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Wizard Vault Rewards, anything good and weapon packs


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i have a question about wizard rewards, exacly weapons, legendary weapon, and ascendend armour x3. Has anyone pick any of that (probably yes) and is it good, worth picking up? Is there something to remember with legendary or ascend weapon, like you need to pick it at full moon for right legendary? Generally i want to save for them but maybe it is a TRAP.

Anything else is really good, beside cheap gold, mystic coin, laurens?



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The ascended armor boxes make it far faster and easier to get ascended armor.

I used the Legendary Weapon box to craft a completely different Legendary. I already had most of the things I needed, so the Gift of Might that I got from it saved me something like 230 Gp, allowing me to only spend about 400 Gp to craft the Legendary weapon that I actually wanted.

Neither the Mystic Coins or Laurels are good picks, IMHO. Those things are both easy to get and you're better off just getting Gold.

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The legendary weapon kit is only a kit, and it only allows you to craft four specific legendary weapons. You can click on the eye on the offering to see the list. If you're going to make a legendary it will save you a good amount of gold, so it's probably worth it. In fact, if you're going to make a legendary it's probably the best bang for the buck out of all of it.

The order for money according to the fast farming community website for raw gold is  the 6 aa gold first, then the mystic coins, and then the laurels, then the t6 mats, but the legendary option if you're planning on crafting one trumps them all.

If you need ascended gear, the ascended armor and weapon boxes are good, but if you don't, then they're less good.

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Vayne.8563 is right.

With all the "Special" tab getting refilled too I haven't had an issue keeping up my Aclaim. Bought all the skins and emotes, legendary (almost done too), even some armor pieces for my characters.

If you want a tier list for items to pick up I suggest Mightyteapot or Lauranity. They have youtube videos on the vault as well as other creators I am sure.  There weren't too many out right traps, if I remember, but a lot of subjective stuff (skins or ascended if character is already geared). 

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If you want to check values for items, you can go to https://fast.farming-community.eu/conversions/astral-acclaim

They break it down to value per astral acclaim.

The rest comes down to what you need or have. Have to many Mystic Clovers, then the value for clovers might not be the same to you. Are you in need of ascended gear, get the boxes if the opportunity cost is not to much higher than getting the gold.

For example, the ascended weapon chest costs 600 aa. That's equivalent of 100 bags of gold valued at 6 aa (even if there are only 90 available). So, is the ascended weapon worth 92 bags of gold (90 for the price of 6 aa, 2 more for the price of 30 each)? No. Get the gold first. Is the ascended weapon chest worth more than 20 gold (20 bags of gold for 30 aa each, available without limit)? Maybe, given crafting ascended weapons costs between 30-45 gold currently.

Items like Mystic Clovers are calculated based on the average return and item ingredient costs, which puts Clovers at 4g60s currently (7s68c per aa) making them more valuable than the Black Lion Mastery Coffer for example (the approach here is to buy the coffers and sell them to a vendor for 1g each) since those result in 6s66c per aa.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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  Is really easy:

   Fisrt, lest ditch the items which are entirely a waste, so you never want to purchase them:

* Reviving Orbs.

* Crafting bags of tier V.

* Lesser Esssence of Gold.

* Transmutation charges.

* Tomes of Knownledge.

* Build Storage Expansion.

* Essence of Luck.

 *Obsidian  Shards.

   ...And probably Vision Crystals.


    Now, things that you should purchase or not depending on your status:

* Ascended Armor pieces and Ascended Weapon: buy if you're still not fully in legendary gear.

* Skins and animations: purchase only if you really want them since overall they are terrible (poor quality/resolution, no effects, barely dyable...).


   Finally, things you should purchase from the Wizzard Vault rewards:


   The amount of AA you get daily and weekly is so high that at this moment most of us already have everything else unlocked so our main purchase is the unlimited bags of 1 gold coin x 30 AA, which means 40 gold coins x 1200 AA, so currently I get easily more than 40 gold coins x week just doing dailies and weeklies which I would have done anyway. That's significatively more than the 14 gold coins with the dailies which the old system prtovided. So, the new system requires a bit more effort but in the mid (very short) run already beats the old one in matter of weeks.

   To put thing in context: since my main (Rev) is gonna get a scepter and I didn't have a legendary one I purchase the legendary started kt: I crafted Metheorologicus for the sobbering cost of 250 gold coins! That alone was just a massive discount. Really, just avoid spending in the first items of my list and everything else will be fine...


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On 10/12/2023 at 6:51 PM, DeanBB.4268 said:

A note about the ascended gear: you can choose core stats. So if you want something else, you'll need to change stats in the mystic forge.

If you are crafting Motivations then you also can use Ascended gear with  Research kit to salvage those into Research Notes which is needed to craft those Motivation (if you plan to make Legendary armour from SoTO). That will save you some mats from crafting Ascended gear and turn those into Research Notes.

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On 10/14/2023 at 9:38 PM, ShadowCatz.8437 said:

If you are crafting Motivations then you also can use Ascended gear with  Research kit to salvage those into Research Notes which is needed to craft those Motivation (if you plan to make Legendary armour from SoTO). That will save you some mats from crafting Ascended gear and turn those into Research Notes.

You're better off not doing this. If you look at the cost of research notes per note, you're better off just choosing gold and using it to buy the stuff you need to break down to reserach notes. Using the ascended gear you get from AA to do this will mean you're paying 2 to 3 times the amount of AA. In other words, 400 AA gets you 1 piece of armor.  It also gets you about 13 gold. But when you look at the price of research notes, you can get more research notes with 13 gold than you can from a single piece of armor.  If you're not going to use the armor, you're better off using the research notes as gold.

For gold production you should probably get the 6 AA gold first, followed by mystic coins, followed by laurels and then the mastery kits, which can be sold for gold to a merchant. But yeah I definitely wouldn't recommending buying ascended gear with AA to break down for research notes.

Edited by Vayne.8563
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The list of Buran is a good starting point. I would not recommend to just follow it without gathering further info though. Especially for a new player - they might have different plans. Also build storage expansion is not that bad - a gem store item that you usually can't get in any other way without paying gems. I got that one - but did not get the vision crystals. (A few from other sources in the storage and I do not need many. Only rarely for some achievements/collections.)

The upgrade extractor also is something that might only be used in rare cases. (I never really used one. Just the cheap infusion extractor that you can buy for a few silver.)

I have wondered that one: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Black_Lion_Mastery_Coffer
was not mentioned as a "don't buy". The hidden info (you would not expect this with ever buying one) is explained in the wiki and Cyninja also mentioned this: Can sell for 1 gold. Essentialy another cheaper source for 1g before you have to use the expensive variant for 30 astral acclaim or so. Similar for the limited  amount of "heavy crafting bags". Selling the mats there should also be profitable enough.

I'd buy the legendary kits and save them - until I were ready to farm the remaining components needed. The chest also might get updates later. Best to not open it until all other stuff is ready and you can finish the crafting immediately. (Waiting might be worthwile - if they add more to the chest instead of making a 2nd variant with 4 other options. We do not know their plans here.) It is not the thing a new player should go for immediately though. Always keep in mind how you play and how you plan to play.

(With just playing 1 main char and if you don't plan to to raids and stuff ... even without full legendaries you might not need as much as ascended chests as possible - especialyl since there are also other options available in game to get ascended stuff.)

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I think the short answer is if your priority is getting gold then look up a guide to see what gives you the most gold per AA and follow that, especially since there's some less obvious options, like the Black Lion Mastery Coffer. (Bearing in mind there might be some with extra conditions, for example the Legendary Starter Kit can be very profitable if you finish and sell the legendary, but that will require a lot of time/gold to get the extra items.)

If you're not just looking for maximum gold per AA then get whatever appeals to you most. Maybe double-check exactly what it is (e.g. which legendaries are in the Starter Kit or what the Sanctified Skins look like) but in spite of a lot of talk about junk or "trap" items there's nothing in there which is completely useless and AA is relatively easy to get, so if you want something that makes it a good choice.

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12 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

 Also build storage expansion is not that bad - a gem store item that you usually can't get in any other way without paying gems. I got that one - but did not get the vision crystals. (A few from other sources in the storage and I do not need many. Only rarely for some achievements/collections.)

   You known that you can copy any of your builds just clicking with rigth mouse + "copy build template" and then paste with ctrl + v in the note pad, Word, Writer or any other text editor? Which means you can label a build in your editor, paste the code just below, save and get access to it at any time with alt + tab and having infinite build templates at 0 cost as many times as you want?

   Build storage limitations are beyond lame; a problem made to sell you the fix, but since is so easy to circumvent I don't see reasons to byt any unless is your main and you really, really, REALLY swap templates cosntantly. That's why I think that is a waste.

Edited by Buran.3796
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Trap alert: Large Crafting Bag V 40Ap is really bad, as what is inside is worth around 20 silver and it is random, you can just buy expensive gold, and buy what you need.

Build storage: This one is weird, as it is visible on other classes. So you can see your guardian build on your warrior character, but cant do anything about it since it is different class.

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1 hour ago, Buran.3796 said:

   You known that you can copy any of your builds just clicking with rigth mouse + "copy build template" and then paste with ctrl + v in the note pad, Word, Writer or any other text editor? Which means you can label a build in your editor, paste the code just below, save and get access to it at any time with alt + tab and having infinite build templates at 0 cost as many times as you want?

   Build storage limitations are beyond lame; a problem made to sell you the fix, but since is so easy to circumvent I don't see reasons to byt any unless is your main and you really, really, REALLY swap templates cosntantly. That's why I think that is a waste.

Then again, it's "free" via an easily acquirable currency, and adding builds is more convenient than doing copy/paste. I bought it after all the things I really wanted.

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On 10/13/2023 at 10:29 PM, Buran.3796 said:

* Reviving Orbs.

* Crafting bags of tier V.

* Lesser Esssence of Gold.

* Transmutation charges.

* Tomes of Knownledge.

* Build Storage Expansion.

* Essence of Luck.

 *Obsidian  Shards.

   ...And probably Vision Crystals

Mostly ok with this list but :

Hard disagree on Tome of knowledge, it's basically a spirit shard, which is quite valuable unless you're a recurrent WvW/PvP player. 

It's the main road block to legendary craft when you know how to make money.

Also, slight disagree on transmutation charge, if you're not a recurrent WvW/PvP player and you're changing your fashion frequently, those are valuable, it's probably as situational as skins unlock. 

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Tome of Knowledge -  there are some ppl who hate leveling from various reasons, and some last levels are really stupid. Especially 70-80. Crafting... not fun. Not universally good, but if you are such person go for ir. Lv 80 boost price is insane. So 80x8/30 from vault is lower.

Transmutacion - Fashion is ultimate endgame. It is very cheap that way. Sometimes your full armour character has random gladiator peace or holy guardian has some vile gaunlets for stats, so need to fix that.

Edited by evilcat.6817
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18 hours ago, Buran.3796 said:

   You known that you can copy any of your builds just clicking with rigth mouse + "copy build template" and then paste with ctrl + v in the note pad, Word, Writer or any other text editor? Which means you can label a build in your editor, paste the code just below, save and get access to it at any time with alt + tab and having infinite build templates at 0 cost as many times as you want?

   Build storage limitations are beyond lame; a problem made to sell you the fix, but since is so easy to circumvent I don't see reasons to byt any unless is your main and you really, really, REALLY swap templates cosntantly. That's why I think that is a waste.

I know all that and I still find build storage useful. I do have a spreadsheet where I keep all my builds as chat codes but I don't remember to update them that often, and it turns out if there's been several updates since the chat code was created it might not work any more (although I've only had that problem with my halloween farming build, which gets used once a year).

But I also find it useful to have a backup of my most used builds in the game itself because I often tweak builds, or change them entirely to experiment with ideas, rather than swapping to a new template and then setting everything up almost the same except a few changes, so it's useful to have backup to 'undo' my changes. (Also I don't buy templates so I might not even have one free to experiment in.) It's also quicker for sharing builds between characters.

I know I could avoid all that by learning to do things differently, but considering I've never used real money to get build storage (I got 1 free in some promotion and the one from the Wizard's Vault) I might as well use the tools I have and keep doing things the way which seems natural to me.

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9 hours ago, Shuzuru.3651 said:

Hard disagree on Tome of knowledge, it's basically a spirit shard, which is quite valuable unless you're a recurrent WvW/PvP player. 

It's the main road block to legendary craft when you know how to make money.

Also, slight disagree on transmutation charge, if you're not a recurrent WvW/PvP player and you're changing your fashion frequently, those are valuable, it's probably as situational as skins unlock. 

   That's a fair criticims. Sometimes I forget that my over 3k transmutation charges and stacks and stacks of tomes (I could easily level ~30 characters to eighty in a snap) are product of 466 Dragon ranks in PvP and near 1500 ranks in WvW.

   Still, if you touch those game modes from time to time, I think they are largey uneeded. In AA currency you need 32 to get 4 tomes or 30 to get a gold coin; I have over 9k Spirit Shards despite having 11 legendary weapons, all armors and working in my last trinket (Vision) so my impression is that the game will carpet bombing you with those no matter what you do.

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On 10/16/2023 at 12:06 PM, Buran.3796 said:

I have over 9k Spirit Shards despite having 11 legendary weapons, all armors and working in my last trinket (Vision) so my impression is that the game will carpet bombing you with those no matter what you do.

This is a perspective some veteran players have. It largely depends though. Personally the spirit shard requirement is the bottleneck I run into when trying to craft legendaries. Since SotO came out and the dailies no longer reward 3 spirit shards a day, my legendary crafting has slowed down quite a bit.

On topic, I think the tomes are worth it, as well as the Mastery coffers (for the 1g each). I'm also swimming in transmutation shards,m but recognize that newer players may still need/want them. And buying them with AA is a much better option than gold to gems (for those players that don't touch WvW/PvP).

But there are plenty of traps in the WV. Hopefully next season (I'm not sure what they're calling them) will bring some shifting around of costs and inventory.


Personally, this was my priority:
Bag of Coin > Mystic Coin > Leg.Starter kit > Bless Emote > Griffon skin > Bag of Laurels > Tome of Knowledge > Mastery Coffers > Heavy Crafting bag > Ascended Armor chests > Sanctified skins (Shoulder, Sandals, Gloves) > then bags of coins and the Sanctified weapon skins.

Edited by idpersona.3810
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Actually the mastery coffer - has someone thought of that already? - could also be used as kind of a source for spirit shards. If you are desparate. The exp amount seems to be high. Not enough to progress 1 full shard. But almost. Of course you need to decied whether you need the gold or want more shards.

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