stay. 

With the kind of fruitful messages I've seen on FoW during the Rush I think it'd be a miracle if 5% of them would consider going back to WvW. 

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Even down in T4 NA there was a noticeable jump in participation. It demonstrates that increased rewards will in fact lure people into WvW that don't usually play the gamemode as much. That's good for long term health.

I don't know how to keep them there though... a new player's first experiences in WvW can be discouraging, as they'll likely get merked by any experienced ones at first unless they have experience in Spvp or something. They should put a big sign up that says something like "you'll die a lot at first but stick with it"

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2 hours ago, blp.3489 said:

I wonder if you could have a week with daily rushes for a certain number of hours that didn't include the commonly queued hours?

Having any system reward the non-active hours could be a very good system, but it would never go past the care-bear-rule, and would cause friction between player base, as those in the most active-time would feel like they where mistreated/lesser-citizens etc. 

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1 hour ago, joneirikb.7506 said:

Having any system reward the non-active hours could be a very good system, but it would never go past the care-bear-rule, and would cause friction between player base, as those in the most active-time would feel like they where mistreated/lesser-citizens etc. 

Those of us in OCX can also get queues in OCX time. Although, heck, extra rewards for OCX players would be great!

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16 hours ago, joneirikb.7506 said:

Having any system reward the non-active hours could be a very good system, but it would never go past the care-bear-rule, and would cause friction between player base, as those in the most active-time would feel like they where mistreated/lesser-citizens etc. 

Isn't being able to play in non-prime time already a bit of a boost though? So how do people play in non-prime time? If we had to think about a quick list would seem to be; people that work during prime time and are off outside of it, people that are retired, people that don't work, people that are playing on a sever not in their time zone, students, people that are not employed, people of a vacation or break, people that are skipping sleep to play. These are the same factors that fall into coverage wars as well. Getting people on your server that can cover hours in which your players can't be playing. Events should cover your full player base not a subset. This would be the same as saying only if you have full maps queues does this event trigger. Events should be 24hours by 7 day events, at least to me or yes, I would say I would expect people to come up and ask, why is there no chance to participate in this event? Not sure I would fault them there, in my opinion.

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On 10/1/2023 at 8:53 AM, Gorani.7205 said:

Perhaps it is time to ask the question of "What consequences can/should/must ANet draw from how the WvW Rush event for any changes to WvW for the future?" (yes, I know, very hypothetical, but some of us still have dreams...)
- The event week drew a lot of players to the WvW maps, both WvW Veterans and "the PvE crowd", so the increase in population was obvious
- In the late afternoon and evening hours, queues on all maps of 20 in borderlands and 50 on EBG were what could be observed (EU server, AG in my case)
- unlike the World boss rush or the Fractal Rush, where new instances are created when a map gets full, WvW maps have a hard limit, kind of locking people out (for some time)
- EotM is not an adequate playground to wait in the queue (e.g. no dollies to kill there; do towers and keeps count?) for this event
- PvE players are totally reliant on a good commander and directions from the veterans, because WvW itself has no mechanics to "teach them how to play". This resulted in those players no carrying supply, getting obliterated while mindlessly and blindly stacking on a non-communicating commander icon and getting killed by siege that veterans just evade or notice.
- Large groups of "new" players are very surprised of "players actually fighting back", because they kind of treat WvW like Drizzlewood. Again, there is no teaching mechanic and sometimes no incentive to learn how WvW.
- The event buff really is obvious and give you some true, noticeable progression you can see in PvE all the time. Perhaps it would be a good move to increase the baseline of WxP gain or (if dollys could fly) add an Account Augmentation WvW where you can invest your unspent WcW ability points for something like WxP bonus (or Karma, or bonus pip chance etc.)
- The reward structure of the Rush meta is heavily geared toward giving PvE players what they need to craft a legendary weapon (do the GoB-track, get Memories as a reward for each single task in the meta); there is little there to keep them in WvW once the Rush is over (e.g. a focus on Skirmish tickets as a way to get ascended/legendary armour).
- current WvW skill balance does not leave a good impression on new players, once they leave the zerg and try some roaming, because they will very likely run into veteran players on Willbenders or Harbingers (just to name two out of bounds professions right now, add you personal preference as well)

What are your impressions and annotations to the WvW Rush week? (and perhaps what ANet might learn from that)

I did not do the WvW Rush Week nor will I ever desire in doing so. What is the point of doing it when Anet continue to refuse to address Toxicity and Bad Design? What is the point of joining a Circus Show, when everyone (Professions) are a clown and when Gimmicks is the show?

I rather give my time away to a circus show that is filled with Talents and Skills than wasting my time filled with a show that is filled with Clowns (Professions), Bad Script (Bad Design) and Gimmicks.

No Thanks!!

Permanent Pass-


“Don’t blame the clowns for acting like clowns… ask yourself, why do you keep going to the circus?”

Edited by Burnfall.9573
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