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yes.... AGAIN....


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Since my last Thread made me feel like i was 1v1ing a Condizerker, because of all that confu..... and i want to get better at that matchup....  ill do it again.


ELE CORE WEAPONS are not good. the be more precise: the powerdamagecoeffs are too low. They dont have the oomph, if you are playing anything thats not fuelled by Catas boonspam.

Even when running 11k fullglass, they dont compare to the damageoutput of other professions.  The only thing that makes weaver dangerous, is Primordialstance´s condivomit.... but the actual powerdamage of the weapons is a wetnoodle across the board.

DaggerMH and Sceptre need some love.   But please.... do it in a way that doesnt yet again benefit Catalyst.      I wanna play a power elementalist, that is not hammerCata.  

buff Woven skills or some stuff... idk..  or give back the 5% strike damage that you stole from Elements of rage 2 years ago.......  why even put 5% condidamage on a Vita to precision conversion trait!?! like.. what?     idk man..   something for powerElebuilds outside of Cata...




and now.....

please deploy the confu  riiiiiight.....here --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------⬇️    

This time i wont spam skills and kill myself.  😈

Edited by Sahne.6950
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1 hour ago, Last Crab.6054 said:

Post build.



I want to see this "full glass" ele build

0815 FA weaver.  (Dont run it like that! You're gonna Pop.)



For ME  Best it gets in terms of coreweapon powerbuild is this:

Burst Valkyrieweaver:  (still has 55% crit chance thru traits)


or this:

http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAgilNwiYTMPGKOWLpvNA-DaALjMLgeTAbvDAAA     FA for added flexibility in elements and woven skills. 

You get a daredevil stack everytime you evade anything. So you can get multiple with a single dodge or ToF.   If you have atleast 2 stacks, you need to double attune fire 3 >4->swap air->3.    And then your Flameexpulsion trait will also trigger.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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7 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Even when running 11k fullglass, they dont compare to the damageoutput of other professions.

Want to offer you some support here - TBH Ele is a weird class and I agree with you. It has always felt (3 times total imo) either temporarily overpowered to a ridiculous degree, or useless outside of support as tempest. Tempest Support is really the only historically consistent way to play ele in a meaningful way in ranked. Its power builds rise and fall like winter wheat. Its not in line with the damage of other classes. This is just objectively true. Also - this is a hot take but ele having most aoe attacks instead of ranged attacks has always felt weird to me. It should "throw" more damage then it does instead of needing to be in their enemies face as often as it is. It behaves like a melee class in a lot of ways when its actually a light armor caster. I think thats why things like stone heart get out of hand as often as they do. Ele - has always felt like a class with an identify crisis. I've always wanted it feel more like mage then it does. 

Interested to hear your thoughts. 

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17 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Want to offer you some support here - TBH Ele is a weird class and I agree with you. It has always felt (3 times total imo) either temporarily overpowered to a ridiculous degree, or useless outside of support as tempest. Tempest Support is really the only historically consistent way to play ele in a meaningful way in ranked. Its power builds rise and fall like winter wheat. Its not in line with the damage of other classes. This is just objectively true. Also - this is a hot take but ele having most aoe attacks instead of ranged attacks has always felt weird to me. It should "throw" more damage then it does instead of needing to be in their enemies face as often as it is. It behaves like a melee class in a lot of ways when its actually a light armor caster. I think thats why things like stone heart get out of hand as often as they do. Ele - has always felt like a class with an identify crisis. I've always wanted it feel more like mage then it does. 

Interested to hear your thoughts. 


Thanks for that genuine positive response. much appreciated, especially after our heated debates. 

You hit the nail on the head. i can only agree with this. 

My thoughts?

Yeah the meele focus of ele is something that doesnt allign with peoples classfantasy when they hear the word "Mage"....   However... when sceptre WAS good it completly fixed that.   Focus on the word WAS. The main leddown is the fact that Staff, being THE weapon you expect on a mage... is a useless pile of dirt, that gets simply outplayed by someone pressing A-D....


First of all: Its soley about powerbuilds that do NOT run Hammer or Cata.

I think one of the main problems with ele is, that it doesnt allow to slot a mix between offenses and defenses and still deliver meaningful damage. Either you go glasscannon (Freshair archetype) or you are forced to run a sidenodeCondibunker (Fireweaver/SignetCata/SignetTempest).  

Because you deal absolutely abismal Powerdamage if you dont run Air.  So you need to take Air on a powerbuild, but at the same time... you are also almost forced to take Arcane too.   And then slap your elitespecialisation ontop.      Air is just wayyy to important to reach that oomph...  

Within those traitlines, you dont have the option to slot any sustain. You essentially cant slot prot/cleanse AND enough Powerdamage into the same build....     you NEED to go fullglasstraits to be dangerous.

Sooo... and now comes the part why you are either overperforming or underperfoming constantly...

If the Damage is high enough, you can burst people down very fast, thus making your own defense almost obsolete.  <- This is when its overperforming

If the Damage is not high enough, you cant burst people down very fast, thus you will fold after your first failed burst attempt.  <- This is all the other times in Powerele´s history.

But how are you gonna find a middleground here?   you only have the Screw of Damage left to balance the Freshair Archetype.....

So FAWeaver either oneshots people and the forum goes OONGABOONGA.....   or the ele folds cuz even on fullglass you can no longer burst people.....

Power is either very strong.... or not good at all.   Right now... its not good.

You simply dont have the relative mobility you had years ago..... 1.5 seconds of superspeed just doesnt cut it in the current meta....

remember?  back in the day the superspeed was FA´s main defense....  nowadays it´s cut in half, cuz of Cata...    with 0 compensation or other ways to survive when not slotting cata....  while other professions have become crazy mobilitycrept.


But why does Cata work!?  its actually quite simple.... it perfectly fixed the flaws that i pointed out earlier.

A) IF you run Hammer, you dont even need Air to hit like a truck, simply because the Damagecoeefs are wayyyy above any other weapon for ele..... because....... reasons...... so you can actually afford to slot Firetraitline and gain cleanse from that, and you have prot from Arcane. Giving you all you could ever dream off.  Damage/protuptime/cleanse...   Thats why it works....

->TLDR: you are NOT forced to run Air to deal damage.


B) you have so many full mitigates (reflects/blocks/invulns) and you can chain those on a pretty low cooldown.  All of those dont require a defensive traitline to work.  That allows you to utilize sceptre and slot Airtraitline, while still having ways to mitigate Damage and you have resustain from repeated blasting of the Watersphere.  And thats why everyone hated FACata.... it was tanky, altho going Fullglass....

->TLDR:  even when running Air... you still got defenses


And thats where the problem starts.....    The powerdamagecoeffs of the Coreweapons, take into account the potential they COULD have on cata while running glass, and still having the defenses that Cata offers.... However..... Otherspecs simply dont have those defenses.....   They just dont....   

Therefore ->  if you want to play ANYTHING outside of Cata.... you are forced to build a Condibunker, because the condis hurt, even when slotting multiple defensive traits for survival.

The sheer existance of Cata, is holding back all the other elebuilds.

if you want to play power outside of Cata, you are forced into this "Did i oneshot him? no? okey.... guess i just die"- build, which just doesnt feel good to play nor is it rewarding.😕

Edited by Sahne.6950
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Those are the only 2 skills for mainhand that still Pack a punch, because they are the only ones that didnt get nerfed. 

Sadly... both of them are located on the 3, and you therefore dont have easy access to them on weaver 😕 again... only really good on cata. 

the thing is...

DaggerMH has all the tools to create a good build... like a reeeeealy good build... BUT.... it hits like a wet noodle across the board, with the only exception of Burningspeed, because.... you guessed it....  that skill somehow completly dodged the feb2020 patch, while the other daggerskills got nerfed by up to 50%-60%...  WHY ANET!? Why load all the damage onto this one skill.  If the enemy dodges your burningspeed.... you better yeet the fk out, cuz he just evaded 70% of your burst.

In sustained fights, you just loose, cuz even with Berserkeramu and Airtraits your skills hit like a wet noodle.   But then you rush in with the two skills that actually do damage and hit Burningspeed+firering for 8k each.   like.. what!?

Evening the Damage out throughout the whole kit would make ele ALOT more healthy and actually allow for a bruiserstyle.   But right now.... you are nothing but a all-out Burstbuild that needs to get upclose and personal, with 0 means to quickly clear even a single application of weakness.....

This all or nothing playstyle, with 0 safety nets, is simply not suited for 2023 spvp... where everyone poops weakness or gets prot from simply existing.

Powerele is just not in a good spot right now, outside of that one hammercata build.



When i am speaking about more dmg, i mean the AAs and the 2 skills, mainly on dagger.  And maybe the sceptre air AA, because the dmg is so backloaded, but at the same time its almost never a good idea to fully channel the AA For 3 seconds... because you will be dead halfway thru.

my other point/suggestion would be to completly take away the Ferocity from the Airtrait Raging storm, and compensate that by giving the +5% strikedamage back to Elements of Rage or simply slapping them ontop of SwiftRevenge. (secret FACata nerf! hooray 😉)  Essentially making air less of a necessity, and open up the possibility to slot Firetraitline for smotheringauras, while still having somewhat decent Damage thanks to the added damagemodifier on Weaver .

Essenstially creating a powerbased D/D BruiserWeaver that ACTUALLY works, without giving anything to cata.

The traitlayout is there....  the functionality is there... everything is there.... its just a matter of numbers at this point.

If elements of rage gives 12% less CritDamage, they could then go ahead and sliiightly raise Sceptres Damage again by ~10% across the board.

This would, in theory, give FAWeaver 3% more Damage than it has right now, while FaCata ends up with 2% LESS damage compared to now. Shifting some of the power away from airtraitline and onto the weapons and most importantly Weavertraitline.   (i know its hard to math that, because of how Damagemultipliers work in Gw2.... but you get the idea.)

I think thats all that needs to be done, to push DaggerWeaver into viability, without hurting FAWeaver or reintroducing the reign of Cata.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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1 hour ago, Sahne.6950 said:
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Thanks for that genuine positive response. much appreciated, especially after our heated debates. 

You hit the nail on the head. i can only agree with this. 

My thoughts?

Yeah the meele focus of ele is something that doesnt allign with peoples classfantasy when they hear the word "Mage"....   However... when sceptre WAS good it completly fixed that.   Focus on the word WAS.


First of all: support works.  it just works(altho support viability is questionable in SoloQ right now). so i leave that out of the equation when speaking about ele here. Its soley about powerbuilds that do NOT run Hammer or Cata.


I think one of the main problems with ele is, that it doesnt allow to slot a mix between offenses and defenses. Either you go glasscannon (Freshair archetype) or you are forced to run a sidenodeCondibunker (Fireweaver/SignetCata/SignetTempest).  

Because you deal absolutely abismal Powerdamage if you dont run Air.  So you need to take Air on a powerbuild, but at the same time... you are also almost forced to take Arcane too.   And then slap your elitespecialisation ontop.      Air is just wayyy to important to reach that oomph...  

Within those traitlines, you dont even have the option to slot any sustain. You essentially cant slot prot/cleanse AND enough Powerdamage into the same build....     you NEED to go fullglasstraits to be dangerous.

Sooo... and now comes the part why you are either overperforming or underperfoming constantly...

If the Damage is high enough, you can burst people down very fast, thus making your own defense almost obsolete.

If the Damage is not high enough, you cant burst people down very fast, thus you will fold after your first failed burst attempt. You dont have the relative mobility you had years ago..... 1.5 seconds of superspeed just doesnt cut it as a solid defense in the current meta....   it got cut in half, cuz of Cata...

How are you gonna find a middleground here?   you only have the Screw of Damage left to balance the Freshair Archetype..... Everything else is already nerfed to rock bottom.

So FAWeaver either oneshots people and the forum goes OONGABOONGA.....   or the ele folds cuz even on fullglass you can no longer burst people.....

Power is either very strong.... or not good at all.   Right now... its not good.


However....Cata specialisation works, because:

A) IF you run Hammer, you dont even need Air to hit like a truck, simply because the Damagecoeefs are wayyyy above any other weapon for ele..because... reasons......so you can actually afford to slot Firetraitline and gain cleanse from that, and you have prot from Arcane. Giving you Damage / prot AND cleanse... all you could dream off.  Thats why it works....


B) you have so many full mitigates (reflects/blocks/invulns) and you can chain those on a pretty low cooldown.  All of those dont require a defensive traitline to work.  So you can even go Sceptre Freshair, while still having ways to mitigate Damage and you have resustain from repeated blasting of the Watersphere.  And thats why everyone hated FACata.... it was tanky, altho going Fullglass....


But other Elespecs or Coreweapons cant really do that.... 

And thats where the problem starts.....    The powerdamagecoeffs of the weapons, takes into account running fullglass, and still having the defenses that Cata offers.... However..... Otherspecs simply dont have those defenses.....   They just dont....   

Therefore ->  if you want to play ANYTHING outside of Cata.... you are forced to build a Condibunker, because the condis hurt, even when slotting multiple defensive traits for survival.

i hope that made sense.


It would help immensly, if they would bake in some cleanse into Weaver... that would fix alot of problems...   but right now... Weavers "Thing" being the wovenskills... is almost a drawback, because your big hitters are hidden on your 3 skills.....   Cata is just better in every way.

Or they need to take some Damage off of air, and put it somewhere in the weavertraits thus opening Buildfreedom and actually allowing Weavers to take anything thats not Air+Berserker to gain meaningfulldamage.

they could also put back a bit of dmg onto the 1 and 2 skills... but then Catalyst would also profit from that.....    


Catalyst is completly holding back any other ele build kind of....


Thx again. 😃

You can get lot of cleanse into weaver with water t3.1 trait swiftness -> regen -> cleanse but i am sure you know that.  This in combination with owa, fa and dual skills will provide lots of passive cleanse. Twist of fate will cleanse too but you are forced to play power, as water and air traitlines allow nothing else. Made such a build work to high gold. Dunno if its working any higher bc i suck. 

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3 hours ago, asket.5674 said:

You can get lot of cleanse into weaver with water t3.1 trait swiftness -> regen -> cleanse but i am sure you know that.  This in combination with owa, fa and dual skills will provide lots of passive cleanse. Twist of fate will cleanse too but you are forced to play power, as water and air traitlines allow nothing else. Made such a build work to high gold. Dunno if its working any higher bc i suck. 

and thats when we are back at having to either drop airtraitline completly to get any defense.... (Water/arcane/Weaver)   or you are back at WaterSwordweaver... aka... Condibunker...

If you play this power (Sceptre+ Air/Water/Weaver).... you do not have any prot, nor do you have any other form of boons, besides a random procc of Fury from Air, which barely translate to50% uptime.... You also dont have reliable swiftness to rotate between points.   It just doenst work in Plat.  You lack the Damage, and still get rolled over because you have 13k hp/no prot and slow attunementswitches. 

You will be a more useful roamer playing literally anything else like thief or shatterchrono.

SwordWaterweaver (Water/arcane/Weaver) sooomewhat works ... but again... condibuild, completly carried by Primordialstances Condivomit.

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I have a theory, they didnt want to nerf power scepter when they nerfed condi, but that would prolly result in 3 ele team winning mat again, so they hard nerfed scepter

Otherwise that we'd have hammer cata fa cata and tempest that month, the qq would be priceless

They could at least unnerf off dagger since they gut signets and scepter

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On 10/18/2023 at 12:53 PM, Sahne.6950 said:

Since my last Thread made me feel like i was 1v1ing a Condizerker, because of all that confu..... and i want to get better at that matchup....  ill do it again.


ELE CORE WEAPONS are not good. the be more precise: the powerdamagecoeffs are too low. They dont have the oomph, if you are playing anything thats not fuelled by Catas boonspam.

Even when running 11k fullglass, they dont compare to the damageoutput of other professions.  The only thing that makes weaver dangerous, is Primordialstance´s condivomit.... but the actual powerdamage of the weapons is a wetnoodle across the board.

DaggerMH and Sceptre need some love.   But please.... do it in a way that doesnt yet again benefit Catalyst.      I wanna play a power elementalist, that is not hammerCata.  

buff Woven skills or some stuff... idk..  or give back the 5% strike damage that you stole from Elements of rage 2 years ago.......  why even put 5% condidamage on a Vita to precision conversion trait!?! like.. what?     idk man..   something for powerElebuilds outside of Cata...




and now.....

please deploy the confu  riiiiiight.....here --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------⬇️    

This time i wont spam skills and kill myself.  😈

Every time they buff/create power builds for ele...this community loses their kitten and will cry blood and tears on the forum for weeks/months till ele gets nerfed to a worst state than before those buffs and...cata boonspam? Your definition of boon spam is very outdated, because a 1/2s of resolution/resistance every 15s on top of the common boons with any build, can be hardly considered boonspam...the only reason people even bother with catalyst anymore, it's the hammer....I don't see d/d catalysts anywhere and if this boonspam would be anywhere true, we'd see loads of them

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17 hours ago, asket.5674 said:

You can get lot of cleanse into weaver with water t3.1 trait swiftness -> regen -> cleanse but i am sure you know that.  This in combination with owa, fa and dual skills will provide lots of passive cleanse. Twist of fate will cleanse too but you are forced to play power, as water and air traitlines allow nothing else. Made such a build work to high gold. Dunno if its working any higher bc i suck. 

Just make the trait lose a condi when you gain swiftness or superspeed instead of needing regen. 

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On 10/20/2023 at 8:58 AM, Sahne.6950 said:

That would already fix quite a few things.... 

you wouldnt need Watertraitline to gain cleanse if it worked this way!

Would help a little for weaver; but generally weaver needs a little more than that, i think its in dire need of an mechanic update. I would love to see unravel implemented as a f5 skill with adequate cooldown and no extra boons and effects.  To make skills 3/4/5 more accessible because right now you either waste a slot with unravel or have to play FA to access 4/5 quickly with the constraint that you have to crit someone. 
what else would also help a lot would be a stunbreak on unravel, the boons it provides are imo not enough to justify it slotting.

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On 10/19/2023 at 10:10 PM, Arheundel.6451 said:

Every time they buff/create power builds for ele...this community loses their kitten and will cry blood and tears on the forum for weeks/months till ele gets nerfed to a worst state than before those buffs and...cata boonspam? Your definition of boon spam is very outdated, because a 1/2s of resolution/resistance every 15s on top of the common boons with any build, can be hardly considered boonspam...the only reason people even bother with catalyst anymore, it's the hammer....I don't see d/d catalysts anywhere and if this boonspam would be anywhere true, we'd see loads of them

Yet they don't mind dealing with oneshot mesmers, full power willbenders, one shot rangers, scrapper and other specs that can chunk your healthbars. This community's logic will never make any sense to any sane human being, 

I'm really trying to grasp why Power Eles are a problem, but the stealthing classes or the classes that have thrice the mobility are not.

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2 hours ago, Dreams.3128 said:

Yet they don't mind dealing with oneshot mesmers, full power willbenders, one shot rangers, scrapper and other specs that can chunk your healthbars. This community's logic will never make any sense to any sane human being, 

I'm really trying to grasp why Power Eles are a problem, but the stealthing classes or the classes that have thrice the mobility are not.

The problem is, that ele isnt that accessible; they see ele performing well, try it themselves, fail at it and start hating it. 🤣 

if they cant have it, nobody should! 

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On 10/18/2023 at 1:00 PM, Sahne.6950 said:

0815 FA weaver.  (Dont run it like that! You're gonna Pop.)



For ME  Best it gets in terms of coreweapon powerbuild is this:

Burst Valkyrieweaver:  (still has 55% crit chance thru traits)


or this:

http://gw2skills.net/editor/?PGgAgilNwiYTMPGKOWLpvNA-DaALjMLgeTAbvDAAA     FA for added flexibility in elements and woven skills. 

You get a daredevil stack everytime you evade anything. So you can get multiple with a single dodge or ToF.   If you have atleast 2 stacks, you need to double attune fire 3 >4->swap air->3.    And then your Flameexpulsion trait will also trigger.

And today I've learned that daredevil relic can stack. 

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I did try a core spec last night with scepter/dagger using fire/FA/Arcane with bountiful power. Bountiful makes up some of the damage lost in using maura for 17khp. Im not playing ele with 11-13k hp when the likes of SB deal that much damage just with ranged/track openers, and zerker with 1 fking button, even thief gets a better shake than ele. The specs a 1 trick pony, essentially get an updraft, pop arcane shield, spam fire 2>3>4, then firegrab into FA. Yeah it kills most specs "if" you land it all, but its so high risk. Chrono can do that just sitting back spamming shatters x2. For me, cata and weaver are not worth the extra complexity anymore. Tempst air overload spam is ok, but makes you a sitting duck -the burst of firegrab, its situational to the point I think its better off just going core now. Which is a shame since dps temepst was my most favourite spec.


Main point is the specialisations feel that lackluster for the effort I cba with them, not that core is much easier.



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