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Anet Needs to Capitalize on PvP Before it's Too Late. Other Games Being Developed Will Kill This Mode Once Released.


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18 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

Isn't GW2 player count that of post launch. The best selling the expansion was EoD. 

you realize that at best 0.5% of that population plays pvp?


after launch you needed to be high plat to get on the leaderboard....  nowadays seasons end with gold 3 people all the way up to the top 230 players and legendary is not achievable unless you cheese the system super hard.

The population is a joke compared to what it was.  even compared to 4 years ago.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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Balance aside the combat in gw2 is fun, there is a wide variety of difficulty in terms of builds so most people should technicly be able to participate in pvp and do somewhat well. 

I honestly think that its the community itself that is slowly killing off their own game mode. But tbh I also reckon that pvp is simply the best in a games early stages, it always degenerates into elitism and toxicity once the inns & outs are figured out. Aka regular players stop participating and you end up with a very small concentration of elite players that, because of the small population, get mixed with a more casual crowd. Thus vitriol and toxicity gets birthed and people leave, it's pretty much a self perpetuating cycle that will diminish the playerbase more and more, as it has for the past 5 years.

In terms of what OP said, as soon as a new MMO with decent pvp comes out gw2 pvp is dead, there is no saving it from that. Though, maybe, that will make room for those still playing to create a new playerbase, without oldheads clinging to their relevancy in a near-dead game mode.

Its just a 10 Y/o game with a bunch of 30something players that are holding on to their youth lmao

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On 10/9/2023 at 8:46 AM, gmmg.9210 said:

Obviously this is Anet and Ncsoft's game and they can do whatever they want, but we've gotten barely anything in the more than decade since release (Other than occasional balance patches).

Actually by the standards of PvP in most themepark MMORPGs, sPvP has had quite a lot over the years.

It's had numerous systems like paid / free tournies, automated tournies, the first leaderboard way back (I mean the one for everyone, not the points from paid tournaments thing they had near the start of the game), then they did a better leaderboard with seasons, MMR system, various different attempts at solo / team / ranked / unranked queues, then solo / duo, reward systems that got reworked, etc.

They also added features like spectator mode & custom arenas. Plus added Stronghold, Courtyard, 6(?) new conquest maps, added 2v2/3v3 offseason with 3 new maps and reworked the mists.

There were also actual PvP tournaments with prize money.

And not forgetting that the combat / classes / balance was originally designed nearly entirely around sPvP which continued until they decided to accommodate PvE raids with HoT, in most themepark MMORPGs PvP is basically an afterthought and the idea of basically balancing around one PvP mode would be laughed out of town.

Edited by zinkz.7045
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I can't wait for another game with these gameplay mechanics. I hate pretty much all the skills that were devised and thought up for each class. I so want something that can be fun to play and play against and not creat toxicity. Getting attacked/killed by going invisible, teleporting threw walls and solid object, having down state, all are not fun to play and play against. It cheater mechanics and I can't wait for something new with the core gameplay mechanics that gw2 has

Edited by Eddbopkins.2630
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On 10/10/2023 at 5:13 AM, Dreams.3128 said:

You're first mistake is assuming PvP is keeping this game alive. It's not. It's literally the casual players that just shove money at the gem store. PvP was never funding this game no matter how many times people say it.

Exactly.  The dev time is spent where they most players are - and it is not in PvP.  If more people played PvP, it would get more developer attention.

Also... every game for the last 30 years is said to the game to kill all other games... has not happened yet. 😎

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The developers right now that are building MMOs from scratch dont seem to have the fortitude to moderate the windstorm that is a competitive community, nor the desire to do anything but directly monetize the whales that will spend their entire paychecks on gatchas. It takes time and effort to do the former, often times for no reward and very little visible positive feedback. It takes almost no effort, comparatively, to do the latter. 

I don't think GW2 has anything to worry about, as much as I wish there was some additional pressure to sharpen PVP. Even in the state it's in its better than the alternatives on the market atm. Have you seen FF14 combat? WoW? EsO? (Disclaimer: continue to work on it though. Still got some issues.)

I do see myself shelving this and playing something more direct for my duel/fight fix, though. Street fighter calls~ I'd much rather spend my money on a character that can run around in a MMO world when not doing the arena things than skins for Juri or whatever, though.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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1 hour ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

The developers right now that are building MMOs from scratch dont seem to have the fortitude to moderate the windstorm that is a competitive community, nor the desire to do anything but directly monetize the whales that will spend their entire paychecks on gatchas. It takes time and effort to do the former, often times for no reward and very little visible positive feedback. It takes almost no effort, comparatively, to do the latter. 

I don't think GW2 has anything to worry about, as much as I wish there was some additional pressure to sharpen PVP. Even in the state it's in its better than the alternatives on the market atm. Have you seen FF14 combat? WoW? EsO? (Disclaimer: continue to work on it though. Still got some issues.)

I do see myself shelving this and playing something more direct for my duel/fight fix, though. Street fighter calls~ I'd much rather spend my money on a character that can run around in a MMO world when not doing the arena things than skins for Juri or whatever, though.

The current/modern socioeconomic situation will not allow anything like what pvpers want in an mmo.

The world is not the same, and maybe it never was like what pvper mmo players wished 

Ask yourself is GW2 satisfies any gaming need, then judge to continue or not.

But, the competitive itch will get harder to scratch, even in competitive only games based on where the gaming culture in general is heading.

Speed runs seem to be this games true competitive expression.


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3 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

The developers right now that are building MMOs from scratch dont seem to have the fortitude to moderate the windstorm that is a competitive community, nor the desire to do anything but directly monetize the whales that will spend their entire paychecks on gatchas. It takes time and effort to do the former, often times for no reward and very little visible positive feedback. It takes almost no effort, comparatively, to do the latter. 

3 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

I don't think GW2 has anything to worry about, as much as I wish there was some additional pressure to sharpen PVP. Even in the state it's in its better than the alternatives on the market atm. Have you seen FF14 combat? WoW? EsO? (Disclaimer: continue to work on it though. Still got some issues.)

Very good point I think. MMO pvp never really took off, the only difference with gw2's is they tried to make it take off, and maybe that was the biggest mistake.

They give people the option to 'compete' in it and a competition comes with an innate expectation of fairness and no cheating, which just isn't here, very rarely has been. 

ESO for instance; it knows the pvp is trash, it doesn't try to hide it from anyone. There is no Ranked, there are no tournaments, no being lead along to believe its anything other than casual 4v4v4 for fun 💩-shooting with consolidated rewards. Humbles people, it really does. Like hotjoins did for this game back when.

Edited by Multicolorhipster.9751
Let faith trample 'reason'
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On 10/9/2023 at 3:46 AM, gmmg.9210 said:


The biggest red pill we have to accept is that this mode is secondary and not at all the focus for this game. 

Obviously this is Anet and Ncsoft's game and they can do whatever they want, but we've gotten barely anything in the more than decade since release (Other than occasional balance patches).

This game's combat is the one thing keeping this mode alive and we all know it. Like literally if Smite added a dodge bar than this game could finally be put under the ground lol.

Anet needs to capitalize on pvp before it's too late. This game's engine is showing massive chinks in the armor, and the lack of serviceable new pvp modes is making players get bored and fatigued way too soon.

The Riot MMO is only 2-3 years away, and other games that aren't even MMO's could have the combat that serves the pvp niche we've been waiting for. Except they'll be actually giving pvp new content and updates.

All it takes is one game to have the same standard of combat with actual dev support, and this whole mode becomes even more of a ghost town. 

ANET needs to give this mode attention before its too late.

Capitalize?! Capitalize with what lmao? It's dead! The capital has already been spent!

(shakes head)...people still have hope in competitive mmos....mmos are done. MOBAs and RTSs blew them out years ago and even then they're still declining. People are generally tired of online multiplayer and its gaggle of nincompoops. Look at the prominence of Baldur's Gate 3, Elden Ring, The Witcher and Starfield. mmos are just recycling the same group of players, they're just going to end up like the RTS genre: a niche.

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18 hours ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

Capitalize?! Capitalize with what lmao? It's dead! The capital has already been spent!

(shakes head)...people still have hope in competitive mmos....mmos are done. MOBAs and RTSs blew them out years ago and even then they're still declining. People are generally tired of online multiplayer and its gaggle of nincompoops. Look at the prominence of Baldur's Gate 3, Elden Ring, The Witcher and Starfield. mmos are just recycling the same group of players, they're just going to end up like the RTS genre: a niche.

I miss the times there was a healthy RTS competitive community, nowadays its sc2 and nothing more, what a pity; there are some real gems out there with huge competitive potential.

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On 10/9/2023 at 1:46 AM, gmmg.9210 said:

The biggest red pill we have to accept is that this mode is secondary and not at all the focus for this game.  (we knew, no pills necessary)

Obviously this is Anet and NCSoft's game and they can do whatever they want.

This game's combat is the one thing keeping this mode alive and we all know it.       (the combat was designed with pvp in mind, there is no argument, but pay attention, there are those that will argue it)

Sorry, but the rest is gobbledygook.

The mode won't receive anymore support that the rest of the game is not receiving.

Thought experiment, are EOD and SotO comparable? Be honest

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On 10/14/2023 at 11:52 AM, asket.5674 said:

I miss the times there was a healthy RTS competitive community, nowadays its sc2 and nothing more, what a pity; there are some real gems out there with huge competitive potential.

To me, RTS suffers from "whoever micromanages economy and units the fastest wins". Age of Empires, for example, is notorious for this. Winning basically comes down to out-microing your opponents.

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On 10/9/2023 at 9:46 AM, gmmg.9210 said:


The Riot MMO is only 2-3 years away, and other games that aren't even MMO's could have the combat that serves the pvp niche we've been waiting for. Except they'll be actually giving pvp new content and updates.

All it takes is one game to have the same standard of combat with actual dev support, and this whole mode becomes even more of a ghost town. 

ANET needs to give this mode attention before its too late.

If the balance of the riot mmo is similar to League Anet doesn't have to fear it.

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1 hour ago, gebrechen.5643 said:

If the balance of the riot mmo is similar to League Anet doesn't have to fear it.

It's definitely gonna have a big chunk of the playerbase that actively had to have their tilt types explained to them through a small  web based psychological evaluation, so def off to a great start

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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1 hour ago, gebrechen.5643 said:

If the balance of the riot mmo is similar to League Anet doesn't have to fear it.


Experience > Balance

"So if game designers aren’t necessarily trying to make their games balanced, what are we trying to do? To put it simply, we’re trying to make our players have fun. As designers, we craft our games to provide specific experiences for our players. We might want our players to feel challenged, to feel frustrated, to feel rewarded, or to feel like their choices matter. Sometimes, perfect balance isn’t going to evoke the experience we want, in which case it’s totally fine to skew things a bit. If something is extremely unfun to lose to, it doesn’t matter if it’s statistically balanced. In that moment, for that player, the game doesn’t feel fun to play. In situations like that, it’s the right choice to nerf things that are balanced (or even underpowered) if it’s going to improve the player experience. Ultimately, game designers don’t fail when they make an unbalanced game. They fail when they make a game that people don’t want to play."

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