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You need 2 mains to be good

Last Crab.6054

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3 hours ago, Last Crab.6054 said:

You need to be good?

Then learn at least one other class that has a different role/impact than what you are playing.


People emojying you, are those who barely know how to play a single spec on a single class and when they lose...they'll come straight here ..

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7 hours ago, GuriGashi.5617 said:

Sindrener (thief-only), Zan (engi-only), Pain (thief-only), Grimjack (mostly ele-only), Floody (engi-only) and many more would disagree

Wait, wait, wait...

I know about Bluri and Grimjack, and is it Zan or Xan? 

Thought they normally duo q with complimentary classes and also top 1% of skill in competitive.

One, don't think it's a good comparison, and two, they are accomplishing the goal of multiclassing by proxy, and three, they are better at most players on all the other classes, and have in fact played all classes competitively.

My point is still true.

You think that those "many others" just guess at how others classes work?

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I agree that being able to swap class can help tremendously in PUGS if your main role isn't a role your team wants two of, like supports.

You could ofcourse become a god with one class such as Sindrener, but a much faster way to better fight other professions is by playing them yourself.

Nike posted an awesome video a while back talking avout how the playerbase has become far less knowledge about other classes compsred to launch. If you gad a main back then you knew 1/8 of all classes, now with e-specs you need to know 4-5 especs to have the same amount of knowledge of what they do.

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10 hours ago, GuriGashi.5617 said:

Sindrener (thief-only), Zan (engi-only), Pain (thief-only), Grimjack (mostly ele-only), Floody (engi-only) and many more would disagree

Sind and Grim multiclass. never heard of floody or pain. 

Edited by jdawgie.1835
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The same people confused about multiclassing are the same people confused about why their wild balancing suggestions dont get implemented. 

"I didn't walk in this classes shoes but surely I know what I'm tlaking about when I say delete it and all its specs"

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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2 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

The same people confused about multiclassing are the same people confused about why their wild balancing suggestions dont get implemented. 

"I didn't walk in this classes shoes but surely I know what I'm tlaking about when I say delete it and all its specs"



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14 hours ago, GuriGashi.5617 said:

Sindrener (thief-only), Zan (engi-only), Pain (thief-only), Grimjack (mostly ele-only), Floody (engi-only) and many more would disagree


6 hours ago, Last Crab.6054 said:

Wait, wait, wait...

I know about Bluri and Grimjack, and is it Zan or Xan? 

Thought they normally duo q with complimentary classes and also top 1% of skill in competitive.

One, don't think it's a good comparison, and two, they are accomplishing the goal of multiclassing by proxy, and three, they are better at most players on all the other classes, and have in fact played all classes competitively.

My point is still true.

You think that those "many others" just guess at how others classes work?

Both are true.

Having knowledge about every class will inevitably make you much better at the game.
However, multiclassing is not an option for people who can't game for 2+ hours a day (so 99% of the players)(and most pvp dedicated players do nothing but game for 6+ hours a day).
Otherwise you only become mediocre at everything, good at none.
Also, multiclassing to the FOTM is hardly a commendable achievement, another reason why no one cares about rating, since it's not class/spec-dependent.
I also know that some players love throwing the "Just play something else." as a common response to get people to keep playing when the balance is terrible; you can't force people to play things they don't enjoy because the devs aren't doing their job properly.

And character swapping when the game has already started is still awful. It completely kittens up the matchmaking system.

Edited by Sereath.1428
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Its kind of funny tbh but I reckon that OP's statement indicates an issue that directly explains why pvpis so unpopular > you cant perform well on a profession you enjoy and connect with, you need to approach it as a moba which absolutely causes the average MMO player to feel disconnected from the entire game mode.

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   Maybe, but the real truth is: you don't need to be good at GW2 (or videogames, ingeneral). I like to play for fun, run 1-3 professions and being bad at all of the three.  Also: the more I play (>8k matches currently) the more I find out that I get roughly the same results playing a meta build or a bottom crap one.

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3 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

Not necessarely, there's a lot of players that are high rank for years and play a single class, or play multiple classes but the same role.

You can also play multiple roles with the same class

This is correct. The one thing you need to have though is knowledge of the other classes. Multiclassing is a good way to passively acquire this, but thousands of games in which you learn how to fight classes, how to push them off their objectives, and what kind of buttons they usually bring (and what you need to do to stop them) can afford the same result. 

You can also bring a buddy that you synergize with / that plays a role that differs from yours, as mentioned above. 

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5 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Praise the PvP lord! 

As he found out that none native English speakers exist. 

I will not let you down again. All mighty God of skill! 🙏


If this is a formal title you are giving me, each word needs to be capitalized. 

Should I count the let downs now or after?



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5 hours ago, Last Crab.6054 said:

This seems like it would make balancing the game a nightmare...lol

Most classes can play 2 roles with decent builds

Like ele support tempest and duelist hammer catalyst

Ranger has some dps build and duelists

Chrono bunker and chrono one shot

I think teef has been stuck in roamer role for a long time now

Every other class was able to fill more than one role eith a good level of  success at some point



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