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A Real sPvP Match (2023)


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For once the matchmaker actually put a competent solo team against a double duo team and came out with a pretty competitive match:

I've fallen back into mid-g2 but I kinda want to stay here if I get more matches such as this.

Also got two good examples of Ranger downstate--the first I was trying to kite off then back towards the bell, get pulled and downed--but pet is still up in bell area and other pet on CD; and by time it moves off point it dies just right as lick wounds comes up 🤣.  The second I was off node after that last home fight, but could use turtle bubble to stall long enough for us to tick that +1 point and win...

Anyway, even on a newish build for me and probably being the least skilled person in that match, I actually enjoyed sPvP for once.  

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On 10/8/2023 at 4:25 AM, Dickinson.7368 said:

Close or not this shouldn't happen in the first place.
If they don't want to remove boosters "premades" completely, then they are better off allowing 3 man premades as well and matching 2+3 vs 2+3 and solo vs solo only.

☝️ This 

OP and their team played very well and it was a good match against the odds, can be happy for that at least.

Should never be against the odds though. Teams should be balanced. Not 2 duoqs on one side, 0 on the other because I tell ya; that happens all the time, and very rarely does it end in favor of the team with no duoq. Matches like this usually end with the soloq team sitting in spawn waiting for the match to be over so they can get into a match where they aren't handicapped. Best solution for all parties would be separate teams and solos ranked arenas.

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On 10/8/2023 at 1:34 AM, bethekey.8314 said:

Watching this really puts some of your forum takes into perspective.


On 10/8/2023 at 6:10 PM, GewRoo.4172 said:

Considering his post history, I think the confused emojis are a reaction to his gameplay. 

At least this dude has the testicular fortitude of consistently putting out pvp/wvw videos on a very heated community like the forum.

Where is you two's videos at?

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On 10/7/2023 at 4:41 PM, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

For once the matchmaker actually put a competent solo team against a double duo team and came out with a pretty competitive match:

I've fallen back into mid-g2 but I kinda want to stay here if I get more matches such as this.

Also got two good examples of Ranger downstate--the first I was trying to kite off then back towards the bell, get pulled and downed--but pet is still up in bell area and other pet on CD; and by time it moves off point it dies just right as lick wounds comes up 🤣.  The second I was off node after that last home fight, but could use turtle bubble to stall long enough for us to tick that +1 point and win...

Anyway, even on a newish build for me and probably being the least skilled person in that match, I actually enjoyed sPvP for once.  

Looks like N A T E (Alien) and maybe the warrior having to carry a team there.... feel bad for him.

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11 minutes ago, bethekey.8314 said:

For your gonadal consideration: https://www.youtube.com/@WoodstockGW2/videos

Mostly 7 second meme vids in unranked and what looks like a tutorial vid or two from 1-2 years ago (that naturally spams nades)...ok.  Not sure how big those "gonadal's" are 🤣--gonna need a Holo video or something in at least upper gold for that.

5 hours ago, lotus.5672 said:

its always the shortbow rangers 🤡

What does this even mean lol; if I were to post a vid of my main in Druid it would still use shortbow--and even if I go out of my way to post LB/GS Untamed or slb, would you say "it's always the longbow rangers"? 

18 hours ago, MalekithDG.6124 said:


At least this dude has the testicular fortitude of consistently putting out pvp/wvw videos on a very heated community like the forum.

Where is you two's videos at?


22 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

☝️ This 

OP and their team played very well and it was a good match against the odds, can be happy for that at least.

Thanks; I'm still kind of laughing that a super off-meta build like dagger untamed is causing this much uproar--but it is what it is.  

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4 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Mostly 7 second meme vids in unranked and what looks like a tutorial vid or two from 1-2 years ago (that naturally spams nades)...ok.  Not sure how big those "gonadal's" are 🤣--gonna need a Holo video or something in at least upper gold for that.

What can I say, I like making fun memey videos 🙂 That link wasn't directed toward you, although I do appreciate a new fan. It was for @MalekithDG.6124 saying we never put out videos of our gameplay.

As for the gold Holo videos, I could never hope to achieve that rank, sorry to disappoint. Maybe if I turn on screen shake...

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